Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 14, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 14, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS
Subject - Alphabetical Title ListingNATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS 1 [retrieves related heading: NATURE WORSHIP] 2 [retrieves broader heading: PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE] 3 [retrieves broader heading: RELIGION AND SCIENCE] 4 aanden i naturen /orsted hans christian 1777 1851/ 1850 bks 5 aanden i naturen /orsted hans christian 1777 1851/ 1856 bks 6 aanden i naturen /orsted hans christian 1777 1851/ 1860 bks 7 beherrschte natur die anpassung der theologie an die /hasler uel/ 1982 bks 8 betrachtungen uber die werke gottes im reiche der na /sturm chri/ 1785 bks 9 bible teachings in nature /macmillan hugh 1833 1903/ 1867 bks 10 bible teachings in nature /macmillan hugh 1833 1903/ 1871 bks 11 body of the goddess sacred wisdom in myth landscape /pollack rac/ 1997 bks 12 botschaft der dinge ansatze neuer ganzheitlicher wel /stuttgen a/ 1993 bks 13 carl friedrich von weizsacker bruckenbauer zwischen /kwon deuk c/ 1995 bks 14 chief seatles reply we are part of the earth and it /seattle chi/ 1989 bks 15 compagnons du soleil anthologie de grands textes de/ 1992 bks 16 confutation of atheism from the origin and frame of /bentley ric/ 1694 bks 17 confutation of atheism from the origine and frame of /bentley ri/ 1694 bks 18 confutation of atheism from the structure and origin /bentley ri/ 1693 bks 19 darstellung von naturgottheiten bei ovid und fruhere /eggers tor/ 1984 bks 20 de la nature de la physique classique au souci ecolo/ 1992 bks 21 demonstration of the existence and providence of god /edwards jo/ 1696 bks 22 denken over god en wereld theologie natuurwetenschap/ 1994 bks 23 dream of the earth /berry thomas mary 1914/ 1988 bks 24 eco spirituality toward a reverent life /cummings charles 1940/ 1991 bks 25 eins mit der natur mensch und natur bei franz von as /werner han/ 1986 bks 26 ekologicheskie elementy soznaniia i religiia na mate /kiseleva n/ 1993 bks 27 epochen der naturmystik hermetische tradition im wis/ 1979 bks 28 erwagungen zu einer theologie der natur /muller a m klaus/ 1970 bks 29 ethics for environment three religious strategies/ 1973 bks 30 evidences of a future state as seen in the analogies /traver all/ 1867 bks 31 gaarde een woestijn de milieucrisis en de verantwoor/ 1990 bks 32 gaias hidden life the unseen intelligence of nature/ 1992 bks 33 geist in der natur /orsted hans christian 1777 1851/ 1850 bks 34 geldwert der schopfung theologie okologie okonomie /schramm mich/ 1994 bks 35 gods other book /hope noel/ 1930 bks 36 gospel in nature scripture truths illustrated by fac /mccook hen/ 1895 bks 37 gospel in the trees with opinions of common things a /clark alex/ 1868 bks 38 gott der kosmos und die freiheit biologie philosophi/ 1996 bks 39 gottliche gesetz der natur zur geschichte des neuzei /koch traug/ 1991 bks 40 greening of faith god the environment and the good l/ 1997 bks 41 harmonie in der natur /france r h (raoul heinrich) 1874 1943/ 1926 bks 42 heilige boek der natuur /tuyll van serooskerken hubertus paulus/ ???? bks 43 holy earth /bailey l h (liberty hyde) 1858 1954/ 1943 bks 44 insight outlook /hofmann albert 1906/ 1989 bks 45 invention of nature/ 1994 bks 46 journey into nature a spiritual adventure /roads michael j/ 1990 bks 47 journey into oneness /roads michael j/ 1994 bks 48 kenntniss und liebe des schopfers aus der betrachtun /mutschelle/ 1808 bks 49 kleine beytrage zur testaceotheologie oder zur erkan /chemnitz j/ 1760 bks 50 lectures on natural theology or nature and the bible /chadbourne/ 1876 bks 51 listening to the land conversations about nature cul /jensen der/ 1995 bks 52 lost gospel of the earth a call for renewing nature /hayden tom/ 1996 bks 53 love and the soul creating a future for earth /sardello robert j/ 1995 bks 54 mass des regenbogens beitrage zu einer geisteswissen /buhler wal/ 1993 bks 55 maxima in minimis zur empirie und autoritatsverstand /stebbins s/ 1980 bks 56 mein totem ist zornig mensch und natur in archaische /gerlitz pe/ 1992 bks 57 mensch und natur auf der suche nach der verlorenen e/ 1989 bks 58 ministry of nature /macmillan hugh 1833 1903/ 1872 bks 59 national socialism and the religion of nature /pois robert a/ 1986 bks 60 national socialism and the religion of nature /pois robert a/ 1986 bks 61 natura e la grazia discorsi sopra il naturalismo mod /curci carl/ 1865 bks 62 natures religion /corrington robert s 1950/ 1997 bks 63 natures vindication or a check to all those who affi /everard ro/ 1652 bks 64 naturwissenschaft und glaubenserkenntnis die zentral /kleinschmi/ 1930 bks 65 natuurwetenschap en wonderen eene voorlezing /diest lorgion ever/ 1860 bks 66 no heaven without earth/ 1991 bks 67 nur der gott der liebe eint uns uber die verantwortu /thurkauf m/ 1988 bks 68 on nature/ 1984 bks 69 ore awe roirua ma todas as vezes que dissemos adeus /jecupe kaka/ 1990 bks 70 papers ca 1848 1913 inclusive 1870 1881 bulk /parsons theophilus/ 1848 mss 71 philosophical look at religion /omoregbe joseph i/ 1993 bks 72 poesie nature et sacre/ 1984 bks 73 priroda i chelovek v religioznykh predstavleniiakh n/ 1976 bks 74 profiles in wisdom native elders speak about the ear /mcfadden s/ 1991 bks 75 prophetess of the earth and the apocalypso drahciras /kyukendall/ 1992 bks 76 rainbow tribe ordinary people journeying on the red /mcgaa ed/ 1992 bks 77 re enchantment of everyday life /moore thomas 1940/ 1996 bks 78 re visioning the earth a guide to opening the healin /devereux p/ 1996 bks 79 rebirth of nature the greening of science and god /sheldrake rup/ 1990 bks 80 religion of nature /willey basil 1897/ 1957 bks 81 religion the order of nature /nasr seyyed hossein/ 1996 bks 82 religion und leben /thomas h/ 1920 bks 83 religion und natur handglosse eines protestanten zu /widenmann g/ 1846 bks 84 religiose wahrnehmung der welt/ 1988 bks 85 religious beliefs and environmental protection the m /dorm adzob/ 1991 bks 86 replenish the earth a history of organized religions /regenstein/ 1991 bks 87 sacred earth the spiritual landscape of native ameri /versluis a/ 1992 bks 88 sacred land sacred sex rapture of the deep concernin /lachapelle/ 1988 bks 89 sakularisierung der natur providentia dei lehre und /krolzik udo/ 1988 bks 90 sentiments de la nature/ 1993 bks 91 sermons on botany and natural history /jones william 1726 1800/ 1813 bks 92 shakkai woman of the sacred garden /andrews lynn v/ 1992 bks 93 sketches from the volume of creation as displayed in /draper b h/ 1830 bks 94 soul in nature with supplementary contributions /orsted hans chr/ 1852 bks 95 soul unearthed celebrating wildness and personal ren/ 1996 bks 96 spinozian wisdom or natural religion /arther james/ 1943 bks 97 spirit and nature/ 1954 bks 98 spirit and nature/ 1954 bks 99 spirit of the environment religion value and environ/ 1998 bks 100 suche nach gott auf den wegen der natur theologie my /ganoczy al/ 1992 bks 101 supernatural in relation to the natural /mccosh james 1811 1894/ 1862 bks 102 temple wilderness a collection of thoughts and image/ 1996 bks 103 teva veha hayim /ish pashut/ 1937 bks 104 thinking like a mountain towards a council of all be/ 1988 bks 105 uitstap van aanmerkingen over het regt gebruik van t /appelius j/ 1770 bks 106 umweltverantwortung aus religioser sicht/ 1988 bks 107 unsterbliche geist in der natur gesprache /uexkull jakob von 186/ 1947 bks 108 verantwortung fur die schopfung in den weltreligione/ 1992 bks 109 walks in the regions of science and faith a series o /goodwin ha/ 1883 bks 110 was lehrt uns die natur die natur in den kunsten und /bremer die/ 1989 bks 111 wisdom of the mythtellers /kane sean 1943/ 1994 bks 112 worldviews and ecology religion philosophy and the e/ 1994 bks 113 zuruck zur natur religion wege zur ehrfurcht vor all/ 1986 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --BUDDHISM 114 buddhism and ecology/ 1992 bks 115 buddhism and nature the lecture delivered on the occ /schmithaus/ 1991 bks 116 problem of the sentience of plants in earliest buddh /schmithaus/ 1991 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --BUDDHISM --CONGRESSES 117 buddhism and nature proceedings of an international /internation/ 1991 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --CATHOLIC CHURCH --HISTORY OF DOCTRINES --MIDDLE AGES 600 1500 118 before science the invention of the friars natural p /french r k/ 1996 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --CHRISTIANITY 119 aarde is er ook nog op zoek naar een ethiek van het/ 1974 bks 120 after natures revolt eco justice and theology/ 1992 bks 121 all geschopf ist zung und mund beitrage aus dem gren/ 1984 bks 122 appreciating gods creation through scripture /laffey alice l 194/ 1997 bks 123 argument ethik orientierung fur die praxis in okolog /ruh hans/ 1992 bks 124 argument ethik orientierung fur die praxis okologie /ruh hans/ 1991 bks 125 at home on earth foundations for a catholic ethic of /murphy cha/ 1989 bks 126 baptized into wilderness a christian perspective on /austin rich/ 1987 bks 127 beauty of the lord awakening the senses /austin richard cartwrig/ 1988 bks 128 befriending the earth a theology of reconciliation b /berry thom/ 1991 bks 129 between the flood and the rainbow interpreting the c/ 1992 bks 130 caring for creation toward an ethic of responsibilit /rowthorn a/ 1989 bks 131 celebrating the earth an earth centered theology of /mccarthy sc/ 1991 bks 132 celtic christianity and nature early irish and hebri /low mary/ 1996 bks 133 cherish the earth the environment and scripture /kirk janice e 1/ 1993 bks 134 christen en de natuur unie lezing gehouden te doetin /nes hendri/ 1886 bks 135 christian view of nature /brightman edgar sheffield 1884 1953/ 1943 bks 136 church and the ecological crisis /barnette henlee h/ 1972 bks 137 churches on climate change a collection of statement/ 1992 bks 138 contemplations on the starry heavens or the beauties /pollard jo/ 1818 bks 139 creation in crisis responding to gods covenant /bhagat shantilal/ 1990 bks 140 creation liturgy an earth centered theology of worsh /mccarthy s/ 1987 bks 141 cry of the environment rebuilding the christian crea/ 1984 bks 142 damit die erde wieder gott gehort pladoyer fur einen/ 1986 bks 143 defense of the peaceable kingdom /massey marshall/ 1985 bks 144 delicate creation towards a theology of the environm /derrick ch/ 1972 bks 145 diesseits vom lesen im buche der natur ein beitrag z /hemleben j/ 1980 bks 146 dieu et lecologie environnement theologie spirituali /coste rene/ 1994 bks 147 earth age a new vision of god the human and the eart /green lorn/ 1994 bks 148 earth might be fair reflections on ethics religion a/ 1972 bks 149 earthspirit a handbook for nurturing an ecological c /dowd micha/ 1991 bks 150 ecology and human liberation a theological critique /derr thomas/ 1973 bks 151 ecology and religion toward a new christian theology /carmody jo/ 1983 bks 152 environmental theology /austin richard cartwright 1934/ 1987 bks 153 essays on nature and grace /sittler joseph/ 1972 bks 154 evidence afforded by the order and adaptations in na /brooke cha/ 1872 bks 155 francis of assisis canticle of the creatures a moder /allen paul/ 1996 bks 156 franziskus in gorleben protest fur die schopfung/ 1981 bks 157 freude und hoffnung des christen bekenntnis eines ph /jerrentrup/ 1981 bks 158 frieden in der schopfung das naturverstandnis protes/ 1987 bks 159 gemidos de la creacion ecologia y teologia desde la/ 1988 bks 160 god is green ecology for christians /bradley ian c/ 1992 bks 161 gods earth religion as if matter really mattered /collins paul 1/ 1995 bks 162 gott in der natur /nicolussi johann/ 1957 bks 163 greening of the church /mcdonagh sean 1935/ 1990 bks 164 healing the land a supernatural view of ecology /pratney winkie/ 1993 bks 165 heile schopfung und das seufzen der kreatur /scheffczyk leo 1920/ 1992 bks 166 hope for the land nature in the bible /austin richard cartwright/ 1988 bks 167 imaging god dominion as stewardship /hall douglas john 1928/ 1986 bks 168 is it too late a theology of ecology /cobb john b/ 1995 bks 169 keeping and healing the creation a resource paper/ 1989 bks 170 kranke baume kranke seelen franziskus von assisi ein /kreppold g/ 1986 bks 171 liberating life contemporary approaches to ecologica/ 1990 bks 172 life the fundamental principle of all phenomena a le /cuthbert a/ 1887 bks 173 list of plants and their properties from the menarat /gottheil r/ 1886 bks 174 lost gospel of the earth a call for renewing nature /hayden tom/ 1996 bks 175 moses and geology or the harmony of the bible with s /kinns samu/ 1886 bks 176 natur ein evangelium /uzel heinrich/ 1936 bks 177 natur und schopfung schopfung bewahrung oder zerstor /zwick elis/ 1993 bks 178 nature as divine communication in the works of jonat /cooey paul/ 1981 bks 179 nature considered as a revelation in two parts part /bayley robe/ 1836 bks 180 nature et grace dans la theologie occidentale dialog /vanneste a/ 1996 bks 181 nature garden or desert an essay in environmental th /rust eric/ 1971 bks 182 nature green in cell and leaf /barnes john/ 1989 bks 183 nature in grace a study in the theology of nature /stewart claud/ 1983 bks 184 nature in grace a study in the theology of nature a /stewart cla/ 1980 bks 185 nature reality and the sacred the nexus of science a /gilkey lan/ 1993 bks 186 naturerkenntnis sunde oder gottesauftrag die erkennb /jenssen ha/ 1984 bks 187 naturerkenntnis sunde oder gottesauftrag die erkennb /jenssen ha/ 1987 bks 188 naturforscher und die frage nach gott /stuhlhofer franz 1955/ 1988 bks 189 naturwissenschaft und christlicher glaube ein widers /sprockhoff/ 1992 bks 190 naturwissenschaftliches weltbild und evangelisierung/ 1993 bks 191 new ethic for a new earth/ 1971 bks 192 of god and pelicans a theology of reverence for life /mcdaniel j/ 1989 bks 193 om theologiens naturbegreb /nielsen rasmus 1809 1884/ 1855 bks 194 original peace restoring gods creation /burrell david b/ 1997 bks 195 passion for the earth the christian vocation to prom /mcdonagh s/ 1994 bks 196 pollution and the death of man the christian view of /schaeffer/ 1970 bks 197 promise of nature ecology and cosmic purpose /haught john f/ 1993 bks 198 protest der schlange signale zum umdenken /kramp willy 1909/ 1981 bks 199 protestantism capitalism and nature in america mark /stoll mark/ 1997 bks 200 rape of man and nature an enquiry into the origins a /sherrard p/ 1987 bks 201 reclaiming america restoring nature to culture /austin richard c/ 1990 bks 202 redeeming the creation the rio earth summit challeng /granberg m/ 1992 bks 203 rights of future generations rights of nature propos/ 1990 bks 204 rural rambles/ 1826 bks 205 schellings philosophy of identity /tillich paul 1886 1965/ 1984 rec 206 schopfung am abgrund die theologie vor der umweltfra /altner gun/ 1974 bks 207 schopfung und evolution neue ansatze zum dialog zwis/ 1992 bks 208 schritte uber grenzen zwischen technik und theologie /beck horst/ 1979 bks 209 sense of the divine the natural environment from a t /gustafson/ 1994 bks 210 silence of angels /allison dale c/ 1995 bks 211 soseki to kanzo shizen to tennen /akagi yoshimitsu 1929/ 1993 bks 212 stewards of creation environmentalism in the light o /osborn law/ 1990 bks 213 super natural christians how we should love nature /mcfague sall/ 1997 bks 214 tending the garden essays on the gospel and the eart/ 1987 bks 215 teologia se fez terra primeiro encontro latino ameri/ 1991 bks 216 thema der schopfung in der okumenischen bewegung 194 /breitmaier/ 1995 bks 217 theologie der natur /ganoczy alexandre/ 1982 bks 218 theology of things a study of man in his physical en /bonifazi c/ 1967 bks 219 tillich on schelling fall 1958 /tillich paul 1886 1965/ 1993 rec 220 toward a theology of nature essays on science and fa /pannenberg/ 1993 bks 221 umweltethik ein theologischer beitrag zur okologisch /auer alfon/ 1984 bks 222 umweltschutz lebenserhaltung vom umgang mit gottes s /bockmuhl k/ 1975 bks 223 verantwortung wahrnehmen fur die schopfung gemeinsam/ 1985 bks 224 vincent van gogh christianity versus nature /kodera tsukasa/ 1990 bks 225 what on earth can you do making your church a creati /lehman don/ 1993 bks 226 while creation waits a christian response to the env /larsen dal/ 1992 bks 227 women earth and creator spirit /johnson elizabeth a 1941/ 1993 bks 228 wonder o the wind /keller w phillip (weldon phillip) 1920/ 1993 bks 229 wrestling with the prophets essays on creation spiri /fox matthe/ 1995 bks 230 zwischen natur und menschengeschichte anthropologisc /altner gun/ 1975 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --CHRISTIANITY --BIBLICAL TEACHING 231 what the bible says about stewardship you are in cha /van benseh/ 1983 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --CHRISTIANITY --BIBLIOGRAPHY 232 rediscovery of creation a bibliographical study of t /sheldon jo/ 1992 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --CHRISTIANITY --CONGRESSES 233 catholicism and secularization in america essays on/ 1990 bks 234 christliche gemeinden fur gerechtigkeit frieden und/ 1990 bks 235 ecologia e civilta cristiana atti del xiv convegno d /centro di/ 1991 bks 236 faith and science in an unjust world report of the w /world coun/ 1980 bks 237 man and nature/ 1975 bks 238 natur im ethischen argument/ 1990 bks 239 natural theology versus theology of nature tillichs /internation/ 1994 bks 240 preserving the creation environmental theology and e/ 1994 bks 241 religion et ecologie colloque/ 1993 bks 242 searching for the new heavens the new earth an ecume /searching/ 1992 bks 243 solidarisch leben uberleben texte berichte vorschlag /evangelisc/ 1979 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --CHRISTIANITY --EARLY WORKS TO 1800 244 traite de la nature et de la grace /malebranche nicolas 1638 171/ 1680 bks 245 traite de la nature et de la grace /malebranche nicolas 1638 171/ 1684 bks 246 trattato della natura e della grazia testo del 1712 /malebranche/ 1994 bks 247 treatise on nature and grace /malebranche nicolas 1638 1715/ 1992 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --CHRISTIANITY --HISTORY OF DOCTRINES 248 friends and the world of nature /benfey o theodor (otto theodor)/ 1980 bks 249 nature and grace toward an integral perspective /carpenter james/ 1988 bks 250 naturlig teologi och naturteologi naturen som bild i /arvidsson/ 1990 bks 251 travail of nature the ambiguous ecological promise o /santmire h/ 1985 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --CHRISTIANITY --HISTORY OF DOCTRINES --EARLY CHURCH CA 30 600 252 greek patristic view of nature /wallace hadrill d s (david suthe/ 1968 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --CHRISTIANITY --HISTORY OF DOCTRINES --MIDDLE AGES 600 1500 253 st francis of assisi and nature tradition and innova /sorrell ro/ 1988 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --CHRISTIANITY --HISTORY OF DOCTRINES --16TH CENTURY 254 theater of his glory nature and the natural order in /schreiner/ 1991 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --CHRISTIANITY --HISTORY OF DOCTRINES --18TH CENTURY 255 zwischen glaubenslehre und vernunftwahrheit natur un /ehrhardt r/ 1996 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --CHRISTIANITY --HISTORY OF DOCTRINES --20TH CENTURY 256 creation and nature a study of the doctrine of natur /santmire h/ 1966 bks 257 graced horizon nature and grace in modern catholic t /duffy step/ 1992 bks 258 unity of nature and history in pannenbergs theology /buller corn/ 1996 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --CHRISTIANITY --MEDITATIONS 259 green mountain spring and other leaps of faith /kowalski gary a/ 1997 bks 260 open gate /smith don ian 1918/ 1989 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --CHRISTIANITY --QUOTATIONS MAXIMS ETC 261 green bible/ 1993 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --CHRISTIANITY --SERMONS 262 whitening the sea roads a sermon /matson howard george/ 1967 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --COMPARATIVE STUDIES 263 attitudes to nature/ 1994 bks 264 way of the earth encounters with nature in ancient a /mcluhan t/ 1994 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --CONGRESSES 265 creation at risk religion science and environmentali/ 1995 bks 266 god humanity mother nature/ 1992 bks 267 kann man gott aus der natur erkennen evolution als o/ 1990 bks 268 natural phenomena their meaning depiction and descri/ 1992 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --EARLY WORKS TO 1800 269 confutation of atheism from the origin and frame of /bentley ric/ 1692 bks 270 confutation of atheism from the origin and frame of /bentley ric/ 1693 bks 271 confutation of atheism from the origin and frame of /bentley ric/ 1961 bks 272 confutation of atheism from the structure and origin /bentley ri/ 1692 bks 273 confutation of atheism from the structure and origin /bentley ri/ 1694 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --HINDUISM 274 animal welfare and nature hindu scriptural perspecti /naganathan/ 1989 bks 275 treatment of nature in the rgveda /chaubey braj bihari 1940/ 1970 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --HINDUISM --CONGRESSES 276 prakrti the integral vision/ 1995 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --HISTORY 277 day of the locusts the history of creation in the bo /simkins ro/ 1990 bks 278 nature technology and society cultural roots of the /ferkiss vic/ 1993 bks 279 yahwehs activity in history and nature in the book o /simkins ro/ 1991 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --HISTORY OF DOCTRINES 280 traces on the rhodian shore nature and culture in we /glacken cl/ 1967 bks 281 traces on the rhodian shore nature and culture in we /glacken cl/ 1973 bks 282 traces on the rhodian shore nature and culture in we /glacken cl/ 1976 bks 283 traces on the rhodian shore nature and culture in we /glacken cl/ 1990 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --ISLAM 284 islam va hayat hayat wa al islam /shahristani hibat al din/ 1963 bks 285 libro dei moniti e della riflessione un testo apocri /jahiz d 86/ 1991 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --ISLAM --EARLY WORKS TO 1800 286 ibar wa al itibar /jahiz d 868 or 9/ 1995 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --JUDAISM 287 alliance avec la nature /chalier catherine/ 1989 bks 288 ve hineh tov meod ha yahas la teva ula sevivah bi me /rozenson y/ 1993 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --JUDAISM --CONGRESSES 289 religion et ecologie colloque/ 1993 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --JUDAISM --DICTIONARIES 290 matbea she tavu hakhamim mi nifleot ha bore be aspak /meisels ab/ 1990 bks 291 matbea she tavu hakhamim mi nifleot ha bore be aspak /meisels ab/ 1990 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --LITERARY COLLECTIONS 292 sacred place witnessing the holy in the physical wor/ 1996 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --POETRY 293 philosophy/ 1851 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --QUOTATIONS MAXIMS ETC 294 alles leben wachst zum licht /balling adalbert ludwig/ 1990 bks NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS --SERMONS 295 constancy and uniformity of the divine government il /lathrop jo/ 1803 bks 296 man who tries to rise or the benevolence of evolutio /fuller sam/ 1901 bks 297 natural and revealed religion a sermon preached to t /bradlee c/ 1878 bks 298 natures eternal lesson a sunday lecture /fuller samuel richard/ 1901 bks
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 14, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 14, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS
akagi yoshimitsu 1929 (1993) - soseki to kanzo shizen to tennen [ 211 ] allen paul (1996) - francis of assisis canticle of the creatures a moder [ 155 ] allison dale c (1995) - silence of angels [ 210 ] altner gun (1974) - schopfung am abgrund die theologie vor der umweltfra [ 206 ] altner gun (1975) - zwischen natur und menschengeschichte anthropologisc [ 230 ] andrews lynn v (1992) - shakkai woman of the sacred garden [ 92 ] arther james (1943) - spinozian wisdom or natural religion [ 96 ] arvidsson (1990) - naturlig teologi och naturteologi naturen som bild i [ 250 ] auer alfon (1984) - umweltethik ein theologischer beitrag zur okologisch [ 221 ] austin rich (1987) - baptized into wilderness a christian perspective on [ 126 ] austin richard c (1990) - reclaiming america restoring nature to culture [ 201 ] austin richard cartwrig (1988) - beauty of the lord awakening the senses [ 127 ] austin richard cartwright (1988) - hope for the land nature in the bible [ 166 ] austin richard cartwright 1934 (1987) - environmental theology [ 152 ] bailey l h (liberty hyde) 1858 1954 (1943) - holy earth [ 43 ] balling adalbert ludwig (1990) - alles leben wachst zum licht [ 294 ] barnes john (1989) - nature green in cell and leaf [ 182 ] barnette henlee h (1972) - church and the ecological crisis [ 136 ] beck horst (1979) - schritte uber grenzen zwischen technik und theologie [ 208 ] benfey o theodor (otto theodor) (1980) - friends and the world of nature [ 248 ] bentley ric (1961) - confutation of atheism from the origin and frame of [ 271 ] berry thom (1991) - befriending the earth a theology of reconciliation b [ 128 ] berry thomas mary 1914 (1988) - dream of the earth [ 23 ] bhagat shantilal (1990) - creation in crisis responding to gods covenant [ 139 ] bockmuhl k (1975) - umweltschutz lebenserhaltung vom umgang mit gottes s [ 222 ] bonifazi c (1967) - theology of things a study of man in his physical en [ 218 ] bradley ian c (1992) - god is green ecology for christians [ 160 ] breitmaier (1995) - thema der schopfung in der okumenischen bewegung 194 [ 216 ] bremer die (1989) - was lehrt uns die natur die natur in den kunsten und [ 110 ] brightman edgar sheffield 1884 1953 (1943) - christian view of nature [ 135 ] buhler wal (1993) - mass des regenbogens beitrage zu einer geisteswissen [ 54 ] buller corn (1996) - unity of nature and history in pannenbergs theology [ 258 ] burrell david b (1997) - original peace restoring gods creation [ 194 ] carmody jo (1983) - ecology and religion toward a new christian theology [ 151 ] carpenter james (1988) - nature and grace toward an integral perspective [ 249 ] centro di (1991) - ecologia e civilta cristiana atti del xiv convegno d [ 235 ] chalier catherine (1989) - alliance avec la nature [ 287 ] chaubey braj bihari 1940 (1970) - treatment of nature in the rgveda [ 275 ] cobb john b (1995) - is it too late a theology of ecology [ 168 ] collins paul 1 (1995) - gods earth religion as if matter really mattered [ 161 ] cooey paul (1981) - nature as divine communication in the works of jonat [ 178 ] corrington robert s 1950 (1997) - natures religion [ 62 ] coste rene (1994) - dieu et lecologie environnement theologie spirituali [ 146 ] cummings charles 1940 (1991) - eco spirituality toward a reverent life [ 24 ] derr thomas (1973) - ecology and human liberation a theological critique [ 150 ] derrick ch (1972) - delicate creation towards a theology of the environm [ 144 ] devereux p (1996) - re visioning the earth a guide to opening the healin [ 78 ] dorm adzob (1991) - religious beliefs and environmental protection the m [ 85 ] dowd micha (1991) - earthspirit a handbook for nurturing an ecological c [ 149 ] duffy step (1992) - graced horizon nature and grace in modern catholic t [ 257 ] eggers tor (1984) - darstellung von naturgottheiten bei ovid und fruhere [ 19 ] ehrhardt r (1996) - zwischen glaubenslehre und vernunftwahrheit natur un [ 255 ] evangelisc (1979) - solidarisch leben uberleben texte berichte vorschlag [ 243 ] ferkiss vic (1993) - nature technology and society cultural roots of the [ 278 ] fox matthe (1995) - wrestling with the prophets essays on creation spiri [ 229 ] france r h (raoul heinrich) 1874 1943 (1926) - harmonie in der natur [ 41 ] french r k (1996) - before science the invention of the friars natural p [ 118 ] fuller sam (1901) - man who tries to rise or the benevolence of evolutio [ 296 ] fuller samuel richard (1901) - natures eternal lesson a sunday lecture [ 298 ] ganoczy al (1992) - suche nach gott auf den wegen der natur theologie my [ 100 ] ganoczy alexandre (1982) - theologie der natur [ 217 ] gerlitz pe (1992) - mein totem ist zornig mensch und natur in archaische [ 56 ] gilkey lan (1993) - nature reality and the sacred the nexus of science a [ 185 ] glacken cl (1967) - traces on the rhodian shore nature and culture in we [ 280 ] glacken cl (1973) - traces on the rhodian shore nature and culture in we [ 281 ] glacken cl (1976) - traces on the rhodian shore nature and culture in we [ 282 ] glacken cl (1990) - traces on the rhodian shore nature and culture in we [ 283 ] granberg m (1992) - redeeming the creation the rio earth summit challeng [ 202 ] green lorn (1994) - earth age a new vision of god the human and the eart [ 147 ] gustafson (1994) - sense of the divine the natural environment from a t [ 209 ] hall douglas john 1928 (1986) - imaging god dominion as stewardship [ 167 ] hasler uel (1982) - beherrschte natur die anpassung der theologie an die [ 7 ] haught john f (1993) - promise of nature ecology and cosmic purpose [ 197 ] hayden tom (1996) - lost gospel of the earth a call for renewing nature [ 52 ] hemleben j (1980) - diesseits vom lesen im buche der natur ein beitrag z [ 145 ] hofmann albert 1906 (1989) - insight outlook [ 44 ] hope noel (1930) - gods other book [ 35 ] internation (1991) - buddhism and nature proceedings of an international [ 117 ] internation (1994) - natural theology versus theology of nature tillichs [ 239 ] ish pashut (1937) - teva veha hayim [ 103 ] jahiz d 86 (1991) - libro dei moniti e della riflessione un testo apocri [ 285 ] jahiz d 868 or 9 (1995) - ibar wa al itibar [ 286 ] jecupe kaka (1990) - ore awe roirua ma todas as vezes que dissemos adeus [ 69 ] jensen der (1995) - listening to the land conversations about nature cul [ 51 ] jenssen ha (1984) - naturerkenntnis sunde oder gottesauftrag die erkennb [ 186 ] jenssen ha (1987) - naturerkenntnis sunde oder gottesauftrag die erkennb [ 187 ] jerrentrup (1981) - freude und hoffnung des christen bekenntnis eines ph [ 157 ] johnson elizabeth a 1941 (1993) - women earth and creator spirit [ 227 ] kane sean 1943 (1994) - wisdom of the mythtellers [ 111 ] keller w phillip (weldon phillip) 1920 (1993) - wonder o the wind [ 228 ] kirk janice e 1 (1993) - cherish the earth the environment and scripture [ 133 ] kiseleva n (1993) - ekologicheskie elementy soznaniia i religiia na mate [ 26 ] kleinschmi (1930) - naturwissenschaft und glaubenserkenntnis die zentral [ 64 ] koch traug (1991) - gottliche gesetz der natur zur geschichte des neuzei [ 39 ] kodera tsukasa (1990) - vincent van gogh christianity versus nature [ 224 ] kowalski gary a (1997) - green mountain spring and other leaps of faith [ 259 ] kramp willy 1909 (1981) - protest der schlange signale zum umdenken [ 198 ] kreppold g (1986) - kranke baume kranke seelen franziskus von assisi ein [ 170 ] krolzik udo (1988) - sakularisierung der natur providentia dei lehre und [ 89 ] kwon deuk c (1995) - carl friedrich von weizsacker bruckenbauer zwischen [ 13 ] kyukendall (1992) - prophetess of the earth and the apocalypso drahciras [ 75 ] lachapelle (1988) - sacred land sacred sex rapture of the deep concernin [ 88 ] laffey alice l 194 (1997) - appreciating gods creation through scripture [ 122 ] larsen dal (1992) - while creation waits a christian response to the env [ 226 ] lehman don (1993) - what on earth can you do making your church a creati [ 225 ] low mary (1996) - celtic christianity and nature early irish and hebri [ 132 ] malebranche (1994) - trattato della natura e della grazia testo del 1712 [ 246 ] malebranche nicolas 1638 1715 (1992) - treatise on nature and grace [ 247 ] massey marshall (1985) - defense of the peaceable kingdom [ 143 ] matson howard george (1967) - whitening the sea roads a sermon [ 262 ] mccarthy s (1987) - creation liturgy an earth centered theology of worsh [ 140 ] mccarthy sc (1991) - celebrating the earth an earth centered theology of [ 131 ] mcdaniel j (1989) - of god and pelicans a theology of reverence for life [ 192 ] mcdonagh s (1994) - passion for the earth the christian vocation to prom [ 195 ] mcdonagh sean 1935 (1990) - greening of the church [ 163 ] mcfadden s (1991) - profiles in wisdom native elders speak about the ear [ 74 ] mcfague sall (1997) - super natural christians how we should love nature [ 213 ] mcgaa ed (1992) - rainbow tribe ordinary people journeying on the red [ 76 ] mcluhan t (1994) - way of the earth encounters with nature in ancient a [ 264 ] meisels ab (1990) - matbea she tavu hakhamim mi nifleot ha bore be aspak [ 290 ] moore thomas 1940 (1996) - re enchantment of everyday life [ 77 ] muller a m klaus (1970) - erwagungen zu einer theologie der natur [ 28 ] murphy cha (1989) - at home on earth foundations for a catholic ethic of [ 125 ] naganathan (1989) - animal welfare and nature hindu scriptural perspecti [ 274 ] nasr seyyed hossein (1996) - religion the order of nature [ 81 ] nicolussi johann (1957) - gott in der natur [ 162 ] omoregbe joseph i (1993) - philosophical look at religion [ 71 ] osborn law (1990) - stewards of creation environmentalism in the light o [ 212 ] pannenberg (1993) - toward a theology of nature essays on science and fa [ 220 ] pois robert a (1986) - national socialism and the religion of nature [ 59 ] pollack rac (1997) - body of the goddess sacred wisdom in myth landscape [ 11 ] pratney winkie (1993) - healing the land a supernatural view of ecology [ 164 ] regenstein (1991) - replenish the earth a history of organized religions [ 86 ] roads michael j (1990) - journey into nature a spiritual adventure [ 46 ] roads michael j (1994) - journey into oneness [ 47 ] rowthorn a (1989) - caring for creation toward an ethic of responsibilit [ 130 ] rozenson y (1993) - ve hineh tov meod ha yahas la teva ula sevivah bi me [ 288 ] ruh hans (1991) - argument ethik orientierung fur die praxis okologie [ 124 ] ruh hans (1992) - argument ethik orientierung fur die praxis in okolog [ 123 ] rust eric (1971) - nature garden or desert an essay in environmental th [ 181 ] santmire h (1966) - creation and nature a study of the doctrine of natur [ 256 ] santmire h (1985) - travail of nature the ambiguous ecological promise o [ 251 ] sardello robert j (1995) - love and the soul creating a future for earth [ 53 ] schaeffer (1970) - pollution and the death of man the christian view of [ 196 ] scheffczyk leo 1920 (1992) - heile schopfung und das seufzen der kreatur [ 165 ] schmithaus (1991) - buddhism and nature the lecture delivered on the occ [ 115 ] schmithaus (1991) - problem of the sentience of plants in earliest buddh [ 116 ] schramm mich (1994) - geldwert der schopfung theologie okologie okonomie [ 34 ] schreiner (1991) - theater of his glory nature and the natural order in [ 254 ] searching (1992) - searching for the new heavens the new earth an ecume [ 242 ] seattle chi (1989) - chief seatles reply we are part of the earth and it [ 14 ] shahristani hibat al din (1963) - islam va hayat hayat wa al islam [ 284 ] sheldon jo (1992) - rediscovery of creation a bibliographical study of t [ 232 ] sheldrake rup (1990) - rebirth of nature the greening of science and god [ 79 ] sherrard p (1987) - rape of man and nature an enquiry into the origins a [ 200 ] simkins ro (1990) - day of the locusts the history of creation in the bo [ 277 ] simkins ro (1991) - yahwehs activity in history and nature in the book o [ 279 ] sittler joseph (1972) - essays on nature and grace [ 153 ] smith don ian 1918 (1989) - open gate [ 260 ] sorrell ro (1988) - st francis of assisi and nature tradition and innova [ 253 ] sprockhoff (1992) - naturwissenschaft und christlicher glaube ein widers [ 189 ] stebbins s (1980) - maxima in minimis zur empirie und autoritatsverstand [ 55 ] stewart cla (1980) - nature in grace a study in the theology of nature a [ 184 ] stewart claud (1983) - nature in grace a study in the theology of nature [ 183 ] stoll mark (1997) - protestantism capitalism and nature in america mark [ 199 ] stuhlhofer franz 1955 (1988) - naturforscher und die frage nach gott [ 188 ] stuttgen a (1993) - botschaft der dinge ansatze neuer ganzheitlicher wel [ 12 ] thomas h (1920) - religion und leben [ 82 ] thurkauf m (1988) - nur der gott der liebe eint uns uber die verantwortu [ 67 ] tillich paul 1886 1965 (1984) - schellings philosophy of identity [ 205 ] uexkull jakob von 186 (1947) - unsterbliche geist in der natur gesprache [ 107 ] uzel heinrich (1936) - natur ein evangelium [ 176 ] van benseh (1983) - what the bible says about stewardship you are in cha [ 231 ] vanneste a (1996) - nature et grace dans la theologie occidentale dialog [ 180 ] versluis a (1992) - sacred earth the spiritual landscape of native ameri [ 87 ] wallace hadrill d s (david suthe (1968) - greek patristic view of nature [ 252 ] werner han (1986) - eins mit der natur mensch und natur bei franz von as [ 25 ] willey basil 1897 (1957) - religion of nature [ 80 ] world coun (1980) - faith and science in an unjust world report of the w [ 236 ] zwick elis (1993) - natur und schopfung schopfung bewahrung oder zerstor [ 177 ]
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 14, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 14, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS
1901 1901 - man who tries to rise or the benevolence of evolutio /fuller sam/ 1901 bks [ 296 ] 1901 - natures eternal lesson a sunday lecture /fuller samuel richard/ 1901 bks [ 298 ] ( 2 ) 1920 1920 - religion und leben /thomas h/ 1920 bks [ 82 ] ( 1 ) 1926 1926 - harmonie in der natur /france r h (raoul heinrich) 1874 1943/ 1926 bks [ 41 ] ( 1 ) 1930 1930 - gods other book /hope noel/ 1930 bks [ 35 ] 1930 - naturwissenschaft und glaubenserkenntnis die zentral /kleinschmi/ 1930 bks [ 64 ] ( 2 ) 1936 1936 - natur ein evangelium /uzel heinrich/ 1936 bks [ 176 ] ( 1 ) 1937 1937 - teva veha hayim /ish pashut/ 1937 bks [ 103 ] ( 1 ) 1943 1943 - christian view of nature /brightman edgar sheffield 1884 1953/ 1943 bks [ 135 ] 1943 - holy earth /bailey l h (liberty hyde) 1858 1954/ 1943 bks [ 43 ] 1943 - spinozian wisdom or natural religion /arther james/ 1943 bks [ 96 ] ( 3 ) 1947 1947 - unsterbliche geist in der natur gesprache /uexkull jakob von 186/ 1947 bks [ 107 ] ( 1 ) 1954 1954 - spirit and nature/ 1954 bks [ 97 ] 1954 - spirit and nature/ 1954 bks [ 98 ] ( 2 ) 1957 1957 - gott in der natur /nicolussi johann/ 1957 bks [ 162 ] 1957 - religion of nature /willey basil 1897/ 1957 bks [ 80 ] ( 2 ) 1961 1961 - confutation of atheism from the origin and frame of /bentley ric/ 1961 bks [ 271 ] ( 1 ) 1963 1963 - islam va hayat hayat wa al islam /shahristani hibat al din/ 1963 bks [ 284 ] ( 1 ) 1966 1966 - creation and nature a study of the doctrine of natur /santmire h/ 1966 bks [ 256 ] ( 1 ) 1967 1967 - theology of things a study of man in his physical en /bonifazi c/ 1967 bks [ 218 ] 1967 - traces on the rhodian shore nature and culture in we /glacken cl/ 1967 bks [ 280 ] 1967 - whitening the sea roads a sermon /matson howard george/ 1967 bks [ 262 ] ( 3 ) 1968 1968 - greek patristic view of nature /wallace hadrill d s (david suthe/ 1968 bks [ 252 ] ( 1 ) 1970 1970 - erwagungen zu einer theologie der natur /muller a m klaus/ 1970 bks [ 28 ] 1970 - pollution and the death of man the christian view of /schaeffer/ 1970 bks [ 196 ] 1970 - treatment of nature in the rgveda /chaubey braj bihari 1940/ 1970 bks [ 275 ] ( 3 ) 1971 1971 - nature garden or desert an essay in environmental th /rust eric/ 1971 bks [ 181 ] 1971 - new ethic for a new earth/ 1971 bks [ 191 ] ( 2 ) 1972 1972 - church and the ecological crisis /barnette henlee h/ 1972 bks [ 136 ] 1972 - delicate creation towards a theology of the environm /derrick ch/ 1972 bks [ 144 ] 1972 - earth might be fair reflections on ethics religion a/ 1972 bks [ 148 ] 1972 - essays on nature and grace /sittler joseph/ 1972 bks [ 153 ] ( 4 ) 1973 1973 - ecology and human liberation a theological critique /derr thomas/ 1973 bks [ 150 ] 1973 - ethics for environment three religious strategies/ 1973 bks [ 29 ] 1973 - traces on the rhodian shore nature and culture in we /glacken cl/ 1973 bks [ 281 ] ( 3 ) 1974 1974 - aarde is er ook nog op zoek naar een ethiek van het/ 1974 bks [ 119 ] 1974 - schopfung am abgrund die theologie vor der umweltfra /altner gun/ 1974 bks [ 206 ] ( 2 ) 1975 1975 - man and nature/ 1975 bks [ 237 ] 1975 - umweltschutz lebenserhaltung vom umgang mit gottes s /bockmuhl k/ 1975 bks [ 222 ] 1975 - zwischen natur und menschengeschichte anthropologisc /altner gun/ 1975 bks [ 230 ] ( 3 ) 1976 1976 - priroda i chelovek v religioznykh predstavleniiakh n/ 1976 bks [ 73 ] 1976 - traces on the rhodian shore nature and culture in we /glacken cl/ 1976 bks [ 282 ] ( 2 ) 1979 1979 - epochen der naturmystik hermetische tradition im wis/ 1979 bks [ 27 ] 1979 - schritte uber grenzen zwischen technik und theologie /beck horst/ 1979 bks [ 208 ] 1979 - solidarisch leben uberleben texte berichte vorschlag /evangelisc/ 1979 bks [ 243 ] ( 3 ) 1980 1980 - diesseits vom lesen im buche der natur ein beitrag z /hemleben j/ 1980 bks [ 145 ] 1980 - faith and science in an unjust world report of the w /world coun/ 1980 bks [ 236 ] 1980 - friends and the world of nature /benfey o theodor (otto theodor)/ 1980 bks [ 248 ] 1980 - maxima in minimis zur empirie und autoritatsverstand /stebbins s/ 1980 bks [ 55 ] 1980 - nature in grace a study in the theology of nature a /stewart cla/ 1980 bks [ 184 ] ( 5 ) 1981 1981 - franziskus in gorleben protest fur die schopfung/ 1981 bks [ 156 ] 1981 - freude und hoffnung des christen bekenntnis eines ph /jerrentrup/ 1981 bks [ 157 ] 1981 - nature as divine communication in the works of jonat /cooey paul/ 1981 bks [ 178 ] 1981 - protest der schlange signale zum umdenken /kramp willy 1909/ 1981 bks [ 198 ] ( 4 ) 1982 1982 - beherrschte natur die anpassung der theologie an die /hasler uel/ 1982 bks [ 7 ] 1982 - theologie der natur /ganoczy alexandre/ 1982 bks [ 217 ] ( 2 ) 1983 1983 - ecology and religion toward a new christian theology /carmody jo/ 1983 bks [ 151 ] 1983 - nature in grace a study in the theology of nature /stewart claud/ 1983 bks [ 183 ] 1983 - what the bible says about stewardship you are in cha /van benseh/ 1983 bks [ 231 ] ( 3 ) 1984 1984 - all geschopf ist zung und mund beitrage aus dem gren/ 1984 bks [ 121 ] 1984 - cry of the environment rebuilding the christian crea/ 1984 bks [ 141 ] 1984 - darstellung von naturgottheiten bei ovid und fruhere /eggers tor/ 1984 bks [ 19 ] 1984 - naturerkenntnis sunde oder gottesauftrag die erkennb /jenssen ha/ 1984 bks [ 186 ] 1984 - on nature/ 1984 bks [ 68 ] 1984 - poesie nature et sacre/ 1984 bks [ 72 ] 1984 - schellings philosophy of identity /tillich paul 1886 1965/ 1984 rec [ 205 ] 1984 - umweltethik ein theologischer beitrag zur okologisch /auer alfon/ 1984 bks [ 221 ] ( 8 ) 1985 1985 - defense of the peaceable kingdom /massey marshall/ 1985 bks [ 143 ] 1985 - travail of nature the ambiguous ecological promise o /santmire h/ 1985 bks [ 251 ] 1985 - verantwortung wahrnehmen fur die schopfung gemeinsam/ 1985 bks [ 223 ] ( 3 ) 1986 1986 - damit die erde wieder gott gehort pladoyer fur einen/ 1986 bks [ 142 ] 1986 - eins mit der natur mensch und natur bei franz von as /werner han/ 1986 bks [ 25 ] 1986 - imaging god dominion as stewardship /hall douglas john 1928/ 1986 bks [ 167 ] 1986 - kranke baume kranke seelen franziskus von assisi ein /kreppold g/ 1986 bks [ 170 ] 1986 - national socialism and the religion of nature /pois robert a/ 1986 bks [ 59 ] 1986 - national socialism and the religion of nature /pois robert a/ 1986 bks [ 60 ] 1986 - zuruck zur natur religion wege zur ehrfurcht vor all/ 1986 bks [ 113 ] ( 7 ) 1987 1987 - baptized into wilderness a christian perspective on /austin rich/ 1987 bks [ 126 ] 1987 - creation liturgy an earth centered theology of worsh /mccarthy s/ 1987 bks [ 140 ] 1987 - environmental theology /austin richard cartwright 1934/ 1987 bks [ 152 ] 1987 - frieden in der schopfung das naturverstandnis protes/ 1987 bks [ 158 ] 1987 - naturerkenntnis sunde oder gottesauftrag die erkennb /jenssen ha/ 1987 bks [ 187 ] 1987 - rape of man and nature an enquiry into the origins a /sherrard p/ 1987 bks [ 200 ] 1987 - tending the garden essays on the gospel and the eart/ 1987 bks [ 214 ] ( 7 ) 1988 1988 - beauty of the lord awakening the senses /austin richard cartwrig/ 1988 bks [ 127 ] 1988 - dream of the earth /berry thomas mary 1914/ 1988 bks [ 23 ] 1988 - gemidos de la creacion ecologia y teologia desde la/ 1988 bks [ 159 ] 1988 - hope for the land nature in the bible /austin richard cartwright/ 1988 bks [ 166 ] 1988 - nature and grace toward an integral perspective /carpenter james/ 1988 bks [ 249 ] 1988 - naturforscher und die frage nach gott /stuhlhofer franz 1955/ 1988 bks [ 188 ] 1988 - nur der gott der liebe eint uns uber die verantwortu /thurkauf m/ 1988 bks [ 67 ] 1988 - religiose wahrnehmung der welt/ 1988 bks [ 84 ] 1988 - sacred land sacred sex rapture of the deep concernin /lachapelle/ 1988 bks [ 88 ] 1988 - sakularisierung der natur providentia dei lehre und /krolzik udo/ 1988 bks [ 89 ] 1988 - st francis of assisi and nature tradition and innova /sorrell ro/ 1988 bks [ 253 ] 1988 - thinking like a mountain towards a council of all be/ 1988 bks [ 104 ] 1988 - umweltverantwortung aus religioser sicht/ 1988 bks [ 106 ] ( 13 ) 1989 1989 - alliance avec la nature /chalier catherine/ 1989 bks [ 287 ] 1989 - animal welfare and nature hindu scriptural perspecti /naganathan/ 1989 bks [ 274 ] 1989 - at home on earth foundations for a catholic ethic of /murphy cha/ 1989 bks [ 125 ] 1989 - caring for creation toward an ethic of responsibilit /rowthorn a/ 1989 bks [ 130 ] 1989 - chief seatles reply we are part of the earth and it /seattle chi/ 1989 bks [ 14 ] 1989 - insight outlook /hofmann albert 1906/ 1989 bks [ 44 ] 1989 - keeping and healing the creation a resource paper/ 1989 bks [ 169 ] 1989 - mensch und natur auf der suche nach der verlorenen e/ 1989 bks [ 57 ] 1989 - nature green in cell and leaf /barnes john/ 1989 bks [ 182 ] 1989 - of god and pelicans a theology of reverence for life /mcdaniel j/ 1989 bks [ 192 ] 1989 - open gate /smith don ian 1918/ 1989 bks [ 260 ] 1989 - was lehrt uns die natur die natur in den kunsten und /bremer die/ 1989 bks [ 110 ] ( 12 ) 1990 1990 - alles leben wachst zum licht /balling adalbert ludwig/ 1990 bks [ 294 ] 1990 - catholicism and secularization in america essays on/ 1990 bks [ 233 ] 1990 - christliche gemeinden fur gerechtigkeit frieden und/ 1990 bks [ 234 ] 1990 - creation in crisis responding to gods covenant /bhagat shantilal/ 1990 bks [ 139 ] 1990 - day of the locusts the history of creation in the bo /simkins ro/ 1990 bks [ 277 ] 1990 - gaarde een woestijn de milieucrisis en de verantwoor/ 1990 bks [ 31 ] 1990 - greening of the church /mcdonagh sean 1935/ 1990 bks [ 163 ] 1990 - journey into nature a spiritual adventure /roads michael j/ 1990 bks [ 46 ] 1990 - kann man gott aus der natur erkennen evolution als o/ 1990 bks [ 267 ] 1990 - liberating life contemporary approaches to ecologica/ 1990 bks [ 171 ] 1990 - matbea she tavu hakhamim mi nifleot ha bore be aspak /meisels ab/ 1990 bks [ 290 ] 1990 - matbea she tavu hakhamim mi nifleot ha bore be aspak /meisels ab/ 1990 bks [ 291 ] 1990 - natur im ethischen argument/ 1990 bks [ 238 ] 1990 - naturlig teologi och naturteologi naturen som bild i /arvidsson/ 1990 bks [ 250 ] 1990 - ore awe roirua ma todas as vezes que dissemos adeus /jecupe kaka/ 1990 bks [ 69 ] 1990 - rebirth of nature the greening of science and god /sheldrake rup/ 1990 bks [ 79 ] 1990 - reclaiming america restoring nature to culture /austin richard c/ 1990 bks [ 201 ] 1990 - rights of future generations rights of nature propos/ 1990 bks [ 203 ] 1990 - stewards of creation environmentalism in the light o /osborn law/ 1990 bks [ 212 ] 1990 - traces on the rhodian shore nature and culture in we /glacken cl/ 1990 bks [ 283 ] 1990 - vincent van gogh christianity versus nature /kodera tsukasa/ 1990 bks [ 224 ] ( 21 ) 1991 1991 - argument ethik orientierung fur die praxis okologie /ruh hans/ 1991 bks [ 124 ] 1991 - befriending the earth a theology of reconciliation b /berry thom/ 1991 bks [ 128 ] 1991 - buddhism and nature proceedings of an international /internation/ 1991 bks [ 117 ] 1991 - buddhism and nature the lecture delivered on the occ /schmithaus/ 1991 bks [ 115 ] 1991 - celebrating the earth an earth centered theology of /mccarthy sc/ 1991 bks [ 131 ] 1991 - earthspirit a handbook for nurturing an ecological c /dowd micha/ 1991 bks [ 149 ] 1991 - eco spirituality toward a reverent life /cummings charles 1940/ 1991 bks [ 24 ] 1991 - ecologia e civilta cristiana atti del xiv convegno d /centro di/ 1991 bks [ 235 ] 1991 - gottliche gesetz der natur zur geschichte des neuzei /koch traug/ 1991 bks [ 39 ] 1991 - libro dei moniti e della riflessione un testo apocri /jahiz d 86/ 1991 bks [ 285 ] 1991 - no heaven without earth/ 1991 bks [ 66 ] 1991 - problem of the sentience of plants in earliest buddh /schmithaus/ 1991 bks [ 116 ] 1991 - profiles in wisdom native elders speak about the ear /mcfadden s/ 1991 bks [ 74 ] 1991 - religious beliefs and environmental protection the m /dorm adzob/ 1991 bks [ 85 ] 1991 - replenish the earth a history of organized religions /regenstein/ 1991 bks [ 86 ] 1991 - teologia se fez terra primeiro encontro latino ameri/ 1991 bks [ 215 ] 1991 - theater of his glory nature and the natural order in /schreiner/ 1991 bks [ 254 ] 1991 - yahwehs activity in history and nature in the book o /simkins ro/ 1991 bks [ 279 ] ( 18 ) 1992 1992 - after natures revolt eco justice and theology/ 1992 bks [ 120 ] 1992 - argument ethik orientierung fur die praxis in okolog /ruh hans/ 1992 bks [ 123 ] 1992 - between the flood and the rainbow interpreting the c/ 1992 bks [ 129 ] 1992 - buddhism and ecology/ 1992 bks [ 114 ] 1992 - churches on climate change a collection of statement/ 1992 bks [ 137 ] 1992 - compagnons du soleil anthologie de grands textes de/ 1992 bks [ 15 ] 1992 - de la nature de la physique classique au souci ecolo/ 1992 bks [ 20 ] 1992 - gaias hidden life the unseen intelligence of nature/ 1992 bks [ 32 ] 1992 - god humanity mother nature/ 1992 bks [ 266 ] 1992 - god is green ecology for christians /bradley ian c/ 1992 bks [ 160 ] 1992 - graced horizon nature and grace in modern catholic t /duffy step/ 1992 bks [ 257 ] 1992 - heile schopfung und das seufzen der kreatur /scheffczyk leo 1920/ 1992 bks [ 165 ] 1992 - mein totem ist zornig mensch und natur in archaische /gerlitz pe/ 1992 bks [ 56 ] 1992 - natural phenomena their meaning depiction and descri/ 1992 bks [ 268 ] 1992 - naturwissenschaft und christlicher glaube ein widers /sprockhoff/ 1992 bks [ 189 ] 1992 - prophetess of the earth and the apocalypso drahciras /kyukendall/ 1992 bks [ 75 ] 1992 - rainbow tribe ordinary people journeying on the red /mcgaa ed/ 1992 bks [ 76 ] 1992 - redeeming the creation the rio earth summit challeng /granberg m/ 1992 bks [ 202 ] 1992 - rediscovery of creation a bibliographical study of t /sheldon jo/ 1992 bks [ 232 ] 1992 - sacred earth the spiritual landscape of native ameri /versluis a/ 1992 bks [ 87 ] 1992 - schopfung und evolution neue ansatze zum dialog zwis/ 1992 bks [ 207 ] 1992 - searching for the new heavens the new earth an ecume /searching/ 1992 bks [ 242 ] 1992 - shakkai woman of the sacred garden /andrews lynn v/ 1992 bks [ 92 ] 1992 - suche nach gott auf den wegen der natur theologie my /ganoczy al/ 1992 bks [ 100 ] 1992 - treatise on nature and grace /malebranche nicolas 1638 1715/ 1992 bks [ 247 ] 1992 - verantwortung fur die schopfung in den weltreligione/ 1992 bks [ 108 ] 1992 - while creation waits a christian response to the env /larsen dal/ 1992 bks [ 226 ] ( 27 ) 1993 1993 - botschaft der dinge ansatze neuer ganzheitlicher wel /stuttgen a/ 1993 bks [ 12 ] 1993 - cherish the earth the environment and scripture /kirk janice e 1/ 1993 bks [ 133 ] 1993 - ekologicheskie elementy soznaniia i religiia na mate /kiseleva n/ 1993 bks [ 26 ] 1993 - green bible/ 1993 bks [ 261 ] 1993 - healing the land a supernatural view of ecology /pratney winkie/ 1993 bks [ 164 ] 1993 - mass des regenbogens beitrage zu einer geisteswissen /buhler wal/ 1993 bks [ 54 ] 1993 - natur und schopfung schopfung bewahrung oder zerstor /zwick elis/ 1993 bks [ 177 ] 1993 - nature reality and the sacred the nexus of science a /gilkey lan/ 1993 bks [ 185 ] 1993 - nature technology and society cultural roots of the /ferkiss vic/ 1993 bks [ 278 ] 1993 - naturwissenschaftliches weltbild und evangelisierung/ 1993 bks [ 190 ] 1993 - philosophical look at religion /omoregbe joseph i/ 1993 bks [ 71 ] 1993 - promise of nature ecology and cosmic purpose /haught john f/ 1993 bks [ 197 ] 1993 - religion et ecologie colloque/ 1993 bks [ 241 ] 1993 - religion et ecologie colloque/ 1993 bks [ 289 ] 1993 - sentiments de la nature/ 1993 bks [ 90 ] 1993 - soseki to kanzo shizen to tennen /akagi yoshimitsu 1929/ 1993 bks [ 211 ] 1993 - tillich on schelling fall 1958 /tillich paul 1886 1965/ 1993 rec [ 219 ] 1993 - toward a theology of nature essays on science and fa /pannenberg/ 1993 bks [ 220 ] 1993 - ve hineh tov meod ha yahas la teva ula sevivah bi me /rozenson y/ 1993 bks [ 288 ] 1993 - what on earth can you do making your church a creati /lehman don/ 1993 bks [ 225 ] 1993 - women earth and creator spirit /johnson elizabeth a 1941/ 1993 bks [ 227 ] 1993 - wonder o the wind /keller w phillip (weldon phillip) 1920/ 1993 bks [ 228 ] ( 22 ) 1994 1994 - attitudes to nature/ 1994 bks [ 263 ] 1994 - denken over god en wereld theologie natuurwetenschap/ 1994 bks [ 22 ] 1994 - dieu et lecologie environnement theologie spirituali /coste rene/ 1994 bks [ 146 ] 1994 - earth age a new vision of god the human and the eart /green lorn/ 1994 bks [ 147 ] 1994 - geldwert der schopfung theologie okologie okonomie /schramm mich/ 1994 bks [ 34 ] 1994 - invention of nature/ 1994 bks [ 45 ] 1994 - journey into oneness /roads michael j/ 1994 bks [ 47 ] 1994 - natural theology versus theology of nature tillichs /internation/ 1994 bks [ 239 ] 1994 - passion for the earth the christian vocation to prom /mcdonagh s/ 1994 bks [ 195 ] 1994 - preserving the creation environmental theology and e/ 1994 bks [ 240 ] 1994 - sense of the divine the natural environment from a t /gustafson/ 1994 bks [ 209 ] 1994 - trattato della natura e della grazia testo del 1712 /malebranche/ 1994 bks [ 246 ] 1994 - way of the earth encounters with nature in ancient a /mcluhan t/ 1994 bks [ 264 ] 1994 - wisdom of the mythtellers /kane sean 1943/ 1994 bks [ 111 ] 1994 - worldviews and ecology religion philosophy and the e/ 1994 bks [ 112 ] ( 15 ) 1995 1995 - carl friedrich von weizsacker bruckenbauer zwischen /kwon deuk c/ 1995 bks [ 13 ] 1995 - creation at risk religion science and environmentali/ 1995 bks [ 265 ] 1995 - gods earth religion as if matter really mattered /collins paul 1/ 1995 bks [ 161 ] 1995 - ibar wa al itibar /jahiz d 868 or 9/ 1995 bks [ 286 ] 1995 - is it too late a theology of ecology /cobb john b/ 1995 bks [ 168 ] 1995 - listening to the land conversations about nature cul /jensen der/ 1995 bks [ 51 ] 1995 - love and the soul creating a future for earth /sardello robert j/ 1995 bks [ 53 ] 1995 - prakrti the integral vision/ 1995 bks [ 276 ] 1995 - silence of angels /allison dale c/ 1995 bks [ 210 ] 1995 - thema der schopfung in der okumenischen bewegung 194 /breitmaier/ 1995 bks [ 216 ] 1995 - wrestling with the prophets essays on creation spiri /fox matthe/ 1995 bks [ 229 ] ( 11 ) 1996 1996 - before science the invention of the friars natural p /french r k/ 1996 bks [ 118 ] 1996 - celtic christianity and nature early irish and hebri /low mary/ 1996 bks [ 132 ] 1996 - francis of assisis canticle of the creatures a moder /allen paul/ 1996 bks [ 155 ] 1996 - gott der kosmos und die freiheit biologie philosophi/ 1996 bks [ 38 ] 1996 - lost gospel of the earth a call for renewing nature /hayden tom/ 1996 bks [ 52 ] 1996 - lost gospel of the earth a call for renewing nature /hayden tom/ 1996 bks [ 174 ] 1996 - nature et grace dans la theologie occidentale dialog /vanneste a/ 1996 bks [ 180 ] 1996 - re enchantment of everyday life /moore thomas 1940/ 1996 bks [ 77 ] 1996 - re visioning the earth a guide to opening the healin /devereux p/ 1996 bks [ 78 ] 1996 - religion the order of nature /nasr seyyed hossein/ 1996 bks [ 81 ] 1996 - sacred place witnessing the holy in the physical wor/ 1996 bks [ 292 ] 1996 - soul unearthed celebrating wildness and personal ren/ 1996 bks [ 95 ] 1996 - temple wilderness a collection of thoughts and image/ 1996 bks [ 102 ] 1996 - unity of nature and history in pannenbergs theology /buller corn/ 1996 bks [ 258 ] 1996 - zwischen glaubenslehre und vernunftwahrheit natur un /ehrhardt r/ 1996 bks [ 255 ] ( 15 ) 1997 1997 - appreciating gods creation through scripture /laffey alice l 194/ 1997 bks [ 122 ] 1997 - body of the goddess sacred wisdom in myth landscape /pollack rac/ 1997 bks [ 11 ] 1997 - green mountain spring and other leaps of faith /kowalski gary a/ 1997 bks [ 259 ] 1997 - greening of faith god the environment and the good l/ 1997 bks [ 40 ] 1997 - natures religion /corrington robert s 1950/ 1997 bks [ 62 ] 1997 - original peace restoring gods creation /burrell david b/ 1997 bks [ 194 ] 1997 - protestantism capitalism and nature in america mark /stoll mark/ 1997 bks [ 199 ] 1997 - super natural christians how we should love nature /mcfague sall/ 1997 bks [ 213 ] ( 8 ) 1998 1998 - spirit of the environment religion value and environ/ 1998 bks [ 99 ] ( 1 )