Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 7, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 7, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=GLOBAL WARMING --CONFERENCES
Subject - Alphabetical Title ListingGLOBAL WARMING --CONFERENCES MEETINGS SEMINARS ETC 1 berlin and global warming policy/ 1995 art 2 beyond hot air will the world adopt strict limits on /monastersk/ 1997 art 3 car talks motown walks policy dialogue advisory comm /bergman b/ 1996 art 4 challenges for transport /sorrell steve/ 1992 art 5 climate conference ends in disarray world climate co /mackenzie/ 1990 art 6 climate extravaganza bombs white house conference on /roberts le/ 1990 art 7 clinton defers curbs on gases heating globe united n /bennet jam/ 1997 art 8 communication gaps undermine reports on global warmi /mackenzie/ 1990 art 9 cool it world climate treaty international/ 1990 art 10 cool look at hot air the environment is the new stuf/ 1990 art 11 dont stop talking about tomorrow berlin germanys cli /pearce fre/ 1995 art 12 european to boycott summit european community enviro/ 1992 art 13 global alert a scientist at a conference on global c/ 1997 art 14 global warming column /hertsgaard mark/ 1995 art 15 global warming meets the prodigal eagle lack of u s/ 1997 art 16 global warming to be focus of 96 conference parties /blaustein r/ 1995 art 17 green ministers agree to act despite scientific unce /bergen deb/ 1990 art 18 hot stuff how to curb global warming is a question t/ 1990 art 19 hotting up international treaty on global warming/ 1992 art 20 how climate changes the worlds climate editorial/ 1990 art 21 long and winding road planning an international conv /aldhous pe/ 1990 art 22 new manhattan project americas weapons laboratories /leggett jer/ 1989 art 23 new theory on ice sheet catastrophe is the direst on /sullivan w/ 1995 art 24 novel ideas to remedy global warming and ozone loss /mcdonald ki/ 1992 art 25 petty politics mars global warming conference /charles dan/ 1991 art 26 planetary roulette gambling with the climate interna /repetto ro/ 1997 art 27 saving the earth later pres clinton refused to agree/ 1997 art 28 scientists angered by white houses refusal to invite /wheeler da/ 1990 art 29 scientists clash with politicians over co2 emissions /mackenzie/ 1990 art 30 sharing the greenhouse america is showing dangerous/ 1997 art 31 smoke international conference on global warming in/ 1995 art 32 stalemate in nairobi global climate talks /pool robert/ 1991 art 33 stripped for action international geosphere biospher /coles pete/ 1990 art 34 tokyo nods its head toward the environment /cross michael/ 1989 art 35 trouble in the air international conference on globa /stipp davi/ 1997 art 36 u s and japan key to outcome in climate talks dec 19 /stevens wi/ 1997 art 37 u s promises to hold down production of greenhouse g /schneider/ 1991 art 38 u s still resists curbs on emissions nairobi kenya i/ 1991 art 39 u s taking cautious approach in talks on global warm /cushman jo/ 1996 art 40 wait a bit global warming meeting in washington/ 1990 art 41 warm world cool heads global warming editorial/ 1990 art 42 what greenhouse convention international conferences/ 1990 art
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 7, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 7, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=GLOBAL WARMING --CONFERENCES
aldhous pe (1990) - long and winding road planning an international conv [ 21 ] bennet jam (1997) - clinton defers curbs on gases heating globe united n [ 7 ] bergen deb (1990) - green ministers agree to act despite scientific unce [ 17 ] bergman b (1996) - car talks motown walks policy dialogue advisory comm [ 3 ] blaustein r (1995) - global warming to be focus of 96 conference parties [ 16 ] charles dan (1991) - petty politics mars global warming conference [ 25 ] coles pete (1990) - stripped for action international geosphere biospher [ 33 ] cross michael (1989) - tokyo nods its head toward the environment [ 34 ] cushman jo (1996) - u s taking cautious approach in talks on global warm [ 39 ] hertsgaard mark (1995) - global warming column [ 14 ] leggett jer (1989) - new manhattan project americas weapons laboratories [ 22 ] mackenzie (1990) - climate conference ends in disarray world climate co [ 5 ] mackenzie (1990) - communication gaps undermine reports on global warmi [ 8 ] mackenzie (1990) - scientists clash with politicians over co2 emissions [ 29 ] mcdonald ki (1992) - novel ideas to remedy global warming and ozone loss [ 24 ] monastersk (1997) - beyond hot air will the world adopt strict limits on [ 2 ] pearce fre (1995) - dont stop talking about tomorrow berlin germanys cli [ 11 ] pool robert (1991) - stalemate in nairobi global climate talks [ 32 ] repetto ro (1997) - planetary roulette gambling with the climate interna [ 26 ] roberts le (1990) - climate extravaganza bombs white house conference on [ 6 ] schneider (1991) - u s promises to hold down production of greenhouse g [ 37 ] sorrell steve (1992) - challenges for transport [ 4 ] stevens wi (1997) - u s and japan key to outcome in climate talks dec 19 [ 36 ] stipp davi (1997) - trouble in the air international conference on globa [ 35 ] sullivan w (1995) - new theory on ice sheet catastrophe is the direst on [ 23 ] wheeler da (1990) - scientists angered by white houses refusal to invite [ 28 ]
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 7, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 7, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=GLOBAL WARMING --CONFERENCES
1989 1989 - new manhattan project americas weapons laboratories /leggett jer/ 1989 art [ 22 ] 1989 - tokyo nods its head toward the environment /cross michael/ 1989 art [ 34 ] ( 2 ) 1990 1990 - climate conference ends in disarray world climate co /mackenzie/ 1990 art [ 5 ] 1990 - climate extravaganza bombs white house conference on /roberts le/ 1990 art [ 6 ] 1990 - communication gaps undermine reports on global warmi /mackenzie/ 1990 art [ 8 ] 1990 - cool it world climate treaty international/ 1990 art [ 9 ] 1990 - cool look at hot air the environment is the new stuf/ 1990 art [ 10 ] 1990 - green ministers agree to act despite scientific unce /bergen deb/ 1990 art [ 17 ] 1990 - hot stuff how to curb global warming is a question t/ 1990 art [ 18 ] 1990 - how climate changes the worlds climate editorial/ 1990 art [ 20 ] 1990 - long and winding road planning an international conv /aldhous pe/ 1990 art [ 21 ] 1990 - scientists angered by white houses refusal to invite /wheeler da/ 1990 art [ 28 ] 1990 - scientists clash with politicians over co2 emissions /mackenzie/ 1990 art [ 29 ] 1990 - stripped for action international geosphere biospher /coles pete/ 1990 art [ 33 ] 1990 - wait a bit global warming meeting in washington/ 1990 art [ 40 ] 1990 - warm world cool heads global warming editorial/ 1990 art [ 41 ] 1990 - what greenhouse convention international conferences/ 1990 art [ 42 ] ( 15 ) 1991 1991 - petty politics mars global warming conference /charles dan/ 1991 art [ 25 ] 1991 - stalemate in nairobi global climate talks /pool robert/ 1991 art [ 32 ] 1991 - u s promises to hold down production of greenhouse g /schneider/ 1991 art [ 37 ] 1991 - u s still resists curbs on emissions nairobi kenya i/ 1991 art [ 38 ] ( 4 ) 1992 1992 - challenges for transport /sorrell steve/ 1992 art [ 4 ] 1992 - european to boycott summit european community enviro/ 1992 art [ 12 ] 1992 - hotting up international treaty on global warming/ 1992 art [ 19 ] 1992 - novel ideas to remedy global warming and ozone loss /mcdonald ki/ 1992 art [ 24 ] ( 4 ) 1995 1995 - berlin and global warming policy/ 1995 art [ 1 ] 1995 - dont stop talking about tomorrow berlin germanys cli /pearce fre/ 1995 art [ 11 ] 1995 - global warming column /hertsgaard mark/ 1995 art [ 14 ] 1995 - global warming to be focus of 96 conference parties /blaustein r/ 1995 art [ 16 ] 1995 - new theory on ice sheet catastrophe is the direst on /sullivan w/ 1995 art [ 23 ] 1995 - smoke international conference on global warming in/ 1995 art [ 31 ] ( 6 ) 1996 1996 - car talks motown walks policy dialogue advisory comm /bergman b/ 1996 art [ 3 ] 1996 - u s taking cautious approach in talks on global warm /cushman jo/ 1996 art [ 39 ] ( 2 ) 1997 1997 - beyond hot air will the world adopt strict limits on /monastersk/ 1997 art [ 2 ] 1997 - clinton defers curbs on gases heating globe united n /bennet jam/ 1997 art [ 7 ] 1997 - global alert a scientist at a conference on global c/ 1997 art [ 13 ] 1997 - global warming meets the prodigal eagle lack of u s/ 1997 art [ 15 ] 1997 - planetary roulette gambling with the climate interna /repetto ro/ 1997 art [ 26 ] 1997 - saving the earth later pres clinton refused to agree/ 1997 art [ 27 ] 1997 - sharing the greenhouse america is showing dangerous/ 1997 art [ 30 ] 1997 - trouble in the air international conference on globa /stipp davi/ 1997 art [ 35 ] 1997 - u s and japan key to outcome in climate talks dec 19 /stevens wi/ 1997 art [ 36 ] ( 9 )