Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 10, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 10, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=HUMAN ECOLOGY
Subject - Alphabetical Title ListingHUMAN ECOLOGY 1 alternatives to catastrophe conf on environment clar/ 1972 art 2 ark of safety roots of hope christian alternatives t/ 1994 art 3 assessing lifeboat ethics reply to w w benjamin /finnin william/ 1979 art 4 autonomous economy an emerging alternative to indust /romanna al/ 1989 art 5 averting ecological catastrophe steps toward a human /fox michae/ 1994 art 6 biodiversity and beauty human moral obligation to al /vaney neil/ 1995 art 7 broadening caring discerning worth the environmental /stone jero/ 1993 art 8 cairo consensus at the population conference /maguire daniel c/ 1994 art 9 can science search for god paper fr christian faith /papagiannis/ 1992 art 10 case for human beings /palmer thomas/ 1992 art 11 challenge to the eco doomsters /benjamin walter w/ 1979 art 12 christian understanding of human nature a key contri /randolph r/ 1990 art 13 christian view of economics stewardship of the earth /marshall p/ 1985 art 14 christianity technology and the human future /ferkiss victor/ 1974 art 15 churches and the future a utopian proposal repr /cauthen kenneth/ 1971 art 16 co creating with christ the ethics of wealth creatio /lovatt joh/ 1995 art 17 community ecological and ecumenical /rolston holmes iii/ 1973 art 18 concerning the chickens relation of humanity and cre /boogaart t/ 1991 art 19 confucianism and christianity resources for an ecolo /tucker mar/ 1991 art 20 consecrating work and rest /vischer lukas/ 1995 art 21 consider the lilies /hendry george s/ 1973 art 22 controversy at love canal the ethical dimensions of /paigen beve/ 1982 art 23 creating human environment mission for the seventies /voelkel wi/ 1970 art 24 creation and relation /soskice janet martin/ 1991 art 25 demographics of religious participation an ecologica /finke roge/ 1989 art 26 dwelling place it is in the shelter of each other th /jegen mary/ 1991 art 27 ecclesiological and mission planning significance of /kelley arl/ 1971 art 28 eco hermeneutical perspective on inter cultural coun /muller jul/ 1994 art 29 ecofeminist vision must spur action to transform hum /stange mar/ 1990 art 30 ecologia pobreza y solidaridad latin america/ 1993 art 31 ecological analysis of a site and service project pt /macinnes g/ 1987 art 32 ecological crisis /davis wayne h/ 1972 art 33 ecological crisis twentieth century thorns conservat /zilz melvi/ 1971 art 34 ecology and the recycling of christianity /kwok pui lan/ 1992 art 35 ecology for the soul a rpt fr european ecumenical as /gundyayev/ 1991 art 36 ecology vs development the struggle for survival nar /kothari sm/ 1985 art 37 ecosystemic perspective for family ministry fig /richmond garlan/ 1989 art 38 ecozoic era right relation between humanity and envi /berry thom/ 1994 art 39 eleventh commandment toward an ethic of ecology repr /rossi vinc/ 1981 art 40 energy vision and the future a hopeful reflection /st john donal/ 1982 art 41 environment and north south relations/ 1992 art 42 environmental history challenges the myth of a primo /lewis mart/ 1994 art 43 environmental refugees made homeless by ecological d /nielsen ca/ 1991 art 44 evolution and imminent extinction of an avaricious s /emsley mic/ 1982 bks 45 expanding our identification horizons /wall james m/ 1991 art 46 fill the earth and subdue it gn 1 28 dominion to exp /williams d/ 1993 art 47 fondements de la morale reflexions dun biologiste /dietrich jose/ 1990 art 48 forests environment and people thematic issue india/ 1983 art 49 global federalism and world ecology /webster lucy/ 1973 art 50 global population crisis repr/ 1973 art 51 global threat to mankind global strategy of peace rp /denisenko/ 1985 art 52 gott und gaja zur theologie der erde/ 1993 art 53 green revolution twenty five years later bibliog /nadkarni avadh/ 1993 art 54 green spirituality a postmodern convergence of scien /griffin da/ 1992 art 55 group of omen idea proposal for coordinating ecologi /buchanan m/ 1973 art 56 habits of the heart and educational ministry /conrad robert/ 1988 art 57 herausforderung der ethik durch die humangenetik /link christian/ 1981 art 58 hope unity and peace vital concerns of the conferenc /sorokin vl/ 1985 art 59 how many is too many world population growth and its /mann charl/ 1993 art 60 human ecology in a divided land toward a theology of /noh jong s/ 1989 art 61 human survival the responsibility of science and rel /laszlo erv/ 1991 art 62 if bosnians were dolphins confusion over us and un i /luttwak ed/ 1993 art 63 integrative transformation patterns of sociopolitica /marfoe leo/ 1979 art 64 integrity of the variegated creation christian inst/ 1990 art 65 interrelating nature humanity and the work of god so /peters kar/ 1992 art 66 is the biosphere a luxury /midgley mary/ 1992 art 67 is there room for prolife environmentalists /lawton kim a/ 1990 art 68 jesus and the environment how green is christianity /marshall ed/ 1992 art 69 justice in a human environment paper cicop conf 1973 /ward barba/ 1973 art 70 kirche und lebensreform /koberle adolf/ 1974 bks 71 local church as an ecology of human development /scott kieran/ 1981 art 72 looking back looking ahead toward an ecological syst /clinebell/ 1992 art 73 man and his role in the environment orthodox patrist /aiden brot/ 1992 art 74 management of the earth a responsible response paper /saldanha c/ 1995 art 75 managing planet earth the ethics of wealth creation /higginson r/ 1994 art 76 mcu congress 27 31 july 1970 modern churchmens union /drewett al/ 1970 art 77 mensch tier beziehung in kirche und umweltbewegung d /baranzke h/ 1995 art 78 missionary earthkeeping/ 1992 bks 79 natural conditions ecology and the buddhist perfecti /halifax jo/ 1994 art 80 nature and man in theological perspective /rust eric c/ 1972 art 81 nature est morte vive la nature /callicott j baird/ 1992 art 82 nature gods great project bibliog /hefner philip j/ 1992 art 83 neighbours unborn /rivington clifford w/ 1976 art 84 new ethics of survival /stein george j/ 1981 art 85 nippur buildings an environmental model /brandt margaret catlin/ 1990 art 86 only one earth /strong maurice f/ 1992 art 87 organizacion social y vision ecologica de un sistema /bunker ste/ 1986 art 88 orthodox theology and ecological problems paper fr 3 /ivanov m s/ 1993 art 89 place feminism and healing an ecology of pastoral co /filippi li/ 1991 art 90 population control begins with you /finnin william/ 1972 art 91 population ecology and women un conf on population a /gudorf chr/ 1995 art 92 protecting humanity and its environment a bahai pers /coleman jo/ 1994 art 93 question of a just participatory and sustainable soc /preston ro/ 1980 art 94 reclamation resacralization and regeneration approac /runo patri/ 1984 bks 95 rene dubos pionnier de lecologie scientifique eng ab /arnould ja/ 1994 art 96 responsible stewardship of earths resources /akhongo ernest mich/ 1994 art 97 resurrecting land/ 1995 art 98 root causes of migration refugees the environmental /jacobson jo/ 1991 art 99 save paradise tear up a parking lot depaving movemen /rice jim/ 1993 art 100 saving mother earth to save ourselves native america /monture jo/ 1993 art 101 science values and survival bibliog /sperry roger w/ 1986 art 102 scottish highlands in colonial and psychodynamic per /mcintosh a/ 1994 art 103 self worth and the sewage treatment plant one of the /miller ver/ 1994 art 104 social costs of deforestation in india forest dwelle /viegas phi/ 1985 art 105 social impact of environmental deterioration india t/ 1985 art 106 sozial raumliche differenzierung in der gegenwartige /ciesla sta/ 1987 bks 107 special issue on ecology and process thought/ 1993 art 108 stadt fur menschen aufforderung zur humanen und okol /binswanger/ 1985 art 109 teaching them how to live children photo /mckinney maxine/ 1985 art 110 technology and ethics reflections after chernobyl /french willia/ 1986 art 111 to be human against all odds/ 1992 art 112 to dwell on the earth authority and ecumenical theol /schweiker/ 1987 bks 113 to fund a model for human survival sustainable use o /heiner how/ 1992 art 114 toward a naturalized technology /huchingson james e/ 1973 art 115 toward a social ecology of the ministers family /lee cameron/ 1988 art 116 towards a relational theory of intergenerational eth /agius emma/ 1989 art 117 towards a theology of conservation /hurst john s/ 1972 art 118 towards a trinitarian theology of justification and /persaud win/ 1992 art 119 towards an ecological consciousness bibliog /agwan a r/ 1993 art 120 tradition and change india photos /vannucci marta/ 1992 art 121 tree managers /phillips ron/ 1973 art 122 uberleben und ethik die notwendigkeit bescheiden zu/ 1976 bks 123 unanswerable questions repr /ferry wilbur high/ 1970 art 124 watery depths ecofeminism and redemptive wetlands bi /betcher sh/ 1994 art 125 where we are reprint photos by m orlove /snyder gary/ 1980 art 126 why should i care for creation a half dozen or so ar /bouma pred/ 1993 art 127 why we love the earth belief in a creator editorial /snyder howa/ 1995 art 128 will our children accuse us ethical awareness in con /cargas har/ 1989 bks 129 women and natural resources poor rural women in indi /agarwal an/ 1985 art 130 world of overpop /merrill charles/ 1969 art 131 zur ethik genetischer beratung theologisch ethische /hubner jurg/ 1981 art HUMAN ECOLOGY --CONGRESSES 132 global forum of spiritual and parliamentary leaders/ 1988 art
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 10, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 10, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=HUMAN ECOLOGY
agarwal an (1985) - women and natural resources poor rural women in indi [ 129 ] agius emma (1989) - towards a relational theory of intergenerational eth [ 116 ] agwan a r (1993) - towards an ecological consciousness bibliog [ 119 ] aiden brot (1992) - man and his role in the environment orthodox patrist [ 73 ] akhongo ernest mich (1994) - responsible stewardship of earths resources [ 96 ] arnould ja (1994) - rene dubos pionnier de lecologie scientifique eng ab [ 95 ] baranzke h (1995) - mensch tier beziehung in kirche und umweltbewegung d [ 77 ] benjamin walter w (1979) - challenge to the eco doomsters [ 11 ] berry thom (1994) - ecozoic era right relation between humanity and envi [ 38 ] betcher sh (1994) - watery depths ecofeminism and redemptive wetlands bi [ 124 ] binswanger (1985) - stadt fur menschen aufforderung zur humanen und okol [ 108 ] boogaart t (1991) - concerning the chickens relation of humanity and cre [ 18 ] bouma pred (1993) - why should i care for creation a half dozen or so ar [ 126 ] brandt margaret catlin (1990) - nippur buildings an environmental model [ 85 ] buchanan m (1973) - group of omen idea proposal for coordinating ecologi [ 55 ] bunker ste (1986) - organizacion social y vision ecologica de un sistema [ 87 ] callicott j baird (1992) - nature est morte vive la nature [ 81 ] cargas har (1989) - will our children accuse us ethical awareness in con [ 128 ] cauthen kenneth (1971) - churches and the future a utopian proposal repr [ 15 ] ciesla sta (1987) - sozial raumliche differenzierung in der gegenwartige [ 106 ] clinebell (1992) - looking back looking ahead toward an ecological syst [ 72 ] coleman jo (1994) - protecting humanity and its environment a bahai pers [ 92 ] conrad robert (1988) - habits of the heart and educational ministry [ 56 ] davis wayne h (1972) - ecological crisis [ 32 ] denisenko (1985) - global threat to mankind global strategy of peace rp [ 51 ] dietrich jose (1990) - fondements de la morale reflexions dun biologiste [ 47 ] drewett al (1970) - mcu congress 27 31 july 1970 modern churchmens union [ 76 ] emsley mic (1982) - evolution and imminent extinction of an avaricious s [ 44 ] ferkiss victor (1974) - christianity technology and the human future [ 14 ] ferry wilbur high (1970) - unanswerable questions repr [ 123 ] filippi li (1991) - place feminism and healing an ecology of pastoral co [ 89 ] finke roge (1989) - demographics of religious participation an ecologica [ 25 ] finnin william (1972) - population control begins with you [ 90 ] finnin william (1979) - assessing lifeboat ethics reply to w w benjamin [ 3 ] fox michae (1994) - averting ecological catastrophe steps toward a human [ 5 ] french willia (1986) - technology and ethics reflections after chernobyl [ 110 ] griffin da (1992) - green spirituality a postmodern convergence of scien [ 54 ] gudorf chr (1995) - population ecology and women un conf on population a [ 91 ] gundyayev (1991) - ecology for the soul a rpt fr european ecumenical as [ 35 ] halifax jo (1994) - natural conditions ecology and the buddhist perfecti [ 79 ] hefner philip j (1992) - nature gods great project bibliog [ 82 ] heiner how (1992) - to fund a model for human survival sustainable use o [ 113 ] hendry george s (1973) - consider the lilies [ 21 ] higginson r (1994) - managing planet earth the ethics of wealth creation [ 75 ] hubner jurg (1981) - zur ethik genetischer beratung theologisch ethische [ 131 ] huchingson james e (1973) - toward a naturalized technology [ 114 ] hurst john s (1972) - towards a theology of conservation [ 117 ] ivanov m s (1993) - orthodox theology and ecological problems paper fr 3 [ 88 ] jacobson jo (1991) - root causes of migration refugees the environmental [ 98 ] jegen mary (1991) - dwelling place it is in the shelter of each other th [ 26 ] kelley arl (1971) - ecclesiological and mission planning significance of [ 27 ] koberle adolf (1974) - kirche und lebensreform [ 70 ] kothari sm (1985) - ecology vs development the struggle for survival nar [ 36 ] kwok pui lan (1992) - ecology and the recycling of christianity [ 34 ] laszlo erv (1991) - human survival the responsibility of science and rel [ 61 ] lawton kim a (1990) - is there room for prolife environmentalists [ 67 ] lee cameron (1988) - toward a social ecology of the ministers family [ 115 ] lewis mart (1994) - environmental history challenges the myth of a primo [ 42 ] link christian (1981) - herausforderung der ethik durch die humangenetik [ 57 ] lovatt joh (1995) - co creating with christ the ethics of wealth creatio [ 16 ] luttwak ed (1993) - if bosnians were dolphins confusion over us and un i [ 62 ] macinnes g (1987) - ecological analysis of a site and service project pt [ 31 ] maguire daniel c (1994) - cairo consensus at the population conference [ 8 ] mann charl (1993) - how many is too many world population growth and its [ 59 ] marfoe leo (1979) - integrative transformation patterns of sociopolitica [ 63 ] marshall ed (1992) - jesus and the environment how green is christianity [ 68 ] marshall p (1985) - christian view of economics stewardship of the earth [ 13 ] mcintosh a (1994) - scottish highlands in colonial and psychodynamic per [ 102 ] mckinney maxine (1985) - teaching them how to live children photo [ 109 ] merrill charles (1969) - world of overpop [ 130 ] midgley mary (1992) - is the biosphere a luxury [ 66 ] miller ver (1994) - self worth and the sewage treatment plant one of the [ 103 ] monture jo (1993) - saving mother earth to save ourselves native america [ 100 ] muller jul (1994) - eco hermeneutical perspective on inter cultural coun [ 28 ] nadkarni avadh (1993) - green revolution twenty five years later bibliog [ 53 ] nielsen ca (1991) - environmental refugees made homeless by ecological d [ 43 ] noh jong s (1989) - human ecology in a divided land toward a theology of [ 60 ] paigen beve (1982) - controversy at love canal the ethical dimensions of [ 22 ] palmer thomas (1992) - case for human beings [ 10 ] papagiannis (1992) - can science search for god paper fr christian faith [ 9 ] persaud win (1992) - towards a trinitarian theology of justification and [ 118 ] peters kar (1992) - interrelating nature humanity and the work of god so [ 65 ] phillips ron (1973) - tree managers [ 121 ] preston ro (1980) - question of a just participatory and sustainable soc [ 93 ] randolph r (1990) - christian understanding of human nature a key contri [ 12 ] rice jim (1993) - save paradise tear up a parking lot depaving movemen [ 99 ] richmond garlan (1989) - ecosystemic perspective for family ministry fig [ 37 ] rivington clifford w (1976) - neighbours unborn [ 83 ] rolston holmes iii (1973) - community ecological and ecumenical [ 17 ] romanna al (1989) - autonomous economy an emerging alternative to indust [ 4 ] rossi vinc (1981) - eleventh commandment toward an ethic of ecology repr [ 39 ] runo patri (1984) - reclamation resacralization and regeneration approac [ 94 ] rust eric c (1972) - nature and man in theological perspective [ 80 ] saldanha c (1995) - management of the earth a responsible response paper [ 74 ] schweiker (1987) - to dwell on the earth authority and ecumenical theol [ 112 ] scott kieran (1981) - local church as an ecology of human development [ 71 ] snyder gary (1980) - where we are reprint photos by m orlove [ 125 ] snyder howa (1995) - why we love the earth belief in a creator editorial [ 127 ] sorokin vl (1985) - hope unity and peace vital concerns of the conferenc [ 58 ] soskice janet martin (1991) - creation and relation [ 24 ] sperry roger w (1986) - science values and survival bibliog [ 101 ] st john donal (1982) - energy vision and the future a hopeful reflection [ 40 ] stange mar (1990) - ecofeminist vision must spur action to transform hum [ 29 ] stein george j (1981) - new ethics of survival [ 84 ] stone jero (1993) - broadening caring discerning worth the environmental [ 7 ] strong maurice f (1992) - only one earth [ 86 ] tucker mar (1991) - confucianism and christianity resources for an ecolo [ 19 ] vaney neil (1995) - biodiversity and beauty human moral obligation to al [ 6 ] vannucci marta (1992) - tradition and change india photos [ 120 ] viegas phi (1985) - social costs of deforestation in india forest dwelle [ 104 ] vischer lukas (1995) - consecrating work and rest [ 20 ] voelkel wi (1970) - creating human environment mission for the seventies [ 23 ] wall james m (1991) - expanding our identification horizons [ 45 ] ward barba (1973) - justice in a human environment paper cicop conf 1973 [ 69 ] webster lucy (1973) - global federalism and world ecology [ 49 ] williams d (1993) - fill the earth and subdue it gn 1 28 dominion to exp [ 46 ] zilz melvi (1971) - ecological crisis twentieth century thorns conservat [ 33 ]
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 10, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 10, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=HUMAN ECOLOGY
1969 1969 - world of overpop /merrill charles/ 1969 art [ 130 ] ( 1 ) 1970 1970 - creating human environment mission for the seventies /voelkel wi/ 1970 art [ 23 ] 1970 - mcu congress 27 31 july 1970 modern churchmens union /drewett al/ 1970 art [ 76 ] 1970 - unanswerable questions repr /ferry wilbur high/ 1970 art [ 123 ] ( 3 ) 1971 1971 - churches and the future a utopian proposal repr /cauthen kenneth/ 1971 art [ 15 ] 1971 - ecclesiological and mission planning significance of /kelley arl/ 1971 art [ 27 ] 1971 - ecological crisis twentieth century thorns conservat /zilz melvi/ 1971 art [ 33 ] ( 3 ) 1972 1972 - alternatives to catastrophe conf on environment clar/ 1972 art [ 1 ] 1972 - ecological crisis /davis wayne h/ 1972 art [ 32 ] 1972 - nature and man in theological perspective /rust eric c/ 1972 art [ 80 ] 1972 - population control begins with you /finnin william/ 1972 art [ 90 ] 1972 - towards a theology of conservation /hurst john s/ 1972 art [ 117 ] ( 5 ) 1973 1973 - community ecological and ecumenical /rolston holmes iii/ 1973 art [ 17 ] 1973 - consider the lilies /hendry george s/ 1973 art [ 21 ] 1973 - global federalism and world ecology /webster lucy/ 1973 art [ 49 ] 1973 - global population crisis repr/ 1973 art [ 50 ] 1973 - group of omen idea proposal for coordinating ecologi /buchanan m/ 1973 art [ 55 ] 1973 - justice in a human environment paper cicop conf 1973 /ward barba/ 1973 art [ 69 ] 1973 - toward a naturalized technology /huchingson james e/ 1973 art [ 114 ] 1973 - tree managers /phillips ron/ 1973 art [ 121 ] ( 8 ) 1974 1974 - christianity technology and the human future /ferkiss victor/ 1974 art [ 14 ] 1974 - kirche und lebensreform /koberle adolf/ 1974 bks [ 70 ] ( 2 ) 1976 1976 - neighbours unborn /rivington clifford w/ 1976 art [ 83 ] 1976 - uberleben und ethik die notwendigkeit bescheiden zu/ 1976 bks [ 122 ] ( 2 ) 1979 1979 - assessing lifeboat ethics reply to w w benjamin /finnin william/ 1979 art [ 3 ] 1979 - challenge to the eco doomsters /benjamin walter w/ 1979 art [ 11 ] 1979 - integrative transformation patterns of sociopolitica /marfoe leo/ 1979 art [ 63 ] ( 3 ) 1980 1980 - question of a just participatory and sustainable soc /preston ro/ 1980 art [ 93 ] 1980 - where we are reprint photos by m orlove /snyder gary/ 1980 art [ 125 ] ( 2 ) 1981 1981 - eleventh commandment toward an ethic of ecology repr /rossi vinc/ 1981 art [ 39 ] 1981 - herausforderung der ethik durch die humangenetik /link christian/ 1981 art [ 57 ] 1981 - local church as an ecology of human development /scott kieran/ 1981 art [ 71 ] 1981 - new ethics of survival /stein george j/ 1981 art [ 84 ] 1981 - zur ethik genetischer beratung theologisch ethische /hubner jurg/ 1981 art [ 131 ] ( 5 ) 1982 1982 - controversy at love canal the ethical dimensions of /paigen beve/ 1982 art [ 22 ] 1982 - energy vision and the future a hopeful reflection /st john donal/ 1982 art [ 40 ] 1982 - evolution and imminent extinction of an avaricious s /emsley mic/ 1982 bks [ 44 ] ( 3 ) 1983 1983 - forests environment and people thematic issue india/ 1983 art [ 48 ] ( 1 ) 1984 1984 - reclamation resacralization and regeneration approac /runo patri/ 1984 bks [ 94 ] ( 1 ) 1985 1985 - christian view of economics stewardship of the earth /marshall p/ 1985 art [ 13 ] 1985 - ecology vs development the struggle for survival nar /kothari sm/ 1985 art [ 36 ] 1985 - global threat to mankind global strategy of peace rp /denisenko/ 1985 art [ 51 ] 1985 - hope unity and peace vital concerns of the conferenc /sorokin vl/ 1985 art [ 58 ] 1985 - social costs of deforestation in india forest dwelle /viegas phi/ 1985 art [ 104 ] 1985 - social impact of environmental deterioration india t/ 1985 art [ 105 ] 1985 - stadt fur menschen aufforderung zur humanen und okol /binswanger/ 1985 art [ 108 ] 1985 - teaching them how to live children photo /mckinney maxine/ 1985 art [ 109 ] 1985 - women and natural resources poor rural women in indi /agarwal an/ 1985 art [ 129 ] ( 9 ) 1986 1986 - organizacion social y vision ecologica de un sistema /bunker ste/ 1986 art [ 87 ] 1986 - science values and survival bibliog /sperry roger w/ 1986 art [ 101 ] 1986 - technology and ethics reflections after chernobyl /french willia/ 1986 art [ 110 ] ( 3 ) 1987 1987 - ecological analysis of a site and service project pt /macinnes g/ 1987 art [ 31 ] 1987 - sozial raumliche differenzierung in der gegenwartige /ciesla sta/ 1987 bks [ 106 ] 1987 - to dwell on the earth authority and ecumenical theol /schweiker/ 1987 bks [ 112 ] ( 3 ) 1988 1988 - global forum of spiritual and parliamentary leaders/ 1988 art [ 132 ] 1988 - habits of the heart and educational ministry /conrad robert/ 1988 art [ 56 ] 1988 - toward a social ecology of the ministers family /lee cameron/ 1988 art [ 115 ] ( 3 ) 1989 1989 - autonomous economy an emerging alternative to indust /romanna al/ 1989 art [ 4 ] 1989 - demographics of religious participation an ecologica /finke roge/ 1989 art [ 25 ] 1989 - ecosystemic perspective for family ministry fig /richmond garlan/ 1989 art [ 37 ] 1989 - human ecology in a divided land toward a theology of /noh jong s/ 1989 art [ 60 ] 1989 - towards a relational theory of intergenerational eth /agius emma/ 1989 art [ 116 ] 1989 - will our children accuse us ethical awareness in con /cargas har/ 1989 bks [ 128 ] ( 6 ) 1990 1990 - christian understanding of human nature a key contri /randolph r/ 1990 art [ 12 ] 1990 - ecofeminist vision must spur action to transform hum /stange mar/ 1990 art [ 29 ] 1990 - fondements de la morale reflexions dun biologiste /dietrich jose/ 1990 art [ 47 ] 1990 - integrity of the variegated creation christian inst/ 1990 art [ 64 ] 1990 - is there room for prolife environmentalists /lawton kim a/ 1990 art [ 67 ] 1990 - nippur buildings an environmental model /brandt margaret catlin/ 1990 art [ 85 ] ( 6 ) 1991 1991 - concerning the chickens relation of humanity and cre /boogaart t/ 1991 art [ 18 ] 1991 - confucianism and christianity resources for an ecolo /tucker mar/ 1991 art [ 19 ] 1991 - creation and relation /soskice janet martin/ 1991 art [ 24 ] 1991 - dwelling place it is in the shelter of each other th /jegen mary/ 1991 art [ 26 ] 1991 - ecology for the soul a rpt fr european ecumenical as /gundyayev/ 1991 art [ 35 ] 1991 - environmental refugees made homeless by ecological d /nielsen ca/ 1991 art [ 43 ] 1991 - expanding our identification horizons /wall james m/ 1991 art [ 45 ] 1991 - human survival the responsibility of science and rel /laszlo erv/ 1991 art [ 61 ] 1991 - place feminism and healing an ecology of pastoral co /filippi li/ 1991 art [ 89 ] 1991 - root causes of migration refugees the environmental /jacobson jo/ 1991 art [ 98 ] ( 10 ) 1992 1992 - can science search for god paper fr christian faith /papagiannis/ 1992 art [ 9 ] 1992 - case for human beings /palmer thomas/ 1992 art [ 10 ] 1992 - ecology and the recycling of christianity /kwok pui lan/ 1992 art [ 34 ] 1992 - environment and north south relations/ 1992 art [ 41 ] 1992 - green spirituality a postmodern convergence of scien /griffin da/ 1992 art [ 54 ] 1992 - interrelating nature humanity and the work of god so /peters kar/ 1992 art [ 65 ] 1992 - is the biosphere a luxury /midgley mary/ 1992 art [ 66 ] 1992 - jesus and the environment how green is christianity /marshall ed/ 1992 art [ 68 ] 1992 - looking back looking ahead toward an ecological syst /clinebell/ 1992 art [ 72 ] 1992 - man and his role in the environment orthodox patrist /aiden brot/ 1992 art [ 73 ] 1992 - missionary earthkeeping/ 1992 bks [ 78 ] 1992 - nature est morte vive la nature /callicott j baird/ 1992 art [ 81 ] 1992 - nature gods great project bibliog /hefner philip j/ 1992 art [ 82 ] 1992 - only one earth /strong maurice f/ 1992 art [ 86 ] 1992 - to be human against all odds/ 1992 art [ 111 ] 1992 - to fund a model for human survival sustainable use o /heiner how/ 1992 art [ 113 ] 1992 - towards a trinitarian theology of justification and /persaud win/ 1992 art [ 118 ] 1992 - tradition and change india photos /vannucci marta/ 1992 art [ 120 ] ( 18 ) 1993 1993 - broadening caring discerning worth the environmental /stone jero/ 1993 art [ 7 ] 1993 - ecologia pobreza y solidaridad latin america/ 1993 art [ 30 ] 1993 - fill the earth and subdue it gn 1 28 dominion to exp /williams d/ 1993 art [ 46 ] 1993 - gott und gaja zur theologie der erde/ 1993 art [ 52 ] 1993 - green revolution twenty five years later bibliog /nadkarni avadh/ 1993 art [ 53 ] 1993 - how many is too many world population growth and its /mann charl/ 1993 art [ 59 ] 1993 - if bosnians were dolphins confusion over us and un i /luttwak ed/ 1993 art [ 62 ] 1993 - orthodox theology and ecological problems paper fr 3 /ivanov m s/ 1993 art [ 88 ] 1993 - save paradise tear up a parking lot depaving movemen /rice jim/ 1993 art [ 99 ] 1993 - saving mother earth to save ourselves native america /monture jo/ 1993 art [ 100 ] 1993 - special issue on ecology and process thought/ 1993 art [ 107 ] 1993 - towards an ecological consciousness bibliog /agwan a r/ 1993 art [ 119 ] 1993 - why should i care for creation a half dozen or so ar /bouma pred/ 1993 art [ 126 ] ( 13 ) 1994 1994 - ark of safety roots of hope christian alternatives t/ 1994 art [ 2 ] 1994 - averting ecological catastrophe steps toward a human /fox michae/ 1994 art [ 5 ] 1994 - cairo consensus at the population conference /maguire daniel c/ 1994 art [ 8 ] 1994 - eco hermeneutical perspective on inter cultural coun /muller jul/ 1994 art [ 28 ] 1994 - ecozoic era right relation between humanity and envi /berry thom/ 1994 art [ 38 ] 1994 - environmental history challenges the myth of a primo /lewis mart/ 1994 art [ 42 ] 1994 - managing planet earth the ethics of wealth creation /higginson r/ 1994 art [ 75 ] 1994 - natural conditions ecology and the buddhist perfecti /halifax jo/ 1994 art [ 79 ] 1994 - protecting humanity and its environment a bahai pers /coleman jo/ 1994 art [ 92 ] 1994 - rene dubos pionnier de lecologie scientifique eng ab /arnould ja/ 1994 art [ 95 ] 1994 - responsible stewardship of earths resources /akhongo ernest mich/ 1994 art [ 96 ] 1994 - scottish highlands in colonial and psychodynamic per /mcintosh a/ 1994 art [ 102 ] 1994 - self worth and the sewage treatment plant one of the /miller ver/ 1994 art [ 103 ] 1994 - watery depths ecofeminism and redemptive wetlands bi /betcher sh/ 1994 art [ 124 ] ( 14 ) 1995 1995 - biodiversity and beauty human moral obligation to al /vaney neil/ 1995 art [ 6 ] 1995 - co creating with christ the ethics of wealth creatio /lovatt joh/ 1995 art [ 16 ] 1995 - consecrating work and rest /vischer lukas/ 1995 art [ 20 ] 1995 - management of the earth a responsible response paper /saldanha c/ 1995 art [ 74 ] 1995 - mensch tier beziehung in kirche und umweltbewegung d /baranzke h/ 1995 art [ 77 ] 1995 - population ecology and women un conf on population a /gudorf chr/ 1995 art [ 91 ] 1995 - resurrecting land/ 1995 art [ 97 ] 1995 - why we love the earth belief in a creator editorial /snyder howa/ 1995 art [ 127 ] ( 8 )