Subject Guide on the Topic
45 references were found on this topic in Academic Index on Oct. 14, 1997

Compiled by
Timothy C. Weiskel
Environmental Ethics & Public Policy Program, Harvard University
Copyright, ©1997, Timothy C. Weiskel, All Rights Reserved
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 14, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 14, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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Subject - Alphabetical Title Listing

   1 agricultural impacts of global warming discussion re /innes robe/ 1995  art
   2 agricultural statistics and environmental issues tra /bouwman a/ 1996  art
   3 agricultures environmental externalities dea evidenc /poit lepet/ 1997  art
   4 application of sample selection model in estimating /choudhury m/ 1996  art
   5 assault of the earth soil supply /wilken elena/ 1995  art
   6 battle lines are being set up on sweeping environmen /cushman jo/ 1996  art
   7 bringing ancient ways to our farmers fields /wolkomir richard/ 1995  art
   8 climate change and agriculture in developing countri /antle john/ 1995  art
   9 climate change and global agriculture recent finding /reilly joh/ 1995  art
  10 climate change and the national policy canada /ward tony/ 1996  art
  11 closing the nutrient loop utilizing organic waste fo /nelson ton/ 1996  art
  12 contract design for the purchase of environmental go /wu junjie/ 1996  art
  13 economic and ecological perspectives on agriculture /toniolo ang/ 1995  art
  14 environmental indicators for agriculture /parris kevin/ 1996  art
  15 environmental stress and grain yields in china /huang jikun/ 1995  art
  16 europes ecological heartland poland/ 1996  art
  17 farmers are putting the environment first /webster elroy/ 1997  art
  18 farmers environmental attitudes and behavior a case /vogel stefa/ 1996  art
  19 farmers risk and environment in northeast nigeria /adams bill/ 1996  art
  20 fiery prophet of the prairie wes jackson interview /bourne joel/ 1995  art
  21 food vs environment europes green fields need to imp /hartmann m/ 1995  art
  22 growing more food doing less damage cover story /rosengrant mark/ 1996  art
  23 herbicide resistant soybean plant sprouts opposition /conney cat/ 1996  art
  24 how agriculture benefits government organization for /legg wilfr/ 1997  art
  25 how it might be agriculture /rosenzweig cynthia/ 1989  art
  26 impact of global warming on agriculture comment resp /cline will/ 1996  art
  27 impact of global warming on agriculture reply respon /mendelsohn/ 1996  art
  28 implications of climate change for u s agriculture /kaiser harry/ 1995  art
  29 industrial agriculture driving climate change includ /bunyard pe/ 1996  art
  30 landcare in australia does it make a difference deca /curtis all/ 1996  art
  31 managing tropical rice pests through conservation of /settle wil/ 1996  art
  32 mangolds manure and mixtures the importance of crop /clunies ros/ 1995  art
  33 measuring the marginal cost of nonuniform environmen /sunding da/ 1996  art
  34 muddying the waters perils of fish farming /fleischman john/ 1997  art
  35 new agricultural policy emerges from 1993 flood 1995 /stinson th/ 1996  art
  36 potential for beneficial re use of sewage sludge and /kriesel wa/ 1994  art
  37 prosocial behavior private contributions to agricult /weaver rob/ 1996  art
  38 regulating nonpoint source pollution under heterogen /helfand gl/ 1995  art
  39 relationship between phosphorus and suspended sedime /wall g j/ 1996  art
  40 second chance at paradise after decades of conquerin /kittredge/ 1994  art
  41 simulating atrazine transport with hspf in an agricu /laroche an/ 1996  art
  42 small farmers and forest loss in cross river nationa /ite uwem e/ 1997  art
  43 sustainability of animal production systems an ecolo /vavra mart/ 1996  art
  44 sustainable farming takes root in venezuela lessons /castilloa j/ 1995  art
  45 wqip an assessment of its chances for acceptance by /kraft steve/ 1996  art

Alphabetical Author Listing of Sources on
45 references found on this topic in Academic Index

Subject Category in HOLLIS as of Oct. 14, 1997
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 14, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 14, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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adams bill  (1996) - farmers risk and environment in northeast nigeria [  19 ]
antle john  (1995) - climate change and agriculture in developing countri [   8 ]
bourne joel  (1995) - fiery prophet of the prairie wes jackson interview [  20 ]
bouwman a  (1996) - agricultural statistics and environmental issues tra [   2 ]
bunyard pe  (1996) - industrial agriculture driving climate change includ [  29 ]
castilloa j  (1995) - sustainable farming takes root in venezuela lessons [  44 ]
choudhury m  (1996) - application of sample selection model in estimating [   4 ]
cline will  (1996) - impact of global warming on agriculture comment resp [  26 ]
clunies ros  (1995) - mangolds manure and mixtures the importance of crop [  32 ]
conney cat  (1996) - herbicide resistant soybean plant sprouts opposition [  23 ]
curtis all  (1996) - landcare in australia does it make a difference deca [  30 ]
cushman jo  (1996) - battle lines are being set up on sweeping environmen [   6 ]
fleischman john  (1997) - muddying the waters perils of fish farming [  34 ]
hartmann m  (1995) - food vs environment europes green fields need to imp [  21 ]
helfand gl  (1995) - regulating nonpoint source pollution under heterogen [  38 ]
huang jikun  (1995) - environmental stress and grain yields in china [  15 ]
innes robe  (1995) - agricultural impacts of global warming discussion re [   1 ]
ite uwem e  (1997) - small farmers and forest loss in cross river nationa [  42 ]
kaiser harry  (1995) - implications of climate change for u s agriculture [  28 ]
kittredge  (1994) - second chance at paradise after decades of conquerin [  40 ]
kraft steve  (1996) - wqip an assessment of its chances for acceptance by [  45 ]
kriesel wa  (1994) - potential for beneficial re use of sewage sludge and [  36 ]
laroche an  (1996) - simulating atrazine transport with hspf in an agricu [  41 ]
legg wilfr  (1997) - how agriculture benefits government organization for [  24 ]
mendelsohn  (1996) - impact of global warming on agriculture reply respon [  27 ]
nelson ton  (1996) - closing the nutrient loop utilizing organic waste fo [  11 ]
parris kevin  (1996) - environmental indicators for agriculture [  14 ]
poit lepet  (1997) - agricultures environmental externalities dea evidenc [   3 ]
reilly joh  (1995) - climate change and global agriculture recent finding [   9 ]
rosengrant mark  (1996) - growing more food doing less damage cover story [  22 ]
rosenzweig cynthia  (1989) - how it might be agriculture [  25 ]
settle wil  (1996) - managing tropical rice pests through conservation of [  31 ]
stinson th  (1996) - new agricultural policy emerges from 1993 flood 1995 [  35 ]
sunding da  (1996) - measuring the marginal cost of nonuniform environmen [  33 ]
toniolo ang  (1995) - economic and ecological perspectives on agriculture [  13 ]
vavra mart  (1996) - sustainability of animal production systems an ecolo [  43 ]
vogel stefa  (1996) - farmers environmental attitudes and behavior a case [  18 ]
wall g j  (1996) - relationship between phosphorus and suspended sedime [  39 ]
ward tony  (1996) - climate change and the national policy canada [  10 ]
weaver rob  (1996) - prosocial behavior private contributions to agricult [  37 ]
webster elroy  (1997) - farmers are putting the environment first [  17 ]
wilken elena  (1995) - assault of the earth soil supply [   5 ]
wolkomir richard  (1995) - bringing ancient ways to our farmers fields [   7 ]
wu junjie  (1996) - contract design for the purchase of environmental go [  12 ]

Chronological Listing of Sources on
45 references found on this topic in Academic Index

Subject Category in HOLLIS as of Oct. 14, 1997
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 14, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 14, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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   1989 - how it might be agriculture /rosenzweig cynthia/ 1989  art [  25 ]
          ( 1 )

   1994 - potential for beneficial re use of sewage sludge and /kriesel wa/ 1994  art [  36 ]
   1994 - second chance at paradise after decades of conquerin /kittredge/ 1994  art [  40 ]
          ( 2 )

   1995 - agricultural impacts of global warming discussion re /innes robe/ 1995  art [   1 ]
   1995 - assault of the earth soil supply /wilken elena/ 1995  art [   5 ]
   1995 - bringing ancient ways to our farmers fields /wolkomir richard/ 1995  art [   7 ]
   1995 - climate change and agriculture in developing countri /antle john/ 1995  art [   8 ]
   1995 - climate change and global agriculture recent finding /reilly joh/ 1995  art [   9 ]
   1995 - economic and ecological perspectives on agriculture /toniolo ang/ 1995  art [  13 ]
   1995 - environmental stress and grain yields in china /huang jikun/ 1995  art [  15 ]
   1995 - fiery prophet of the prairie wes jackson interview /bourne joel/ 1995  art [  20 ]
   1995 - food vs environment europes green fields need to imp /hartmann m/ 1995  art [  21 ]
   1995 - implications of climate change for u s agriculture /kaiser harry/ 1995  art [  28 ]
   1995 - mangolds manure and mixtures the importance of crop /clunies ros/ 1995  art [  32 ]
   1995 - regulating nonpoint source pollution under heterogen /helfand gl/ 1995  art [  38 ]
   1995 - sustainable farming takes root in venezuela lessons /castilloa j/ 1995  art [  44 ]
          ( 13 )

   1996 - agricultural statistics and environmental issues tra /bouwman a/ 1996  art [   2 ]
   1996 - application of sample selection model in estimating /choudhury m/ 1996  art [   4 ]
   1996 - battle lines are being set up on sweeping environmen /cushman jo/ 1996  art [   6 ]
   1996 - climate change and the national policy canada /ward tony/ 1996  art [  10 ]
   1996 - closing the nutrient loop utilizing organic waste fo /nelson ton/ 1996  art [  11 ]
   1996 - contract design for the purchase of environmental go /wu junjie/ 1996  art [  12 ]
   1996 - environmental indicators for agriculture /parris kevin/ 1996  art [  14 ]
   1996 - europes ecological heartland poland/ 1996  art [  16 ]
   1996 - farmers environmental attitudes and behavior a case /vogel stefa/ 1996  art [  18 ]
   1996 - farmers risk and environment in northeast nigeria /adams bill/ 1996  art [  19 ]
   1996 - growing more food doing less damage cover story /rosengrant mark/ 1996  art [  22 ]
   1996 - herbicide resistant soybean plant sprouts opposition /conney cat/ 1996  art [  23 ]
   1996 - impact of global warming on agriculture comment resp /cline will/ 1996  art [  26 ]
   1996 - impact of global warming on agriculture reply respon /mendelsohn/ 1996  art [  27 ]
   1996 - industrial agriculture driving climate change includ /bunyard pe/ 1996  art [  29 ]
   1996 - landcare in australia does it make a difference deca /curtis all/ 1996  art [  30 ]
   1996 - managing tropical rice pests through conservation of /settle wil/ 1996  art [  31 ]
   1996 - measuring the marginal cost of nonuniform environmen /sunding da/ 1996  art [  33 ]
   1996 - new agricultural policy emerges from 1993 flood 1995 /stinson th/ 1996  art [  35 ]
   1996 - prosocial behavior private contributions to agricult /weaver rob/ 1996  art [  37 ]
   1996 - relationship between phosphorus and suspended sedime /wall g j/ 1996  art [  39 ]
   1996 - simulating atrazine transport with hspf in an agricu /laroche an/ 1996  art [  41 ]
   1996 - sustainability of animal production systems an ecolo /vavra mart/ 1996  art [  43 ]
   1996 - wqip an assessment of its chances for acceptance by /kraft steve/ 1996  art [  45 ]
          ( 24 )

   1997 - agricultures environmental externalities dea evidenc /poit lepet/ 1997  art [   3 ]
   1997 - farmers are putting the environment first /webster elroy/ 1997  art [  17 ]
   1997 - how agriculture benefits government organization for /legg wilfr/ 1997  art [  24 ]
   1997 - muddying the waters perils of fish farming /fleischman john/ 1997  art [  34 ]
   1997 - small farmers and forest loss in cross river nationa /ite uwem e/ 1997  art [  42 ]
          ( 5 )

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