Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 14, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 14, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE
Subject - Alphabetical Title ListingSUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE 1 [retrieves related heading: ALTERNATIVE AGRICULTURE] 2 [retrieves related heading: SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY] 3 [retrieves broader heading: AGRICULTURE] 4 agrarian reform and grassroots development ten case/ 1990 bks 5 agriculture trade and the environment discovering an/ 1996 bks 6 agroecology researching the ecological basis for sus/ 1990 bks 7 countrysides at risk the political geography of sust /paarlberg/ 1994 bks 8 dryland forestry planning and management/ 1995 bks 9 eco agriculture food first farming theory and practi /kiley wort/ 1993 bks 10 environment development agriculture integrated polic /glaeser be/ 1995 bks 11 environmentally sound small scale agricultural proje /altieri mi/ 1988 bks 12 family agriculture tradition and transformation /francis david g/ 1994 bks 13 field margins integrating agriculture and conservati/ 1994 bks 14 food 2000 global policies for sustainable agricultur /world comm/ 1987 bks 15 from the ground up rethinking industrial agriculture /goering pe/ 1993 bks 16 global dust bowl can we stop the destruction of the /freudenberg/ 1990 bks 17 integrating biotechnology in agriculture incentives /brenner car/ 1996 bks 18 land quality indicators and their use in sustainable/ 1997 bks 19 livestock for a small earth the role of animals in a/ 1994 bks 20 new directions for agriculture forestry and fisherie/ 1994 bks 21 okologisk jordbrug selvstaendighed eller afhaengighe /bjerke fle/ 1991 bks 22 policies for sustainable agriculture /norse david/ 1992 bks 23 regenerating agriculture policies and practice for s /pretty jul/ 1995 bks 24 regenerating agriculture policies and practice for s /pretty jul/ 1995 bks 25 return to the good earth damaging effects of modern/ 1990 bks 26 review of sustainable development activities in u s /united stat/ 1994 bks 27 science agriculture and food security /hulse joseph h/ 1995 bks 28 sheng tai nung yeh nung yeh ti wei lai /yeh chien chi/ 1988 bks 29 smallholders householders farm families and the ecol /netting ro/ 1993 bks 30 soil biota nutrient cycling and farming systems/ 1993 bks 31 sustainability in irrigated agriculture /svendsen mark 1945/ 1992 bks 32 sustainable agricultural systems/ 1990 bks 33 sustainable agriculture and the environment perspect/ 1992 bks 34 sustainable agriculture concepts issues and policies/ 1995 bks 35 sustainable agriculture systems/ 1994 bks 36 sustainable development systems for small farmers is /swaminatha/ 1992 bks 37 toward a working agenda for sustainable agricultural /trigo edua/ 1991 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --AFRICA 38 development of sustainable agricultural production s /okigbo bed/ 1991 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --AFRICA EASTERN --CONGRESSES 39 sustainable groundnut production in southern and eas/ 1994 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --AFRICA SOUTHERN --CONGRESSES 40 sustainable groundnut production in southern and eas/ 1994 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --AFRICA SUB SAHARAN 41 non governmental organizations and the state in afri/ 1993 bks 42 strategies for developing a viable and sustainable a /kesseba ab/ 1992 bks 43 strategy to develop agriculture in sub saharan afric /cleaver ke/ 1993 bks 44 sustainable food production in sub saharan africa 1/ 1992 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --AFRICA WEST --CONGRESSES 45 sustainable settlement and development of the onchoc/ 1995 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --AMAZON RIVER REGION 46 sustainable settlement in the brazilian amazon /almeida anna lui/ 1995 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --ARGENTINA 47 agricultura sustentable en argentina /carballo carlos/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --ARGENTINA --CONGRESSES 48 juicio a nuestra agricultura seminario hacia el desa/ 1991 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --ASEAN COUNTRIES --CONGRESSES 49 sustainable integrated rural development defining an /regional w/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --ASIA 50 issues of sustainability in agricultural development /ahmad yusu/ 1992 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --ASIA --CONGRESSES 51 aez in asia proceedings of the regional workshop on /regional wo/ 1991 bks 52 sowing the seeds for our future report of the second /asian deve/ 1994 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --ASIA SOUTHEASTERN 53 sustainable animal production from small farm system /devendra c/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --AUSTRALIA 54 greening a brown land the australian search for sust /barr neil/ 1992 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --BIBLIOGRAPHY 55 biotechnology and sustainable agriculture a bibliogr /guenther k/ 1994 bks 56 sustainable agriculture in print current books/ 1995 bks 57 sustainable agriculture in print current books/ 1996 bks 58 sustainable or alternative agriculture january 1990 /gates jane/ 1992 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --BRAZIL 59 sustainable settlement in the brazilian amazon /almeida anna lui/ 1995 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --CANADA 60 environmentally perverse government incentives /clement philippe/ 1992 bks 61 sustainability of farmed lands current trends and th /bentley c/ 1985 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --CANADA --CONGRESSES 62 guelph seminars on sustainable development/ 1990 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --CANADA --DIRECTORIES 63 educational and training opportunities in organic lo /gates jane/ 1989 bks 64 educational and training opportunities in sustainabl /gates jane/ 1990 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --CASE STUDIES --CONGRESSES 65 land use planning applications proceedings of the fa/ 1991 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --CENTRAL AMERICA 66 experiencia de centroamerica y republica dominicana /kaimowitz d/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --CENTRAL AMERICA --CONGRESSES 67 agricultura sostenible en las laderas centroamerican /workshop o/ 1991 bks 68 sustainable agriculture in central america/ 1997 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --CHILE --CASE STUDIES 69 agricultural policy and sustainability case studies/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --CHINA 70 sustainable agriculture and rural development in chi /qu futian/ 1994 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --CONGRESSES 71 agricultural competitiveness market forces and polic /internatio/ 1995 bks 72 agricultural restructuring and sustainability a geog/ 1997 bks 73 agricultural sustainability economic environmental a/ 1995 bks 74 agroecologia y desarrollo sustentable /seminario internacional d/ 1996 bks 75 biotic diversity in agroecosystems papers from a sym /symposium/ 1992 bks 76 crop protection and sustainable agriculture/ 1993 bks 77 desarrollo agropecuario sustentable estrategias para/ 1995 bks 78 diversity farmer knowledge and sustainability/ 1992 bks 79 environment and agriculture rethinking development i/ 1994 bks 80 environmentally sound agriculture proceedings of the/ 1994 bks 81 extended versions of papers presented in the symposi/ 1992 bks 82 growing our future food security and the environment/ 1992 bks 83 guelph seminars on sustainable development/ 1990 bks 84 iii seminario internacional desarrollo sostenible de /seminario/ 1994 bks 85 integrating sustainable agriculture ecology and envi/ 1992 bks 86 land is life land reform and sustainable agriculture/ 1992 bks 87 management of biological nitrogen fixation for the d /symposium/ 1995 bks 88 pleins feux sur une ruralite viable/ 1994 bks 89 selected papers from a meeting on arbuscular mycorrh /meeting on/ 1996 bks 90 soil ecology in sustainable agricultural systems/ 1997 bks 91 stressed ecosystems and and sustainable agriculture/ 1995 bks 92 sustaining agriculture near cities/ 1987 bks 93 worlds savannas economic driving forces ecological c/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --COSTA RICA 94 costa rica indigenas y practicas agricolas sostenibl /vargas car/ 1991 bks 95 fifth kew environmental lecture /kew environmental lecture 5th 1/ 1995 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 96 agro ecological zoning guidelines/ 1996 bks 97 countrysides at risk the political geography of sust /paarlberg/ 1994 bks 98 food from dryland gardens an ecological nutritional /cleveland d/ 1991 bks 99 joining farmers experiments experiences in participa/ 1991 bks 100 to feed the earth agro ecology for sustainable devel /dover mich/ 1987 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --DEVELOPING COUNTRIES --CASE STUDIES 101 reluctant partners non governmental organizations th /farrington/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --DEVELOPING COUNTRIES --CONGRESSES 102 integration of sustainable agriculture and rural dev /fao winroc/ 1996 bks 103 social science research for agricultural technology/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 104 experiencia de centroamerica y republica dominicana /kaimowitz d/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --ECONOMIC ASPECTS 105 food for the future conditions and contradictions of/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --AFRICA --CONGRESSES 106 economic choices for sustainable agriculture in afri/ 1988 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --BIBLIOGRAPHY 107 alternative farming systems economic aspects january /schneider/ 1993 bks 108 socioeconomics of sustainable agriculture an annotat /goreham ga/ 1992 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --CANADA 109 agriculture and the environment economic dimensions /canadian ag/ 1990 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 110 institutional sustainability in agriculture and rura/ 1990 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --EGYPT 111 sustainable agriculture in egypt/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS 112 sustainability marginal areas and agricultural resea /schuh g ed/ 1992 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --GOVERNMENT POLICY 113 food 2000 global policies for sustainable agricultur /world comm/ 1987 bks 114 regenerating agriculture policies and practice for s /pretty jul/ 1995 bks 115 regenerating agriculture policies and practice for s /pretty jul/ 1995 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --GOVERNMENT POLICY --BIOTECHNOLOGY 116 biotechnology and sustainable agriculture policy alt/ 1989 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --GOVERNMENT POLICY --CONGRESSES 117 sustainable agricultural development the role of int /internatio/ 1992 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --GOVERNMENT POLICY --UNITED STATES 118 growing green enhancing the economic and environment /faeth paul/ 1995 bks 119 sustainable agriculture hearing before the subcommit /united sta/ 1993 bks 120 sustainable agriculture task force report/ 1997 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --GREAT BRITAIN 121 future harvests the economics of farming and the env /jenkins t/ 1990 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --GREAT PLAINS 122 agriculture and sustainable development policy analy /wilson art/ 1995 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --HEALTH ASPECTS --DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 123 health and sustainable agricultural development pers/ 1994 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --HISTORY 124 history of agriculture and the environment/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --INDIA --CASE STUDIES 125 agricultural policy and sustainability case studies/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --INDIA --DIRECTORIES 126 green farming a directory of individuals and organis/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --INDONESIA 127 indonesia sustainable development of forests land an/ 1990 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --LATIN AMERICA 128 bittersweet harvests for global supermarkets challen /thrupp lor/ 1995 bks 129 fragile lands of latin america strategies for sustai/ 1989 bks 130 non governmental organizations and the state in lati /bebbington/ 1994 bks 131 toward a working agenda for sustainable agricultural /trigo edua/ 1991 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --LATIN AMERICA --CONGRESSES 132 agricultura y desarrollo sostenible en la tercera cu/ 1993 bks 133 agroecologia y desarrollo sustentable /seminario internacional d/ 1996 bks 134 memorias del seminario taller internacional el desar /seminario/ 1994 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --MALI 135 agrarwissen bauerlicher gruppen in mali westafrika s /krings tho/ 1991 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --MIDDLE WEST 136 sustainable agriculture in the american midwest less/ 1994 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --NEPAL 137 sustainable livestock production in the mountain agr/ 1992 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --NETHERLANDS 138 sustainable land use/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --NEW ZEALAND --CONGRESSES 139 sustainable integrated rural development defining an /regional w/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --NICARAGUA 140 agricultura sostenible en nicaragua /saborio lorena/ 1991 bks 141 from peasant to peasant about a group of poor peasan /nielsen ca/ 1994 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --NICARAGUA --CASE STUDIES 142 desarrollo agroecologico y asociatividad campesina e /nunez soto/ 1995 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --PERU --CONGRESSES 143 agricultura ecologica en el peru /encuentro nacional de agricult/ 1990 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --PHILIPPINES 144 rice beyond the green revolution seeking equity sust/ 1995 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --PHILIPPINES --CASE STUDIES 145 agricultural policy and sustainability case studies/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --PRAIRIE PROVINCES 146 agriculture and sustainable development policy analy /wilson art/ 1995 bks 147 sustainability of canadas agri food system a prairie/ 1994 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --RESEARCH 148 agroecology researching the ecological basis for sus/ 1990 bks 149 sustainable agriculture research and education in th /national r/ 1991 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --RESEARCH --CONGRESSES 150 agricultural sustainability economic environmental a/ 1995 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --RESEARCH --INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION --CONGRESSES 151 toward sustainability a plan for collaborative resea/ 1991 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --RESEARCH --UNITED STATES 152 planting the future developing an agriculture that s/ 1995 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --SAN JUAN RIVER REGION NICARAGUA AND COSTA RICA 153 agricultura migratoria y desarrollo sostenible en la/ 1991 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --SOUTHERN CONE OF SOUTH AMERICA --CONGRESSES 154 desarrollo agropecuario sustentable estrategias para/ 1995 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --STUDY AND TEACHING --CANADA --DIRECTORIES 155 educational and training opportunities in sustainabl/ 1990+ ser 156 educational and training opportunities in sustainabl /gates jane/ 1995 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --STUDY AND TEACHING --UNITED STATES --DIRECTORIES 157 educational and training opportunities in sustainabl/ 1990+ ser 158 educational and training opportunities in sustainabl /gates jane/ 1995 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --SUDAN 159 smabonder i sudan perspektiver for en baeredygtig ud/ 1989 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --TROPICS 160 saving the tropical forests /gradwohl judith/ 1988 bks 161 saving the tropical forests /gradwohl judith/ 1988 bks 162 sustainable agriculture and the environment in the h /national r/ 1993 bks 163 sustainable harvest of non timber plant resources in /peters cha/ 1994 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --UNITED STATES 164 agriculture and the environment/ 1991 bks 165 farming in natures image an ecological approach to a /soule judi/ 1992 bks 166 farmland preservation as strategic land use and prud /mcgrath jo/ 1996 bks 167 paying the farm bill u s agricultural policy and the /faeth paul/ 1991 bks 168 planting the future developing an agriculture that s/ 1995 bks 169 u s agriculture hearings before the joint economic c /united sta/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --UNITED STATES --CASE STUDIES 170 agricultural policy and sustainability case studies/ 1993 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --UNITED STATES --CONGRESSES 171 environmentally sound agriculture proceedings of the/ 1994 bks 172 integrating sustainable agriculture ecology and envi/ 1992 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --UNITED STATES --DIRECTORIES 173 educational and training opportunities in organic lo /gates jane/ 1989 bks 174 educational and training opportunities in sustainabl /gates jane/ 1990 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --ZIMBABWE 175 conservation tillage in zimbabwe evaluation of sever /vogel hors/ 1994 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE --ZIMBABWE --CONGRESSES 176 waste or want environment and poverty seminar papers /environmen/ 1995 bks SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE RESEARCH AND EDUCATION PROGRAM 177 [retrieves: USDA SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE RESEARCH AND EDUCATION PROGRAM] SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE Z AUSTRALIA --HISTORY 178 greening a brown land the australian search for sust /barr neil/ 1992 bks
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 14, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 14, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE
ahmad yusu (1992) - issues of sustainability in agricultural development [ 50 ] almeida anna lui (1995) - sustainable settlement in the brazilian amazon [ 46 ] altieri mi (1988) - environmentally sound small scale agricultural proje [ 11 ] asian deve (1994) - sowing the seeds for our future report of the second [ 52 ] barr neil (1992) - greening a brown land the australian search for sust [ 54 ] bebbington (1994) - non governmental organizations and the state in lati [ 130 ] bentley c (1985) - sustainability of farmed lands current trends and th [ 61 ] bjerke fle (1991) - okologisk jordbrug selvstaendighed eller afhaengighe [ 21 ] brenner car (1996) - integrating biotechnology in agriculture incentives [ 17 ] canadian ag (1990) - agriculture and the environment economic dimensions [ 109 ] carballo carlos (1993) - agricultura sustentable en argentina [ 47 ] cleaver ke (1993) - strategy to develop agriculture in sub saharan afric [ 43 ] clement philippe (1992) - environmentally perverse government incentives [ 60 ] cleveland d (1991) - food from dryland gardens an ecological nutritional [ 98 ] devendra c (1993) - sustainable animal production from small farm system [ 53 ] dover mich (1987) - to feed the earth agro ecology for sustainable devel [ 100 ] encuentro nacional de agricult (1990) - agricultura ecologica en el peru [ 143 ] environmen (1995) - waste or want environment and poverty seminar papers [ 176 ] faeth paul (1991) - paying the farm bill u s agricultural policy and the [ 167 ] faeth paul (1995) - growing green enhancing the economic and environment [ 118 ] fao winroc (1996) - integration of sustainable agriculture and rural dev [ 102 ] farrington (1993) - reluctant partners non governmental organizations th [ 101 ] francis david g (1994) - family agriculture tradition and transformation [ 12 ] freudenberg (1990) - global dust bowl can we stop the destruction of the [ 16 ] gates jane (1989) - educational and training opportunities in organic lo [ 63 ] gates jane (1990) - educational and training opportunities in sustainabl [ 64 ] gates jane (1992) - sustainable or alternative agriculture january 1990 [ 58 ] gates jane (1995) - educational and training opportunities in sustainabl [ 156 ] glaeser be (1995) - environment development agriculture integrated polic [ 10 ] goering pe (1993) - from the ground up rethinking industrial agriculture [ 15 ] goreham ga (1992) - socioeconomics of sustainable agriculture an annotat [ 108 ] gradwohl judith (1988) - saving the tropical forests [ 160 ] guenther k (1994) - biotechnology and sustainable agriculture a bibliogr [ 55 ] hulse joseph h (1995) - science agriculture and food security [ 27 ] internatio (1992) - sustainable agricultural development the role of int [ 117 ] internatio (1995) - agricultural competitiveness market forces and polic [ 71 ] jenkins t (1990) - future harvests the economics of farming and the env [ 121 ] kaimowitz d (1993) - experiencia de centroamerica y republica dominicana [ 66 ] kesseba ab (1992) - strategies for developing a viable and sustainable a [ 42 ] kew environmental lecture 5th 1 (1995) - fifth kew environmental lecture [ 95 ] kiley wort (1993) - eco agriculture food first farming theory and practi [ 9 ] krings tho (1991) - agrarwissen bauerlicher gruppen in mali westafrika s [ 135 ] mcgrath jo (1996) - farmland preservation as strategic land use and prud [ 166 ] meeting on (1996) - selected papers from a meeting on arbuscular mycorrh [ 89 ] national r (1991) - sustainable agriculture research and education in th [ 149 ] national r (1993) - sustainable agriculture and the environment in the h [ 162 ] netting ro (1993) - smallholders householders farm families and the ecol [ 29 ] nielsen ca (1994) - from peasant to peasant about a group of poor peasan [ 141 ] norse david (1992) - policies for sustainable agriculture [ 22 ] nunez soto (1995) - desarrollo agroecologico y asociatividad campesina e [ 142 ] okigbo bed (1991) - development of sustainable agricultural production s [ 38 ] paarlberg (1994) - countrysides at risk the political geography of sust [ 7 ] peters cha (1994) - sustainable harvest of non timber plant resources in [ 163 ] pretty jul (1995) - regenerating agriculture policies and practice for s [ 23 ] qu futian (1994) - sustainable agriculture and rural development in chi [ 70 ] regional w (1993) - sustainable integrated rural development defining an [ 49 ] regional wo (1991) - aez in asia proceedings of the regional workshop on [ 51 ] saborio lorena (1991) - agricultura sostenible en nicaragua [ 140 ] schneider (1993) - alternative farming systems economic aspects january [ 107 ] schuh g ed (1992) - sustainability marginal areas and agricultural resea [ 112 ] seminario (1994) - iii seminario internacional desarrollo sostenible de [ 84 ] seminario (1994) - memorias del seminario taller internacional el desar [ 134 ] seminario internacional d (1996) - agroecologia y desarrollo sustentable [ 74 ] soule judi (1992) - farming in natures image an ecological approach to a [ 165 ] svendsen mark 1945 (1992) - sustainability in irrigated agriculture [ 31 ] swaminatha (1992) - sustainable development systems for small farmers is [ 36 ] symposium (1992) - biotic diversity in agroecosystems papers from a sym [ 75 ] symposium (1995) - management of biological nitrogen fixation for the d [ 87 ] thrupp lor (1995) - bittersweet harvests for global supermarkets challen [ 128 ] trigo edua (1991) - toward a working agenda for sustainable agricultural [ 37 ] united sta (1993) - sustainable agriculture hearing before the subcommit [ 119 ] united sta (1993) - u s agriculture hearings before the joint economic c [ 169 ] united stat (1994) - review of sustainable development activities in u s [ 26 ] vargas car (1991) - costa rica indigenas y practicas agricolas sostenibl [ 94 ] vogel hors (1994) - conservation tillage in zimbabwe evaluation of sever [ 175 ] wilson art (1995) - agriculture and sustainable development policy analy [ 122 ] workshop o (1991) - agricultura sostenible en las laderas centroamerican [ 67 ] world comm (1987) - food 2000 global policies for sustainable agricultur [ 14 ] yeh chien chi (1988) - sheng tai nung yeh nung yeh ti wei lai [ 28 ]
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 14, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 14, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE
1985 1985 - sustainability of farmed lands current trends and th /bentley c/ 1985 bks [ 61 ] ( 1 ) 1987 1987 - food 2000 global policies for sustainable agricultur /world comm/ 1987 bks [ 14 ] 1987 - food 2000 global policies for sustainable agricultur /world comm/ 1987 bks [ 113 ] 1987 - sustaining agriculture near cities/ 1987 bks [ 92 ] 1987 - to feed the earth agro ecology for sustainable devel /dover mich/ 1987 bks [ 100 ] ( 4 ) 1988 1988 - economic choices for sustainable agriculture in afri/ 1988 bks [ 106 ] 1988 - environmentally sound small scale agricultural proje /altieri mi/ 1988 bks [ 11 ] 1988 - saving the tropical forests /gradwohl judith/ 1988 bks [ 160 ] 1988 - saving the tropical forests /gradwohl judith/ 1988 bks [ 161 ] 1988 - sheng tai nung yeh nung yeh ti wei lai /yeh chien chi/ 1988 bks [ 28 ] ( 5 ) 1989 1989 - biotechnology and sustainable agriculture policy alt/ 1989 bks [ 116 ] 1989 - educational and training opportunities in organic lo /gates jane/ 1989 bks [ 63 ] 1989 - educational and training opportunities in organic lo /gates jane/ 1989 bks [ 173 ] 1989 - fragile lands of latin america strategies for sustai/ 1989 bks [ 129 ] 1989 - smabonder i sudan perspektiver for en baeredygtig ud/ 1989 bks [ 159 ] ( 5 ) 1990 1990 - agrarian reform and grassroots development ten case/ 1990 bks [ 4 ] 1990 - agricultura ecologica en el peru /encuentro nacional de agricult/ 1990 bks [ 143 ] 1990 - agriculture and the environment economic dimensions /canadian ag/ 1990 bks [ 109 ] 1990 - agroecology researching the ecological basis for sus/ 1990 bks [ 6 ] 1990 - agroecology researching the ecological basis for sus/ 1990 bks [ 148 ] 1990 - educational and training opportunities in sustainabl /gates jane/ 1990 bks [ 64 ] 1990 - educational and training opportunities in sustainabl /gates jane/ 1990 bks [ 174 ] 1990 - educational and training opportunities in sustainabl/ 1990+ ser [ 155 ] 1990 - educational and training opportunities in sustainabl/ 1990+ ser [ 157 ] 1990 - future harvests the economics of farming and the env /jenkins t/ 1990 bks [ 121 ] 1990 - global dust bowl can we stop the destruction of the /freudenberg/ 1990 bks [ 16 ] 1990 - guelph seminars on sustainable development/ 1990 bks [ 62 ] 1990 - guelph seminars on sustainable development/ 1990 bks [ 83 ] 1990 - indonesia sustainable development of forests land an/ 1990 bks [ 127 ] 1990 - institutional sustainability in agriculture and rura/ 1990 bks [ 110 ] 1990 - return to the good earth damaging effects of modern/ 1990 bks [ 25 ] 1990 - sustainable agricultural systems/ 1990 bks [ 32 ] ( 17 ) 1991 1991 - aez in asia proceedings of the regional workshop on /regional wo/ 1991 bks [ 51 ] 1991 - agrarwissen bauerlicher gruppen in mali westafrika s /krings tho/ 1991 bks [ 135 ] 1991 - agricultura migratoria y desarrollo sostenible en la/ 1991 bks [ 153 ] 1991 - agricultura sostenible en las laderas centroamerican /workshop o/ 1991 bks [ 67 ] 1991 - agricultura sostenible en nicaragua /saborio lorena/ 1991 bks [ 140 ] 1991 - agriculture and the environment/ 1991 bks [ 164 ] 1991 - costa rica indigenas y practicas agricolas sostenibl /vargas car/ 1991 bks [ 94 ] 1991 - development of sustainable agricultural production s /okigbo bed/ 1991 bks [ 38 ] 1991 - food from dryland gardens an ecological nutritional /cleveland d/ 1991 bks [ 98 ] 1991 - joining farmers experiments experiences in participa/ 1991 bks [ 99 ] 1991 - juicio a nuestra agricultura seminario hacia el desa/ 1991 bks [ 48 ] 1991 - land use planning applications proceedings of the fa/ 1991 bks [ 65 ] 1991 - okologisk jordbrug selvstaendighed eller afhaengighe /bjerke fle/ 1991 bks [ 21 ] 1991 - paying the farm bill u s agricultural policy and the /faeth paul/ 1991 bks [ 167 ] 1991 - sustainable agriculture research and education in th /national r/ 1991 bks [ 149 ] 1991 - toward a working agenda for sustainable agricultural /trigo edua/ 1991 bks [ 37 ] 1991 - toward a working agenda for sustainable agricultural /trigo edua/ 1991 bks [ 131 ] 1991 - toward sustainability a plan for collaborative resea/ 1991 bks [ 151 ] ( 18 ) 1992 1992 - biotic diversity in agroecosystems papers from a sym /symposium/ 1992 bks [ 75 ] 1992 - diversity farmer knowledge and sustainability/ 1992 bks [ 78 ] 1992 - environmentally perverse government incentives /clement philippe/ 1992 bks [ 60 ] 1992 - extended versions of papers presented in the symposi/ 1992 bks [ 81 ] 1992 - farming in natures image an ecological approach to a /soule judi/ 1992 bks [ 165 ] 1992 - greening a brown land the australian search for sust /barr neil/ 1992 bks [ 54 ] 1992 - greening a brown land the australian search for sust /barr neil/ 1992 bks [ 178 ] 1992 - growing our future food security and the environment/ 1992 bks [ 82 ] 1992 - integrating sustainable agriculture ecology and envi/ 1992 bks [ 85 ] 1992 - integrating sustainable agriculture ecology and envi/ 1992 bks [ 172 ] 1992 - issues of sustainability in agricultural development /ahmad yusu/ 1992 bks [ 50 ] 1992 - land is life land reform and sustainable agriculture/ 1992 bks [ 86 ] 1992 - policies for sustainable agriculture /norse david/ 1992 bks [ 22 ] 1992 - socioeconomics of sustainable agriculture an annotat /goreham ga/ 1992 bks [ 108 ] 1992 - strategies for developing a viable and sustainable a /kesseba ab/ 1992 bks [ 42 ] 1992 - sustainability in irrigated agriculture /svendsen mark 1945/ 1992 bks [ 31 ] 1992 - sustainability marginal areas and agricultural resea /schuh g ed/ 1992 bks [ 112 ] 1992 - sustainable agricultural development the role of int /internatio/ 1992 bks [ 117 ] 1992 - sustainable agriculture and the environment perspect/ 1992 bks [ 33 ] 1992 - sustainable development systems for small farmers is /swaminatha/ 1992 bks [ 36 ] 1992 - sustainable food production in sub saharan africa 1/ 1992 bks [ 44 ] 1992 - sustainable livestock production in the mountain agr/ 1992 bks [ 137 ] 1992 - sustainable or alternative agriculture january 1990 /gates jane/ 1992 bks [ 58 ] ( 23 ) 1993 1993 - agricultura sustentable en argentina /carballo carlos/ 1993 bks [ 47 ] 1993 - agricultura y desarrollo sostenible en la tercera cu/ 1993 bks [ 132 ] 1993 - agricultural policy and sustainability case studies/ 1993 bks [ 69 ] 1993 - agricultural policy and sustainability case studies/ 1993 bks [ 125 ] 1993 - agricultural policy and sustainability case studies/ 1993 bks [ 145 ] 1993 - agricultural policy and sustainability case studies/ 1993 bks [ 170 ] 1993 - alternative farming systems economic aspects january /schneider/ 1993 bks [ 107 ] 1993 - crop protection and sustainable agriculture/ 1993 bks [ 76 ] 1993 - eco agriculture food first farming theory and practi /kiley wort/ 1993 bks [ 9 ] 1993 - experiencia de centroamerica y republica dominicana /kaimowitz d/ 1993 bks [ 66 ] 1993 - experiencia de centroamerica y republica dominicana /kaimowitz d/ 1993 bks [ 104 ] 1993 - food for the future conditions and contradictions of/ 1993 bks [ 105 ] 1993 - from the ground up rethinking industrial agriculture /goering pe/ 1993 bks [ 15 ] 1993 - green farming a directory of individuals and organis/ 1993 bks [ 126 ] 1993 - history of agriculture and the environment/ 1993 bks [ 124 ] 1993 - non governmental organizations and the state in afri/ 1993 bks [ 41 ] 1993 - reluctant partners non governmental organizations th /farrington/ 1993 bks [ 101 ] 1993 - smallholders householders farm families and the ecol /netting ro/ 1993 bks [ 29 ] 1993 - social science research for agricultural technology/ 1993 bks [ 103 ] 1993 - soil biota nutrient cycling and farming systems/ 1993 bks [ 30 ] 1993 - strategy to develop agriculture in sub saharan afric /cleaver ke/ 1993 bks [ 43 ] 1993 - sustainable agriculture and the environment in the h /national r/ 1993 bks [ 162 ] 1993 - sustainable agriculture hearing before the subcommit /united sta/ 1993 bks [ 119 ] 1993 - sustainable agriculture in egypt/ 1993 bks [ 111 ] 1993 - sustainable animal production from small farm system /devendra c/ 1993 bks [ 53 ] 1993 - sustainable integrated rural development defining an /regional w/ 1993 bks [ 49 ] 1993 - sustainable integrated rural development defining an /regional w/ 1993 bks [ 139 ] 1993 - sustainable land use/ 1993 bks [ 138 ] 1993 - u s agriculture hearings before the joint economic c /united sta/ 1993 bks [ 169 ] 1993 - worlds savannas economic driving forces ecological c/ 1993 bks [ 93 ] ( 30 ) 1994 1994 - biotechnology and sustainable agriculture a bibliogr /guenther k/ 1994 bks [ 55 ] 1994 - conservation tillage in zimbabwe evaluation of sever /vogel hors/ 1994 bks [ 175 ] 1994 - countrysides at risk the political geography of sust /paarlberg/ 1994 bks [ 7 ] 1994 - countrysides at risk the political geography of sust /paarlberg/ 1994 bks [ 97 ] 1994 - environment and agriculture rethinking development i/ 1994 bks [ 79 ] 1994 - environmentally sound agriculture proceedings of the/ 1994 bks [ 80 ] 1994 - environmentally sound agriculture proceedings of the/ 1994 bks [ 171 ] 1994 - family agriculture tradition and transformation /francis david g/ 1994 bks [ 12 ] 1994 - field margins integrating agriculture and conservati/ 1994 bks [ 13 ] 1994 - from peasant to peasant about a group of poor peasan /nielsen ca/ 1994 bks [ 141 ] 1994 - health and sustainable agricultural development pers/ 1994 bks [ 123 ] 1994 - iii seminario internacional desarrollo sostenible de /seminario/ 1994 bks [ 84 ] 1994 - livestock for a small earth the role of animals in a/ 1994 bks [ 19 ] 1994 - memorias del seminario taller internacional el desar /seminario/ 1994 bks [ 134 ] 1994 - new directions for agriculture forestry and fisherie/ 1994 bks [ 20 ] 1994 - non governmental organizations and the state in lati /bebbington/ 1994 bks [ 130 ] 1994 - pleins feux sur une ruralite viable/ 1994 bks [ 88 ] 1994 - review of sustainable development activities in u s /united stat/ 1994 bks [ 26 ] 1994 - sowing the seeds for our future report of the second /asian deve/ 1994 bks [ 52 ] 1994 - sustainability of canadas agri food system a prairie/ 1994 bks [ 147 ] 1994 - sustainable agriculture and rural development in chi /qu futian/ 1994 bks [ 70 ] 1994 - sustainable agriculture in the american midwest less/ 1994 bks [ 136 ] 1994 - sustainable agriculture systems/ 1994 bks [ 35 ] 1994 - sustainable groundnut production in southern and eas/ 1994 bks [ 39 ] 1994 - sustainable groundnut production in southern and eas/ 1994 bks [ 40 ] 1994 - sustainable harvest of non timber plant resources in /peters cha/ 1994 bks [ 163 ] ( 26 ) 1995 1995 - agricultural competitiveness market forces and polic /internatio/ 1995 bks [ 71 ] 1995 - agricultural sustainability economic environmental a/ 1995 bks [ 73 ] 1995 - agricultural sustainability economic environmental a/ 1995 bks [ 150 ] 1995 - agriculture and sustainable development policy analy /wilson art/ 1995 bks [ 122 ] 1995 - agriculture and sustainable development policy analy /wilson art/ 1995 bks [ 146 ] 1995 - bittersweet harvests for global supermarkets challen /thrupp lor/ 1995 bks [ 128 ] 1995 - desarrollo agroecologico y asociatividad campesina e /nunez soto/ 1995 bks [ 142 ] 1995 - desarrollo agropecuario sustentable estrategias para/ 1995 bks [ 77 ] 1995 - desarrollo agropecuario sustentable estrategias para/ 1995 bks [ 154 ] 1995 - dryland forestry planning and management/ 1995 bks [ 8 ] 1995 - educational and training opportunities in sustainabl /gates jane/ 1995 bks [ 156 ] 1995 - educational and training opportunities in sustainabl /gates jane/ 1995 bks [ 158 ] 1995 - environment development agriculture integrated polic /glaeser be/ 1995 bks [ 10 ] 1995 - fifth kew environmental lecture /kew environmental lecture 5th 1/ 1995 bks [ 95 ] 1995 - growing green enhancing the economic and environment /faeth paul/ 1995 bks [ 118 ] 1995 - management of biological nitrogen fixation for the d /symposium/ 1995 bks [ 87 ] 1995 - planting the future developing an agriculture that s/ 1995 bks [ 152 ] 1995 - planting the future developing an agriculture that s/ 1995 bks [ 168 ] 1995 - regenerating agriculture policies and practice for s /pretty jul/ 1995 bks [ 23 ] 1995 - regenerating agriculture policies and practice for s /pretty jul/ 1995 bks [ 24 ] 1995 - regenerating agriculture policies and practice for s /pretty jul/ 1995 bks [ 114 ] 1995 - regenerating agriculture policies and practice for s /pretty jul/ 1995 bks [ 115 ] 1995 - rice beyond the green revolution seeking equity sust/ 1995 bks [ 144 ] 1995 - science agriculture and food security /hulse joseph h/ 1995 bks [ 27 ] 1995 - stressed ecosystems and and sustainable agriculture/ 1995 bks [ 91 ] 1995 - sustainable agriculture concepts issues and policies/ 1995 bks [ 34 ] 1995 - sustainable agriculture in print current books/ 1995 bks [ 56 ] 1995 - sustainable settlement and development of the onchoc/ 1995 bks [ 45 ] 1995 - sustainable settlement in the brazilian amazon /almeida anna lui/ 1995 bks [ 46 ] 1995 - sustainable settlement in the brazilian amazon /almeida anna lui/ 1995 bks [ 59 ] 1995 - waste or want environment and poverty seminar papers /environmen/ 1995 bks [ 176 ] ( 31 ) 1996 1996 - agriculture trade and the environment discovering an/ 1996 bks [ 5 ] 1996 - agro ecological zoning guidelines/ 1996 bks [ 96 ] 1996 - agroecologia y desarrollo sustentable /seminario internacional d/ 1996 bks [ 74 ] 1996 - agroecologia y desarrollo sustentable /seminario internacional d/ 1996 bks [ 133 ] 1996 - farmland preservation as strategic land use and prud /mcgrath jo/ 1996 bks [ 166 ] 1996 - integrating biotechnology in agriculture incentives /brenner car/ 1996 bks [ 17 ] 1996 - integration of sustainable agriculture and rural dev /fao winroc/ 1996 bks [ 102 ] 1996 - selected papers from a meeting on arbuscular mycorrh /meeting on/ 1996 bks [ 89 ] 1996 - sustainable agriculture in print current books/ 1996 bks [ 57 ] ( 9 ) 1997 1997 - agricultural restructuring and sustainability a geog/ 1997 bks [ 72 ] 1997 - land quality indicators and their use in sustainable/ 1997 bks [ 18 ] 1997 - soil ecology in sustainable agricultural systems/ 1997 bks [ 90 ] 1997 - sustainable agriculture in central america/ 1997 bks [ 68 ] 1997 - sustainable agriculture task force report/ 1997 bks [ 120 ] ( 5 )