Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 14, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 14, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS
Subject - Alphabetical Title ListingNATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS 1 art of living simply philosophy /wolkomir richard/ 1988 art 2 can nature truly be our friend the 1993 templeton sy /hefner phi/ 1994 art 3 christian pandevotionalism cover story /clark daniel/ 1993 art 4 communication as a jpic issue justice peace and the /valle carlo/ 1989 art 5 community of life issues of justice peace and the in /sindima ha/ 1989 art 6 does nature need to be redeemed /rolston holmes iii/ 1994 art 7 donna haraways metatheory of science and religion cy /grassie wi/ 1996 art 8 ecotheology is liberal not religious comment on robe /wildavsky/ 1990 art 9 environmentalism needs moral base comment on robert /henry carl/ 1990 art 10 experiencing and interpreting nature in science and /barbour ian/ 1994 art 11 exploring the near at hand an interview with richard /baker rob/ 1991 art 12 galileo and other faithful scientists cover story /ostling richa/ 1992 art 13 god man and nature the problem of creation in cartes /davis edwa/ 1991 art 14 green pastors comment on robert h nelsons article un /reilly wil/ 1990 art 15 humanity nature and the integrity of creation issues /preston ro/ 1989 art 16 humble dominion /tubbs james b jr/ 1994 art 17 idea of nature in benito cereno /martin terry j/ 1993 art 18 land in american religious experience /ross bryant lynn/ 1990 art 19 minds eye space shuttle discovery and its birds ross /wackerman/ 1995 art 20 nature as the image of god reflections on the signs /gilkey lang/ 1994 art 21 nature as the image of god signs of the sacred 50th /gilkey lang/ 1994 art 22 nature can overcome nature excerpt from alchemy scie /burckhardt/ 1996 art 23 nature gods great project /hefner philip/ 1992 art 24 nature mysticism as the basis of eco spirituality /teasdale wayn/ 1991 art 25 neat way cool awesome worship column /yancey philip/ 1997 art 26 neglect and recovery of nature in twentieth century /oliver haro/ 1992 art 27 order of nature in pious self consciousness schleier /behrens ge/ 1996 art 28 reconceiving miracles /gilman james e/ 1989 art 29 science and god the creator /peacocke arthur/ 1993 art 30 science and the fortunes of natural theology some hi /brooke joh/ 1989 art 31 seeing nature with an inner eye excerpt from my came /adams anse/ 1997 art 32 sharing stromboli column /moyer linda lancione/ 1989 art 33 spirit level spiritual aspects of nature /sojourner mary/ 1994 art 34 tracks of the wind an essay on wind /steinhart peter/ 1988 art 35 vision of nature jainism adapted from a vision of na /tobias mic/ 1996 art 36 waters of separation myth and ritual in annie dillar /cheney jim/ 1990 art 37 weathered character envy and response to the seasons /swanson to/ 1992 art 38 when to believe in miracles includes bibliography /clarke steve/ 1997 art 39 who in solihull cares about dolphins ecology and rel /echlin edw/ 1987 art 40 wild bird who heals recovering the spirit in nature /wallace mar/ 1993 art
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 14, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 14, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS
adams anse (1997) - seeing nature with an inner eye excerpt from my came [ 31 ] baker rob (1991) - exploring the near at hand an interview with richard [ 11 ] barbour ian (1994) - experiencing and interpreting nature in science and [ 10 ] behrens ge (1996) - order of nature in pious self consciousness schleier [ 27 ] brooke joh (1989) - science and the fortunes of natural theology some hi [ 30 ] burckhardt (1996) - nature can overcome nature excerpt from alchemy scie [ 22 ] cheney jim (1990) - waters of separation myth and ritual in annie dillar [ 36 ] clark daniel (1993) - christian pandevotionalism cover story [ 3 ] clarke steve (1997) - when to believe in miracles includes bibliography [ 38 ] davis edwa (1991) - god man and nature the problem of creation in cartes [ 13 ] echlin edw (1987) - who in solihull cares about dolphins ecology and rel [ 39 ] gilkey lang (1994) - nature as the image of god reflections on the signs [ 20 ] gilman james e (1989) - reconceiving miracles [ 28 ] grassie wi (1996) - donna haraways metatheory of science and religion cy [ 7 ] hefner phi (1994) - can nature truly be our friend the 1993 templeton sy [ 2 ] hefner philip (1992) - nature gods great project [ 23 ] henry carl (1990) - environmentalism needs moral base comment on robert [ 9 ] martin terry j (1993) - idea of nature in benito cereno [ 17 ] moyer linda lancione (1989) - sharing stromboli column [ 32 ] oliver haro (1992) - neglect and recovery of nature in twentieth century [ 26 ] ostling richa (1992) - galileo and other faithful scientists cover story [ 12 ] peacocke arthur (1993) - science and god the creator [ 29 ] preston ro (1989) - humanity nature and the integrity of creation issues [ 15 ] reilly wil (1990) - green pastors comment on robert h nelsons article un [ 14 ] rolston holmes iii (1994) - does nature need to be redeemed [ 6 ] ross bryant lynn (1990) - land in american religious experience [ 18 ] sindima ha (1989) - community of life issues of justice peace and the in [ 5 ] sojourner mary (1994) - spirit level spiritual aspects of nature [ 33 ] steinhart peter (1988) - tracks of the wind an essay on wind [ 34 ] swanson to (1992) - weathered character envy and response to the seasons [ 37 ] teasdale wayn (1991) - nature mysticism as the basis of eco spirituality [ 24 ] tobias mic (1996) - vision of nature jainism adapted from a vision of na [ 35 ] tubbs james b jr (1994) - humble dominion [ 16 ] valle carlo (1989) - communication as a jpic issue justice peace and the [ 4 ] wackerman (1995) - minds eye space shuttle discovery and its birds ross [ 19 ] wallace mar (1993) - wild bird who heals recovering the spirit in nature [ 40 ] wildavsky (1990) - ecotheology is liberal not religious comment on robe [ 8 ] wolkomir richard (1988) - art of living simply philosophy [ 1 ] yancey philip (1997) - neat way cool awesome worship column [ 25 ]
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Oct. 14, 1997. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Oct. 14, 1997. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=NATURE --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS
1987 1987 - who in solihull cares about dolphins ecology and rel /echlin edw/ 1987 art [ 39 ] ( 1 ) 1988 1988 - art of living simply philosophy /wolkomir richard/ 1988 art [ 1 ] 1988 - tracks of the wind an essay on wind /steinhart peter/ 1988 art [ 34 ] ( 2 ) 1989 1989 - communication as a jpic issue justice peace and the /valle carlo/ 1989 art [ 4 ] 1989 - community of life issues of justice peace and the in /sindima ha/ 1989 art [ 5 ] 1989 - humanity nature and the integrity of creation issues /preston ro/ 1989 art [ 15 ] 1989 - reconceiving miracles /gilman james e/ 1989 art [ 28 ] 1989 - science and the fortunes of natural theology some hi /brooke joh/ 1989 art [ 30 ] 1989 - sharing stromboli column /moyer linda lancione/ 1989 art [ 32 ] ( 6 ) 1990 1990 - ecotheology is liberal not religious comment on robe /wildavsky/ 1990 art [ 8 ] 1990 - environmentalism needs moral base comment on robert /henry carl/ 1990 art [ 9 ] 1990 - green pastors comment on robert h nelsons article un /reilly wil/ 1990 art [ 14 ] 1990 - land in american religious experience /ross bryant lynn/ 1990 art [ 18 ] 1990 - waters of separation myth and ritual in annie dillar /cheney jim/ 1990 art [ 36 ] ( 5 ) 1991 1991 - exploring the near at hand an interview with richard /baker rob/ 1991 art [ 11 ] 1991 - god man and nature the problem of creation in cartes /davis edwa/ 1991 art [ 13 ] 1991 - nature mysticism as the basis of eco spirituality /teasdale wayn/ 1991 art [ 24 ] ( 3 ) 1992 1992 - galileo and other faithful scientists cover story /ostling richa/ 1992 art [ 12 ] 1992 - nature gods great project /hefner philip/ 1992 art [ 23 ] 1992 - neglect and recovery of nature in twentieth century /oliver haro/ 1992 art [ 26 ] 1992 - weathered character envy and response to the seasons /swanson to/ 1992 art [ 37 ] ( 4 ) 1993 1993 - christian pandevotionalism cover story /clark daniel/ 1993 art [ 3 ] 1993 - idea of nature in benito cereno /martin terry j/ 1993 art [ 17 ] 1993 - science and god the creator /peacocke arthur/ 1993 art [ 29 ] 1993 - wild bird who heals recovering the spirit in nature /wallace mar/ 1993 art [ 40 ] ( 4 ) 1994 1994 - can nature truly be our friend the 1993 templeton sy /hefner phi/ 1994 art [ 2 ] 1994 - does nature need to be redeemed /rolston holmes iii/ 1994 art [ 6 ] 1994 - experiencing and interpreting nature in science and /barbour ian/ 1994 art [ 10 ] 1994 - humble dominion /tubbs james b jr/ 1994 art [ 16 ] 1994 - nature as the image of god reflections on the signs /gilkey lang/ 1994 art [ 20 ] 1994 - nature as the image of god signs of the sacred 50th /gilkey lang/ 1994 art [ 21 ] 1994 - spirit level spiritual aspects of nature /sojourner mary/ 1994 art [ 33 ] ( 7 ) 1995 1995 - minds eye space shuttle discovery and its birds ross /wackerman/ 1995 art [ 19 ] ( 1 ) 1996 1996 - donna haraways metatheory of science and religion cy /grassie wi/ 1996 art [ 7 ] 1996 - nature can overcome nature excerpt from alchemy scie /burckhardt/ 1996 art [ 22 ] 1996 - order of nature in pious self consciousness schleier /behrens ge/ 1996 art [ 27 ] 1996 - vision of nature jainism adapted from a vision of na /tobias mic/ 1996 art [ 35 ] ( 4 ) 1997 1997 - neat way cool awesome worship column /yancey philip/ 1997 art [ 25 ] 1997 - seeing nature with an inner eye excerpt from my came /adams anse/ 1997 art [ 31 ] 1997 - when to believe in miracles includes bibliography /clarke steve/ 1997 art [ 38 ] ( 3 )