Subject Guide on the Topic
59 references were found on this topic in Academic Index on Jan. 7, 1998

Compiled by
Timothy C. Weiskel
Environmental Ethics & Public Policy Program, Harvard University
Copyright, ©1998, Timothy C. Weiskel, All Rights Reserved
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 7, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 7, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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Subject - Alphabetical Title Listing

   1 add ozone to the global warming equation /beardsley tim/ 1992  art
   2 aluminium and global warming sources of greenhouse g /abrahamson/ 1992  art
   3 basic science of climate change /maskell kathy/ 1993  art
   4 beware greenhouse confusion global warming /barnett t p/ 1990  art
   5 biological sources and sinks of methane and nitrous /arah jon/ 1991  art
   6 blooming algae warm the world algae as source of car/ 1991  art
   7 bog breath sleeper factor in global warming /benyus janine m/ 1995  art
   8 carbon dioxide and the future climate /mitchell j murray jr/ 1991  art
   9 changes in ocean currents could accelerate global wa/ 1990  art
  10 changing climate changing priorities the un climate/ 1995  art
  11 city planners against global warming /hamer mick/ 1993  art
  12 cloudy concerns will clouds prevent or promote a dra /monastersk/ 1989  art
  13 consensus reached on climate change causes intergove /monastersk/ 1994  art
  14 could reducing fossil fuel emissions cause global wa /wigley t m/ 1991  art
  15 dusting the climate for fingerprints has the greenho /monastersk/ 1995  art
  16 end of nature reflections /mckibben bill/ 1989  art
  17 feuding over global warming reprinted from the econo/ 1995  art
  18 fewer trees mean global warming but so do more trees /marbach wi/ 1992  art
  19 fire and ice under the deep sea floor vast undersea /appenzeller/ 1991  art
  20 fuel and location effects on the damage costs of tra /eyre n j/ 1997  art
  21 global warming /barron eric j/ 1995  art
  22 global warming an energy technology r d challenge /fulkerson wil/ 1989  art
  23 global warming and global dioxide emission an empiri /sun linyan/ 1996  art
  24 global warming jury delivers guilty verdict un admit /pearce fre/ 1995  art
  25 global warning obstacles in the path of reducing gre /gelbspan r/ 1997  art
  26 global warning why is the planet feverish studies in /monastersk/ 1994  art
  27 good news for greenhouse worriers/ 1989  art
  28 great sky greenhouse greenhouse gases and global war/ 1990  art
  29 greenhouse blues keep cool about global warming /ray dixie lee/ 1989  art
  30 greenhouse effect apocalypse now or chicken little c /silverberg/ 1991  art
  31 implications for global warming of intercycle solar /schlesinger/ 1992  art
  32 is earths future climate written in the stars includ /flam faye/ 1993  art
  33 jet travel soars environmental effects of increased /brough holl/ 1992  art
  34 keeping the sun in proportion evidence against solar /lacis andr/ 1992  art
  35 leaking gas mains help to warm the globe column /mackenzie debor/ 1990  art
  36 learning to love the milk float cars consciousness a /hutchings/ 1990  art
  37 lightning sparks pollution rethink /pearce fred/ 1997  art
  38 methane emissions from cattle /johnson k a/ 1995  art
  39 methane worldwide methane emissions overestimated sc/ 1991  art
  40 model assessment of the role of natural variability /stouffer r/ 1994  art
  41 model calculations of the relative effects of cfcs a /fisher don/ 1990  art
  42 night heat sulfate pollutants may slow daytime warmi /beardsley/ 1992  art
  43 nylon sheer havoc mass production of nylon may be a/ 1991  art
  44 planes larger role in global warming /raloff janet/ 1992  art
  45 polar meltdown fulfils worst predictions /mackenzie debora/ 1995  art
  46 protecting ozone shield called a warming risk /stevens william k/ 1993  art
  47 raising dust in the greenhouse atmospheric dust /andreae meinrat/ 1996  art
  48 relative contributions of greenhouse gas emissions t /lashof dan/ 1990  art
  49 seasons global temperature and precession /thomson david j/ 1995  art
  50 soils contribution to global warming biogeography so /phillips d/ 1990  art
  51 solar cycle length greenhouse forcing and global cli /kelly p m/ 1992  art
  52 sun is getting hotter satellite data indicate/ 1997  art
  53 suns role in warming is discounted global warming /kerr richard/ 1995  art
  54 termites not to blame for methane/ 1990  art
  55 trees by the billions a blueprint for cooling refore /myers norm/ 1991  art
  56 tropospheric lifetimes of halogenated anaesthetics /brown a c/ 1989  art
  57 trouble with suvs global warming problem is being ex/ 1996  art
  58 un fears pollution curbs could raise temperatures re /pearce fre/ 1992  art
  59 wispy trails could warm the earth /pearce fred/ 1997  art

Alphabetical Author Listing of Sources on
59 references found on this topic in Academic Index

Subject Category in HOLLIS as of Jan. 7, 1998
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 7, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 7, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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abrahamson  (1992) - aluminium and global warming sources of greenhouse g [   2 ]
andreae meinrat  (1996) - raising dust in the greenhouse atmospheric dust [  47 ]
appenzeller  (1991) - fire and ice under the deep sea floor vast undersea [  19 ]
arah jon  (1991) - biological sources and sinks of methane and nitrous [   5 ]
barnett t p  (1990) - beware greenhouse confusion global warming [   4 ]
barron eric j  (1995) - global warming [  21 ]
beardsley  (1992) - night heat sulfate pollutants may slow daytime warmi [  42 ]
beardsley tim  (1992) - add ozone to the global warming equation [   1 ]
benyus janine m  (1995) - bog breath sleeper factor in global warming [   7 ]
brough holl  (1992) - jet travel soars environmental effects of increased [  33 ]
brown a c  (1989) - tropospheric lifetimes of halogenated anaesthetics [  56 ]
eyre n j  (1997) - fuel and location effects on the damage costs of tra [  20 ]
fisher don  (1990) - model calculations of the relative effects of cfcs a [  41 ]
flam faye  (1993) - is earths future climate written in the stars includ [  32 ]
fulkerson wil  (1989) - global warming an energy technology r d challenge [  22 ]
gelbspan r  (1997) - global warning obstacles in the path of reducing gre [  25 ]
hamer mick  (1993) - city planners against global warming [  11 ]
hutchings  (1990) - learning to love the milk float cars consciousness a [  36 ]
johnson k a  (1995) - methane emissions from cattle [  38 ]
kelly p m  (1992) - solar cycle length greenhouse forcing and global cli [  51 ]
kerr richard  (1995) - suns role in warming is discounted global warming [  53 ]
lacis andr  (1992) - keeping the sun in proportion evidence against solar [  34 ]
lashof dan  (1990) - relative contributions of greenhouse gas emissions t [  48 ]
mackenzie debor  (1990) - leaking gas mains help to warm the globe column [  35 ]
mackenzie debora  (1995) - polar meltdown fulfils worst predictions [  45 ]
marbach wi  (1992) - fewer trees mean global warming but so do more trees [  18 ]
maskell kathy  (1993) - basic science of climate change [   3 ]
mckibben bill  (1989) - end of nature reflections [  16 ]
mitchell j murray jr  (1991) - carbon dioxide and the future climate [   8 ]
monastersk  (1989) - cloudy concerns will clouds prevent or promote a dra [  12 ]
monastersk  (1994) - consensus reached on climate change causes intergove [  13 ]
monastersk  (1994) - global warning why is the planet feverish studies in [  26 ]
monastersk  (1995) - dusting the climate for fingerprints has the greenho [  15 ]
myers norm  (1991) - trees by the billions a blueprint for cooling refore [  55 ]
pearce fre  (1992) - un fears pollution curbs could raise temperatures re [  58 ]
pearce fre  (1995) - global warming jury delivers guilty verdict un admit [  24 ]
pearce fred  (1997) - lightning sparks pollution rethink [  37 ]
pearce fred  (1997) - wispy trails could warm the earth [  59 ]
phillips d  (1990) - soils contribution to global warming biogeography so [  50 ]
raloff janet  (1992) - planes larger role in global warming [  44 ]
ray dixie lee  (1989) - greenhouse blues keep cool about global warming [  29 ]
schlesinger  (1992) - implications for global warming of intercycle solar [  31 ]
silverberg  (1991) - greenhouse effect apocalypse now or chicken little c [  30 ]
stevens william k  (1993) - protecting ozone shield called a warming risk [  46 ]
stouffer r  (1994) - model assessment of the role of natural variability [  40 ]
sun linyan  (1996) - global warming and global dioxide emission an empiri [  23 ]
thomson david j  (1995) - seasons global temperature and precession [  49 ]
wigley t m  (1991) - could reducing fossil fuel emissions cause global wa [  14 ]

Chronological Listing of Sources on
59 references found on this topic in Academic Index

Subject Category in HOLLIS as of Jan. 7, 1998
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 7, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 7, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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   1989 - cloudy concerns will clouds prevent or promote a dra /monastersk/ 1989  art [  12 ]
   1989 - end of nature reflections /mckibben bill/ 1989  art [  16 ]
   1989 - global warming an energy technology r d challenge /fulkerson wil/ 1989  art [  22 ]
   1989 - good news for greenhouse worriers/ 1989  art [  27 ]
   1989 - greenhouse blues keep cool about global warming /ray dixie lee/ 1989  art [  29 ]
   1989 - tropospheric lifetimes of halogenated anaesthetics /brown a c/ 1989  art [  56 ]
          ( 6 )

   1990 - beware greenhouse confusion global warming /barnett t p/ 1990  art [   4 ]
   1990 - changes in ocean currents could accelerate global wa/ 1990  art [   9 ]
   1990 - great sky greenhouse greenhouse gases and global war/ 1990  art [  28 ]
   1990 - leaking gas mains help to warm the globe column /mackenzie debor/ 1990  art [  35 ]
   1990 - learning to love the milk float cars consciousness a /hutchings/ 1990  art [  36 ]
   1990 - model calculations of the relative effects of cfcs a /fisher don/ 1990  art [  41 ]
   1990 - relative contributions of greenhouse gas emissions t /lashof dan/ 1990  art [  48 ]
   1990 - soils contribution to global warming biogeography so /phillips d/ 1990  art [  50 ]
   1990 - termites not to blame for methane/ 1990  art [  54 ]
          ( 9 )

   1991 - biological sources and sinks of methane and nitrous /arah jon/ 1991  art [   5 ]
   1991 - blooming algae warm the world algae as source of car/ 1991  art [   6 ]
   1991 - carbon dioxide and the future climate /mitchell j murray jr/ 1991  art [   8 ]
   1991 - could reducing fossil fuel emissions cause global wa /wigley t m/ 1991  art [  14 ]
   1991 - fire and ice under the deep sea floor vast undersea /appenzeller/ 1991  art [  19 ]
   1991 - greenhouse effect apocalypse now or chicken little c /silverberg/ 1991  art [  30 ]
   1991 - methane worldwide methane emissions overestimated sc/ 1991  art [  39 ]
   1991 - nylon sheer havoc mass production of nylon may be a/ 1991  art [  43 ]
   1991 - trees by the billions a blueprint for cooling refore /myers norm/ 1991  art [  55 ]
          ( 9 )

   1992 - add ozone to the global warming equation /beardsley tim/ 1992  art [   1 ]
   1992 - aluminium and global warming sources of greenhouse g /abrahamson/ 1992  art [   2 ]
   1992 - fewer trees mean global warming but so do more trees /marbach wi/ 1992  art [  18 ]
   1992 - implications for global warming of intercycle solar /schlesinger/ 1992  art [  31 ]
   1992 - jet travel soars environmental effects of increased /brough holl/ 1992  art [  33 ]
   1992 - keeping the sun in proportion evidence against solar /lacis andr/ 1992  art [  34 ]
   1992 - night heat sulfate pollutants may slow daytime warmi /beardsley/ 1992  art [  42 ]
   1992 - planes larger role in global warming /raloff janet/ 1992  art [  44 ]
   1992 - solar cycle length greenhouse forcing and global cli /kelly p m/ 1992  art [  51 ]
   1992 - un fears pollution curbs could raise temperatures re /pearce fre/ 1992  art [  58 ]
          ( 10 )

   1993 - basic science of climate change /maskell kathy/ 1993  art [   3 ]
   1993 - city planners against global warming /hamer mick/ 1993  art [  11 ]
   1993 - is earths future climate written in the stars includ /flam faye/ 1993  art [  32 ]
   1993 - protecting ozone shield called a warming risk /stevens william k/ 1993  art [  46 ]
          ( 4 )

   1994 - consensus reached on climate change causes intergove /monastersk/ 1994  art [  13 ]
   1994 - global warning why is the planet feverish studies in /monastersk/ 1994  art [  26 ]
   1994 - model assessment of the role of natural variability /stouffer r/ 1994  art [  40 ]
          ( 3 )

   1995 - bog breath sleeper factor in global warming /benyus janine m/ 1995  art [   7 ]
   1995 - changing climate changing priorities the un climate/ 1995  art [  10 ]
   1995 - dusting the climate for fingerprints has the greenho /monastersk/ 1995  art [  15 ]
   1995 - feuding over global warming reprinted from the econo/ 1995  art [  17 ]
   1995 - global warming /barron eric j/ 1995  art [  21 ]
   1995 - global warming jury delivers guilty verdict un admit /pearce fre/ 1995  art [  24 ]
   1995 - methane emissions from cattle /johnson k a/ 1995  art [  38 ]
   1995 - polar meltdown fulfils worst predictions /mackenzie debora/ 1995  art [  45 ]
   1995 - seasons global temperature and precession /thomson david j/ 1995  art [  49 ]
   1995 - suns role in warming is discounted global warming /kerr richard/ 1995  art [  53 ]
          ( 10 )

   1996 - global warming and global dioxide emission an empiri /sun linyan/ 1996  art [  23 ]
   1996 - raising dust in the greenhouse atmospheric dust /andreae meinrat/ 1996  art [  47 ]
   1996 - trouble with suvs global warming problem is being ex/ 1996  art [  57 ]
          ( 3 )

   1997 - fuel and location effects on the damage costs of tra /eyre n j/ 1997  art [  20 ]
   1997 - global warning obstacles in the path of reducing gre /gelbspan r/ 1997  art [  25 ]
   1997 - lightning sparks pollution rethink /pearce fred/ 1997  art [  37 ]
   1997 - sun is getting hotter satellite data indicate/ 1997  art [  52 ]
   1997 - wispy trails could warm the earth /pearce fred/ 1997  art [  59 ]
          ( 5 )

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