Course Related Events

Course Calendar - Fall 2014



Library Resources
- Harvard Library (HOLLIS Connection)
- Environmental Information Services
- Environmental Science and Public Policy Archives

Related Courses
- Graduate Degree Programs in Environmental Management
- Harvard Extension School Courses in Environmental Studies
- Global Climate Change: The Science, Social Impact and Diplomacy of a World Environmental Crisis
- Introduction to Environmental Justice

General Science News Portals

- NYT Science Section
- The Boston Globe Science & Health News
- Science Magazine (AAAS)
- Nature Magazine - Science Update
- The New Scientist
- WorldScientist.Com
- EnvironmentPost.Com

Multi-Media Information

- Living on Earth
- NPR - Talk of the Nation: Science Friday

- BBC - One Planet

- BBC -Science In Action
- E&E TV

- U.N Webcasting
- BigPicture.TV
- COIN - Climate Outreach & Information Network
- Radio Ecoshock

Further Research Tools:

Useful General Science
News Sources & Search Engines

Google Scholar
Harvard's DOI Finder
IDF - DOI Finder


- Subject Bibliographies in Environmental Ethics
- Short-Title Topic Lists
- UN Wire
- Earth Trends
- Search Library of Congress
- Search Amazon Books
- Search Google
- BBC Search
- Archives of the Harvard Seminar on Enviornmental Values
Boston Area Environmental Action Addresses

Event & Jobs Listings

- Harvard Environment Activities
- Tufts Institute for the Environment (TIE) Events Calendar
- Harvard Gazette Calendar
- Harvard Jobs - Aspire
- Grist - Environmental Job Listings
- Environmental Jobs

Course Related Events

Tuesday, September, 23rd
12:00-1:30 p.m.
Thompson Room
Barker Center
EBOLA: In Interdisciplinary Perspective

Environmental Justice
Call for Papers on
Climate March

Carbon Tax to Combat Climate Change
Cambridge Forum
1 October 2014

The Impacts of Climate Change.
October 9th, 2014
4:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Wong Auditorium MIT
Reserve a Seat

Naomi Klein
This Changes Everything:
Capitalism vs The Climate

Cambridge Forum
16 October 2014

Teach-In: Techno-Utopianism and the Fate of the Earth
The Great Hall at
The Cooper Union
Saturday Oct 25, 2014
10:00 AM to
Sunday Oct 26 6:00 PM

Walktober Events

Environment Club Activities

HUCE Events