Subject Guide on the Topic
265 total items were found on this topic in The Harvard Union Catalogue on Oct. 10, 1997

Compiled by
Timothy C. Weiskel
Environmental Ethics & Public Policy Program, Harvard University
Copyright, ©1997, Timothy C. Weiskel, All Rights Reserved
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 10, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 10, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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Subject - Alphabetical Title Listing

   1 ancient voices current affairs legend of the rainbow /mcfadden s/ 1992  bks
   2 asking for the earth waking up to the spiritual ecol /george jam/ 1995  bks
   3 aufruf zu einem neuen orden gemeinsam fur die schopf /eurich cla/ 1993  bks
   4 bent world a christian response to the environmental /elsdon ron/ 1981  bks
   5 beyond our ghettos gay theology in ecological perspe /clark j mi/ 1993  bks
   6 contemporary paganism listening people speaking eart /harvey gra/ 1997  bks
   7 crisis in eden a religious study of man and environm /elder fred/ 1970  bks
   8 cry of the earth cry of the poor /boff leonardo/ 1997  bks
   9 drawing down the moon witches druids goddess worship /adler marg/ 1979  bks
  10 drawing down the moon witches druids goddess worship /adler marg/ 1986  bks
  11 dream of the earth /berry thomas mary 1914/ 1988  bks
  12 earth spirit the spiritual dimension of the environm/ 1993  bks
  13 eco spirituality toward a reverent life /cummings charles 1940/ 1991  bks
  14 ecologia umana e valori etico religiosi/ 1985  bks
  15 ecological prospects scientific religious and aesthe/ 1994  bks
  16 ecotherapy healing ourselves healing the earth a gui /clinebell/ 1996  bks
  17 environmentalism the age of aquarius or the twilight /coffman mi/ 1992  bks
  18 ethics for environment three religious strategies/ 1973  bks
  19 faith and nature/ 1987  bks
  20 from here to where technology faith and the future o /gill david/ 1970  bks
  21 gaiasofie anders kijken naar evolutie ruimtelijke or /zoeteman k/ 1989  bks
  22 gaiasophy the wisdom of the living earth an approach /zoeteman k/ 1991  bks
  23 geisteshaltung und umwelt festschrift zum 65 geburts/ 1988  bks
  24 geldwert der schopfung theologie okologie okonomie /schramm mich/ 1994  bks
  25 greening of faith god the environment and the good l/ 1997  bks
  26 hablale a la tierra la ecologia como mito y utopia /flashner ana/ 1986  bks
  27 hoping for a future /palmer martin 1953/ 1990  bks
  28 how to think about the earth /clark stephen r l/ 1993  bks
  29 individuo sociedad ecosistema ensayos sobre filosofi /capriles e/ 1994  bks
  30 invention of nature/ 1994  bks
  31 keepers of the spirit stories of nature and humankin/ 1993  bks
  32 listening people speaking earth contemporary paganis /harvey gra/ 1997  bks
  33 listening to the land conversations about nature cul /jensen der/ 1995  bks
  34 mensch und natur auf der suche nach der verlorenen e/ 1989  bks
  35 nuova terra /baget bozzo gianni 1925/ 1993  bks
  36 okologisches weltethos im dialog der kulturen und re/ 1996  bks
  37 one earth many religions multifaith dialogue and glo /knitter pa/ 1995  bks
  38 oost west tegenstelling en milieu kernvragen van het/ 1989  bks
  39 prophetess of the earth and the apocalypso drahciras /kyukendall/ 1992  bks
  40 question mark the end of homo sapiens the theologica /montefiore/ 1969  bks
  41 religion the order of nature /nasr seyyed hossein/ 1996  bks
  42 replenish the earth a history of organized religions /regenstein/ 1991  bks
  43 sacred earth the spiritual landscape of native ameri /versluis a/ 1992  bks
  44 sacred land sacred sex rapture of the deep concernin /lachapelle/ 1988  bks
  45 soul unearthed celebrating wildness and personal ren/ 1996  bks
  46 spirit of the environment religion value and environ/ 1998  bks
  47 tao teilhard en westers denken /stikker allerd 1928/ 1986  bks
  48 temple wilderness a collection of thoughts and image/ 1996  bks
  49 temporary homelands /deming alison hawthorne 1946/ 1994  bks
  50 teologia ed ecologia /mattai giuseppe/ 1992  bks
  51 theology of limits and the limits of theology reflec /mcelwain h/ 1983  bks
  52 thinking like a mountain towards a council of all be/ 1988  bks
  53 this sacred earth religion nature environment/ 1996  bks
  54 transformation factor towards an ecological consciou /stikker al/ 1992  bks
  55 umweltverantwortung aus religioser sicht/ 1988  bks
  56 united nations environmental sabbath earth rest day/ 1990  bks
  57 verantwortung des menschen fur eine bewohnbare welt/ 1985  bks
  58 way ahead a visionary perspective for the new millen/ 1992  bks
  59 wisdom of the elders /knudtson peter/ 1992  bks
  60 wisdom of the elders honoring sacred native visions /suzuki davi/ 1992  bks
  61 with roots wings christianity in an age of ecology a /mcdaniel j/ 1995  bks
  62 worldviews and ecology religion philosophy and the e/ 1994  bks

  63 buddhism and ecology/ 1992  bks
  64 buddhism and nature the lecture delivered on the occ /schmithaus/ 1991  bks
  65 dharma gaia a harvest of essays in buddhism and ecol/ 1990  bks
  66 pathom munlamuli tamnan khao phi lanna pathamamulamu/ 1991  bks

  67 embracing earth catholic approaches to ecology/ 1994  bks
  68 igreja e a questao ecologica leitura etico teologica/ 1992  bks
  69 katechezy ekologiczne/ 1993  bks
  70 liturgy and ecology /mick lawrence e 1946/ 1997  bks

  71 faith that loves the earth the ecological theology o /petty mich/ 1996  bks

  72 abschied vom mannergott schopfungsverantwortung fur/ 1995  bks
  73 after natures revolt eco justice and theology/ 1992  bks
  74 als de schepping zucht verkenningen over mens milieu/ 1987  bks
  75 appreciating gods creation through scripture /laffey alice l 194/ 1997  bks
  76 at home on earth foundations for a catholic ethic of /murphy cha/ 1989  bks
  77 befriending the earth a theology of reconciliation b /berry thom/ 1991  bks
  78 beyond the modern mind the spiritual and ethical cha /bowman dou/ 1990  bks
  79 body of god an ecological theology /mcfague sallie/ 1993  bks
  80 caring for creation an ecumenical approach to the en /oelschlaeg/ 1994  bks
  81 caring for creation toward an ethic of responsibilit /rowthorn a/ 1989  bks
  82 cherish the earth the environment and scripture /kirk janice e 1/ 1993  bks
  83 cherish the gift a congregational guide to earth ste /causey cin/ 1996  bks
  84 christianity and ecology/ 1992  bks
  85 christliche umweltethik eine einfuhrung /irrgang bernhard/ 1992  bks
  86 christliche umweltethik schopfungstheologische grund /lochbuhler/ 1996  bks
  87 church and the ecological crisis /barnette henlee h/ 1972  bks
  88 comforting whirlwind god job and the scale of creati /mckibben b/ 1994  bks
  89 coming of the cosmic christ the healing of mother ea /fox matthe/ 1988  bks
  90 covenant for a new creation ethics religion and publ/ 1991  bks
  91 creating a just future the politics of peace and the /moltmann j/ 1989  bks
  92 creation in crisis responding to gods covenant /bhagat shantilal/ 1990  bks
  93 cross and the rain forest a critique of radical gree /whelan rob/ 1996  bks
  94 cry of the environment rebuilding the christian crea/ 1984  bks
  95 defense of the peaceable kingdom /massey marshall/ 1985  bks
  96 desafios e falacias ensaios sobre a conjuntura atual /assmann hu/ 1991  bks
  97 dieu et lecologie environnement theologie spirituali /coste rene/ 1994  bks
  98 earth age a new vision of god the human and the eart /green lorn/ 1994  bks
  99 earth beneath a critical guide to green theology/ 1992  bks
 100 earth careful way of life christian stewardship and /basney lion/ 1994  bks
 101 earth community earth ethics /rasmussen larry l/ 1996  bks
 102 earth humanity and god /russell colin archibald/ 1994  bks
 103 earth keepers environmental perspectives on hunger p /meyer art/ 1991  bks
 104 earth might be fair reflections on ethics religion a/ 1972  bks
 105 earthspirit a handbook for nurturing an ecological c /dowd micha/ 1991  bks
 106 eco church an action manual /fritsch albert j/ 1992  bks
 107 ecologia e morale lirruzione dellistanza ecologica n /la torre m/ 1990  bks
 108 ecologia mundializacao espiritualidade a emergencia /boff leonar/ 1993  bks
 109 ecological challenge ethical liturgical and spiritua/ 1994  bks
 110 ecological healing a christian vision /wright nancy g/ 1993  bks
 111 ecology and religion toward a new christian theology /carmody jo/ 1983  bks
 112 ecology liberation a new paradigm /boff leonardo/ 1995  bks
 113 economics ecology and the roots of western faith per /gottfried/ 1995  bks
 114 ecotheology voices from south and north/ 1994  bks
 115 en alles zal worden herschapen gedachten over de hee /halkes cat/ 1989  bks
 116 environment and christian ethics /northcott michael s/ 1996  bks
 117 environment and the christian what does the new test/ 1991  bks
 118 environmental ethics and christian humanism /derr thomas sieger/ 1996  bks
 119 erwecke die welt unser glaube an gottes geist in die /muller fah/ 1993  bks
 120 franziskus in gorleben protest fur die schopfung/ 1981  bks
 121 gaia god an ecofeminist theology of earth healing /ruether rosem/ 1992  bks
 122 geo justice a preferential option for the earth /conlon james 19/ 1990  bks
 123 gerechtigkeit friede bewahrung der schopfung theolog/ 1990  bks
 124 gerechtigkeit schafft zukunft friedenspolitik und sc /moltmann j/ 1989  bks
 125 global theology the meaning of faith in the present /ambler r a/ 1990  bks
 126 god and the nations /hall douglas john 1928/ 1995  bks
 127 god is green ecology for christians /bradley ian c/ 1992  bks
 128 gods earth religion as if matter really mattered /collins paul 1/ 1995  bks
 129 gods spirit transforming a world in crisis /muller fahrenholz ge/ 1995  bks
 130 green christianity caring for the whole creation /cooper tim/ 1990  bks
 131 greening of the church /mcdonagh sean 1935/ 1990  bks
 132 greenspirit twelve steps in ecological spirituality /lachance al/ 1991  bks
 133 guardians of creation nature in theology and the chr /osborn law/ 1993  bks
 134 handbook in theology and ecology /deane drummond celia/ 1996  bks
 135 healing the earth a theocentric perspective on envir /young rich/ 1994  bks
 136 healing the land a supernatural view of ecology /pratney winkie/ 1993  bks
 137 hellfire and lightning rods liberating science techn /ferre fred/ 1993  bks
 138 human crisis in ecology/ 1972  bks
 139 humanity environment and god glasgow centenary giffo/ 1993  bks
 140 hunger technology limits to growth christian respons /stivers ro/ 1984  bks
 141 iceberg and the fire of love a call to ecological an /thompson f/ 1992  bks
 142 is it too late a theology of ecology /cobb john b/ 1995  bks
 143 ist die schopfung noch zu retten umweltkrise und chr /schmitz ph/ 1985  bks
 144 jesus and the cosmos /edwards denis 1943/ 1991  bks
 145 jesus the wisdom of god an ecological theology /edwards denis 19/ 1995  bks
 146 justica social e preservacao do ambiente desafios da/ 1992  bks
 147 keeping and healing the creation a resource paper/ 1989  bks
 148 liberating life contemporary approaches to ecologica/ 1990  bks
 149 listen to the crying of the earth cultivating creati /pitcher w/ 1993  bks
 150 living christianity /palmer martin/ 1993  bks
 151 lords dealing the primacy of the feminine in christi /faricy rob/ 1988  bks
 152 loving nature ecological integrity and christian res /nash james/ 1991  bks
 153 missionary earthkeeping/ 1992  bks
 154 new creation christian feminism and the renewal of t /halkes cat/ 1991  bks
 155 new creation christian feminism and the renewal of t /halkes cat/ 1991  bks
 156 new ethic for a new earth/ 1971  bks
 157 okologie die wissenschaft des neuen zeitalters /keil bernhard/ 1988  bks
 158 passion for the earth the christian vocation to prom /mcdonagh s/ 1994  bks
 159 pastoral mensaje y homilia sobre problemas ecologico/ 1990  bks
 160 patching gods garment environment and mission in the /roberts w/ 1994  bks
 161 peoples option to struggle for creation /gaspar karl 1947/ 1990  bks
 162 politische okologie und okologische theologie unter /kleinmann p/ 1985  bks
 163 pollution and the death of man the christian view of /schaeffer/ 1970  bks
 164 promise of nature ecology and cosmic purpose /haught john f/ 1993  bks
 165 questione ecologica e coscienza cristiana/ 1988  bks
 166 questione ecologica e responsabilita del cristiano /pacini rober/ 1991  bks
 167 redeeming creation the biblical basis for environmen /van dyke f/ 1996  bks
 168 redeeming the creation the rio earth summit challeng /granberg m/ 1992  bks
 169 religiose implikationen des okologischen bewusstsein /krause uwe/ 1994  bks
 170 responsabilita ecologica/ 1990  bks
 171 rights of future generations rights of nature propos/ 1990  bks
 172 rio maria canto da terra /figueira ricardo rezende 1952/ 1992  bks
 173 river pierce sacrifice ii 13 4 90 a document of the /tracy micha/ 1992  bks
 174 schopfungsverantwortung konkret aus der arbeit der k/ 1986  bks
 175 sense of the divine the natural environment from a t /gustafson/ 1994  bks
 176 sustainability economics ecology and justice /cobb john b/ 1992  bks
 177 technology and the healing of the earth /berry thomas mary 1914/ 1986  bks
 178 tending the garden essays on the gospel and the eart/ 1987  bks
 179 teologia de la ecologia/ 1991  bks
 180 thema der schopfung in der okumenischen bewegung 194 /breitmaier/ 1995  bks
 181 theology for earth community a field guide/ 1996  bks
 182 theology of the pentateuch themes of the priestly na /lohfink no/ 1994  bks
 183 to care for the earth a call to a new theology /mcdonagh sean 19/ 1986  bks
 184 to heal the earth a theology of ecology /quinn frederick/ 1994  bks
 185 todliche fortschritt von der zerstorung der erde und /drewermann/ 1981  bks
 186 todliche fortschritt von der zerstorung der erde und /drewermann/ 1986  bks
 187 todliche fortschritt von der zerstorung der erde und /drewermann/ 1990  bks
 188 tomorrows god how we create our worlds /geering lloyd george/ 1994  bks
 189 turn toward life the bible and peacemaking /zink jorg/ 1985  bks
 190 umweltethik ein theologischer beitrag zur okologisch /auer alfon/ 1984  bks
 191 und macht euch die erde untertan eine widerrede /wallraff gunter/ 1987  bks
 192 vielleicht ist es noch nicht zu spat biblische reden /zink jorg/ 1983  bks
 193 way of transformation a theological evaluation of th /smyth gera/ 1995  bks
 194 we are home a spirituality of the environment /jung shannon 1943/ 1993  bks
 195 what on earth can you do making your church a creati /lehman don/ 1993  bks
 196 while creation waits a christian response to the env /larsen dal/ 1992  bks
 197 with roots wings christianity in an age of ecology a /mcdaniel j/ 1995  bks
 198 women earth and creator spirit /johnson elizabeth a 1941/ 1993  bks
 199 worldly spirituality the call to redeem life on eart /granberg m/ 1984  bks
 200 zukunft hat schon begonnen okokrise als herausforder /oeser kurt/ 1989  bks

 201 ecology justice and christian faith a critical guide /bakken pet/ 1995  bks

 202 rediscovery of creation a bibliographical study of t /sheldon jo/ 1992  bks

 203 bewahrung der schopfung kirche unterwegs in die 90er/ 1989  bks
 204 christian ecology building an environmental ethic fo /north amer/ 1988  bks
 205 christsein zwischen entmutigung und hoffnung zur sen/ 1986  bks
 206 crisis ecologia y justicia social ponencias plenaria /encuentro/ 1991  bks
 207 earth is the lords christians and the environment/ 1992  bks
 208 ecologia e civilta cristiana atti del xiv convegno d /centro di/ 1991  bks
 209 erde bewahren versohnung von arbeit und leben impuls /deutscher/ 1985  bks
 210 for creations sake preaching ecology and justice/ 1985  bks
 211 frieden in gerechtigkeit dokumente der europaischen /european ec/ 1989  bks
 212 gerechtigkeit und frieden umarmen sich europaische o /european e/ 1989  bks
 213 ponencias del 1er encuentro de cultura etica y relig /encuentro/ 1990  bks
 214 preserving the creation environmental theology and e/ 1994  bks
 215 religion et ecologie colloque/ 1993  bks
 216 religious experience and ecological responsibility/ 1996  bks
 217 searching for the new heavens the new earth an ecume /searching/ 1992  bks

 218 ecology and religion ecological spirituality in cros /kinsley da/ 1995  bks

 219 befreiung aller kreatur das bibelwerk von leonhard r /dannemann/ 1987  bks
 220 geist der natur befreit die trinitarische kosmologie /bergmann s/ 1995  bks


 221 ecology in jurgen moltmanns theology /deane drummond celia/ 1997  bks
 222 greening of theology the ecological models of rosema /bouma pred/ 1995  bks

 223 ecology justice and christian faith a critical guide /bakken pet/ 1995  bks

 224 green bible/ 1993  bks

 225 crisis and the renewal of creation world and church/ 1996  bks
 226 preaching for our planet /montefiore hugh/ 1992  bks

 227 umwelt/ 1986  bks

 228 ecologia y culturas/ 1988  bks
 229 god humanity mother nature/ 1992  bks
 230 natur und mensch/ 1990  bks
 231 religion and environment religion und umwelt proceed /internatio/ 1990  bks
 232 religion and environmental crisis/ 1986  bks
 233 spirit and nature why the environment is a religious/ 1992  bks

 234 ecology and religion ecological spirituality in cros /kinsley da/ 1995  bks

 235 lexikon der umweltethik /teutsch gotthard m (gotthard martin)/ 1985  bks

 236 environmental crisis and hindu religion /dwivedi o p/ 1987  bks
 237 hinduism and ecology seeds of truth /prime ranchor 1950/ 1992  bks

 238 nature technology and society cultural roots of the /ferkiss vic/ 1993  bks

 239 insan wa al biah /abu zurayq ali radi/ 1995  bks
 240 islam and ecology/ 1992  bks
 241 islam untuk pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan lingku/ 1987  bks
 242 islam ve ekoloji /bayrakdar mehmet/ 1992  bks
 243 kirlenmenin boyutlari /gurdogan ersin/ 1989  bks
 244 mafahim wa al qiyam al islamiyah al lazimah lil tans /ghalib abd/ 1995  bks
 245 tanmiyah wa al biah dirasah muqaranah /dunya shawqi ahmad/ 1993  bks

 246 medieval jainism culture and environment/ 1990  bks

 247 caring for creation an ecumenical approach to the en /oelschlaeg/ 1994  bks
 248 custodia de cuatro mil anos /perednik gustavo daniel/ 1990  bks
 249 ekhut ha hayim veha sevivah bi mekorot ha yahadut /shinover tsev/ 1993  bks
 250 ekhut ha sevivah ekologyah bi mekorot ha yahadut/ 1989  bks
 251 judaism and ecology/ 1992  bks
 252 olhar ecologico atraves do judaismo /wainer ann helen/ 1996  bks
 253 shikule yeilut be tipul be mitradim ekologiyim al pi /ilani zvi/ 1982  bks
 254 to till and to tend a guide to jewish environmental /coalition o/ 1995  bks
 255 visions of eden a jewish perspective on the environm/ 1997  vis

 256 religion et ecologie colloque/ 1993  bks

 257 listen to the trees jews and the earth /cone molly/ 1995  bks

 258 letters to young people a spiritual legacy for a new/ 1989  bks

 259 circles of hope breathing life and spirit into a wou /cane bill/ 1992  bks

 260 empeirike theologia sten oikologia kai ten politike /mantzarides/ 1994  bks
 261 physikos choros kai monachismos he diaterese tes vyz /papagianne/ 1994  bks

 262 ecojustice quarterly/ 1993+ ser
 263 theology in green/ 1992+ ser

 264 protestantism capitalism and nature in america mark /stoll mark/ 1997  bks

 265 greening of protestant thought /fowler robert booth 1940/ 1995  bks

Alphabetical Author Listing of Sources on
265 total items found on this topic in The Harvard Union Catalogue

Subject Category in HOLLIS as of Oct. 10, 1997
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 10, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 10, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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abu zurayq ali radi  (1995) - insan wa al biah [ 239 ]
adler marg  (1979) - drawing down the moon witches druids goddess worship [   9 ]
adler marg  (1986) - drawing down the moon witches druids goddess worship [  10 ]
ambler r a  (1990) - global theology the meaning of faith in the present [ 125 ]
assmann hu  (1991) - desafios e falacias ensaios sobre a conjuntura atual [  96 ]
auer alfon  (1984) - umweltethik ein theologischer beitrag zur okologisch [ 190 ]
baget bozzo gianni 1925  (1993) - nuova terra [  35 ]
bakken pet  (1995) - ecology justice and christian faith a critical guide [ 201 ]
barnette henlee h  (1972) - church and the ecological crisis [  87 ]
basney lion  (1994) - earth careful way of life christian stewardship and [ 100 ]
bayrakdar mehmet  (1992) - islam ve ekoloji [ 242 ]
bergmann s  (1995) - geist der natur befreit die trinitarische kosmologie [ 220 ]
berry thom  (1991) - befriending the earth a theology of reconciliation b [  77 ]
berry thomas mary 1914  (1986) - technology and the healing of the earth [ 177 ]
bhagat shantilal  (1990) - creation in crisis responding to gods covenant [  92 ]
boff leonar  (1993) - ecologia mundializacao espiritualidade a emergencia [ 108 ]
boff leonardo  (1995) - ecology liberation a new paradigm [ 112 ]
boff leonardo  (1997) - cry of the earth cry of the poor [   8 ]
bouma pred  (1995) - greening of theology the ecological models of rosema [ 222 ]
bowman dou  (1990) - beyond the modern mind the spiritual and ethical cha [  78 ]
bradley ian c  (1992) - god is green ecology for christians [ 127 ]
breitmaier  (1995) - thema der schopfung in der okumenischen bewegung 194 [ 180 ]
cane bill  (1992) - circles of hope breathing life and spirit into a wou [ 259 ]
capriles e  (1994) - individuo sociedad ecosistema ensayos sobre filosofi [  29 ]
carmody jo  (1983) - ecology and religion toward a new christian theology [ 111 ]
causey cin  (1996) - cherish the gift a congregational guide to earth ste [  83 ]
centro di  (1991) - ecologia e civilta cristiana atti del xiv convegno d [ 208 ]
clark j mi  (1993) - beyond our ghettos gay theology in ecological perspe [   5 ]
clark stephen r l  (1993) - how to think about the earth [  28 ]
clinebell  (1996) - ecotherapy healing ourselves healing the earth a gui [  16 ]
coalition o  (1995) - to till and to tend a guide to jewish environmental [ 254 ]
cobb john b  (1992) - sustainability economics ecology and justice [ 176 ]
cobb john b  (1995) - is it too late a theology of ecology [ 142 ]
coffman mi  (1992) - environmentalism the age of aquarius or the twilight [  17 ]
collins paul 1  (1995) - gods earth religion as if matter really mattered [ 128 ]
cone molly  (1995) - listen to the trees jews and the earth [ 257 ]
conlon james 19  (1990) - geo justice a preferential option for the earth [ 122 ]
cooper tim  (1990) - green christianity caring for the whole creation [ 130 ]
coste rene  (1994) - dieu et lecologie environnement theologie spirituali [  97 ]
cummings charles 1940  (1991) - eco spirituality toward a reverent life [  13 ]
dannemann  (1987) - befreiung aller kreatur das bibelwerk von leonhard r [ 219 ]
deane drummond celia  (1996) - handbook in theology and ecology [ 134 ]
deane drummond celia  (1997) - ecology in jurgen moltmanns theology [ 221 ]
deming alison hawthorne 1946  (1994) - temporary homelands [  49 ]
derr thomas sieger  (1996) - environmental ethics and christian humanism [ 118 ]
deutscher  (1985) - erde bewahren versohnung von arbeit und leben impuls [ 209 ]
dowd micha  (1991) - earthspirit a handbook for nurturing an ecological c [ 105 ]
drewermann  (1981) - todliche fortschritt von der zerstorung der erde und [ 185 ]
drewermann  (1986) - todliche fortschritt von der zerstorung der erde und [ 186 ]
drewermann  (1990) - todliche fortschritt von der zerstorung der erde und [ 187 ]
dunya shawqi ahmad  (1993) - tanmiyah wa al biah dirasah muqaranah [ 245 ]
dwivedi o p  (1987) - environmental crisis and hindu religion [ 236 ]
edwards denis 19  (1995) - jesus the wisdom of god an ecological theology [ 145 ]
edwards denis 1943  (1991) - jesus and the cosmos [ 144 ]
elder fred  (1970) - crisis in eden a religious study of man and environm [   7 ]
elsdon ron  (1981) - bent world a christian response to the environmental [   4 ]
encuentro  (1990) - ponencias del 1er encuentro de cultura etica y relig [ 213 ]
encuentro  (1991) - crisis ecologia y justicia social ponencias plenaria [ 206 ]
eurich cla  (1993) - aufruf zu einem neuen orden gemeinsam fur die schopf [   3 ]
european e  (1989) - gerechtigkeit und frieden umarmen sich europaische o [ 212 ]
european ec  (1989) - frieden in gerechtigkeit dokumente der europaischen [ 211 ]
faricy rob  (1988) - lords dealing the primacy of the feminine in christi [ 151 ]
ferkiss vic  (1993) - nature technology and society cultural roots of the [ 238 ]
ferre fred  (1993) - hellfire and lightning rods liberating science techn [ 137 ]
figueira ricardo rezende 1952  (1992) - rio maria canto da terra [ 172 ]
flashner ana  (1986) - hablale a la tierra la ecologia como mito y utopia [  26 ]
fowler robert booth 1940  (1995) - greening of protestant thought [ 265 ]
fox matthe  (1988) - coming of the cosmic christ the healing of mother ea [  89 ]
fritsch albert j  (1992) - eco church an action manual [ 106 ]
gaspar karl 1947  (1990) - peoples option to struggle for creation [ 161 ]
geering lloyd george  (1994) - tomorrows god how we create our worlds [ 188 ]
george jam  (1995) - asking for the earth waking up to the spiritual ecol [   2 ]
ghalib abd  (1995) - mafahim wa al qiyam al islamiyah al lazimah lil tans [ 244 ]
gill david  (1970) - from here to where technology faith and the future o [  20 ]
gottfried  (1995) - economics ecology and the roots of western faith per [ 113 ]
granberg m  (1984) - worldly spirituality the call to redeem life on eart [ 199 ]
granberg m  (1992) - redeeming the creation the rio earth summit challeng [ 168 ]
green lorn  (1994) - earth age a new vision of god the human and the eart [  98 ]
gurdogan ersin  (1989) - kirlenmenin boyutlari [ 243 ]
gustafson  (1994) - sense of the divine the natural environment from a t [ 175 ]
halkes cat  (1989) - en alles zal worden herschapen gedachten over de hee [ 115 ]
halkes cat  (1991) - new creation christian feminism and the renewal of t [ 154 ]
hall douglas john 1928  (1995) - god and the nations [ 126 ]
harvey gra  (1997) - contemporary paganism listening people speaking eart [   6 ]
harvey gra  (1997) - listening people speaking earth contemporary paganis [  32 ]
haught john f  (1993) - promise of nature ecology and cosmic purpose [ 164 ]
ilani zvi  (1982) - shikule yeilut be tipul be mitradim ekologiyim al pi [ 253 ]
internatio  (1990) - religion and environment religion und umwelt proceed [ 231 ]
irrgang bernhard  (1992) - christliche umweltethik eine einfuhrung [  85 ]
jensen der  (1995) - listening to the land conversations about nature cul [  33 ]
johnson elizabeth a 1941  (1993) - women earth and creator spirit [ 198 ]
jung shannon 1943  (1993) - we are home a spirituality of the environment [ 194 ]
keil bernhard  (1988) - okologie die wissenschaft des neuen zeitalters [ 157 ]
kinsley da  (1995) - ecology and religion ecological spirituality in cros [ 218 ]
kirk janice e 1  (1993) - cherish the earth the environment and scripture [  82 ]
kleinmann p  (1985) - politische okologie und okologische theologie unter [ 162 ]
knitter pa  (1995) - one earth many religions multifaith dialogue and glo [  37 ]
knudtson peter  (1992) - wisdom of the elders [  59 ]
krause uwe  (1994) - religiose implikationen des okologischen bewusstsein [ 169 ]
kyukendall  (1992) - prophetess of the earth and the apocalypso drahciras [  39 ]
la torre m  (1990) - ecologia e morale lirruzione dellistanza ecologica n [ 107 ]
lachance al  (1991) - greenspirit twelve steps in ecological spirituality [ 132 ]
lachapelle  (1988) - sacred land sacred sex rapture of the deep concernin [  44 ]
laffey alice l 194  (1997) - appreciating gods creation through scripture [  75 ]
larsen dal  (1992) - while creation waits a christian response to the env [ 196 ]
lehman don  (1993) - what on earth can you do making your church a creati [ 195 ]
lochbuhler  (1996) - christliche umweltethik schopfungstheologische grund [  86 ]
lohfink no  (1994) - theology of the pentateuch themes of the priestly na [ 182 ]
mantzarides  (1994) - empeirike theologia sten oikologia kai ten politike [ 260 ]
massey marshall  (1985) - defense of the peaceable kingdom [  95 ]
mattai giuseppe  (1992) - teologia ed ecologia [  50 ]
mcdaniel j  (1995) - with roots wings christianity in an age of ecology a [  61 ]
mcdonagh s  (1994) - passion for the earth the christian vocation to prom [ 158 ]
mcdonagh sean 19  (1986) - to care for the earth a call to a new theology [ 183 ]
mcdonagh sean 1935  (1990) - greening of the church [ 131 ]
mcelwain h  (1983) - theology of limits and the limits of theology reflec [  51 ]
mcfadden s  (1992) - ancient voices current affairs legend of the rainbow [   1 ]
mcfague sallie  (1993) - body of god an ecological theology [  79 ]
mckibben b  (1994) - comforting whirlwind god job and the scale of creati [  88 ]
meyer art  (1991) - earth keepers environmental perspectives on hunger p [ 103 ]
mick lawrence e 1946  (1997) - liturgy and ecology [  70 ]
moltmann j  (1989) - creating a just future the politics of peace and the [  91 ]
moltmann j  (1989) - gerechtigkeit schafft zukunft friedenspolitik und sc [ 124 ]
montefiore  (1969) - question mark the end of homo sapiens the theologica [  40 ]
montefiore hugh  (1992) - preaching for our planet [ 226 ]
muller fah  (1993) - erwecke die welt unser glaube an gottes geist in die [ 119 ]
muller fahrenholz ge  (1995) - gods spirit transforming a world in crisis [ 129 ]
murphy cha  (1989) - at home on earth foundations for a catholic ethic of [  76 ]
nash james  (1991) - loving nature ecological integrity and christian res [ 152 ]
nasr seyyed hossein  (1996) - religion the order of nature [  41 ]
north amer  (1988) - christian ecology building an environmental ethic fo [ 204 ]
northcott michael s  (1996) - environment and christian ethics [ 116 ]
oelschlaeg  (1994) - caring for creation an ecumenical approach to the en [  80 ]
oeser kurt  (1989) - zukunft hat schon begonnen okokrise als herausforder [ 200 ]
osborn law  (1993) - guardians of creation nature in theology and the chr [ 133 ]
pacini rober  (1991) - questione ecologica e responsabilita del cristiano [ 166 ]
palmer martin  (1993) - living christianity [ 150 ]
palmer martin 1953  (1990) - hoping for a future [  27 ]
papagianne  (1994) - physikos choros kai monachismos he diaterese tes vyz [ 261 ]
perednik gustavo daniel  (1990) - custodia de cuatro mil anos [ 248 ]
petty mich  (1996) - faith that loves the earth the ecological theology o [  71 ]
pitcher w  (1993) - listen to the crying of the earth cultivating creati [ 149 ]
pratney winkie  (1993) - healing the land a supernatural view of ecology [ 136 ]
prime ranchor 1950  (1992) - hinduism and ecology seeds of truth [ 237 ]
quinn frederick  (1994) - to heal the earth a theology of ecology [ 184 ]
rasmussen larry l  (1996) - earth community earth ethics [ 101 ]
regenstein  (1991) - replenish the earth a history of organized religions [  42 ]
roberts w  (1994) - patching gods garment environment and mission in the [ 160 ]
rowthorn a  (1989) - caring for creation toward an ethic of responsibilit [  81 ]
ruether rosem  (1992) - gaia god an ecofeminist theology of earth healing [ 121 ]
russell colin archibald  (1994) - earth humanity and god [ 102 ]
schaeffer  (1970) - pollution and the death of man the christian view of [ 163 ]
schmithaus  (1991) - buddhism and nature the lecture delivered on the occ [  64 ]
schmitz ph  (1985) - ist die schopfung noch zu retten umweltkrise und chr [ 143 ]
schramm mich  (1994) - geldwert der schopfung theologie okologie okonomie [  24 ]
searching  (1992) - searching for the new heavens the new earth an ecume [ 217 ]
sheldon jo  (1992) - rediscovery of creation a bibliographical study of t [ 202 ]
shinover tsev  (1993) - ekhut ha hayim veha sevivah bi mekorot ha yahadut [ 249 ]
smyth gera  (1995) - way of transformation a theological evaluation of th [ 193 ]
stikker al  (1992) - transformation factor towards an ecological consciou [  54 ]
stikker allerd 1928  (1986) - tao teilhard en westers denken [  47 ]
stivers ro  (1984) - hunger technology limits to growth christian respons [ 140 ]
stoll mark  (1997) - protestantism capitalism and nature in america mark [ 264 ]
suzuki davi  (1992) - wisdom of the elders honoring sacred native visions [  60 ]
teutsch gotthard m (gotthard martin)  (1985) - lexikon der umweltethik [ 235 ]
thompson f  (1992) - iceberg and the fire of love a call to ecological an [ 141 ]
tracy micha  (1992) - river pierce sacrifice ii 13 4 90 a document of the [ 173 ]
van dyke f  (1996) - redeeming creation the biblical basis for environmen [ 167 ]
versluis a  (1992) - sacred earth the spiritual landscape of native ameri [  43 ]
wainer ann helen  (1996) - olhar ecologico atraves do judaismo [ 252 ]
wallraff gunter  (1987) - und macht euch die erde untertan eine widerrede [ 191 ]
whelan rob  (1996) - cross and the rain forest a critique of radical gree [  93 ]
wright nancy g  (1993) - ecological healing a christian vision [ 110 ]
young rich  (1994) - healing the earth a theocentric perspective on envir [ 135 ]
zink jorg  (1983) - vielleicht ist es noch nicht zu spat biblische reden [ 192 ]
zink jorg  (1985) - turn toward life the bible and peacemaking [ 189 ]
zoeteman k  (1989) - gaiasofie anders kijken naar evolutie ruimtelijke or [  21 ]
zoeteman k  (1991) - gaiasophy the wisdom of the living earth an approach [  22 ]

Chronological Listing of Sources on
265 total items found on this topic in The Harvard Union Catalogue

Subject Category in HOLLIS as of Oct. 10, 1997
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 10, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 10, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
Telnet to HOLLIS
Go to the alphabetical list of Titles in this Subject Category | Go to Alphabetical Author List | Go to the Bottom of the Page

   1969 - question mark the end of homo sapiens the theologica /montefiore/ 1969  bks [  40 ]
          ( 1 )

   1970 - crisis in eden a religious study of man and environm /elder fred/ 1970  bks [   7 ]
   1970 - from here to where technology faith and the future o /gill david/ 1970  bks [  20 ]
   1970 - pollution and the death of man the christian view of /schaeffer/ 1970  bks [ 163 ]
          ( 3 )

   1971 - new ethic for a new earth/ 1971  bks [ 156 ]
          ( 1 )

   1972 - church and the ecological crisis /barnette henlee h/ 1972  bks [  87 ]
   1972 - earth might be fair reflections on ethics religion a/ 1972  bks [ 104 ]
   1972 - human crisis in ecology/ 1972  bks [ 138 ]
          ( 3 )

   1973 - ethics for environment three religious strategies/ 1973  bks [  18 ]
          ( 1 )

   1979 - drawing down the moon witches druids goddess worship /adler marg/ 1979  bks [   9 ]
          ( 1 )

   1981 - bent world a christian response to the environmental /elsdon ron/ 1981  bks [   4 ]
   1981 - franziskus in gorleben protest fur die schopfung/ 1981  bks [ 120 ]
   1981 - todliche fortschritt von der zerstorung der erde und /drewermann/ 1981  bks [ 185 ]
          ( 3 )

   1982 - shikule yeilut be tipul be mitradim ekologiyim al pi /ilani zvi/ 1982  bks [ 253 ]
          ( 1 )

   1983 - ecology and religion toward a new christian theology /carmody jo/ 1983  bks [ 111 ]
   1983 - theology of limits and the limits of theology reflec /mcelwain h/ 1983  bks [  51 ]
   1983 - vielleicht ist es noch nicht zu spat biblische reden /zink jorg/ 1983  bks [ 192 ]
          ( 3 )

   1984 - cry of the environment rebuilding the christian crea/ 1984  bks [  94 ]
   1984 - hunger technology limits to growth christian respons /stivers ro/ 1984  bks [ 140 ]
   1984 - umweltethik ein theologischer beitrag zur okologisch /auer alfon/ 1984  bks [ 190 ]
   1984 - worldly spirituality the call to redeem life on eart /granberg m/ 1984  bks [ 199 ]
          ( 4 )

   1985 - defense of the peaceable kingdom /massey marshall/ 1985  bks [  95 ]
   1985 - ecologia umana e valori etico religiosi/ 1985  bks [  14 ]
   1985 - erde bewahren versohnung von arbeit und leben impuls /deutscher/ 1985  bks [ 209 ]
   1985 - for creations sake preaching ecology and justice/ 1985  bks [ 210 ]
   1985 - ist die schopfung noch zu retten umweltkrise und chr /schmitz ph/ 1985  bks [ 143 ]
   1985 - lexikon der umweltethik /teutsch gotthard m (gotthard martin)/ 1985  bks [ 235 ]
   1985 - politische okologie und okologische theologie unter /kleinmann p/ 1985  bks [ 162 ]
   1985 - turn toward life the bible and peacemaking /zink jorg/ 1985  bks [ 189 ]
   1985 - verantwortung des menschen fur eine bewohnbare welt/ 1985  bks [  57 ]
          ( 9 )

   1986 - christsein zwischen entmutigung und hoffnung zur sen/ 1986  bks [ 205 ]
   1986 - drawing down the moon witches druids goddess worship /adler marg/ 1986  bks [  10 ]
   1986 - hablale a la tierra la ecologia como mito y utopia /flashner ana/ 1986  bks [  26 ]
   1986 - religion and environmental crisis/ 1986  bks [ 232 ]
   1986 - schopfungsverantwortung konkret aus der arbeit der k/ 1986  bks [ 174 ]
   1986 - tao teilhard en westers denken /stikker allerd 1928/ 1986  bks [  47 ]
   1986 - technology and the healing of the earth /berry thomas mary 1914/ 1986  bks [ 177 ]
   1986 - to care for the earth a call to a new theology /mcdonagh sean 19/ 1986  bks [ 183 ]
   1986 - todliche fortschritt von der zerstorung der erde und /drewermann/ 1986  bks [ 186 ]
   1986 - umwelt/ 1986  bks [ 227 ]
          ( 10 )

   1987 - als de schepping zucht verkenningen over mens milieu/ 1987  bks [  74 ]
   1987 - befreiung aller kreatur das bibelwerk von leonhard r /dannemann/ 1987  bks [ 219 ]
   1987 - environmental crisis and hindu religion /dwivedi o p/ 1987  bks [ 236 ]
   1987 - faith and nature/ 1987  bks [  19 ]
   1987 - islam untuk pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan lingku/ 1987  bks [ 241 ]
   1987 - tending the garden essays on the gospel and the eart/ 1987  bks [ 178 ]
   1987 - und macht euch die erde untertan eine widerrede /wallraff gunter/ 1987  bks [ 191 ]
          ( 7 )

   1988 - christian ecology building an environmental ethic fo /north amer/ 1988  bks [ 204 ]
   1988 - coming of the cosmic christ the healing of mother ea /fox matthe/ 1988  bks [  89 ]
   1988 - dream of the earth /berry thomas mary 1914/ 1988  bks [  11 ]
   1988 - ecologia y culturas/ 1988  bks [ 228 ]
   1988 - geisteshaltung und umwelt festschrift zum 65 geburts/ 1988  bks [  23 ]
   1988 - lords dealing the primacy of the feminine in christi /faricy rob/ 1988  bks [ 151 ]
   1988 - okologie die wissenschaft des neuen zeitalters /keil bernhard/ 1988  bks [ 157 ]
   1988 - questione ecologica e coscienza cristiana/ 1988  bks [ 165 ]
   1988 - sacred land sacred sex rapture of the deep concernin /lachapelle/ 1988  bks [  44 ]
   1988 - thinking like a mountain towards a council of all be/ 1988  bks [  52 ]
   1988 - umweltverantwortung aus religioser sicht/ 1988  bks [  55 ]
          ( 11 )

   1989 - at home on earth foundations for a catholic ethic of /murphy cha/ 1989  bks [  76 ]
   1989 - bewahrung der schopfung kirche unterwegs in die 90er/ 1989  bks [ 203 ]
   1989 - caring for creation toward an ethic of responsibilit /rowthorn a/ 1989  bks [  81 ]
   1989 - creating a just future the politics of peace and the /moltmann j/ 1989  bks [  91 ]
   1989 - ekhut ha sevivah ekologyah bi mekorot ha yahadut/ 1989  bks [ 250 ]
   1989 - en alles zal worden herschapen gedachten over de hee /halkes cat/ 1989  bks [ 115 ]
   1989 - frieden in gerechtigkeit dokumente der europaischen /european ec/ 1989  bks [ 211 ]
   1989 - gaiasofie anders kijken naar evolutie ruimtelijke or /zoeteman k/ 1989  bks [  21 ]
   1989 - gerechtigkeit schafft zukunft friedenspolitik und sc /moltmann j/ 1989  bks [ 124 ]
   1989 - gerechtigkeit und frieden umarmen sich europaische o /european e/ 1989  bks [ 212 ]
   1989 - keeping and healing the creation a resource paper/ 1989  bks [ 147 ]
   1989 - kirlenmenin boyutlari /gurdogan ersin/ 1989  bks [ 243 ]
   1989 - letters to young people a spiritual legacy for a new/ 1989  bks [ 258 ]
   1989 - mensch und natur auf der suche nach der verlorenen e/ 1989  bks [  34 ]
   1989 - oost west tegenstelling en milieu kernvragen van het/ 1989  bks [  38 ]
   1989 - zukunft hat schon begonnen okokrise als herausforder /oeser kurt/ 1989  bks [ 200 ]
          ( 16 )

   1990 - beyond the modern mind the spiritual and ethical cha /bowman dou/ 1990  bks [  78 ]
   1990 - creation in crisis responding to gods covenant /bhagat shantilal/ 1990  bks [  92 ]
   1990 - custodia de cuatro mil anos /perednik gustavo daniel/ 1990  bks [ 248 ]
   1990 - dharma gaia a harvest of essays in buddhism and ecol/ 1990  bks [  65 ]
   1990 - ecologia e morale lirruzione dellistanza ecologica n /la torre m/ 1990  bks [ 107 ]
   1990 - geo justice a preferential option for the earth /conlon james 19/ 1990  bks [ 122 ]
   1990 - gerechtigkeit friede bewahrung der schopfung theolog/ 1990  bks [ 123 ]
   1990 - global theology the meaning of faith in the present /ambler r a/ 1990  bks [ 125 ]
   1990 - green christianity caring for the whole creation /cooper tim/ 1990  bks [ 130 ]
   1990 - greening of the church /mcdonagh sean 1935/ 1990  bks [ 131 ]
   1990 - hoping for a future /palmer martin 1953/ 1990  bks [  27 ]
   1990 - liberating life contemporary approaches to ecologica/ 1990  bks [ 148 ]
   1990 - medieval jainism culture and environment/ 1990  bks [ 246 ]
   1990 - natur und mensch/ 1990  bks [ 230 ]
   1990 - pastoral mensaje y homilia sobre problemas ecologico/ 1990  bks [ 159 ]
   1990 - peoples option to struggle for creation /gaspar karl 1947/ 1990  bks [ 161 ]
   1990 - ponencias del 1er encuentro de cultura etica y relig /encuentro/ 1990  bks [ 213 ]
   1990 - religion and environment religion und umwelt proceed /internatio/ 1990  bks [ 231 ]
   1990 - responsabilita ecologica/ 1990  bks [ 170 ]
   1990 - rights of future generations rights of nature propos/ 1990  bks [ 171 ]
   1990 - todliche fortschritt von der zerstorung der erde und /drewermann/ 1990  bks [ 187 ]
   1990 - united nations environmental sabbath earth rest day/ 1990  bks [  56 ]
          ( 22 )

   1991 - befriending the earth a theology of reconciliation b /berry thom/ 1991  bks [  77 ]
   1991 - buddhism and nature the lecture delivered on the occ /schmithaus/ 1991  bks [  64 ]
   1991 - covenant for a new creation ethics religion and publ/ 1991  bks [  90 ]
   1991 - crisis ecologia y justicia social ponencias plenaria /encuentro/ 1991  bks [ 206 ]
   1991 - desafios e falacias ensaios sobre a conjuntura atual /assmann hu/ 1991  bks [  96 ]
   1991 - earth keepers environmental perspectives on hunger p /meyer art/ 1991  bks [ 103 ]
   1991 - earthspirit a handbook for nurturing an ecological c /dowd micha/ 1991  bks [ 105 ]
   1991 - eco spirituality toward a reverent life /cummings charles 1940/ 1991  bks [  13 ]
   1991 - ecologia e civilta cristiana atti del xiv convegno d /centro di/ 1991  bks [ 208 ]
   1991 - environment and the christian what does the new test/ 1991  bks [ 117 ]
   1991 - gaiasophy the wisdom of the living earth an approach /zoeteman k/ 1991  bks [  22 ]
   1991 - greenspirit twelve steps in ecological spirituality /lachance al/ 1991  bks [ 132 ]
   1991 - jesus and the cosmos /edwards denis 1943/ 1991  bks [ 144 ]
   1991 - loving nature ecological integrity and christian res /nash james/ 1991  bks [ 152 ]
   1991 - new creation christian feminism and the renewal of t /halkes cat/ 1991  bks [ 154 ]
   1991 - new creation christian feminism and the renewal of t /halkes cat/ 1991  bks [ 155 ]
   1991 - pathom munlamuli tamnan khao phi lanna pathamamulamu/ 1991  bks [  66 ]
   1991 - questione ecologica e responsabilita del cristiano /pacini rober/ 1991  bks [ 166 ]
   1991 - replenish the earth a history of organized religions /regenstein/ 1991  bks [  42 ]
   1991 - teologia de la ecologia/ 1991  bks [ 179 ]
          ( 20 )

   1992 - after natures revolt eco justice and theology/ 1992  bks [  73 ]
   1992 - ancient voices current affairs legend of the rainbow /mcfadden s/ 1992  bks [   1 ]
   1992 - buddhism and ecology/ 1992  bks [  63 ]
   1992 - christianity and ecology/ 1992  bks [  84 ]
   1992 - christliche umweltethik eine einfuhrung /irrgang bernhard/ 1992  bks [  85 ]
   1992 - circles of hope breathing life and spirit into a wou /cane bill/ 1992  bks [ 259 ]
   1992 - earth beneath a critical guide to green theology/ 1992  bks [  99 ]
   1992 - earth is the lords christians and the environment/ 1992  bks [ 207 ]
   1992 - eco church an action manual /fritsch albert j/ 1992  bks [ 106 ]
   1992 - environmentalism the age of aquarius or the twilight /coffman mi/ 1992  bks [  17 ]
   1992 - gaia god an ecofeminist theology of earth healing /ruether rosem/ 1992  bks [ 121 ]
   1992 - god humanity mother nature/ 1992  bks [ 229 ]
   1992 - god is green ecology for christians /bradley ian c/ 1992  bks [ 127 ]
   1992 - hinduism and ecology seeds of truth /prime ranchor 1950/ 1992  bks [ 237 ]
   1992 - iceberg and the fire of love a call to ecological an /thompson f/ 1992  bks [ 141 ]
   1992 - igreja e a questao ecologica leitura etico teologica/ 1992  bks [  68 ]
   1992 - islam and ecology/ 1992  bks [ 240 ]
   1992 - islam ve ekoloji /bayrakdar mehmet/ 1992  bks [ 242 ]
   1992 - judaism and ecology/ 1992  bks [ 251 ]
   1992 - justica social e preservacao do ambiente desafios da/ 1992  bks [ 146 ]
   1992 - missionary earthkeeping/ 1992  bks [ 153 ]
   1992 - preaching for our planet /montefiore hugh/ 1992  bks [ 226 ]
   1992 - prophetess of the earth and the apocalypso drahciras /kyukendall/ 1992  bks [  39 ]
   1992 - redeeming the creation the rio earth summit challeng /granberg m/ 1992  bks [ 168 ]
   1992 - rediscovery of creation a bibliographical study of t /sheldon jo/ 1992  bks [ 202 ]
   1992 - rio maria canto da terra /figueira ricardo rezende 1952/ 1992  bks [ 172 ]
   1992 - river pierce sacrifice ii 13 4 90 a document of the /tracy micha/ 1992  bks [ 173 ]
   1992 - sacred earth the spiritual landscape of native ameri /versluis a/ 1992  bks [  43 ]
   1992 - searching for the new heavens the new earth an ecume /searching/ 1992  bks [ 217 ]
   1992 - spirit and nature why the environment is a religious/ 1992  bks [ 233 ]
   1992 - sustainability economics ecology and justice /cobb john b/ 1992  bks [ 176 ]
   1992 - teologia ed ecologia /mattai giuseppe/ 1992  bks [  50 ]
   1992 - theology in green/ 1992+ ser [ 263 ]
   1992 - transformation factor towards an ecological consciou /stikker al/ 1992  bks [  54 ]
   1992 - way ahead a visionary perspective for the new millen/ 1992  bks [  58 ]
   1992 - while creation waits a christian response to the env /larsen dal/ 1992  bks [ 196 ]
   1992 - wisdom of the elders /knudtson peter/ 1992  bks [  59 ]
   1992 - wisdom of the elders honoring sacred native visions /suzuki davi/ 1992  bks [  60 ]
          ( 38 )

   1993 - aufruf zu einem neuen orden gemeinsam fur die schopf /eurich cla/ 1993  bks [   3 ]
   1993 - beyond our ghettos gay theology in ecological perspe /clark j mi/ 1993  bks [   5 ]
   1993 - body of god an ecological theology /mcfague sallie/ 1993  bks [  79 ]
   1993 - cherish the earth the environment and scripture /kirk janice e 1/ 1993  bks [  82 ]
   1993 - earth spirit the spiritual dimension of the environm/ 1993  bks [  12 ]
   1993 - ecojustice quarterly/ 1993+ ser [ 262 ]
   1993 - ecologia mundializacao espiritualidade a emergencia /boff leonar/ 1993  bks [ 108 ]
   1993 - ecological healing a christian vision /wright nancy g/ 1993  bks [ 110 ]
   1993 - ekhut ha hayim veha sevivah bi mekorot ha yahadut /shinover tsev/ 1993  bks [ 249 ]
   1993 - erwecke die welt unser glaube an gottes geist in die /muller fah/ 1993  bks [ 119 ]
   1993 - green bible/ 1993  bks [ 224 ]
   1993 - guardians of creation nature in theology and the chr /osborn law/ 1993  bks [ 133 ]
   1993 - healing the land a supernatural view of ecology /pratney winkie/ 1993  bks [ 136 ]
   1993 - hellfire and lightning rods liberating science techn /ferre fred/ 1993  bks [ 137 ]
   1993 - how to think about the earth /clark stephen r l/ 1993  bks [  28 ]
   1993 - humanity environment and god glasgow centenary giffo/ 1993  bks [ 139 ]
   1993 - katechezy ekologiczne/ 1993  bks [  69 ]
   1993 - keepers of the spirit stories of nature and humankin/ 1993  bks [  31 ]
   1993 - listen to the crying of the earth cultivating creati /pitcher w/ 1993  bks [ 149 ]
   1993 - living christianity /palmer martin/ 1993  bks [ 150 ]
   1993 - nature technology and society cultural roots of the /ferkiss vic/ 1993  bks [ 238 ]
   1993 - nuova terra /baget bozzo gianni 1925/ 1993  bks [  35 ]
   1993 - promise of nature ecology and cosmic purpose /haught john f/ 1993  bks [ 164 ]
   1993 - religion et ecologie colloque/ 1993  bks [ 215 ]
   1993 - religion et ecologie colloque/ 1993  bks [ 256 ]
   1993 - tanmiyah wa al biah dirasah muqaranah /dunya shawqi ahmad/ 1993  bks [ 245 ]
   1993 - we are home a spirituality of the environment /jung shannon 1943/ 1993  bks [ 194 ]
   1993 - what on earth can you do making your church a creati /lehman don/ 1993  bks [ 195 ]
   1993 - women earth and creator spirit /johnson elizabeth a 1941/ 1993  bks [ 198 ]
          ( 29 )

   1994 - caring for creation an ecumenical approach to the en /oelschlaeg/ 1994  bks [  80 ]
   1994 - caring for creation an ecumenical approach to the en /oelschlaeg/ 1994  bks [ 247 ]
   1994 - comforting whirlwind god job and the scale of creati /mckibben b/ 1994  bks [  88 ]
   1994 - dieu et lecologie environnement theologie spirituali /coste rene/ 1994  bks [  97 ]
   1994 - earth age a new vision of god the human and the eart /green lorn/ 1994  bks [  98 ]
   1994 - earth careful way of life christian stewardship and /basney lion/ 1994  bks [ 100 ]
   1994 - earth humanity and god /russell colin archibald/ 1994  bks [ 102 ]
   1994 - ecological challenge ethical liturgical and spiritua/ 1994  bks [ 109 ]
   1994 - ecological prospects scientific religious and aesthe/ 1994  bks [  15 ]
   1994 - ecotheology voices from south and north/ 1994  bks [ 114 ]
   1994 - embracing earth catholic approaches to ecology/ 1994  bks [  67 ]
   1994 - empeirike theologia sten oikologia kai ten politike /mantzarides/ 1994  bks [ 260 ]
   1994 - geldwert der schopfung theologie okologie okonomie /schramm mich/ 1994  bks [  24 ]
   1994 - healing the earth a theocentric perspective on envir /young rich/ 1994  bks [ 135 ]
   1994 - individuo sociedad ecosistema ensayos sobre filosofi /capriles e/ 1994  bks [  29 ]
   1994 - invention of nature/ 1994  bks [  30 ]
   1994 - passion for the earth the christian vocation to prom /mcdonagh s/ 1994  bks [ 158 ]
   1994 - patching gods garment environment and mission in the /roberts w/ 1994  bks [ 160 ]
   1994 - physikos choros kai monachismos he diaterese tes vyz /papagianne/ 1994  bks [ 261 ]
   1994 - preserving the creation environmental theology and e/ 1994  bks [ 214 ]
   1994 - religiose implikationen des okologischen bewusstsein /krause uwe/ 1994  bks [ 169 ]
   1994 - sense of the divine the natural environment from a t /gustafson/ 1994  bks [ 175 ]
   1994 - temporary homelands /deming alison hawthorne 1946/ 1994  bks [  49 ]
   1994 - theology of the pentateuch themes of the priestly na /lohfink no/ 1994  bks [ 182 ]
   1994 - to heal the earth a theology of ecology /quinn frederick/ 1994  bks [ 184 ]
   1994 - tomorrows god how we create our worlds /geering lloyd george/ 1994  bks [ 188 ]
   1994 - worldviews and ecology religion philosophy and the e/ 1994  bks [  62 ]
          ( 27 )

   1995 - abschied vom mannergott schopfungsverantwortung fur/ 1995  bks [  72 ]
   1995 - asking for the earth waking up to the spiritual ecol /george jam/ 1995  bks [   2 ]
   1995 - ecology and religion ecological spirituality in cros /kinsley da/ 1995  bks [ 218 ]
   1995 - ecology and religion ecological spirituality in cros /kinsley da/ 1995  bks [ 234 ]
   1995 - ecology justice and christian faith a critical guide /bakken pet/ 1995  bks [ 201 ]
   1995 - ecology justice and christian faith a critical guide /bakken pet/ 1995  bks [ 223 ]
   1995 - ecology liberation a new paradigm /boff leonardo/ 1995  bks [ 112 ]
   1995 - economics ecology and the roots of western faith per /gottfried/ 1995  bks [ 113 ]
   1995 - geist der natur befreit die trinitarische kosmologie /bergmann s/ 1995  bks [ 220 ]
   1995 - god and the nations /hall douglas john 1928/ 1995  bks [ 126 ]
   1995 - gods earth religion as if matter really mattered /collins paul 1/ 1995  bks [ 128 ]
   1995 - gods spirit transforming a world in crisis /muller fahrenholz ge/ 1995  bks [ 129 ]
   1995 - greening of protestant thought /fowler robert booth 1940/ 1995  bks [ 265 ]
   1995 - greening of theology the ecological models of rosema /bouma pred/ 1995  bks [ 222 ]
   1995 - insan wa al biah /abu zurayq ali radi/ 1995  bks [ 239 ]
   1995 - is it too late a theology of ecology /cobb john b/ 1995  bks [ 142 ]
   1995 - jesus the wisdom of god an ecological theology /edwards denis 19/ 1995  bks [ 145 ]
   1995 - listen to the trees jews and the earth /cone molly/ 1995  bks [ 257 ]
   1995 - listening to the land conversations about nature cul /jensen der/ 1995  bks [  33 ]
   1995 - mafahim wa al qiyam al islamiyah al lazimah lil tans /ghalib abd/ 1995  bks [ 244 ]
   1995 - one earth many religions multifaith dialogue and glo /knitter pa/ 1995  bks [  37 ]
   1995 - thema der schopfung in der okumenischen bewegung 194 /breitmaier/ 1995  bks [ 180 ]
   1995 - to till and to tend a guide to jewish environmental /coalition o/ 1995  bks [ 254 ]
   1995 - way of transformation a theological evaluation of th /smyth gera/ 1995  bks [ 193 ]
   1995 - with roots wings christianity in an age of ecology a /mcdaniel j/ 1995  bks [  61 ]
   1995 - with roots wings christianity in an age of ecology a /mcdaniel j/ 1995  bks [ 197 ]
          ( 26 )

   1996 - cherish the gift a congregational guide to earth ste /causey cin/ 1996  bks [  83 ]
   1996 - christliche umweltethik schopfungstheologische grund /lochbuhler/ 1996  bks [  86 ]
   1996 - crisis and the renewal of creation world and church/ 1996  bks [ 225 ]
   1996 - cross and the rain forest a critique of radical gree /whelan rob/ 1996  bks [  93 ]
   1996 - earth community earth ethics /rasmussen larry l/ 1996  bks [ 101 ]
   1996 - ecotherapy healing ourselves healing the earth a gui /clinebell/ 1996  bks [  16 ]
   1996 - environment and christian ethics /northcott michael s/ 1996  bks [ 116 ]
   1996 - environmental ethics and christian humanism /derr thomas sieger/ 1996  bks [ 118 ]
   1996 - faith that loves the earth the ecological theology o /petty mich/ 1996  bks [  71 ]
   1996 - handbook in theology and ecology /deane drummond celia/ 1996  bks [ 134 ]
   1996 - okologisches weltethos im dialog der kulturen und re/ 1996  bks [  36 ]
   1996 - olhar ecologico atraves do judaismo /wainer ann helen/ 1996  bks [ 252 ]
   1996 - redeeming creation the biblical basis for environmen /van dyke f/ 1996  bks [ 167 ]
   1996 - religion the order of nature /nasr seyyed hossein/ 1996  bks [  41 ]
   1996 - religious experience and ecological responsibility/ 1996  bks [ 216 ]
   1996 - soul unearthed celebrating wildness and personal ren/ 1996  bks [  45 ]
   1996 - temple wilderness a collection of thoughts and image/ 1996  bks [  48 ]
   1996 - theology for earth community a field guide/ 1996  bks [ 181 ]
   1996 - this sacred earth religion nature environment/ 1996  bks [  53 ]
          ( 19 )

   1997 - appreciating gods creation through scripture /laffey alice l 194/ 1997  bks [  75 ]
   1997 - contemporary paganism listening people speaking eart /harvey gra/ 1997  bks [   6 ]
   1997 - cry of the earth cry of the poor /boff leonardo/ 1997  bks [   8 ]
   1997 - ecology in jurgen moltmanns theology /deane drummond celia/ 1997  bks [ 221 ]
   1997 - greening of faith god the environment and the good l/ 1997  bks [  25 ]
   1997 - listening people speaking earth contemporary paganis /harvey gra/ 1997  bks [  32 ]
   1997 - liturgy and ecology /mick lawrence e 1946/ 1997  bks [  70 ]
   1997 - protestantism capitalism and nature in america mark /stoll mark/ 1997  bks [ 264 ]
   1997 - visions of eden a jewish perspective on the environm/ 1997  vis [ 255 ]
          ( 9 )

   1998 - spirit of the environment religion value and environ/ 1998  bks [  46 ]
          ( 1 )

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