Subject Guide on the Topic
51 references were found on this topic in Academic Index on Jan. 7, 1998

Compiled by
Timothy C. Weiskel
Environmental Ethics & Public Policy Program, Harvard University
Copyright, ©1998, Timothy C. Weiskel, All Rights Reserved
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 7, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 7, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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Subject - Alphabetical Title Listing

   1 aggressive greenhouse gas policies how they could sp /greer mark/ 1995  art
   2 analysing the cost of an oecd environmental tax to t /walker i o/ 1992  art
   3 at risk profits and jobs executives of major us comp/ 1997  art
   4 burned by warming insurance companies endure losses /linden euge/ 1994  art
   5 can economic activities lead to climate chaos an eco /chen zhiqi/ 1997  art
   6 car makers voice complaints about limiting gas emiss /bradsher k/ 1997  art
   7 climate confusion controversy over a draft report is /pearce d w/ 1996  art
   8 cool costing global warning organization for economi/ 1993  art
   9 cost benefit analysis of slowing climate change spec /maddison d/ 1995  art
  10 cost of combating global warming facing the tradeoff /schelling/ 1997  art
  11 count before you leap greenhouse economics /nordhaus william d/ 1990  art
  12 crop response to climate change in the southern grea /rosenzweig/ 1990  art
  13 doubts on cost are bedeviling climate policy the war /stevens wi/ 1997  art
  14 earths last gasp global warming climate change cover /lashof dan/ 1997  art
  15 economic models and policy making on global warming /miller alan/ 1991  art
  16 economists and climate change /pearce d/ 1997  art
  17 everybodys atmosphere the cost of an international a/ 1992  art
  18 farm level analysis of economic and agronomic impact /kaiser har/ 1993  art
  19 forecasting africas future environment /cater nick/ 1990  art
  20 global warming and the agroclimatic resources of the /sirotenko/ 1991  art
  21 global warming as big business a yale panel suggests/ 1994  art
  22 global warming costs benefits debated imposed reduct/ 1997  art
  23 global warming solutions could boost economy energy /tibbetts jo/ 1991  art
  24 green gauge insurance companies are worrying about g /hutchings/ 1996  art
  25 green policies insurers warm to climate change insur /stix gary/ 1996  art
  26 greenhouse economics count before you leap/ 1991  art
  27 high does nothing and rising is worse carbon taxes s /sinclair p/ 1992  art
  28 holding back the sea consequences of global warming /jacobseon j/ 1990  art
  29 hot air inflating the greenhouse effect economic vie /becker gar/ 1991  art
  30 hot stuff william clines new book on global warming/ 1992  art
  31 impacts of climate warming on transportation and the /woo ming k/ 1992  art
  32 insurers feeling the heat concerns about global warm /knox paul/ 1996  art
  33 insurers notice the greenhouse effect response to ma /leggett je/ 1993  art
  34 integrated assessment models of climate change an in /dowlatabad/ 1995  art
  35 intergenerational discounting special issue integrat /schelling/ 1995  art
  36 law sea level rise and insurance climate change and /wilford mic/ 1993  art
  37 noto speaks out lucio noto of mobil corp watching go /crow patri/ 1996  art
  38 q will remedies to reverse global warming be good fo /gelbspan r/ 1997  art
  39 reviving nuclear power from its coma editorial/ 1990  art
  40 role of carbon taxes in adjusting to global warming /pearce davi/ 1991  art
  41 seeing the entire global environment solutions to gl /beck rober/ 1997  art
  42 some economics of global warming /schelling thomas c/ 1992  art
  43 stuck in the greenhouse slowing global warming energ/ 1991  art
  44 toward a global excise on carbon /cnossen sijbren/ 1992  art
  45 towards agreement setting international requirements/ 1992  art
  46 us demilitarization and global warming an empirical /heyes antho/ 1993  art
  47 wanted a global warming policy that stands a chance /passell pet/ 1997  art
  48 what price the global greenhouse economic aspects of /maddox joh/ 1990  art
  49 when we dont know the costs or the benefits adaptive /lempert ro/ 1996  art
  50 white stuff skiing industry in europe business/ 1989  art
  51 will global warming heat up ev sales electric vehicl /kirk don l/ 1995  art

Alphabetical Author Listing of Sources on
51 references found on this topic in Academic Index

Subject Category in HOLLIS as of Jan. 7, 1998
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 7, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 7, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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beck rober  (1997) - seeing the entire global environment solutions to gl [  41 ]
becker gar  (1991) - hot air inflating the greenhouse effect economic vie [  29 ]
bradsher k  (1997) - car makers voice complaints about limiting gas emiss [   6 ]
cater nick  (1990) - forecasting africas future environment [  19 ]
chen zhiqi  (1997) - can economic activities lead to climate chaos an eco [   5 ]
cnossen sijbren  (1992) - toward a global excise on carbon [  44 ]
crow patri  (1996) - noto speaks out lucio noto of mobil corp watching go [  37 ]
dowlatabad  (1995) - integrated assessment models of climate change an in [  34 ]
gelbspan r  (1997) - q will remedies to reverse global warming be good fo [  38 ]
greer mark  (1995) - aggressive greenhouse gas policies how they could sp [   1 ]
heyes antho  (1993) - us demilitarization and global warming an empirical [  46 ]
hutchings  (1996) - green gauge insurance companies are worrying about g [  24 ]
jacobseon j  (1990) - holding back the sea consequences of global warming [  28 ]
kaiser har  (1993) - farm level analysis of economic and agronomic impact [  18 ]
kirk don l  (1995) - will global warming heat up ev sales electric vehicl [  51 ]
knox paul  (1996) - insurers feeling the heat concerns about global warm [  32 ]
lashof dan  (1997) - earths last gasp global warming climate change cover [  14 ]
leggett je  (1993) - insurers notice the greenhouse effect response to ma [  33 ]
lempert ro  (1996) - when we dont know the costs or the benefits adaptive [  49 ]
linden euge  (1994) - burned by warming insurance companies endure losses [   4 ]
maddison d  (1995) - cost benefit analysis of slowing climate change spec [   9 ]
maddox joh  (1990) - what price the global greenhouse economic aspects of [  48 ]
miller alan  (1991) - economic models and policy making on global warming [  15 ]
nordhaus william d  (1990) - count before you leap greenhouse economics [  11 ]
passell pet  (1997) - wanted a global warming policy that stands a chance [  47 ]
pearce d  (1997) - economists and climate change [  16 ]
pearce d w  (1996) - climate confusion controversy over a draft report is [   7 ]
pearce davi  (1991) - role of carbon taxes in adjusting to global warming [  40 ]
rosenzweig  (1990) - crop response to climate change in the southern grea [  12 ]
schelling  (1995) - intergenerational discounting special issue integrat [  35 ]
schelling  (1997) - cost of combating global warming facing the tradeoff [  10 ]
schelling thomas c  (1992) - some economics of global warming [  42 ]
sinclair p  (1992) - high does nothing and rising is worse carbon taxes s [  27 ]
sirotenko  (1991) - global warming and the agroclimatic resources of the [  20 ]
stevens wi  (1997) - doubts on cost are bedeviling climate policy the war [  13 ]
stix gary  (1996) - green policies insurers warm to climate change insur [  25 ]
tibbetts jo  (1991) - global warming solutions could boost economy energy [  23 ]
walker i o  (1992) - analysing the cost of an oecd environmental tax to t [   2 ]
wilford mic  (1993) - law sea level rise and insurance climate change and [  36 ]
woo ming k  (1992) - impacts of climate warming on transportation and the [  31 ]

Chronological Listing of Sources on
51 references found on this topic in Academic Index

Subject Category in HOLLIS as of Jan. 7, 1998
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 7, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 7, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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   1989 - white stuff skiing industry in europe business/ 1989  art [  50 ]
          ( 1 )

   1990 - count before you leap greenhouse economics /nordhaus william d/ 1990  art [  11 ]
   1990 - crop response to climate change in the southern grea /rosenzweig/ 1990  art [  12 ]
   1990 - forecasting africas future environment /cater nick/ 1990  art [  19 ]
   1990 - holding back the sea consequences of global warming /jacobseon j/ 1990  art [  28 ]
   1990 - reviving nuclear power from its coma editorial/ 1990  art [  39 ]
   1990 - what price the global greenhouse economic aspects of /maddox joh/ 1990  art [  48 ]
          ( 6 )

   1991 - economic models and policy making on global warming /miller alan/ 1991  art [  15 ]
   1991 - global warming and the agroclimatic resources of the /sirotenko/ 1991  art [  20 ]
   1991 - global warming solutions could boost economy energy /tibbetts jo/ 1991  art [  23 ]
   1991 - greenhouse economics count before you leap/ 1991  art [  26 ]
   1991 - hot air inflating the greenhouse effect economic vie /becker gar/ 1991  art [  29 ]
   1991 - role of carbon taxes in adjusting to global warming /pearce davi/ 1991  art [  40 ]
   1991 - stuck in the greenhouse slowing global warming energ/ 1991  art [  43 ]
          ( 7 )

   1992 - analysing the cost of an oecd environmental tax to t /walker i o/ 1992  art [   2 ]
   1992 - everybodys atmosphere the cost of an international a/ 1992  art [  17 ]
   1992 - high does nothing and rising is worse carbon taxes s /sinclair p/ 1992  art [  27 ]
   1992 - hot stuff william clines new book on global warming/ 1992  art [  30 ]
   1992 - impacts of climate warming on transportation and the /woo ming k/ 1992  art [  31 ]
   1992 - some economics of global warming /schelling thomas c/ 1992  art [  42 ]
   1992 - toward a global excise on carbon /cnossen sijbren/ 1992  art [  44 ]
   1992 - towards agreement setting international requirements/ 1992  art [  45 ]
          ( 8 )

   1993 - cool costing global warning organization for economi/ 1993  art [   8 ]
   1993 - farm level analysis of economic and agronomic impact /kaiser har/ 1993  art [  18 ]
   1993 - insurers notice the greenhouse effect response to ma /leggett je/ 1993  art [  33 ]
   1993 - law sea level rise and insurance climate change and /wilford mic/ 1993  art [  36 ]
   1993 - us demilitarization and global warming an empirical /heyes antho/ 1993  art [  46 ]
          ( 5 )

   1994 - burned by warming insurance companies endure losses /linden euge/ 1994  art [   4 ]
   1994 - global warming as big business a yale panel suggests/ 1994  art [  21 ]
          ( 2 )

   1995 - aggressive greenhouse gas policies how they could sp /greer mark/ 1995  art [   1 ]
   1995 - cost benefit analysis of slowing climate change spec /maddison d/ 1995  art [   9 ]
   1995 - integrated assessment models of climate change an in /dowlatabad/ 1995  art [  34 ]
   1995 - intergenerational discounting special issue integrat /schelling/ 1995  art [  35 ]
   1995 - will global warming heat up ev sales electric vehicl /kirk don l/ 1995  art [  51 ]
          ( 5 )

   1996 - climate confusion controversy over a draft report is /pearce d w/ 1996  art [   7 ]
   1996 - green gauge insurance companies are worrying about g /hutchings/ 1996  art [  24 ]
   1996 - green policies insurers warm to climate change insur /stix gary/ 1996  art [  25 ]
   1996 - insurers feeling the heat concerns about global warm /knox paul/ 1996  art [  32 ]
   1996 - noto speaks out lucio noto of mobil corp watching go /crow patri/ 1996  art [  37 ]
   1996 - when we dont know the costs or the benefits adaptive /lempert ro/ 1996  art [  49 ]
          ( 6 )

   1997 - at risk profits and jobs executives of major us comp/ 1997  art [   3 ]
   1997 - can economic activities lead to climate chaos an eco /chen zhiqi/ 1997  art [   5 ]
   1997 - car makers voice complaints about limiting gas emiss /bradsher k/ 1997  art [   6 ]
   1997 - cost of combating global warming facing the tradeoff /schelling/ 1997  art [  10 ]
   1997 - doubts on cost are bedeviling climate policy the war /stevens wi/ 1997  art [  13 ]
   1997 - earths last gasp global warming climate change cover /lashof dan/ 1997  art [  14 ]
   1997 - economists and climate change /pearce d/ 1997  art [  16 ]
   1997 - global warming costs benefits debated imposed reduct/ 1997  art [  22 ]
   1997 - q will remedies to reverse global warming be good fo /gelbspan r/ 1997  art [  38 ]
   1997 - seeing the entire global environment solutions to gl /beck rober/ 1997  art [  41 ]
   1997 - wanted a global warming policy that stands a chance /passell pet/ 1997  art [  47 ]
          ( 11 )

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