Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 7, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 7, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=GLOBAL WARMING --ANALYSIS
Subject - Alphabetical Title ListingGLOBAL WARMING --ANALYSIS 1 absence of scientific basis global warming debate /lindzen richa/ 1993 art 2 agricultures portfolio for an uncertain future prepa /drabenstot/ 1992 art 3 are computer models reliable tools for predicting cl /maccracken/ 1996 art 4 atmospheric effects of the mt pinatubo eruption /mccormick m pat/ 1995 art 5 benefits of global warming /singer s fred/ 1992 art 6 benign greenhouse global warming debate /michaels patrick j/ 1993 art 7 beyond rio insuring against global warming /stone christopher d/ 1992 art 8 calculating greenhouse budgets /victor david g/ 1990 art 9 carbon budget for brazil influence of future land us /schroeder/ 1996 art 10 carbon dioxide emissions in the 1980s and 1990s leve /doyle rodg/ 1996 art 11 comments on open letter to ben santer the need for s /kondratyev/ 1997 art 12 cool thoughts on global warming /deutch john m/ 1992 art 13 denitrification production and consumption of nitric /ye rick w/ 1994 art 14 development and the environment a global balance /conable barber/ 1989 art 15 does polluted air keep the arctic cool /pearce fred/ 1994 art 16 dont mess with mother nature dr karl henrik roberts/ 1996 art 17 economic growth and the environment whose growth who /beckerman/ 1992 art 18 energy climate and environment in the mediterranean /antoine ser/ 1991 art 19 essay a case of deja vu global warming and ozone dep /benedick r/ 1992 art 20 estimating the external costs of uk passenger transp /peirson j/ 1995 art 21 expert opinion on climatic change /nordhaus william d/ 1994 art 22 experts in everything and nothing politicians and jo /harris jac/ 1993 art 23 feedbacks between climate and boreal forests during /foley jonat/ 1994 art 24 food for thought global warming science lite /welsch roger l/ 1992 art 25 global warming /eichman julia christensen/ 1994 art 26 global warming and rising sea levels the policy impl /hekstra g/ 1989 art 27 global warming cover story /rubin charles t/ 1993 art 28 global warming no nuclear quick fix global warming a /miller ala/ 1990 art 29 global warming on trial /broecker wallace s/ 1992 art 30 global warming the controversy heats up includes tea /scott geof/ 1994 art 31 global warming update are limits on greenhouse gas e /cooper mar/ 1996 art 32 global warming what we know /nulty peter/ 1990 art 33 global warming when to bite the bullet /conrad jon m/ 1997 art 34 global warning includes related article /lynch colum f/ 1996 art 35 greenhouse effect /kelly p m/ 1989 art 36 greenhouse gases /morgenstern richard d/ 1990 art 37 greenland a temptation and a challenge climatic chan /dansgaard/ 1993 art 38 guide to global warming potentials gwps /harvey l d danny/ 1993 art 39 hot dust threatens ozone above tropics /gribbin john/ 1993 art 40 how dry is the tropical free troposphere implication /spencer ro/ 1997 art 41 how much does global warming matter concern for envi /beckerman/ 1994 art 42 ice cold in paris /rahmstorf stefan/ 1997 art 43 icy indicators of global warming melting of glaciers /denniston/ 1993 art 44 is the world warming or not /kerr richard a/ 1995 art 45 missing pieces of the puzzle global warming debate /karl thomas/ 1993 art 46 natural processes disrupt predictions about conseque/ 1992 art 47 nighttime warming and the greenhouse effect cover st /kukla geor/ 1993 art 48 not warming but cooling global cooling of atmosphere /pearce fre/ 1994 art 49 paler shade of coral global warming and coral bleach /pearce fre/ 1994 art 50 population and global warming with and without co2 t /gaffin stu/ 1997 art 51 prudent planning for a warmer planet measures to pre /schneider/ 1990 art 52 record warmth in 1990 and global warming /hulme mike/ 1991 art 53 rise and rise of global warming /matthews robert/ 1994 art 54 science and politics in the greenhouse /rahmstorf stefan/ 1993 art 55 scientific basis for the greenhouse effect /cline william r/ 1991 art 56 some plants will like it hot in the global greenhous /charles da/ 1990 art 57 stabilizing co2 emissions are carbon taxes a viable /haugland to/ 1992 art 58 stop global warming but not just yet column /knott david/ 1996 art 59 sun factor the wild card in global climatic change /zimmerman ro/ 1994 art 60 surer sunspots should improve warming forecasts /gribbin john/ 1994 art 61 sustainable planet index a proposed measure of globa /wronski st/ 1992 art 62 sweat and blood global warming policy /smith frances b/ 1997 art 63 tales of the future on nuclear winter and global war /levenson t/ 1989 art 64 time and temperature causes and consequences of glob /money davi/ 1993 art 65 u s urged to increase energy conservation research t /wheelerdav/ 1990 art 66 under the sun is our world warming /matthews samuel w/ 1990 art 67 unequal shares share of responsibility in worlds env/ 1991 art 68 volcano clouds the picture on global warming mount p /joyce chri/ 1991 art 69 web of interactions makes it difficult to untangle g /hileman be/ 1992 art 70 what ifs for a northern ozone hole /newman alan/ 1993 art 71 what is the truth about global warming studies incon /bidinotto/ 1990 art 72 whatever happened to the mini ice age relationship b /gribbin jo/ 1990 art 73 wheels are beginning to turn /fisher linda/ 1989 art 74 why so cold and stormy this past winter global warmi /michaels p/ 1996 art 75 yale climate study at odds with leading computer mod /childress/ 1997 art
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 7, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 7, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=GLOBAL WARMING --ANALYSIS
antoine ser (1991) - energy climate and environment in the mediterranean [ 18 ] beckerman (1992) - economic growth and the environment whose growth who [ 17 ] beckerman (1994) - how much does global warming matter concern for envi [ 41 ] benedick r (1992) - essay a case of deja vu global warming and ozone dep [ 19 ] bidinotto (1990) - what is the truth about global warming studies incon [ 71 ] broecker wallace s (1992) - global warming on trial [ 29 ] charles da (1990) - some plants will like it hot in the global greenhous [ 56 ] childress (1997) - yale climate study at odds with leading computer mod [ 75 ] cline william r (1991) - scientific basis for the greenhouse effect [ 55 ] conable barber (1989) - development and the environment a global balance [ 14 ] conrad jon m (1997) - global warming when to bite the bullet [ 33 ] cooper mar (1996) - global warming update are limits on greenhouse gas e [ 31 ] dansgaard (1993) - greenland a temptation and a challenge climatic chan [ 37 ] denniston (1993) - icy indicators of global warming melting of glaciers [ 43 ] deutch john m (1992) - cool thoughts on global warming [ 12 ] doyle rodg (1996) - carbon dioxide emissions in the 1980s and 1990s leve [ 10 ] drabenstot (1992) - agricultures portfolio for an uncertain future prepa [ 2 ] eichman julia christensen (1994) - global warming [ 25 ] fisher linda (1989) - wheels are beginning to turn [ 73 ] foley jonat (1994) - feedbacks between climate and boreal forests during [ 23 ] gaffin stu (1997) - population and global warming with and without co2 t [ 50 ] gribbin jo (1990) - whatever happened to the mini ice age relationship b [ 72 ] gribbin john (1993) - hot dust threatens ozone above tropics [ 39 ] gribbin john (1994) - surer sunspots should improve warming forecasts [ 60 ] harris jac (1993) - experts in everything and nothing politicians and jo [ 22 ] harvey l d danny (1993) - guide to global warming potentials gwps [ 38 ] haugland to (1992) - stabilizing co2 emissions are carbon taxes a viable [ 57 ] hekstra g (1989) - global warming and rising sea levels the policy impl [ 26 ] hileman be (1992) - web of interactions makes it difficult to untangle g [ 69 ] hulme mike (1991) - record warmth in 1990 and global warming [ 52 ] joyce chri (1991) - volcano clouds the picture on global warming mount p [ 68 ] karl thomas (1993) - missing pieces of the puzzle global warming debate [ 45 ] kelly p m (1989) - greenhouse effect [ 35 ] kerr richard a (1995) - is the world warming or not [ 44 ] knott david (1996) - stop global warming but not just yet column [ 58 ] kondratyev (1997) - comments on open letter to ben santer the need for s [ 11 ] kukla geor (1993) - nighttime warming and the greenhouse effect cover st [ 47 ] levenson t (1989) - tales of the future on nuclear winter and global war [ 63 ] lindzen richa (1993) - absence of scientific basis global warming debate [ 1 ] lynch colum f (1996) - global warning includes related article [ 34 ] maccracken (1996) - are computer models reliable tools for predicting cl [ 3 ] matthews robert (1994) - rise and rise of global warming [ 53 ] matthews samuel w (1990) - under the sun is our world warming [ 66 ] mccormick m pat (1995) - atmospheric effects of the mt pinatubo eruption [ 4 ] michaels p (1996) - why so cold and stormy this past winter global warmi [ 74 ] michaels patrick j (1993) - benign greenhouse global warming debate [ 6 ] miller ala (1990) - global warming no nuclear quick fix global warming a [ 28 ] money davi (1993) - time and temperature causes and consequences of glob [ 64 ] morgenstern richard d (1990) - greenhouse gases [ 36 ] newman alan (1993) - what ifs for a northern ozone hole [ 70 ] nordhaus william d (1994) - expert opinion on climatic change [ 21 ] nulty peter (1990) - global warming what we know [ 32 ] pearce fre (1994) - not warming but cooling global cooling of atmosphere [ 48 ] pearce fre (1994) - paler shade of coral global warming and coral bleach [ 49 ] pearce fred (1994) - does polluted air keep the arctic cool [ 15 ] peirson j (1995) - estimating the external costs of uk passenger transp [ 20 ] rahmstorf stefan (1993) - science and politics in the greenhouse [ 54 ] rahmstorf stefan (1997) - ice cold in paris [ 42 ] rubin charles t (1993) - global warming cover story [ 27 ] schneider (1990) - prudent planning for a warmer planet measures to pre [ 51 ] schroeder (1996) - carbon budget for brazil influence of future land us [ 9 ] scott geof (1994) - global warming the controversy heats up includes tea [ 30 ] singer s fred (1992) - benefits of global warming [ 5 ] smith frances b (1997) - sweat and blood global warming policy [ 62 ] spencer ro (1997) - how dry is the tropical free troposphere implication [ 40 ] stone christopher d (1992) - beyond rio insuring against global warming [ 7 ] victor david g (1990) - calculating greenhouse budgets [ 8 ] welsch roger l (1992) - food for thought global warming science lite [ 24 ] wheelerdav (1990) - u s urged to increase energy conservation research t [ 65 ] wronski st (1992) - sustainable planet index a proposed measure of globa [ 61 ] ye rick w (1994) - denitrification production and consumption of nitric [ 13 ] zimmerman ro (1994) - sun factor the wild card in global climatic change [ 59 ]
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 7, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 7, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=GLOBAL WARMING --ANALYSIS
1989 1989 - development and the environment a global balance /conable barber/ 1989 art [ 14 ] 1989 - global warming and rising sea levels the policy impl /hekstra g/ 1989 art [ 26 ] 1989 - greenhouse effect /kelly p m/ 1989 art [ 35 ] 1989 - tales of the future on nuclear winter and global war /levenson t/ 1989 art [ 63 ] 1989 - wheels are beginning to turn /fisher linda/ 1989 art [ 73 ] ( 5 ) 1990 1990 - calculating greenhouse budgets /victor david g/ 1990 art [ 8 ] 1990 - global warming no nuclear quick fix global warming a /miller ala/ 1990 art [ 28 ] 1990 - global warming what we know /nulty peter/ 1990 art [ 32 ] 1990 - greenhouse gases /morgenstern richard d/ 1990 art [ 36 ] 1990 - prudent planning for a warmer planet measures to pre /schneider/ 1990 art [ 51 ] 1990 - some plants will like it hot in the global greenhous /charles da/ 1990 art [ 56 ] 1990 - u s urged to increase energy conservation research t /wheelerdav/ 1990 art [ 65 ] 1990 - under the sun is our world warming /matthews samuel w/ 1990 art [ 66 ] 1990 - what is the truth about global warming studies incon /bidinotto/ 1990 art [ 71 ] 1990 - whatever happened to the mini ice age relationship b /gribbin jo/ 1990 art [ 72 ] ( 10 ) 1991 1991 - energy climate and environment in the mediterranean /antoine ser/ 1991 art [ 18 ] 1991 - record warmth in 1990 and global warming /hulme mike/ 1991 art [ 52 ] 1991 - scientific basis for the greenhouse effect /cline william r/ 1991 art [ 55 ] 1991 - unequal shares share of responsibility in worlds env/ 1991 art [ 67 ] 1991 - volcano clouds the picture on global warming mount p /joyce chri/ 1991 art [ 68 ] ( 5 ) 1992 1992 - agricultures portfolio for an uncertain future prepa /drabenstot/ 1992 art [ 2 ] 1992 - benefits of global warming /singer s fred/ 1992 art [ 5 ] 1992 - beyond rio insuring against global warming /stone christopher d/ 1992 art [ 7 ] 1992 - cool thoughts on global warming /deutch john m/ 1992 art [ 12 ] 1992 - economic growth and the environment whose growth who /beckerman/ 1992 art [ 17 ] 1992 - essay a case of deja vu global warming and ozone dep /benedick r/ 1992 art [ 19 ] 1992 - food for thought global warming science lite /welsch roger l/ 1992 art [ 24 ] 1992 - global warming on trial /broecker wallace s/ 1992 art [ 29 ] 1992 - natural processes disrupt predictions about conseque/ 1992 art [ 46 ] 1992 - stabilizing co2 emissions are carbon taxes a viable /haugland to/ 1992 art [ 57 ] 1992 - sustainable planet index a proposed measure of globa /wronski st/ 1992 art [ 61 ] 1992 - web of interactions makes it difficult to untangle g /hileman be/ 1992 art [ 69 ] ( 12 ) 1993 1993 - absence of scientific basis global warming debate /lindzen richa/ 1993 art [ 1 ] 1993 - benign greenhouse global warming debate /michaels patrick j/ 1993 art [ 6 ] 1993 - experts in everything and nothing politicians and jo /harris jac/ 1993 art [ 22 ] 1993 - global warming cover story /rubin charles t/ 1993 art [ 27 ] 1993 - greenland a temptation and a challenge climatic chan /dansgaard/ 1993 art [ 37 ] 1993 - guide to global warming potentials gwps /harvey l d danny/ 1993 art [ 38 ] 1993 - hot dust threatens ozone above tropics /gribbin john/ 1993 art [ 39 ] 1993 - icy indicators of global warming melting of glaciers /denniston/ 1993 art [ 43 ] 1993 - missing pieces of the puzzle global warming debate /karl thomas/ 1993 art [ 45 ] 1993 - nighttime warming and the greenhouse effect cover st /kukla geor/ 1993 art [ 47 ] 1993 - science and politics in the greenhouse /rahmstorf stefan/ 1993 art [ 54 ] 1993 - time and temperature causes and consequences of glob /money davi/ 1993 art [ 64 ] 1993 - what ifs for a northern ozone hole /newman alan/ 1993 art [ 70 ] ( 13 ) 1994 1994 - denitrification production and consumption of nitric /ye rick w/ 1994 art [ 13 ] 1994 - does polluted air keep the arctic cool /pearce fred/ 1994 art [ 15 ] 1994 - expert opinion on climatic change /nordhaus william d/ 1994 art [ 21 ] 1994 - feedbacks between climate and boreal forests during /foley jonat/ 1994 art [ 23 ] 1994 - global warming /eichman julia christensen/ 1994 art [ 25 ] 1994 - global warming the controversy heats up includes tea /scott geof/ 1994 art [ 30 ] 1994 - how much does global warming matter concern for envi /beckerman/ 1994 art [ 41 ] 1994 - not warming but cooling global cooling of atmosphere /pearce fre/ 1994 art [ 48 ] 1994 - paler shade of coral global warming and coral bleach /pearce fre/ 1994 art [ 49 ] 1994 - rise and rise of global warming /matthews robert/ 1994 art [ 53 ] 1994 - sun factor the wild card in global climatic change /zimmerman ro/ 1994 art [ 59 ] 1994 - surer sunspots should improve warming forecasts /gribbin john/ 1994 art [ 60 ] ( 12 ) 1995 1995 - atmospheric effects of the mt pinatubo eruption /mccormick m pat/ 1995 art [ 4 ] 1995 - estimating the external costs of uk passenger transp /peirson j/ 1995 art [ 20 ] 1995 - is the world warming or not /kerr richard a/ 1995 art [ 44 ] ( 3 ) 1996 1996 - are computer models reliable tools for predicting cl /maccracken/ 1996 art [ 3 ] 1996 - carbon budget for brazil influence of future land us /schroeder/ 1996 art [ 9 ] 1996 - carbon dioxide emissions in the 1980s and 1990s leve /doyle rodg/ 1996 art [ 10 ] 1996 - dont mess with mother nature dr karl henrik roberts/ 1996 art [ 16 ] 1996 - global warming update are limits on greenhouse gas e /cooper mar/ 1996 art [ 31 ] 1996 - global warning includes related article /lynch colum f/ 1996 art [ 34 ] 1996 - stop global warming but not just yet column /knott david/ 1996 art [ 58 ] 1996 - why so cold and stormy this past winter global warmi /michaels p/ 1996 art [ 74 ] ( 8 ) 1997 1997 - comments on open letter to ben santer the need for s /kondratyev/ 1997 art [ 11 ] 1997 - global warming when to bite the bullet /conrad jon m/ 1997 art [ 33 ] 1997 - how dry is the tropical free troposphere implication /spencer ro/ 1997 art [ 40 ] 1997 - ice cold in paris /rahmstorf stefan/ 1997 art [ 42 ] 1997 - population and global warming with and without co2 t /gaffin stu/ 1997 art [ 50 ] 1997 - sweat and blood global warming policy /smith frances b/ 1997 art [ 62 ] 1997 - yale climate study at odds with leading computer mod /childress/ 1997 art [ 75 ] ( 7 )