[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 8, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 8, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g. SU=SCHWEITZER ALBERT]
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Subject - Alphabetical Title ListingSCHWEITZER ALBERT 1875 1965 1 a la recherche du judas historique une enquete exege /stein schn/ 1985 art 2 abschied von projektionen a schweitzers historical j /stegemann/ 1991 art 3 albert schweitzer als paulusforscher /kummel werner g/ 1976 bks 4 albert schweitzer and international health /polednak anthony p/ 1989 art 5 albert schweitzer and the new testament /barrett c k/ 1975 art 6 albert schweitzer ou le demon du bien /koskas marco/ 1992 bks 7 albert schweitzer till 100 arsminnet av hans fodelse /lonnebo ma/ 1975 art 8 albert schweitzer un medico nella giungla /volpi d/ 1984 bks 9 albert schweitzer und die religion /dempe hellmuth/ 1978 art 10 albert schweitzer und rudolf bultmann ein beitrag zu /grasser er/ 1984 bks 11 albert schweitzers anleitung zu selbstandiger exeget /zager wern/ 1994 art 12 albert schweitzers auffassung der urchristlichen rei /cullmann o/ 1965 art 13 albert schweitzers bach /riedel johannes/ 1960 art 14 albert schweitzers disillusionment with the historic /dungan dav/ 1976 art 15 albert schweitzers erbe /wirth gunter/ 1973 art 16 albert schweitzers influence on japanese college stu /hessel r a/ 1961 art 17 albert schweitzers kritik des christologischen denke /koch traug/ 1976 art 18 albert schweitzers teologi och religion /hemrin sven/ 1987 art 19 albert schweitzers understanding of jesus as the chr /clark henr/ 1962 art 20 anthropologische bedeutung der lehre von der person /buri fritz/ 1959 art 21 apocalyptic revisited reflections on the thought of /silberman l/ 1976 art 22 barth et schweitzer pour depasser le conflit entre o /aubert phi/ 1995 art 23 bekehrung des paulus als religionsgeschichtliches pr /wilckens u/ 1959 art 24 biblical classics pt 6 schweitzers interpretation of /thiselton/ 1979 art 25 buber schweitzer correspondence /vermes pamela/ 1986 art 26 buber schweitzer tillich editorial /meserve harry c/ 1966 art 27 care of the earth the moral basis for land conservat /hough jose/ 1981 art 28 celebration du centenaire de la naissance dalbert sc /kastler al/ 1975 bks 29 center of pauline theology /plevnik joseph/ 1989 art 30 century of eschatological discussion /beasley murray george r/ 1953 art 31 changes at lambarene visit to a schweitzer /jack homer a/ 1962 art 32 concepts de representation et de volonte dans les an /sorg jean/ 1994 art 33 current issues in new testament studies /cadbury henry j/ 1954 art 34 days with albert schweitzer ils /franck frederick/ 1990 art 35 development in schweitzers philosophy albert schweit /milligan c/ 1986 art 36 did schweitzer believe in god /ice jackson l/ 1976 art 37 discovery of the eschatological kingdom johannes wei /willis wen/ 1987 bks 38 dr albert schweitzer criticizes the un on congo acti/ 1963 art 39 ecofeminism reverence for life and feminist theologi /daly lois/ 1990 bks 40 ecological crisis radical monotheism vs ethical pant /ice jackso/ 1975 art 41 ehrfurcht vor dem leben bei albert schweitzer und go /rossler an/ 1991 art 42 ehrfurcht vor dem leben verantwortung fur das leben /kortner ulr/ 1988 art 43 ende der liberalen hermeneutik am beispiel albert sc /pleitner h/ 1992 bks 44 es ist uns aber bestimmt von uberzeugungen die wir a /kern udo/ 1992 art 45 eschatologie consequente dalbert schweitzer jugee pa /kummel wer/ 1957 art 46 ethics of albert schweitzer bibliog /ranson guy h/ 1950 art 47 evangile de la misericorde hommage au dr schweitzer/ 1965 bks 48 existential interpretation of success neurosis fear /lacocque pi/ 1986 art 49 fragment on albert schweitzers inter religious encou /paradkar b/ 1966 art 50 from reimarus to sanders the kingdom of god jesus an /morgan rob/ 1993 art 51 from schweitzer to bultmann /bowman john w/ 1954 art 52 from schweitzer to bultmann the modern quest of the /black matth/ 1967 art 53 from schweitzer to scholem reflections on sabbatai s /davies w d/ 1976 art 54 gegenwartiges und kommendes reich gottes /mcdermott john m/ 1986 art 55 gesu e la sua morte secondo i racconti della cena al /ghiberti g/ 1984 bks 56 glaube an den schopfer und tierschutz randbemerkunge /breytenbac/ 1990 art 57 historische jesus als geschichtswissenschaftliches u /dahl nils/ 1955 art 58 history and reason in albert schweitzers world view /thompson jo/ 1980 art 59 hope of glory and this present life /steere douglas van/ 1953 art 60 human factor in business /steel gerald/ 1954 art 61 important and influential foreign books pt 2 albert /wood herber/ 1954 art 62 interim ethics an essay in tribute to albert schweit /hiers rich/ 1966 art 63 irony of the historical jesus /marshall robert j/ 1987 art 64 is albert schweitzer a christian /bryans alexander c/ 1961 art 65 ist ehrfurcht vor dem leben ein brauchbares moralpri /worf jean/ 1993 art 66 jesus and his gospel since schweitzer /glasson thomas francis/ 1951 art 67 life is indivisible albert schweitzers ethic of love /starobelts/ 1989 art 68 life of dialogue and reverence for life martin buber /spetter ma/ 1989 art 69 lords prayer and the sacraments of baptism and of th /hadidian d/ 1983 art 70 mitleid im zeichen des protests zur ethik albert sch /schar hans/ 1994 art 71 modern eschatological debate /torrance thomas f/ 1953 art 72 neue aspekte der frage nach dem historischen jesus /lattke micha/ 1979 art 73 new testament scholarship fifty years in retrospect /cadbury hen/ 1960 art 74 notations on first and second corinthians in albert /kreitzer la/ 1990 art 75 nouveau testament a la faculte de thelogie protestan /trocme eti/ 1988 art 76 oeuvre dalbert schweitzer for contents see abstract /mehl roger/ 1976 art 77 parousia of christ in the synoptic gospels mk 8 38 1 /owen huw p/ 1959 art 78 pastors parishioners and pets case studies /netting f ellen/ 1984 art 79 pauli theologiae proprium gal 1 thess rom review art /hubner han/ 1980 art 80 philosophie der ehrfurcht vor dem leben albert schwe /funke gerh/ 1959 art 81 pneumatologie und ethische theorie /stock konrad/ 1988 art 82 possibilities and limits of the new quest for the hi /herzog fre/ 1963 art 83 problem of the lords supper as matrix for albert sch /reumann jo/ 1981 art 84 q trajectory between john and matthew via jesus /robinson james/ 1991 bks 85 quest for the historical schweitzer laymans guide to/ 1963 art 86 quest of the historical jesus review of a schweitzer /bowman joh/ 1949 art 87 re reading schweitzers quest /west philip/ 1993 art 88 reassessing schweitzer /rose stephen c/ 1981 art 89 reconsidering albert schweitzer /dungan david l/ 1975 art 90 romans 9 11 albert schweitzers 1929 new testament an /kreitzer l/ 1994 art 91 schweitzer albert 1875 1965 obit/ 1965 art 92 schweitzer and bach the place of bach in the thought /shaw marvi/ 1987 art 93 schweitzer convocation at aspen /jack homer a/ 1966 art 94 schweitzer has an appointment /goodall norman/ 1954 art 95 schweitzer on bach in quest of the musician poet /kallas endel/ 1985 art 96 schweitzer rests in lambarene/ 1965 art 97 schweitzer revisited bibliog /stein edward v/ 1995 art 98 schweitzers influence blessing or bane /glasson t f/ 1977 art 99 schweitzers jesus a psychology of the heroic will /nicol iain g/ 1974 art 100 schweitzers mission remembered /schick edwin a/ 1989 art 101 schweitzers reverence for life /tuck william p/ 1974 art 102 suite de la philosophie de la civilisation dans les /neuenschwan/ 1976 art 103 theologische und ethische erbe albert schweitzers /grasser erich/ 1989 bks 104 thought of schweitzer and the brethren /brown dale w/ 1956 art 105 till the son of man be come /chamberlain william d/ 1953 art 106 to schweitzer on his 90th editorial/ 1965 art 107 universalitat des ethischen denkens albert schweitze /buri fritz/ 1961 art 108 unverfugbarkeit des lebens oder freiheit zum tode eu /harle wilf/ 1975 art 109 was muss christliche geschichtsauffassung leisten zu /kantzenbac/ 1984 art 110 was schweitzer a mystic after all /ice jackson lee/ 1977 art 111 what albert schweitzer believed about jesus /ice jackson l/ 1985 art 112 wird der lowe stroh fressen albert schweitzers ehrfu /musfeldt k/ 1991 art 113 young doctor at lambarene w munz succeeds schweitzer /marshall g/ 1967 art 114 zum stichwort interimsethik eine notwendige korrektu /grasser er/ 1989 bks 115 zur gegenwartigen diskussion uber das problem hoffnu /buri fritz/ 1966 art
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 8, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 8, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g. SU=SCHWEITZER ALBERT]
Telnet to HOLLIS
aubert phi (1995) - barth et schweitzer pour depasser le conflit entre o [ 22 ] barrett c k (1975) - albert schweitzer and the new testament [ 5 ] beasley murray george r (1953) - century of eschatological discussion [ 30 ] black matth (1967) - from schweitzer to bultmann the modern quest of the [ 52 ] bowman joh (1949) - quest of the historical jesus review of a schweitzer [ 86 ] bowman john w (1954) - from schweitzer to bultmann [ 51 ] breytenbac (1990) - glaube an den schopfer und tierschutz randbemerkunge [ 56 ] brown dale w (1956) - thought of schweitzer and the brethren [ 104 ] bryans alexander c (1961) - is albert schweitzer a christian [ 64 ] buri fritz (1959) - anthropologische bedeutung der lehre von der person [ 20 ] buri fritz (1961) - universalitat des ethischen denkens albert schweitze [ 107 ] buri fritz (1966) - zur gegenwartigen diskussion uber das problem hoffnu [ 115 ] cadbury hen (1960) - new testament scholarship fifty years in retrospect [ 73 ] cadbury henry j (1954) - current issues in new testament studies [ 33 ] chamberlain william d (1953) - till the son of man be come [ 105 ] clark henr (1962) - albert schweitzers understanding of jesus as the chr [ 19 ] cullmann o (1965) - albert schweitzers auffassung der urchristlichen rei [ 12 ] dahl nils (1955) - historische jesus als geschichtswissenschaftliches u [ 57 ] daly lois (1990) - ecofeminism reverence for life and feminist theologi [ 39 ] davies w d (1976) - from schweitzer to scholem reflections on sabbatai s [ 53 ] dempe hellmuth (1978) - albert schweitzer und die religion [ 9 ] dungan dav (1976) - albert schweitzers disillusionment with the historic [ 14 ] dungan david l (1975) - reconsidering albert schweitzer [ 89 ] franck frederick (1990) - days with albert schweitzer ils [ 34 ] funke gerh (1959) - philosophie der ehrfurcht vor dem leben albert schwe [ 80 ] ghiberti g (1984) - gesu e la sua morte secondo i racconti della cena al [ 55 ] glasson t f (1977) - schweitzers influence blessing or bane [ 98 ] glasson thomas francis (1951) - jesus and his gospel since schweitzer [ 66 ] goodall norman (1954) - schweitzer has an appointment [ 94 ] grasser er (1984) - albert schweitzer und rudolf bultmann ein beitrag zu [ 10 ] grasser er (1989) - zum stichwort interimsethik eine notwendige korrektu [ 114 ] grasser erich (1989) - theologische und ethische erbe albert schweitzers [ 103 ] hadidian d (1983) - lords prayer and the sacraments of baptism and of th [ 69 ] harle wilf (1975) - unverfugbarkeit des lebens oder freiheit zum tode eu [ 108 ] hemrin sven (1987) - albert schweitzers teologi och religion [ 18 ] herzog fre (1963) - possibilities and limits of the new quest for the hi [ 82 ] hessel r a (1961) - albert schweitzers influence on japanese college stu [ 16 ] hiers rich (1966) - interim ethics an essay in tribute to albert schweit [ 62 ] hough jose (1981) - care of the earth the moral basis for land conservat [ 27 ] hubner han (1980) - pauli theologiae proprium gal 1 thess rom review art [ 79 ] ice jackso (1975) - ecological crisis radical monotheism vs ethical pant [ 40 ] ice jackson l (1976) - did schweitzer believe in god [ 36 ] ice jackson l (1985) - what albert schweitzer believed about jesus [ 111 ] ice jackson lee (1977) - was schweitzer a mystic after all [ 110 ] jack homer a (1962) - changes at lambarene visit to a schweitzer [ 31 ] jack homer a (1966) - schweitzer convocation at aspen [ 93 ] kallas endel (1985) - schweitzer on bach in quest of the musician poet [ 95 ] kantzenbac (1984) - was muss christliche geschichtsauffassung leisten zu [ 109 ] kastler al (1975) - celebration du centenaire de la naissance dalbert sc [ 28 ] kern udo (1992) - es ist uns aber bestimmt von uberzeugungen die wir a [ 44 ] koch traug (1976) - albert schweitzers kritik des christologischen denke [ 17 ] kortner ulr (1988) - ehrfurcht vor dem leben verantwortung fur das leben [ 42 ] koskas marco (1992) - albert schweitzer ou le demon du bien [ 6 ] kreitzer l (1994) - romans 9 11 albert schweitzers 1929 new testament an [ 90 ] kreitzer la (1990) - notations on first and second corinthians in albert [ 74 ] kummel wer (1957) - eschatologie consequente dalbert schweitzer jugee pa [ 45 ] kummel werner g (1976) - albert schweitzer als paulusforscher [ 3 ] lacocque pi (1986) - existential interpretation of success neurosis fear [ 48 ] lattke micha (1979) - neue aspekte der frage nach dem historischen jesus [ 72 ] lonnebo ma (1975) - albert schweitzer till 100 arsminnet av hans fodelse [ 7 ] marshall g (1967) - young doctor at lambarene w munz succeeds schweitzer [ 113 ] marshall robert j (1987) - irony of the historical jesus [ 63 ] mcdermott john m (1986) - gegenwartiges und kommendes reich gottes [ 54 ] mehl roger (1976) - oeuvre dalbert schweitzer for contents see abstract [ 76 ] meserve harry c (1966) - buber schweitzer tillich editorial [ 26 ] milligan c (1986) - development in schweitzers philosophy albert schweit [ 35 ] morgan rob (1993) - from reimarus to sanders the kingdom of god jesus an [ 50 ] musfeldt k (1991) - wird der lowe stroh fressen albert schweitzers ehrfu [ 112 ] netting f ellen (1984) - pastors parishioners and pets case studies [ 78 ] neuenschwan (1976) - suite de la philosophie de la civilisation dans les [ 102 ] nicol iain g (1974) - schweitzers jesus a psychology of the heroic will [ 99 ] owen huw p (1959) - parousia of christ in the synoptic gospels mk 8 38 1 [ 77 ] paradkar b (1966) - fragment on albert schweitzers inter religious encou [ 49 ] pleitner h (1992) - ende der liberalen hermeneutik am beispiel albert sc [ 43 ] plevnik joseph (1989) - center of pauline theology [ 29 ] polednak anthony p (1989) - albert schweitzer and international health [ 4 ] ranson guy h (1950) - ethics of albert schweitzer bibliog [ 46 ] reumann jo (1981) - problem of the lords supper as matrix for albert sch [ 83 ] riedel johannes (1960) - albert schweitzers bach [ 13 ] robinson james (1991) - q trajectory between john and matthew via jesus [ 84 ] rose stephen c (1981) - reassessing schweitzer [ 88 ] rossler an (1991) - ehrfurcht vor dem leben bei albert schweitzer und go [ 41 ] schar hans (1994) - mitleid im zeichen des protests zur ethik albert sch [ 70 ] schick edwin a (1989) - schweitzers mission remembered [ 100 ] shaw marvi (1987) - schweitzer and bach the place of bach in the thought [ 92 ] silberman l (1976) - apocalyptic revisited reflections on the thought of [ 21 ] sorg jean (1994) - concepts de representation et de volonte dans les an [ 32 ] spetter ma (1989) - life of dialogue and reverence for life martin buber [ 68 ] starobelts (1989) - life is indivisible albert schweitzers ethic of love [ 67 ] steel gerald (1954) - human factor in business [ 60 ] steere douglas van (1953) - hope of glory and this present life [ 59 ] stegemann (1991) - abschied von projektionen a schweitzers historical j [ 2 ] stein edward v (1995) - schweitzer revisited bibliog [ 97 ] stein schn (1985) - a la recherche du judas historique une enquete exege [ 1 ] stock konrad (1988) - pneumatologie und ethische theorie [ 81 ] thiselton (1979) - biblical classics pt 6 schweitzers interpretation of [ 24 ] thompson jo (1980) - history and reason in albert schweitzers world view [ 58 ] torrance thomas f (1953) - modern eschatological debate [ 71 ] trocme eti (1988) - nouveau testament a la faculte de thelogie protestan [ 75 ] tuck william p (1974) - schweitzers reverence for life [ 101 ] vermes pamela (1986) - buber schweitzer correspondence [ 25 ] volpi d (1984) - albert schweitzer un medico nella giungla [ 8 ] west philip (1993) - re reading schweitzers quest [ 87 ] wilckens u (1959) - bekehrung des paulus als religionsgeschichtliches pr [ 23 ] willis wen (1987) - discovery of the eschatological kingdom johannes wei [ 37 ] wirth gunter (1973) - albert schweitzers erbe [ 15 ] wood herber (1954) - important and influential foreign books pt 2 albert [ 61 ] worf jean (1993) - ist ehrfurcht vor dem leben ein brauchbares moralpri [ 65 ] zager wern (1994) - albert schweitzers anleitung zu selbstandiger exeget [ 11 ]
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 8, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 8, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g. SU=SCHWEITZER ALBERT]
Telnet to HOLLIS
1949 1949 - quest of the historical jesus review of a schweitzer /bowman joh/ 1949 art [ 86 ] ( 1 ) 1950 1950 - ethics of albert schweitzer bibliog /ranson guy h/ 1950 art [ 46 ] ( 1 ) 1951 1951 - jesus and his gospel since schweitzer /glasson thomas francis/ 1951 art [ 66 ] ( 1 ) 1953 1953 - century of eschatological discussion /beasley murray george r/ 1953 art [ 30 ] 1953 - hope of glory and this present life /steere douglas van/ 1953 art [ 59 ] 1953 - modern eschatological debate /torrance thomas f/ 1953 art [ 71 ] 1953 - till the son of man be come /chamberlain william d/ 1953 art [ 105 ] ( 4 ) 1954 1954 - current issues in new testament studies /cadbury henry j/ 1954 art [ 33 ] 1954 - from schweitzer to bultmann /bowman john w/ 1954 art [ 51 ] 1954 - human factor in business /steel gerald/ 1954 art [ 60 ] 1954 - important and influential foreign books pt 2 albert /wood herber/ 1954 art [ 61 ] 1954 - schweitzer has an appointment /goodall norman/ 1954 art [ 94 ] ( 5 ) 1955 1955 - historische jesus als geschichtswissenschaftliches u /dahl nils/ 1955 art [ 57 ] ( 1 ) 1956 1956 - thought of schweitzer and the brethren /brown dale w/ 1956 art [ 104 ] ( 1 ) 1957 1957 - eschatologie consequente dalbert schweitzer jugee pa /kummel wer/ 1957 art [ 45 ] ( 1 ) 1959 1959 - anthropologische bedeutung der lehre von der person /buri fritz/ 1959 art [ 20 ] 1959 - bekehrung des paulus als religionsgeschichtliches pr /wilckens u/ 1959 art [ 23 ] 1959 - parousia of christ in the synoptic gospels mk 8 38 1 /owen huw p/ 1959 art [ 77 ] 1959 - philosophie der ehrfurcht vor dem leben albert schwe /funke gerh/ 1959 art [ 80 ] ( 4 ) 1960 1960 - albert schweitzers bach /riedel johannes/ 1960 art [ 13 ] 1960 - new testament scholarship fifty years in retrospect /cadbury hen/ 1960 art [ 73 ] ( 2 ) 1961 1961 - albert schweitzers influence on japanese college stu /hessel r a/ 1961 art [ 16 ] 1961 - is albert schweitzer a christian /bryans alexander c/ 1961 art [ 64 ] 1961 - universalitat des ethischen denkens albert schweitze /buri fritz/ 1961 art [ 107 ] ( 3 ) 1962 1962 - albert schweitzers understanding of jesus as the chr /clark henr/ 1962 art [ 19 ] 1962 - changes at lambarene visit to a schweitzer /jack homer a/ 1962 art [ 31 ] ( 2 ) 1963 1963 - dr albert schweitzer criticizes the un on congo acti/ 1963 art [ 38 ] 1963 - possibilities and limits of the new quest for the hi /herzog fre/ 1963 art [ 82 ] 1963 - quest for the historical schweitzer laymans guide to/ 1963 art [ 85 ] ( 3 ) 1965 1965 - albert schweitzers auffassung der urchristlichen rei /cullmann o/ 1965 art [ 12 ] 1965 - evangile de la misericorde hommage au dr schweitzer/ 1965 bks [ 47 ] 1965 - schweitzer albert 1875 1965 obit/ 1965 art [ 91 ] 1965 - schweitzer rests in lambarene/ 1965 art [ 96 ] 1965 - to schweitzer on his 90th editorial/ 1965 art [ 106 ] ( 5 ) 1966 1966 - buber schweitzer tillich editorial /meserve harry c/ 1966 art [ 26 ] 1966 - fragment on albert schweitzers inter religious encou /paradkar b/ 1966 art [ 49 ] 1966 - interim ethics an essay in tribute to albert schweit /hiers rich/ 1966 art [ 62 ] 1966 - schweitzer convocation at aspen /jack homer a/ 1966 art [ 93 ] 1966 - zur gegenwartigen diskussion uber das problem hoffnu /buri fritz/ 1966 art [ 115 ] ( 5 ) 1967 1967 - from schweitzer to bultmann the modern quest of the /black matth/ 1967 art [ 52 ] 1967 - young doctor at lambarene w munz succeeds schweitzer /marshall g/ 1967 art [ 113 ] ( 2 ) 1973 1973 - albert schweitzers erbe /wirth gunter/ 1973 art [ 15 ] ( 1 ) 1974 1974 - schweitzers jesus a psychology of the heroic will /nicol iain g/ 1974 art [ 99 ] 1974 - schweitzers reverence for life /tuck william p/ 1974 art [ 101 ] ( 2 ) 1975 1975 - albert schweitzer and the new testament /barrett c k/ 1975 art [ 5 ] 1975 - albert schweitzer till 100 arsminnet av hans fodelse /lonnebo ma/ 1975 art [ 7 ] 1975 - celebration du centenaire de la naissance dalbert sc /kastler al/ 1975 bks [ 28 ] 1975 - ecological crisis radical monotheism vs ethical pant /ice jackso/ 1975 art [ 40 ] 1975 - reconsidering albert schweitzer /dungan david l/ 1975 art [ 89 ] 1975 - unverfugbarkeit des lebens oder freiheit zum tode eu /harle wilf/ 1975 art [ 108 ] ( 6 ) 1976 1976 - albert schweitzer als paulusforscher /kummel werner g/ 1976 bks [ 3 ] 1976 - albert schweitzers disillusionment with the historic /dungan dav/ 1976 art [ 14 ] 1976 - albert schweitzers kritik des christologischen denke /koch traug/ 1976 art [ 17 ] 1976 - apocalyptic revisited reflections on the thought of /silberman l/ 1976 art [ 21 ] 1976 - did schweitzer believe in god /ice jackson l/ 1976 art [ 36 ] 1976 - from schweitzer to scholem reflections on sabbatai s /davies w d/ 1976 art [ 53 ] 1976 - oeuvre dalbert schweitzer for contents see abstract /mehl roger/ 1976 art [ 76 ] 1976 - suite de la philosophie de la civilisation dans les /neuenschwan/ 1976 art [ 102 ] ( 8 ) 1977 1977 - schweitzers influence blessing or bane /glasson t f/ 1977 art [ 98 ] 1977 - was schweitzer a mystic after all /ice jackson lee/ 1977 art [ 110 ] ( 2 ) 1978 1978 - albert schweitzer und die religion /dempe hellmuth/ 1978 art [ 9 ] ( 1 ) 1979 1979 - biblical classics pt 6 schweitzers interpretation of /thiselton/ 1979 art [ 24 ] 1979 - neue aspekte der frage nach dem historischen jesus /lattke micha/ 1979 art [ 72 ] ( 2 ) 1980 1980 - history and reason in albert schweitzers world view /thompson jo/ 1980 art [ 58 ] 1980 - pauli theologiae proprium gal 1 thess rom review art /hubner han/ 1980 art [ 79 ] ( 2 ) 1981 1981 - care of the earth the moral basis for land conservat /hough jose/ 1981 art [ 27 ] 1981 - problem of the lords supper as matrix for albert sch /reumann jo/ 1981 art [ 83 ] 1981 - reassessing schweitzer /rose stephen c/ 1981 art [ 88 ] ( 3 ) 1983 1983 - lords prayer and the sacraments of baptism and of th /hadidian d/ 1983 art [ 69 ] ( 1 ) 1984 1984 - albert schweitzer un medico nella giungla /volpi d/ 1984 bks [ 8 ] 1984 - albert schweitzer und rudolf bultmann ein beitrag zu /grasser er/ 1984 bks [ 10 ] 1984 - gesu e la sua morte secondo i racconti della cena al /ghiberti g/ 1984 bks [ 55 ] 1984 - pastors parishioners and pets case studies /netting f ellen/ 1984 art [ 78 ] 1984 - was muss christliche geschichtsauffassung leisten zu /kantzenbac/ 1984 art [ 109 ] ( 5 ) 1985 1985 - a la recherche du judas historique une enquete exege /stein schn/ 1985 art [ 1 ] 1985 - schweitzer on bach in quest of the musician poet /kallas endel/ 1985 art [ 95 ] 1985 - what albert schweitzer believed about jesus /ice jackson l/ 1985 art [ 111 ] ( 3 ) 1986 1986 - buber schweitzer correspondence /vermes pamela/ 1986 art [ 25 ] 1986 - development in schweitzers philosophy albert schweit /milligan c/ 1986 art [ 35 ] 1986 - existential interpretation of success neurosis fear /lacocque pi/ 1986 art [ 48 ] 1986 - gegenwartiges und kommendes reich gottes /mcdermott john m/ 1986 art [ 54 ] ( 4 ) 1987 1987 - albert schweitzers teologi och religion /hemrin sven/ 1987 art [ 18 ] 1987 - discovery of the eschatological kingdom johannes wei /willis wen/ 1987 bks [ 37 ] 1987 - irony of the historical jesus /marshall robert j/ 1987 art [ 63 ] 1987 - schweitzer and bach the place of bach in the thought /shaw marvi/ 1987 art [ 92 ] ( 4 ) 1988 1988 - ehrfurcht vor dem leben verantwortung fur das leben /kortner ulr/ 1988 art [ 42 ] 1988 - nouveau testament a la faculte de thelogie protestan /trocme eti/ 1988 art [ 75 ] 1988 - pneumatologie und ethische theorie /stock konrad/ 1988 art [ 81 ] ( 3 ) 1989 1989 - albert schweitzer and international health /polednak anthony p/ 1989 art [ 4 ] 1989 - center of pauline theology /plevnik joseph/ 1989 art [ 29 ] 1989 - life is indivisible albert schweitzers ethic of love /starobelts/ 1989 art [ 67 ] 1989 - life of dialogue and reverence for life martin buber /spetter ma/ 1989 art [ 68 ] 1989 - schweitzers mission remembered /schick edwin a/ 1989 art [ 100 ] 1989 - theologische und ethische erbe albert schweitzers /grasser erich/ 1989 bks [ 103 ] 1989 - zum stichwort interimsethik eine notwendige korrektu /grasser er/ 1989 bks [ 114 ] ( 7 ) 1990 1990 - days with albert schweitzer ils /franck frederick/ 1990 art [ 34 ] 1990 - ecofeminism reverence for life and feminist theologi /daly lois/ 1990 bks [ 39 ] 1990 - glaube an den schopfer und tierschutz randbemerkunge /breytenbac/ 1990 art [ 56 ] 1990 - notations on first and second corinthians in albert /kreitzer la/ 1990 art [ 74 ] ( 4 ) 1991 1991 - abschied von projektionen a schweitzers historical j /stegemann/ 1991 art [ 2 ] 1991 - ehrfurcht vor dem leben bei albert schweitzer und go /rossler an/ 1991 art [ 41 ] 1991 - q trajectory between john and matthew via jesus /robinson james/ 1991 bks [ 84 ] 1991 - wird der lowe stroh fressen albert schweitzers ehrfu /musfeldt k/ 1991 art [ 112 ] ( 4 ) 1992 1992 - albert schweitzer ou le demon du bien /koskas marco/ 1992 bks [ 6 ] 1992 - ende der liberalen hermeneutik am beispiel albert sc /pleitner h/ 1992 bks [ 43 ] 1992 - es ist uns aber bestimmt von uberzeugungen die wir a /kern udo/ 1992 art [ 44 ] ( 3 ) 1993 1993 - from reimarus to sanders the kingdom of god jesus an /morgan rob/ 1993 art [ 50 ] 1993 - ist ehrfurcht vor dem leben ein brauchbares moralpri /worf jean/ 1993 art [ 65 ] 1993 - re reading schweitzers quest /west philip/ 1993 art [ 87 ] ( 3 ) 1994 1994 - albert schweitzers anleitung zu selbstandiger exeget /zager wern/ 1994 art [ 11 ] 1994 - concepts de representation et de volonte dans les an /sorg jean/ 1994 art [ 32 ] 1994 - mitleid im zeichen des protests zur ethik albert sch /schar hans/ 1994 art [ 70 ] 1994 - romans 9 11 albert schweitzers 1929 new testament an /kreitzer l/ 1994 art [ 90 ] ( 4 ) 1995 1995 - barth et schweitzer pour depasser le conflit entre o /aubert phi/ 1995 art [ 22 ] 1995 - schweitzer revisited bibliog /stein edward v/ 1995 art [ 97 ] ( 2 )