Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 14, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 14, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS
Subject - Alphabetical Title ListingAGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS 1 [retrieves related heading: AGRICULTURAL ECOLOGY] 2 [retrieves related heading: AGRICULTURAL POLLUTION] 3 [retrieves broader heading: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION] 4 agricultura y medio ambiente agriculture and the env/ 1992 bks 5 agricultural and environmental resource economics/ 1993 bks 6 agricultural change environment and economy essays i/ 1992 bks 7 agriculture and environmental change temporal and sp /mannion an/ 1995 bks 8 agriculture and the environment/ 1993 bks 9 beitrage zum problemkreis des landschaftswandels/ 1985 bks 10 centrality of agriculture between humankind and the /duncan coli/ 1996 bks 11 control of water pollution from agriculture /ongley e d/ 1996 bks 12 countrysides at risk the political geography of sust /paarlberg/ 1994 bks 13 drought follows the plow cultivating marginal areas/ 1994 bks 14 ending hunger food and sustainable development in in /valiante m/ 1989 bks 15 environmental indicators for agriculture/ 1997 bks 16 gendered fields rural women agriculture and environm /sachs caro/ 1996 bks 17 global environment and agricultural resource managem /takase kun/ 1993 bks 18 harvest of devastation the industrialization of agri /vallianato/ 1994 bks 19 introduction to environmental management/ 1991 bks 20 mashakil talawwuth al biah al ziraiyah wa tatwir tur /mayyas isa/ 1981 bks 21 mercado internacional de la agricultura organica/ 1994 bks 22 refashioning nature food ecology and culture /goodman david 1938/ 1991 bks 23 return to the good earth damaging effects of modern/ 1990 bks 24 saving the planet with pesticides and plastic the en /avery denn/ 1995 bks 25 so shall you reap farming and crops in human affairs /solbrig ot/ 1994 bks 26 spirit of the soil agriculture and environmental eth /thompson p/ 1995 bks 27 towards sustainable agricultural production cleaner/ 1994 bks 28 ziraah 2000/ 1995 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --AFRICA 29 africa and the environment joint hearing before the /united stat/ 1994 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --ARGENTINA 30 argentina granero del mundo hasta cuando la degradac/ 1997 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --ARGENTINA --CONGRESSES 31 juicio a nuestra agricultura seminario hacia el desa/ 1991 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --ASIA --CONGRESSES 32 cleaner production for green productivity asian pers/ 1995 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --AUSTRALIA 33 agriculture environment and society contemporary iss/ 1992 bks 34 environmental imperative eco social concerns for aus /vanclay fr/ 1995 bks 35 on the edge the changing world of australias farmers /milliken r/ 1992 bks 36 question of balance natural resources conflict issue /mercer dav/ 1991 bks 37 question of balance natural resources conflict issue /mercer dav/ 1995 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --BANGLADESH 38 environmental aspects of agricultural development in/ 1990 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --BIBLIOGRAPHY 39 socioeconomics of sustainable agriculture an annotat /goreham ga/ 1992 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --BRAZIL 40 opcao agroambiental dependencia alimentar e explorac /miranda ne/ 1996 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --CALIFORNIA 41 strukturen und probleme der intensivlandwirtschaft i /klohn wern/ 1990 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --CANADA 42 environmentally perverse government incentives /clement philippe/ 1992 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --CAPE VERDE 43 waiting for rain agriculture and ecological imbalanc /langworthy/ 1997 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --CHINA --NINGSIA HUI AUTONOMOUS REGION 44 okologische und okonomische analyse der agrarprodukt /willeke we/ 1992 bks --CASE STUDIES 45 landliche umweltprobleme und umweltpolitik in der vo /plath bett/ 1991 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --CONGRESSES 46 agriculture and environmental challenges proceedings /agricultur/ 1993 bks 47 agriculture environment and health sustainable devel/ 1994 bks 48 du rural a lenvironnement la question de la nature a/ 1989 bks 49 environment and agriculture rethinking development i/ 1994 bks 50 environmentally sound agriculture proceedings of the/ 1994 bks 51 issues in agricultural development sustainability an/ 1992 bks 52 kultur og miljo en baeredygtig udvikling beretning f/ 1990 bks 53 prevention of water pollution by agriculture and rel/ 1993 bks 54 sustainable agricultural development the role of int /internatio/ 1992 bks 55 vliianie khoziaistvennoi deiatelnosti cheloveka na g /nauchno pr/ 1987 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --CZECH REPUBLIC 56 ekologicke zemedelstvi/ 1992 bks 57 interaction between agriculture and nature conservat /kundrata m/ 1995 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --DENMARK --CONGRESSES 58 kultur og miljo en baeredygtig udvikling beretning f/ 1990 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 59 countrysides at risk the political geography of sust /paarlberg/ 1994 bks 60 environmental impact assessment of irrigation and dr /dougherty/ 1995 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --DEVELOPING COUNTRIES --BIBLIOGRAPHY 61 food security and the environment a select annotated /david rosa/ 1991 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 62 soziale differenzierung und umweltzerstorung bauerli /hellstern/ 1993 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --ECUADOR --CONGRESSES 63 desafios en la agroexportacion no tradicional impact/ 1993 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --EUROPE EASTERN 64 agriculture and the environment in the transition to/ 1994 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY COUNTRIES --CONGRESSES 65 agriculture and the environment the proceedings of a /conference/ 1994 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --FLORIDA 66 evaluation of the regional effects of new citrus dev /university/ 1992 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --FORMER SOVIET REPUBLICS 67 agriculture and the environment in the transition to/ 1994 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --FRANCE 68 homme de terre /fottorino eric/ 1993 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --FRANCE --PROVENCE 69 forest waters the farm or the value of woodlands as /rousset ant/ 1886 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --GERMANY --EMSLAND LANDKREIS --HISTORY 70 entwicklung von agrarlandschaften im mitteleuropaisc /mizgajski/ 1990 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --GERMANY --NORTH RHINE WESTPHALIA 71 umweltkriminalitat der landwirte in nordrhein westfa /danwitz kl/ 1990 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --GERMANY EAST 72 landwirtschaft umweltzerstorung und ressourcenversch /hobrack si/ 1992 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --GERMANY WEST 73 landwirtschaft boden und gewasserschutz/ 1989 bks 74 umweltverhalten von landwirten /schur gerd/ 1990 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --GHANA --HISTORY 75 new frontier farmer responses to land degradation a /amanor kojo/ 1994 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --GOVERNMENT POLICY --EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY COUNTRIES 76 options and restrictions of environmental policy in /conrad jobs/ 1991 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --GOVERNMENT POLICY --GERMANY WEST --CONGRESSES 77 okologischer landbau dient allen landwirtschaft fur/ 1983 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --GOVERNMENT POLICY --UNITED STATES 78 growing green enhancing the economic and environment /faeth paul/ 1995 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --GREAT BRITAIN 79 restructuring the countryside environmental policy i/ 1992 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --GREAT BRITAIN --CONGRESSES 80 agricultural policy and the environment papers prese/ 1991 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --HISTORY 81 agriculture resource exploitation and environmental/ 1997 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --HONDURAS 82 i am destroying the land the political ecology of po /stonich su/ 1993 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --INDIA 83 challenges facing agriculture and rural development/ 1994 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --INDONESIA --CONGRESSES 84 indonesia resources ecology and environment/ 1991 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --IRELAND --CONGRESSES 85 agriculture and the environment the proceedings of a /conference/ 1994 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --ITALY 86 interazione fra agricoltura e ambiente in italia pro/ 1994 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --LATIN AMERICA 87 landwirtschaft und umwelt in lateinamerika und nicar /thielen he/ 1988 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --LATIN AMERICA --CONGRESSES 88 desarrollo sostenible un desafio a la politica econo/ 1995 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --MEDITERRANEAN REGION --CONGRESSES 89 montagnes et forets mediterraneennes agriculture et/ 1992 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --MEXICO 90 mercado internacional de la agricultura organica/ 1994 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --MICHIGAN --CLINTON COUNTY 91 ecology and land use relationships of small mammals /linduska jo/ 1950 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --MOZAMBIQUE 92 integrating environmental issues into a strategy for /alemneh de/ 1991 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --NEPAL 93 agriculture and the environment in the mid hills of /gill gerard/ 1995 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --NETHERLANDS 94 beschermde reservaten een milieugeografische benader /wolters a/ 1987 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --NIGERIA 95 nigerias threatened environment a national profile/ 1991 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --OREGON 96 fighting words and spotted fish the water rights deb /quong andr/ 1995 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --PACIFIC AREA 97 environmental constraints to pacific rim agriculture/ 1993 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --PACIFIC AREA --CASE STUDIES 98 environmental constraints to pacific rim agriculture/ 1997 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --PERU 99 ecologia produccion y desarrollo campesino tipologia /sanchez en/ 1993 bks 100 estrategias productivas familiares y el deterioro am /bedoya gar/ 1987 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --PERU --CONGRESSES 101 peru el problema agrario en debate /seminario permanente de inve/ 1994 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --POLAND --SRODA WIELKOPOLSKA --HISTORY 102 entwicklung von agrarlandschaften im mitteleuropaisc /mizgajski/ 1990 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --RUSSIA FEDERATION 103 i vzoidut semena /aidak a p/ 1993 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --SENEGAL RIVER WATERSHED MALI SENEGAL 104 omvs environmental assessment study/ 1976 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --SLOVAKIA 105 interaction between agriculture and nature conservat /kundrata m/ 1995 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --TANZANIA 106 changing environments research on man land interrela/ 1996 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --TANZANIA --USAMBARA MOUNTAINS 107 umweltwissen und landnutzung im afrikanischen dorf z /mersmann c/ 1993 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --TROPICS 108 environmental management in tropical agriculture /goodland rober/ 1984 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --UNITED STATES 109 agricultural practices farm policy and the conservat /gerard phi/ 1995 bks 110 agricultural trade policy letting markets work /sumner daniel a/ 1995 bks 111 agriculture and the environment/ 1991 bks 112 agriculture and the environment/ 1991 bks 113 agriculture trade and environment achieving compleme/ 1995 bks 114 assessing the environmental impact of farm policies /thurman wal/ 1995 bks 115 estimated impacts of two environmental alternatives /iowa state/ 1977 bks 116 food agriculture and rural policy into the twenty fi/ 1994 bks 117 green fields the agrarian conservation movement in a /madison ma/ 1995 bks 118 new technological era for american agriculture/ 1992 bks 119 new technological era for american agriculture summa/ 1992 bks 120 oversight of air quality issues relating to the agri /united sta/ 1997 bks 121 plowing ground in washington the political economy o /gardner b/ 1995 bks 122 targeting environmental priorities in agriculture re/ 1995 bks 123 u s agriculture hearings before the joint economic c /united sta/ 1993 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --UNITED STATES --CONGRESSES 124 environmentally sound agriculture proceedings of the/ 1994 bks AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --UZBEKISTAN 125 okhrana okruzhaiushchei sredy v selskokhoziaistvenno /sokovnin v/ 1988 bks
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 14, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 14, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS
agricultur (1993) - agriculture and environmental challenges proceedings [ 46 ] aidak a p (1993) - i vzoidut semena [ 103 ] alemneh de (1991) - integrating environmental issues into a strategy for [ 92 ] amanor kojo (1994) - new frontier farmer responses to land degradation a [ 75 ] avery denn (1995) - saving the planet with pesticides and plastic the en [ 24 ] bedoya gar (1987) - estrategias productivas familiares y el deterioro am [ 100 ] clement philippe (1992) - environmentally perverse government incentives [ 42 ] conference (1994) - agriculture and the environment the proceedings of a [ 65 ] conrad jobs (1991) - options and restrictions of environmental policy in [ 76 ] danwitz kl (1990) - umweltkriminalitat der landwirte in nordrhein westfa [ 71 ] david rosa (1991) - food security and the environment a select annotated [ 61 ] dougherty (1995) - environmental impact assessment of irrigation and dr [ 60 ] duncan coli (1996) - centrality of agriculture between humankind and the [ 10 ] faeth paul (1995) - growing green enhancing the economic and environment [ 78 ] fottorino eric (1993) - homme de terre [ 68 ] gardner b (1995) - plowing ground in washington the political economy o [ 121 ] gerard phi (1995) - agricultural practices farm policy and the conservat [ 109 ] gill gerard (1995) - agriculture and the environment in the mid hills of [ 93 ] goodland rober (1984) - environmental management in tropical agriculture [ 108 ] goodman david 1938 (1991) - refashioning nature food ecology and culture [ 22 ] goreham ga (1992) - socioeconomics of sustainable agriculture an annotat [ 39 ] hellstern (1993) - soziale differenzierung und umweltzerstorung bauerli [ 62 ] hobrack si (1992) - landwirtschaft umweltzerstorung und ressourcenversch [ 72 ] internatio (1992) - sustainable agricultural development the role of int [ 54 ] iowa state (1977) - estimated impacts of two environmental alternatives [ 115 ] klohn wern (1990) - strukturen und probleme der intensivlandwirtschaft i [ 41 ] kundrata m (1995) - interaction between agriculture and nature conservat [ 57 ] langworthy (1997) - waiting for rain agriculture and ecological imbalanc [ 43 ] linduska jo (1950) - ecology and land use relationships of small mammals [ 91 ] madison ma (1995) - green fields the agrarian conservation movement in a [ 117 ] mannion an (1995) - agriculture and environmental change temporal and sp [ 7 ] mayyas isa (1981) - mashakil talawwuth al biah al ziraiyah wa tatwir tur [ 20 ] mercer dav (1991) - question of balance natural resources conflict issue [ 36 ] mercer dav (1995) - question of balance natural resources conflict issue [ 37 ] mersmann c (1993) - umweltwissen und landnutzung im afrikanischen dorf z [ 107 ] milliken r (1992) - on the edge the changing world of australias farmers [ 35 ] miranda ne (1996) - opcao agroambiental dependencia alimentar e explorac [ 40 ] mizgajski (1990) - entwicklung von agrarlandschaften im mitteleuropaisc [ 70 ] nauchno pr (1987) - vliianie khoziaistvennoi deiatelnosti cheloveka na g [ 55 ] ongley e d (1996) - control of water pollution from agriculture [ 11 ] paarlberg (1994) - countrysides at risk the political geography of sust [ 12 ] plath bett (1991) - landliche umweltprobleme und umweltpolitik in der vo [ 45 ] quong andr (1995) - fighting words and spotted fish the water rights deb [ 96 ] sachs caro (1996) - gendered fields rural women agriculture and environm [ 16 ] sanchez en (1993) - ecologia produccion y desarrollo campesino tipologia [ 99 ] schur gerd (1990) - umweltverhalten von landwirten [ 74 ] seminario permanente de inve (1994) - peru el problema agrario en debate [ 101 ] sokovnin v (1988) - okhrana okruzhaiushchei sredy v selskokhoziaistvenno [ 125 ] solbrig ot (1994) - so shall you reap farming and crops in human affairs [ 25 ] stonich su (1993) - i am destroying the land the political ecology of po [ 82 ] sumner daniel a (1995) - agricultural trade policy letting markets work [ 110 ] takase kun (1993) - global environment and agricultural resource managem [ 17 ] thielen he (1988) - landwirtschaft und umwelt in lateinamerika und nicar [ 87 ] thompson p (1995) - spirit of the soil agriculture and environmental eth [ 26 ] thurman wal (1995) - assessing the environmental impact of farm policies [ 114 ] united sta (1993) - u s agriculture hearings before the joint economic c [ 123 ] united sta (1997) - oversight of air quality issues relating to the agri [ 120 ] united stat (1994) - africa and the environment joint hearing before the [ 29 ] university (1992) - evaluation of the regional effects of new citrus dev [ 66 ] valiante m (1989) - ending hunger food and sustainable development in in [ 14 ] vallianato (1994) - harvest of devastation the industrialization of agri [ 18 ] vanclay fr (1995) - environmental imperative eco social concerns for aus [ 34 ] willeke we (1992) - okologische und okonomische analyse der agrarprodukt [ 44 ] wolters a (1987) - beschermde reservaten een milieugeografische benader [ 94 ] wolters a (1987) - beschermde reservaten een milieugeografische benader [AGRI ]
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 14, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 14, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=AGRICULTURE --ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS
1950 1950 - ecology and land use relationships of small mammals /linduska jo/ 1950 bks [ 91 ] ( 1 ) 1976 1976 - omvs environmental assessment study/ 1976 bks [ 104 ] ( 1 ) 1977 1977 - estimated impacts of two environmental alternatives /iowa state/ 1977 bks [ 115 ] ( 1 ) 1981 1981 - mashakil talawwuth al biah al ziraiyah wa tatwir tur /mayyas isa/ 1981 bks [ 20 ] ( 1 ) 1983 1983 - okologischer landbau dient allen landwirtschaft fur/ 1983 bks [ 77 ] ( 1 ) 1984 1984 - environmental management in tropical agriculture /goodland rober/ 1984 bks [ 108 ] ( 1 ) 1985 1985 - beitrage zum problemkreis des landschaftswandels/ 1985 bks [ 9 ] ( 1 ) 1987 1987 - beschermde reservaten een milieugeografische benader /wolters a/ 1987 bks [ 94 ] 1987 - estrategias productivas familiares y el deterioro am /bedoya gar/ 1987 bks [ 100 ] 1987 - vliianie khoziaistvennoi deiatelnosti cheloveka na g /nauchno pr/ 1987 bks [ 55 ] ( 3 ) 1988 1988 - landwirtschaft und umwelt in lateinamerika und nicar /thielen he/ 1988 bks [ 87 ] 1988 - okhrana okruzhaiushchei sredy v selskokhoziaistvenno /sokovnin v/ 1988 bks [ 125 ] ( 2 ) 1989 1989 - du rural a lenvironnement la question de la nature a/ 1989 bks [ 48 ] 1989 - ending hunger food and sustainable development in in /valiante m/ 1989 bks [ 14 ] 1989 - landwirtschaft boden und gewasserschutz/ 1989 bks [ 73 ] ( 3 ) 1990 1990 - entwicklung von agrarlandschaften im mitteleuropaisc /mizgajski/ 1990 bks [ 70 ] 1990 - entwicklung von agrarlandschaften im mitteleuropaisc /mizgajski/ 1990 bks [ 102 ] 1990 - environmental aspects of agricultural development in/ 1990 bks [ 38 ] 1990 - kultur og miljo en baeredygtig udvikling beretning f/ 1990 bks [ 52 ] 1990 - kultur og miljo en baeredygtig udvikling beretning f/ 1990 bks [ 58 ] 1990 - return to the good earth damaging effects of modern/ 1990 bks [ 23 ] 1990 - strukturen und probleme der intensivlandwirtschaft i /klohn wern/ 1990 bks [ 41 ] 1990 - umweltkriminalitat der landwirte in nordrhein westfa /danwitz kl/ 1990 bks [ 71 ] 1990 - umweltverhalten von landwirten /schur gerd/ 1990 bks [ 74 ] ( 9 ) 1991 1991 - agricultural policy and the environment papers prese/ 1991 bks [ 80 ] 1991 - agriculture and the environment/ 1991 bks [ 111 ] 1991 - agriculture and the environment/ 1991 bks [ 112 ] 1991 - food security and the environment a select annotated /david rosa/ 1991 bks [ 61 ] 1991 - indonesia resources ecology and environment/ 1991 bks [ 84 ] 1991 - integrating environmental issues into a strategy for /alemneh de/ 1991 bks [ 92 ] 1991 - introduction to environmental management/ 1991 bks [ 19 ] 1991 - juicio a nuestra agricultura seminario hacia el desa/ 1991 bks [ 31 ] 1991 - landliche umweltprobleme und umweltpolitik in der vo /plath bett/ 1991 bks [ 45 ] 1991 - nigerias threatened environment a national profile/ 1991 bks [ 95 ] 1991 - options and restrictions of environmental policy in /conrad jobs/ 1991 bks [ 76 ] 1991 - question of balance natural resources conflict issue /mercer dav/ 1991 bks [ 36 ] 1991 - refashioning nature food ecology and culture /goodman david 1938/ 1991 bks [ 22 ] ( 13 ) 1992 1992 - agricultura y medio ambiente agriculture and the env/ 1992 bks [ 4 ] 1992 - agricultural change environment and economy essays i/ 1992 bks [ 6 ] 1992 - agriculture environment and society contemporary iss/ 1992 bks [ 33 ] 1992 - ekologicke zemedelstvi/ 1992 bks [ 56 ] 1992 - environmentally perverse government incentives /clement philippe/ 1992 bks [ 42 ] 1992 - evaluation of the regional effects of new citrus dev /university/ 1992 bks [ 66 ] 1992 - issues in agricultural development sustainability an/ 1992 bks [ 51 ] 1992 - landwirtschaft umweltzerstorung und ressourcenversch /hobrack si/ 1992 bks [ 72 ] 1992 - montagnes et forets mediterraneennes agriculture et/ 1992 bks [ 89 ] 1992 - new technological era for american agriculture summa/ 1992 bks [ 119 ] 1992 - new technological era for american agriculture/ 1992 bks [ 118 ] 1992 - okologische und okonomische analyse der agrarprodukt /willeke we/ 1992 bks [ 44 ] 1992 - on the edge the changing world of australias farmers /milliken r/ 1992 bks [ 35 ] 1992 - restructuring the countryside environmental policy i/ 1992 bks [ 79 ] 1992 - socioeconomics of sustainable agriculture an annotat /goreham ga/ 1992 bks [ 39 ] 1992 - sustainable agricultural development the role of int /internatio/ 1992 bks [ 54 ] ( 16 ) 1993 1993 - agricultural and environmental resource economics/ 1993 bks [ 5 ] 1993 - agriculture and environmental challenges proceedings /agricultur/ 1993 bks [ 46 ] 1993 - agriculture and the environment/ 1993 bks [ 8 ] 1993 - desafios en la agroexportacion no tradicional impact/ 1993 bks [ 63 ] 1993 - ecologia produccion y desarrollo campesino tipologia /sanchez en/ 1993 bks [ 99 ] 1993 - environmental constraints to pacific rim agriculture/ 1993 bks [ 97 ] 1993 - global environment and agricultural resource managem /takase kun/ 1993 bks [ 17 ] 1993 - homme de terre /fottorino eric/ 1993 bks [ 68 ] 1993 - i am destroying the land the political ecology of po /stonich su/ 1993 bks [ 82 ] 1993 - i vzoidut semena /aidak a p/ 1993 bks [ 103 ] 1993 - prevention of water pollution by agriculture and rel/ 1993 bks [ 53 ] 1993 - soziale differenzierung und umweltzerstorung bauerli /hellstern/ 1993 bks [ 62 ] 1993 - u s agriculture hearings before the joint economic c /united sta/ 1993 bks [ 123 ] 1993 - umweltwissen und landnutzung im afrikanischen dorf z /mersmann c/ 1993 bks [ 107 ] ( 14 ) 1994 1994 - africa and the environment joint hearing before the /united stat/ 1994 bks [ 29 ] 1994 - agriculture and the environment in the transition to/ 1994 bks [ 64 ] 1994 - agriculture and the environment in the transition to/ 1994 bks [ 67 ] 1994 - agriculture and the environment the proceedings of a /conference/ 1994 bks [ 65 ] 1994 - agriculture and the environment the proceedings of a /conference/ 1994 bks [ 85 ] 1994 - agriculture environment and health sustainable devel/ 1994 bks [ 47 ] 1994 - challenges facing agriculture and rural development/ 1994 bks [ 83 ] 1994 - countrysides at risk the political geography of sust /paarlberg/ 1994 bks [ 12 ] 1994 - countrysides at risk the political geography of sust /paarlberg/ 1994 bks [ 59 ] 1994 - drought follows the plow cultivating marginal areas/ 1994 bks [ 13 ] 1994 - environment and agriculture rethinking development i/ 1994 bks [ 49 ] 1994 - environmentally sound agriculture proceedings of the/ 1994 bks [ 50 ] 1994 - environmentally sound agriculture proceedings of the/ 1994 bks [ 124 ] 1994 - food agriculture and rural policy into the twenty fi/ 1994 bks [ 116 ] 1994 - harvest of devastation the industrialization of agri /vallianato/ 1994 bks [ 18 ] 1994 - interazione fra agricoltura e ambiente in italia pro/ 1994 bks [ 86 ] 1994 - mercado internacional de la agricultura organica/ 1994 bks [ 21 ] 1994 - mercado internacional de la agricultura organica/ 1994 bks [ 90 ] 1994 - new frontier farmer responses to land degradation a /amanor kojo/ 1994 bks [ 75 ] 1994 - peru el problema agrario en debate /seminario permanente de inve/ 1994 bks [ 101 ] 1994 - so shall you reap farming and crops in human affairs /solbrig ot/ 1994 bks [ 25 ] 1994 - towards sustainable agricultural production cleaner/ 1994 bks [ 27 ] ( 22 ) 1995 1995 - agricultural practices farm policy and the conservat /gerard phi/ 1995 bks [ 109 ] 1995 - agricultural trade policy letting markets work /sumner daniel a/ 1995 bks [ 110 ] 1995 - agriculture and environmental change temporal and sp /mannion an/ 1995 bks [ 7 ] 1995 - agriculture and the environment in the mid hills of /gill gerard/ 1995 bks [ 93 ] 1995 - agriculture trade and environment achieving compleme/ 1995 bks [ 113 ] 1995 - assessing the environmental impact of farm policies /thurman wal/ 1995 bks [ 114 ] 1995 - cleaner production for green productivity asian pers/ 1995 bks [ 32 ] 1995 - desarrollo sostenible un desafio a la politica econo/ 1995 bks [ 88 ] 1995 - environmental impact assessment of irrigation and dr /dougherty/ 1995 bks [ 60 ] 1995 - environmental imperative eco social concerns for aus /vanclay fr/ 1995 bks [ 34 ] 1995 - fighting words and spotted fish the water rights deb /quong andr/ 1995 bks [ 96 ] 1995 - green fields the agrarian conservation movement in a /madison ma/ 1995 bks [ 117 ] 1995 - growing green enhancing the economic and environment /faeth paul/ 1995 bks [ 78 ] 1995 - interaction between agriculture and nature conservat /kundrata m/ 1995 bks [ 57 ] 1995 - interaction between agriculture and nature conservat /kundrata m/ 1995 bks [ 105 ] 1995 - plowing ground in washington the political economy o /gardner b/ 1995 bks [ 121 ] 1995 - question of balance natural resources conflict issue /mercer dav/ 1995 bks [ 37 ] 1995 - saving the planet with pesticides and plastic the en /avery denn/ 1995 bks [ 24 ] 1995 - spirit of the soil agriculture and environmental eth /thompson p/ 1995 bks [ 26 ] 1995 - targeting environmental priorities in agriculture re/ 1995 bks [ 122 ] 1995 - ziraah 2000/ 1995 bks [ 28 ] ( 21 ) 1996 1996 - centrality of agriculture between humankind and the /duncan coli/ 1996 bks [ 10 ] 1996 - changing environments research on man land interrela/ 1996 bks [ 106 ] 1996 - control of water pollution from agriculture /ongley e d/ 1996 bks [ 11 ] 1996 - gendered fields rural women agriculture and environm /sachs caro/ 1996 bks [ 16 ] 1996 - opcao agroambiental dependencia alimentar e explorac /miranda ne/ 1996 bks [ 40 ] ( 5 ) 1997 1997 - agriculture resource exploitation and environmental/ 1997 bks [ 81 ] 1997 - argentina granero del mundo hasta cuando la degradac/ 1997 bks [ 30 ] 1997 - environmental constraints to pacific rim agriculture/ 1997 bks [ 98 ] 1997 - environmental indicators for agriculture/ 1997 bks [ 15 ] 1997 - oversight of air quality issues relating to the agri /united sta/ 1997 bks [ 120 ] 1997 - waiting for rain agriculture and ecological imbalanc /langworthy/ 1997 bks [ 43 ] ( 6 )