Subject Guide on the Topic
271 references were found on this topic in
Academic Index
on Jan. 12, 1998

Compiled by
Timothy C. Weiskel
Environmental Ethics & Public Policy Program, Harvard University
Copyright, ©1998, Timothy C. Weiskel, All Rights Reserved
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 12, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 12, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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Subject - Alphabetical Title Listing
   1 adaptive cost effective ambient charges under incomp /ermoliev y/ 1996  art
   2 alternating currents state utility commissions face /kriz margar/ 1993  art
   3 another theorem on using market demands to determine /neill jon/ 1988  art
   4 anwr and jobs oil exploration in arctic national wil /hickel wal/ 1992  art
   5 are jobs and the quality of environment mutually exc /mobley l/ 1995  art
   6 as conservation gains tax losses alarm towns some ha /peterson i/ 1991  art
   7 as green turns to brown environmental groups america/ 1994  art
   8 avoiding a new energy mistake editorial/ 1991  art
   9 balancing natures claims and international free trad /schneider/ 1992  art
  10 bear kamaroff interview/ 1988  art
  11 being green can cost dealerships lots of green money /thomas cha/ 1991  art
  12 berlin capital on the move /land thomas orszag/ 1997  art
  13 beyond greenwash an insiders guide to duping the pub /rauber pau/ 1994  art
  14 beyond logging jobs the environment includes related /bower susa/ 1995  art
  15 big cleanup gets it wrong the emerging science of ri /main jerem/ 1991  art
  16 biodiversity going going gone battle between multina /morse mary/ 1991  art
  17 biodiversity vs bioengineering rain forest preservat /huber pete/ 1992  art
  18 border booms dirty residue imperils u s mexico trade /suro rober/ 1991  art
  19 bright hopes for chile economic development /boraiko allen a/ 1995  art
  20 bringing labor and environmentalists to the table jo /baker beth/ 1995  art
  21 bushs nonsense on jobs and the environment column /moore curtis/ 1992  art
  22 business could grow in dirty german soil environment/ 1994  art
  23 business takes on a green hue alliances with environ /jacobs deb/ 1990  art
  24 businesss green revolution as environmental worries /sheets kenn/ 1990  art
  25 but economic growth may undermine progress european /mackenzie d/ 1990  art
  26 can market forces be put in harness to protect the e /stavins ro/ 1996  art
  27 can we have both spotted owls and jobs environmental /opheim ter/ 1992  art
  28 can we save our lakes and forests acid rain part 2/ 1985  art
  29 carbonated growth pollution taxes/ 1992  art
  30 case for free trade debate does free trade harm the /bhagwati ja/ 1993  art
  31 cheaper alternatives for cfcs /mackenzie debora/ 1990  art
  32 china charges for pollution includes related article /potier mic/ 1995  art
  33 chinas environmental morass /smil vaclav/ 1989  art
  34 chinas position on environment and development excer /song jian/ 1992  art
  35 clean water clean air businesses protect the environ/ 1993  art
  36 cleaning up environment stocks where to put your mon /bartholome/ 1989  art
  37 cleaning up how to save the earth the american way o /klein joe/ 1990  art
  38 cleaning up the environment a u s news quarterly rep /boroughs d/ 1991  art
  39 comprehensive approach to climate change using the m /stewart ri/ 1990  art
  40 confronting the growing problem of pollution in asia /brandon ca/ 1996  art
  41 congress asks is nature worth more than a shopping m /stevens wi/ 1995  art
  42 conserver shopping tour fieldtrips /johnson ruth/ 1991  art
  43 consumption challenge to sustainable development inc /myers norm/ 1997  art
  44 contract on the environment /sterling john/ 1995  art
  45 cooling down the heated talk still defiant but subtl /deutsch cl/ 1997  art
  46 corporate chief seeks cost benefit balance /cook lodwrick m/ 1994  art
  47 corporate environmentalism illustrating environmenta/ 1993  art
  48 cost benefit analysis taming the babel difficulties/ 1996  art
  49 cost of conservation where now a response to hodge e /brotherton/ 1992  art
  50 cost of going green costs of environmentalism /daly john/ 1990  art
  51 cost of improving the quality of the environment inc /boyd r/ 1991  art
  52 count before you leap greenhouse economics /nordhaus william d/ 1990  art
  53 counterfeit crusade wise use movement dips spurs and /byrnes pat/ 1992  art
  54 court ruling expands list of species act challengers /greenhouse/ 1997  art
  55 cubas reluctant environmentalism international noteb /weinberg b/ 1994  art
  56 designing more efficient markets lessons from los an /foster viv/ 1995  art
  57 development for the people and the environment the p /sandbrook/ 1991  art
  58 dirty little secret vector technologys hazardous was /pitta juli/ 1991  art
  59 discounting the economic costs of conservation and c /cullen r/ 1991  art
  60 discrete count model of recreational demand /feather peter/ 1995  art
  61 dispute arises as gore seeks measures on global warm /schneider/ 1993  art
  62 divine porpoise controversy over gatt ruling on tuna/ 1991  art
  63 do economic instruments help the environment include /barde jean/ 1997  art
  64 does better information about the good avoid the emb /brown thom/ 1995  art
  65 doubts on cost are bedeviling climate policy the war /stevens wi/ 1997  art
  66 dump away with no one the wiser budgetary cutbacks p /winerip mi/ 1991  art
  67 earths last gasp global warming climate change cover /lashof dan/ 1997  art
  68 ec environmental policy coping with interdependency /wright davi/ 1991  art
  69 ecological concepts of sustainability includes relat /orians gor/ 1990  art
  70 ecological modernisation and institutional reflexivi /mol arthur/ 1996  art
  71 ecologists are unhappy with governors decisions some /revkin and/ 1997  art
  72 economic crisis imperils environmental cleanup shoul /baiduzhy a/ 1994  art
  73 economic development and environmental quality an ec /shafik nem/ 1994  art
  74 economic diplomacy of geoengineering /schelling thomas c/ 1996  art
  75 economic growth viewed as engine for sustainable dev /ember lois/ 1992  art
  76 economic impact of green technologies questioned spe /johnson je/ 1995  art
  77 economic incentives for environmental protection int /hahn rober/ 1992  art
  78 economists strive to find environments bottom line r /stevens wi/ 1992  art
  79 economy the environment and public opinion most amer /rockland d/ 1994  art
  80 efficiency vs bias of willingness to pay estimates b /alberini a/ 1995  art
  81 efficient management of the power sector in developi /munasinghe/ 1992  art
  82 endogenous rate of time preference the penrose effec /uzawa hiro/ 1996  art
  83 enlisting the support of liberal trade for environme /eglin rich/ 1993  art
  84 environment and development theory and international /antle john/ 1995  art
  85 environment and global trade /lash william h iii/ 1994  art
  86 environment and the publics purses japan/ 1988  art
  87 environment bill clintons environmental policy inclu /tringali b/ 1993  art
  88 environment industry profiting from pollution /karliner joshua/ 1994  art
  89 environment vs freer trade protecting ecology someti /farnsworth/ 1991  art
  90 environment vs trade rules defogging the debate trad /charnovitz/ 1993  art
  91 environmental assistance to the newly independent st /freeman wi/ 1993  art
  92 environmental backslide congress efforts to cut gove /white robe/ 1996  art
  93 environmental challenges in sub saharan africa cover /mabogunje/ 1995  art
  94 environmental clean up spending may help boost econo/ 1993  art
  95 environmental investments the cost of cleaning up co /carlin ala/ 1992  art
  96 environmental preservation demand altruistic bequest /whitehead/ 1993  art
  97 environmental productivity and why it is so importan /repetto ro/ 1990  art
  98 environmental protection and an equitable internatio /rolston ho/ 1995  art
  99 environmental protection and free trade are they mut /butler ali/ 1992  art
 100 environmental regulations vs economic health /weidenbaum murray/ 1994  art
 101 environmental taxes is there a double dividend /morgenstern rich/ 1996  art
 102 environmental thing economic aspects of environmenta/ 1990  art
 103 environmentalism doesnt steal jobs environmental reg /meyer step/ 1992  art
 104 environmentalism runs riots editorial cover story/ 1992  art
 105 epa at thirtysomething /portney paul r/ 1991  art
 106 evaluating tax reforms in the presence of externalit /schob ronn/ 1996  art
 107 evaluation of river water quality improvements by th /green c h/ 1991  art
 108 evaluation of the economic effects of higher energy /boyd roy/ 1997  art
 109 everybodys business environmental protection now i m /elliott br/ 1991  art
 110 executives air views on environmental laws james n s /haggin jos/ 1992  art
 111 exonomics what economics fails to explain /weiner edith/ 1990  art
 112 faces in the forest the burning tropics have a human /carpenter/ 1990  art
 113 fallout from pricing earth estimation of 17 services /rouhi maur/ 1997  art
 114 farm level case study of sustainable agricultural pr /xu feng/ 1995  art
 115 federal regulations environmentalisms achilles heel /dilorenzo t/ 1994  art
 116 francesco di castri unesco official part 2 interview/ 1992  art
 117 free market and the environment the environment iii /stroup rich/ 1989  art
 118 from those wonderful folks who brought you the new w /padwe gera/ 1987  art
 119 getting out of the red by going green environmental /baker beth/ 1996  art
 120 getting with the cleanup business and the environmen /carroll gi/ 1989  art
 121 global trade as a way to integrate environmental pro /moss amble/ 1993  art
 122 god at work logging and species protection keeping u /seligman d/ 1992  art
 123 great environmental values debate/ 1994  art
 124 green and competitive ending the stalemate includes /porter mich/ 1995  art
 125 greenbacks for owls forcing environmental groups to/ 1993  art
 126 greening of the invisible hand environmentalists/ 1988  art
 127 greening of the world bank new attention to environm /holden con/ 1988  art
 128 greening the economy economic advantages of environm /smith chri/ 1996  art
 129 greening the gatt harmonizing free trade and environ /mcdonald j/ 1993  art
 130 greening the profits selling environmental health /chisholm patr/ 1988  art
 131 groups testing the waters to free captive whales /levinas marian/ 1993  art
 132 growth can be green how to be clean and prosperous t/ 1989  art
 133 growthmanship part ii three opinions on the importan /zycher ben/ 1994  art
 134 guarding the monarchs kingdom monarch butterfly /sullivan sharon/ 1987  art
 135 harnessing market forces to protect the environment /stavins rob/ 1989  art
 136 has environmental protection really reduced producti /repetto ro/ 1997  art
 137 hidden source of efficiency pollution laws boost pro /koretz gen/ 1996  art
 138 high country common ground in the sierras growth and /christense/ 1996  art
 139 hot stuff how to curb global warming is a question t/ 1990  art
 140 how clean air became part of the bottom line congres /schneider/ 1990  art
 141 how green are the green funds fiscal and philosophic /sandoval r/ 1995  art
 142 how green was my neighhour /dilke caroline/ 1990  art
 143 how much is the environment worth a step toward answ /passell pe/ 1997  art
 144 human action and the desertification of the sahel re /lo henri m/ 1989  art
 145 in a polluted russian city a new economic fear sterl /keller bil/ 1990  art
 146 in defense of the earth global testimony opinions of/ 1992  art
 147 incentive mechanisms for environmental protection un /conrad kla/ 1991  art
 148 incentives for solving social problems /baumol william j/ 1984  art
 149 incorporating environmental considerations in common /baldock da/ 1993  art
 150 increasing environmental awareness to protect the gl /endres alf/ 1997  art
 151 industry reshapes endangered species act republicans /egan timot/ 1995  art
 152 international cooperation on environment and develop/ 1992  art
 153 international monetary fund helps preserve the envir /mohammed a/ 1990  art
 154 international trade in search of an environmental co /shrybman s/ 1990  art
 155 international trade rules and environmental cooperat /ludema rod/ 1997  art
 156 investing in a clean environment /paye jean claude/ 1996  art
 157 is environmental protection really bad for business /collingwood/ 1996  art
 158 is environmental technology a key to a healthy econo /marshall e/ 1993  art
 159 is reality optional economic constraints column /sowell thomas/ 1992  art
 160 is this a bad deal for taxpayers mining law land giv /disilvestr/ 1997  art
 161 issue should focus on science costs limiting emissio/ 1992  art
 162 it aint necessarily so the myth of jobs versus the e /hamilton j/ 1993  art
 163 it makes money being green advantages of being envir /mackenzie/ 1989  art
 164 its not easy being green incinerator plant in ohio /adler jerry/ 1992  art
 165 job blackmail and the environment /kazis richard/ 1984  art
 166 jobs for the future jobs the environment cover story/ 1995  art
 167 jobs or the environment no trade off /goodstein eban/ 1995  art
 168 keener earth watch macleans decima poll /kopvillem peeter/ 1989  art
 169 left side vs right side conflicting attitudes toward /koen a d/ 1993  art
 170 limiting consumption toward a sustainable culture co /durning al/ 1991  art
 171 living industry and the environment there is an extr /galbraith/ 1994  art
 172 log exports is the tide turning /dean william/ 1993  art
 173 lost in the forest indonesias effort to control logg/ 1991  art
 174 mandating controversy as local governments balk at p /ruben barb/ 1994  art
 175 matter of balance environment and the economy editor /kates robe/ 1993  art
 176 matter of priorities construction and development ar/ 1995  art
 177 measuring environmental benefits with contingent mar /regens jam/ 1991  art
 178 measuring the benefits of environmental change using /garcia phi/ 1986  art
 179 mind your eco business excerpt from the ecology of c /hawken pau/ 1994  art
 180 minimizing investment in residual growing stock for /ribeiro car/ 1996  art
 181 minnows and turtles have effect on projects army cor/ 1991  art
 182 more bright ideas project 88 a study on the manageme/ 1991  art
 183 moving fast to protect ozone layer computer makers m /pollack an/ 1991  art
 184 nafta raises issue of resource waste north american/ 1992  art
 185 national park dilemma greenwatch /bequette france/ 1994  art
 186 natural capitalism special section cover story /hawken paul/ 1997  art
 187 net benefits of incentive based regulation a case st /oates wall/ 1989  art
 188 new corporate environmentalism special advertising s /cooks pete/ 1993  art
 189 new eco nomics environmentalists adopt economic appr /kriz marga/ 1992  art
 190 new industrial revolution environmental protection i /blanchard/ 1992  art
 191 new jersey environmental plan threatens an old indus /peterson i/ 1993  art
 192 new studies predict profits in heading off warming p /stevens wi/ 1992  art
 193 next environmental threat newt gingrichs bill requir/ 1995  art
 194 next steps for the environment fixing the economy co /rice faye/ 1992  art
 195 nice work and we can get it why saving the earth mea /macdonald/ 1992  art
 196 noncompliant firms in transferable discharge permit /keeler andr/ 1991  art
 197 numbers can fool you acid rain editorial /berle peter a a/ 1988  art
 198 oil industry says regulations will cost up to 23 bil /wald matth/ 1991  art
 199 on environmental cost benefit scale prevention score /adams john/ 1993  art
 200 or distraction consumption and sustainable developme /vincent je/ 1997  art
 201 out of the woods oregon economy is reborn after envi /seideman d/ 1996  art
 202 outline for an ecological economy /von lersner heinrich/ 1995  art
 203 overlapping generations model of growth and the envi /john a/ 1994  art
 204 panda policy farmers should be paid for protecting t/ 1990  art
 205 partnership with nature environment and development /batisse mic/ 1991  art
 206 perils of free trade debate does free trade harm the /daly herma/ 1993  art
 207 poisoned legacy environmental quality in the newly i /green eric/ 1993  art
 208 political and institutional framework for environmen /hanes rexe/ 1995  art
 209 polls may help government decide the worth of nature /passell pe/ 1993  art
 210 polluting paradise economic growth in taiwan marred /goodno jame/ 1991  art
 211 pollution prevention organizational culture and soci /roy manik/ 1992  art
 212 possible solution to tropical troubles debt for natu /sarkar ami/ 1992  art
 213 poverty population pollution /sadik nafis/ 1992  art
 214 price of everything free market environmentalism /power thomas m/ 1993  art
 215 price of green economic impact of sustainable develo/ 1992  art
 216 price of imagining arden putting a value on the envi/ 1994  art
 217 profit in preserving america includes information on /buc lawren/ 1991  art
 218 progress and environmental sustainability discussion /gowdy john/ 1994  art
 219 protecting the environment with the power of the mar /alper joe/ 1993  art
 220 protecting the euro environment environmental protec/ 1989  art
 221 rain forest entrepreneurs why the environmental prot /hiller her/ 1993  art
 222 recovering weakly complementary preferences /larson douglas m/ 1991  art
 223 recovery through ecology environmental rescue as a n /schohl wol/ 1985  art
 224 renewing the earth economics and the environment rem/ 1992  art
 225 report on the commissioner how new yorks environment /frankel br/ 1992  art
 226 researcher explores economics of chinas ecological d /lepkowski/ 1996  art
 227 rethinking environmental economics missing links bet /dietz fran/ 1992  art
 228 road from rio united nations conference on environme /stokes bru/ 1992  art
 229 robert stavins responds response to fred lee smith j /stavins ro/ 1989  art
 230 role of environmental management in sustainable grow /ling josep/ 1995  art
 231 rooting for costa ricas megaparks system of protecte /brandon ka/ 1991  art
 232 save the earth we dare you publishing industry faces /daniel jos/ 1992  art
 233 saving the earth creating jobs economic aspects of e /renner mic/ 1992  art
 234 scrubbing the skies after 13 years of frustration th /friedrich/ 1990  art
 235 search for a safe environment the economics of scree /olson lars/ 1990  art
 236 sensible balance balancing development with environm /hodel dona/ 1988  art
 237 shrinking realm of laissez faire /ablin richard/ 1989  art
 238 spain too poor to be green environmental policies in /luke antho/ 1992  art
 239 subsidizing pollution environmental watch /roodman david malin/ 1997  art
 240 sustainable development a free market perspective th /smith fred/ 1994  art
 241 sustainable development issues industry environment /de feis geo/ 1994  art
 242 sustainable growth and employment work in a sustaina /opschoor h/ 1996  art
 243 teaching tools a pollution rights trading game /nugent rachel a/ 1997  art
 244 test for payment card biases /rowe robert d/ 1996  art
 245 tests for industry recovery environmental protection/ 1997  art
 246 thoughts on saving our planet political economic cul /howard geo/ 1993  art
 247 timber industry wants you to hate owls response to a /sheldon ka/ 1993  art
 248 timber towns in trouble /fisher dave/ 1992  art
 249 top aides urge clinton to ease global warming emissi /cushman jo/ 1997  art
 250 towering fight the debate rekindles over b c logging /quinn hal/ 1989  art
 251 trade deals a blow to the environment /bown william/ 1990  art
 252 trading away the environment foreseen effects of the /ward justi/ 1993  art
 253 trash and cash at b school business schools /raper sarah/ 1990  art
 254 u s backs world bank environment unit world bank fun /shabecoff/ 1990  art
 255 virtual ecosystems how to enhance the environmental /whitaker je/ 1995  art
 256 voters hesitate on california environmental plan pro /reinhold r/ 1990  art
 257 we have been here before green policies do not alway/ 1989  art
 258 wealth of nature/ 1992  art
 259 wealth of nature environmental quality not mining lo /power thom/ 1996  art
 260 what price an energy policy talking point column /fells ian/ 1991  art
 261 what price free trade environmental protection and f /henderson/ 1997  art
 262 what youll pay to protect the ozone layer /razzi elizabeth/ 1993  art
 263 when progress bears a bitter price environmental pro /truax hawl/ 1992  art
 264 where the air was clear air pollution in mexico city /hamill pet/ 1993  art
 265 who scores best on the environment companies /rice faye/ 1993  art
 266 will economics reverse progress environmental protec /glaze will/ 1992  art
 267 will recycling help the environment includes related /scarlett l/ 1991  art
 268 winning by losing on trade world trade organization/ 1996  art
 269 worth of the earth estimating the economic value of /watkins t h/ 1997  art
 270 2 of g n p spent by u s on cleanup share comparable /stevens wil/ 1990  art
 271 4p approach to dealing with scientific uncertainty a /costanza r/ 1992  art

Alphabetical Author Listing of Sources on
271 references found on this topic in Academic Index

Subject Category in HOLLIS as of Jan. 12, 1998
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 12, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 12, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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ablin richard  (1989) - shrinking realm of laissez faire [ 237 ]
adams john  (1993) - on environmental cost benefit scale prevention score [ 199 ]
adler jerry  (1992) - its not easy being green incinerator plant in ohio [ 164 ]
alberini a  (1995) - efficiency vs bias of willingness to pay estimates b [  80 ]
alper joe  (1993) - protecting the environment with the power of the mar [ 219 ]
antle john  (1995) - environment and development theory and international [  84 ]
baiduzhy a  (1994) - economic crisis imperils environmental cleanup shoul [  72 ]
baker beth  (1995) - bringing labor and environmentalists to the table jo [  20 ]
baker beth  (1996) - getting out of the red by going green environmental [ 119 ]
baldock da  (1993) - incorporating environmental considerations in common [ 149 ]
barde jean  (1997) - do economic instruments help the environment include [  63 ]
bartholome  (1989) - cleaning up environment stocks where to put your mon [  36 ]
batisse mic  (1991) - partnership with nature environment and development [ 205 ]
baumol william j  (1984) - incentives for solving social problems [ 148 ]
bequette france  (1994) - national park dilemma greenwatch [ 185 ]
berle peter a a  (1988) - numbers can fool you acid rain editorial [ 197 ]
bhagwati ja  (1993) - case for free trade debate does free trade harm the [  30 ]
blanchard  (1992) - new industrial revolution environmental protection i [ 190 ]
boraiko allen a  (1995) - bright hopes for chile economic development [  19 ]
boroughs d  (1991) - cleaning up the environment a u s news quarterly rep [  38 ]
bower susa  (1995) - beyond logging jobs the environment includes related [  14 ]
bown william  (1990) - trade deals a blow to the environment [ 251 ]
boyd r  (1991) - cost of improving the quality of the environment inc [  51 ]
boyd roy  (1997) - evaluation of the economic effects of higher energy [ 108 ]
brandon ca  (1996) - confronting the growing problem of pollution in asia [  40 ]
brandon ka  (1991) - rooting for costa ricas megaparks system of protecte [ 231 ]
brotherton  (1992) - cost of conservation where now a response to hodge e [  49 ]
brown thom  (1995) - does better information about the good avoid the emb [  64 ]
buc lawren  (1991) - profit in preserving america includes information on [ 217 ]
butler ali  (1992) - environmental protection and free trade are they mut [  99 ]
byrnes pat  (1992) - counterfeit crusade wise use movement dips spurs and [  53 ]
carlin ala  (1992) - environmental investments the cost of cleaning up co [  95 ]
carpenter  (1990) - faces in the forest the burning tropics have a human [ 112 ]
carroll gi  (1989) - getting with the cleanup business and the environmen [ 120 ]
charnovitz  (1993) - environment vs trade rules defogging the debate trad [  90 ]
chisholm patr  (1988) - greening the profits selling environmental health [ 130 ]
christense  (1996) - high country common ground in the sierras growth and [ 138 ]
collingwood  (1996) - is environmental protection really bad for business [ 157 ]
conrad kla  (1991) - incentive mechanisms for environmental protection un [ 147 ]
cook lodwrick m  (1994) - corporate chief seeks cost benefit balance [  46 ]
cooks pete  (1993) - new corporate environmentalism special advertising s [ 188 ]
costanza r  (1992) - 4p approach to dealing with scientific uncertainty a [ 271 ]
cullen r  (1991) - discounting the economic costs of conservation and c [  59 ]
cushman jo  (1997) - top aides urge clinton to ease global warming emissi [ 249 ]
daly herma  (1993) - perils of free trade debate does free trade harm the [ 206 ]
daly john  (1990) - cost of going green costs of environmentalism [  50 ]
daniel jos  (1992) - save the earth we dare you publishing industry faces [ 232 ]
de feis geo  (1994) - sustainable development issues industry environment [ 241 ]
dean william  (1993) - log exports is the tide turning [ 172 ]
deutsch cl  (1997) - cooling down the heated talk still defiant but subtl [  45 ]
dietz fran  (1992) - rethinking environmental economics missing links bet [ 227 ]
dilke caroline  (1990) - how green was my neighhour [ 142 ]
dilorenzo t  (1994) - federal regulations environmentalisms achilles heel [ 115 ]
disilvestr  (1997) - is this a bad deal for taxpayers mining law land giv [ 160 ]
durning al  (1991) - limiting consumption toward a sustainable culture co [ 170 ]
egan timot  (1995) - industry reshapes endangered species act republicans [ 151 ]
eglin rich  (1993) - enlisting the support of liberal trade for environme [  83 ]
elliott br  (1991) - everybodys business environmental protection now i m [ 109 ]
ember lois  (1992) - economic growth viewed as engine for sustainable dev [  75 ]
endres alf  (1997) - increasing environmental awareness to protect the gl [ 150 ]
ermoliev y  (1996) - adaptive cost effective ambient charges under incomp [   1 ]
farnsworth  (1991) - environment vs freer trade protecting ecology someti [  89 ]
feather peter  (1995) - discrete count model of recreational demand [  60 ]
fells ian  (1991) - what price an energy policy talking point column [ 260 ]
fisher dave  (1992) - timber towns in trouble [ 248 ]
foster viv  (1995) - designing more efficient markets lessons from los an [  56 ]
frankel br  (1992) - report on the commissioner how new yorks environment [ 225 ]
freeman wi  (1993) - environmental assistance to the newly independent st [  91 ]
friedrich  (1990) - scrubbing the skies after 13 years of frustration th [ 234 ]
galbraith  (1994) - living industry and the environment there is an extr [ 171 ]
garcia phi  (1986) - measuring the benefits of environmental change using [ 178 ]
glaze will  (1992) - will economics reverse progress environmental protec [ 266 ]
goodno jame  (1991) - polluting paradise economic growth in taiwan marred [ 210 ]
goodstein eban  (1995) - jobs or the environment no trade off [ 167 ]
gowdy john  (1994) - progress and environmental sustainability discussion [ 218 ]
green c h  (1991) - evaluation of river water quality improvements by th [ 107 ]
green eric  (1993) - poisoned legacy environmental quality in the newly i [ 207 ]
greenhouse  (1997) - court ruling expands list of species act challengers [  54 ]
haggin jos  (1992) - executives air views on environmental laws james n s [ 110 ]
hahn rober  (1992) - economic incentives for environmental protection int [  77 ]
hamill pet  (1993) - where the air was clear air pollution in mexico city [ 264 ]
hamilton j  (1993) - it aint necessarily so the myth of jobs versus the e [ 162 ]
hanes rexe  (1995) - political and institutional framework for environmen [ 208 ]
hawken pau  (1994) - mind your eco business excerpt from the ecology of c [ 179 ]
hawken paul  (1997) - natural capitalism special section cover story [ 186 ]
henderson  (1997) - what price free trade environmental protection and f [ 261 ]
hickel wal  (1992) - anwr and jobs oil exploration in arctic national wil [   4 ]
hiller her  (1993) - rain forest entrepreneurs why the environmental prot [ 221 ]
hodel dona  (1988) - sensible balance balancing development with environm [ 236 ]
holden con  (1988) - greening of the world bank new attention to environm [ 127 ]
howard geo  (1993) - thoughts on saving our planet political economic cul [ 246 ]
huber pete  (1992) - biodiversity vs bioengineering rain forest preservat [  17 ]
jacobs deb  (1990) - business takes on a green hue alliances with environ [  23 ]
john a  (1994) - overlapping generations model of growth and the envi [ 203 ]
johnson je  (1995) - economic impact of green technologies questioned spe [  76 ]
johnson ruth  (1991) - conserver shopping tour fieldtrips [  42 ]
karliner joshua  (1994) - environment industry profiting from pollution [  88 ]
kates robe  (1993) - matter of balance environment and the economy editor [ 175 ]
kazis richard  (1984) - job blackmail and the environment [ 165 ]
keeler andr  (1991) - noncompliant firms in transferable discharge permit [ 196 ]
keller bil  (1990) - in a polluted russian city a new economic fear sterl [ 145 ]
klein joe  (1990) - cleaning up how to save the earth the american way o [  37 ]
koen a d  (1993) - left side vs right side conflicting attitudes toward [ 169 ]
kopvillem peeter  (1989) - keener earth watch macleans decima poll [ 168 ]
koretz gen  (1996) - hidden source of efficiency pollution laws boost pro [ 137 ]
kriz marga  (1992) - new eco nomics environmentalists adopt economic appr [ 189 ]
kriz margar  (1993) - alternating currents state utility commissions face [   2 ]
land thomas orszag  (1997) - berlin capital on the move [  12 ]
larson douglas m  (1991) - recovering weakly complementary preferences [ 222 ]
lash william h iii  (1994) - environment and global trade [  85 ]
lashof dan  (1997) - earths last gasp global warming climate change cover [  67 ]
lepkowski  (1996) - researcher explores economics of chinas ecological d [ 226 ]
levinas marian  (1993) - groups testing the waters to free captive whales [ 131 ]
ling josep  (1995) - role of environmental management in sustainable grow [ 230 ]
lo henri m  (1989) - human action and the desertification of the sahel re [ 144 ]
ludema rod  (1997) - international trade rules and environmental cooperat [ 155 ]
luke antho  (1992) - spain too poor to be green environmental policies in [ 238 ]
mabogunje  (1995) - environmental challenges in sub saharan africa cover [  93 ]
macdonald  (1992) - nice work and we can get it why saving the earth mea [ 195 ]
mackenzie  (1989) - it makes money being green advantages of being envir [ 163 ]
mackenzie d  (1990) - but economic growth may undermine progress european [  25 ]
mackenzie debora  (1990) - cheaper alternatives for cfcs [  31 ]
main jerem  (1991) - big cleanup gets it wrong the emerging science of ri [  15 ]
marshall e  (1993) - is environmental technology a key to a healthy econo [ 158 ]
mcdonald j  (1993) - greening the gatt harmonizing free trade and environ [ 129 ]
meyer step  (1992) - environmentalism doesnt steal jobs environmental reg [ 103 ]
mobley l  (1995) - are jobs and the quality of environment mutually exc [   5 ]
mohammed a  (1990) - international monetary fund helps preserve the envir [ 153 ]
mol arthur  (1996) - ecological modernisation and institutional reflexivi [  70 ]
moore curtis  (1992) - bushs nonsense on jobs and the environment column [  21 ]
morgenstern rich  (1996) - environmental taxes is there a double dividend [ 101 ]
morse mary  (1991) - biodiversity going going gone battle between multina [  16 ]
moss amble  (1993) - global trade as a way to integrate environmental pro [ 121 ]
munasinghe  (1992) - efficient management of the power sector in developi [  81 ]
myers norm  (1997) - consumption challenge to sustainable development inc [  43 ]
neill jon  (1988) - another theorem on using market demands to determine [   3 ]
nordhaus william d  (1990) - count before you leap greenhouse economics [  52 ]
nugent rachel a  (1997) - teaching tools a pollution rights trading game [ 243 ]
oates wall  (1989) - net benefits of incentive based regulation a case st [ 187 ]
olson lars  (1990) - search for a safe environment the economics of scree [ 235 ]
opheim ter  (1992) - can we have both spotted owls and jobs environmental [  27 ]
opschoor h  (1996) - sustainable growth and employment work in a sustaina [ 242 ]
orians gor  (1990) - ecological concepts of sustainability includes relat [  69 ]
padwe gera  (1987) - from those wonderful folks who brought you the new w [ 118 ]
passell pe  (1993) - polls may help government decide the worth of nature [ 209 ]
passell pe  (1997) - how much is the environment worth a step toward answ [ 143 ]
paye jean claude  (1996) - investing in a clean environment [ 156 ]
peterson i  (1991) - as conservation gains tax losses alarm towns some ha [   6 ]
peterson i  (1993) - new jersey environmental plan threatens an old indus [ 191 ]
pitta juli  (1991) - dirty little secret vector technologys hazardous was [  58 ]
pollack an  (1991) - moving fast to protect ozone layer computer makers m [ 183 ]
porter mich  (1995) - green and competitive ending the stalemate includes [ 124 ]
portney paul r  (1991) - epa at thirtysomething [ 105 ]
potier mic  (1995) - china charges for pollution includes related article [  32 ]
power thom  (1996) - wealth of nature environmental quality not mining lo [ 259 ]
power thomas m  (1993) - price of everything free market environmentalism [ 214 ]
quinn hal  (1989) - towering fight the debate rekindles over b c logging [ 250 ]
raper sarah  (1990) - trash and cash at b school business schools [ 253 ]
rauber pau  (1994) - beyond greenwash an insiders guide to duping the pub [  13 ]
razzi elizabeth  (1993) - what youll pay to protect the ozone layer [ 262 ]
regens jam  (1991) - measuring environmental benefits with contingent mar [ 177 ]
reinhold r  (1990) - voters hesitate on california environmental plan pro [ 256 ]
renner mic  (1992) - saving the earth creating jobs economic aspects of e [ 233 ]
repetto ro  (1990) - environmental productivity and why it is so importan [  97 ]
repetto ro  (1997) - has environmental protection really reduced producti [ 136 ]
revkin and  (1997) - ecologists are unhappy with governors decisions some [  71 ]
ribeiro car  (1996) - minimizing investment in residual growing stock for [ 180 ]
rice faye  (1992) - next steps for the environment fixing the economy co [ 194 ]
rice faye  (1993) - who scores best on the environment companies [ 265 ]
rockland d  (1994) - economy the environment and public opinion most amer [  79 ]
rolston ho  (1995) - environmental protection and an equitable internatio [  98 ]
roodman david malin  (1997) - subsidizing pollution environmental watch [ 239 ]
rouhi maur  (1997) - fallout from pricing earth estimation of 17 services [ 113 ]
rowe robert d  (1996) - test for payment card biases [ 244 ]
roy manik  (1992) - pollution prevention organizational culture and soci [ 211 ]
ruben barb  (1994) - mandating controversy as local governments balk at p [ 174 ]
sadik nafis  (1992) - poverty population pollution [ 213 ]
sandbrook  (1991) - development for the people and the environment the p [  57 ]
sandoval r  (1995) - how green are the green funds fiscal and philosophic [ 141 ]
sarkar ami  (1992) - possible solution to tropical troubles debt for natu [ 212 ]
scarlett l  (1991) - will recycling help the environment includes related [ 267 ]
schelling thomas c  (1996) - economic diplomacy of geoengineering [  74 ]
schneider  (1990) - how clean air became part of the bottom line congres [ 140 ]
schneider  (1992) - balancing natures claims and international free trad [   9 ]
schneider  (1993) - dispute arises as gore seeks measures on global warm [  61 ]
schob ronn  (1996) - evaluating tax reforms in the presence of externalit [ 106 ]
schohl wol  (1985) - recovery through ecology environmental rescue as a n [ 223 ]
seideman d  (1996) - out of the woods oregon economy is reborn after envi [ 201 ]
seligman d  (1992) - god at work logging and species protection keeping u [ 122 ]
shabecoff  (1990) - u s backs world bank environment unit world bank fun [ 254 ]
shafik nem  (1994) - economic development and environmental quality an ec [  73 ]
sheets kenn  (1990) - businesss green revolution as environmental worries [  24 ]
sheldon ka  (1993) - timber industry wants you to hate owls response to a [ 247 ]
shrybman s  (1990) - international trade in search of an environmental co [ 154 ]
smil vaclav  (1989) - chinas environmental morass [  33 ]
smith chri  (1996) - greening the economy economic advantages of environm [ 128 ]
smith fred  (1994) - sustainable development a free market perspective th [ 240 ]
song jian  (1992) - chinas position on environment and development excer [  34 ]
sowell thomas  (1992) - is reality optional economic constraints column [ 159 ]
stavins ro  (1989) - robert stavins responds response to fred lee smith j [ 229 ]
stavins ro  (1996) - can market forces be put in harness to protect the e [  26 ]
stavins rob  (1989) - harnessing market forces to protect the environment [ 135 ]
sterling john  (1995) - contract on the environment [  44 ]
stevens wi  (1992) - economists strive to find environments bottom line r [  78 ]
stevens wi  (1992) - new studies predict profits in heading off warming p [ 192 ]
stevens wi  (1995) - congress asks is nature worth more than a shopping m [  41 ]
stevens wi  (1997) - doubts on cost are bedeviling climate policy the war [  65 ]
stevens wil  (1990) - 2 of g n p spent by u s on cleanup share comparable [ 270 ]
stewart ri  (1990) - comprehensive approach to climate change using the m [  39 ]
stokes bru  (1992) - road from rio united nations conference on environme [ 228 ]
stroup rich  (1989) - free market and the environment the environment iii [ 117 ]
sullivan sharon  (1987) - guarding the monarchs kingdom monarch butterfly [ 134 ]
suro rober  (1991) - border booms dirty residue imperils u s mexico trade [  18 ]
thomas cha  (1991) - being green can cost dealerships lots of green money [  11 ]
tringali b  (1993) - environment bill clintons environmental policy inclu [  87 ]
truax hawl  (1992) - when progress bears a bitter price environmental pro [ 263 ]
uzawa hiro  (1996) - endogenous rate of time preference the penrose effec [  82 ]
vincent je  (1997) - or distraction consumption and sustainable developme [ 200 ]
von lersner heinrich  (1995) - outline for an ecological economy [ 202 ]
wald matth  (1991) - oil industry says regulations will cost up to 23 bil [ 198 ]
ward justi  (1993) - trading away the environment foreseen effects of the [ 252 ]
watkins t h  (1997) - worth of the earth estimating the economic value of [ 269 ]
weidenbaum murray  (1994) - environmental regulations vs economic health [ 100 ]
weinberg b  (1994) - cubas reluctant environmentalism international noteb [  55 ]
weiner edith  (1990) - exonomics what economics fails to explain [ 111 ]
whitaker je  (1995) - virtual ecosystems how to enhance the environmental [ 255 ]
white robe  (1996) - environmental backslide congress efforts to cut gove [  92 ]
whitehead  (1993) - environmental preservation demand altruistic bequest [  96 ]
winerip mi  (1991) - dump away with no one the wiser budgetary cutbacks p [  66 ]
wright davi  (1991) - ec environmental policy coping with interdependency [  68 ]
xu feng  (1995) - farm level case study of sustainable agricultural pr [ 114 ]
zycher ben  (1994) - growthmanship part ii three opinions on the importan [ 133 ]

Chronological Listing of Sources on
271 references found on this topic in Academic Index

Subject Category in HOLLIS as of Jan. 12, 1998
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 12, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 12, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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   1984 - incentives for solving social problems /baumol william j/ 1984  art [ 148 ]
   1984 - job blackmail and the environment /kazis richard/ 1984  art [ 165 ]
          ( 2 )

   1985 - can we save our lakes and forests acid rain part 2/ 1985  art [  28 ]
   1985 - recovery through ecology environmental rescue as a n /schohl wol/ 1985  art [ 223 ]
          ( 2 )

   1986 - measuring the benefits of environmental change using /garcia phi/ 1986  art [ 178 ]
          ( 1 )

   1987 - from those wonderful folks who brought you the new w /padwe gera/ 1987  art [ 118 ]
   1987 - guarding the monarchs kingdom monarch butterfly /sullivan sharon/ 1987  art [ 134 ]
          ( 2 )

   1988 - another theorem on using market demands to determine /neill jon/ 1988  art [   3 ]
   1988 - bear kamaroff interview/ 1988  art [  10 ]
   1988 - environment and the publics purses japan/ 1988  art [  86 ]
   1988 - greening of the invisible hand environmentalists/ 1988  art [ 126 ]
   1988 - greening of the world bank new attention to environm /holden con/ 1988  art [ 127 ]
   1988 - greening the profits selling environmental health /chisholm patr/ 1988  art [ 130 ]
   1988 - numbers can fool you acid rain editorial /berle peter a a/ 1988  art [ 197 ]
   1988 - sensible balance balancing development with environm /hodel dona/ 1988  art [ 236 ]
          ( 8 )

   1989 - chinas environmental morass /smil vaclav/ 1989  art [  33 ]
   1989 - cleaning up environment stocks where to put your mon /bartholome/ 1989  art [  36 ]
   1989 - free market and the environment the environment iii /stroup rich/ 1989  art [ 117 ]
   1989 - getting with the cleanup business and the environmen /carroll gi/ 1989  art [ 120 ]
   1989 - growth can be green how to be clean and prosperous t/ 1989  art [ 132 ]
   1989 - harnessing market forces to protect the environment /stavins rob/ 1989  art [ 135 ]
   1989 - human action and the desertification of the sahel re /lo henri m/ 1989  art [ 144 ]
   1989 - it makes money being green advantages of being envir /mackenzie/ 1989  art [ 163 ]
   1989 - keener earth watch macleans decima poll /kopvillem peeter/ 1989  art [ 168 ]
   1989 - net benefits of incentive based regulation a case st /oates wall/ 1989  art [ 187 ]
   1989 - protecting the euro environment environmental protec/ 1989  art [ 220 ]
   1989 - robert stavins responds response to fred lee smith j /stavins ro/ 1989  art [ 229 ]
   1989 - shrinking realm of laissez faire /ablin richard/ 1989  art [ 237 ]
   1989 - towering fight the debate rekindles over b c logging /quinn hal/ 1989  art [ 250 ]
   1989 - we have been here before green policies do not alway/ 1989  art [ 257 ]
          ( 15 )

   1990 - 2 of g n p spent by u s on cleanup share comparable /stevens wil/ 1990  art [ 270 ]
   1990 - business takes on a green hue alliances with environ /jacobs deb/ 1990  art [  23 ]
   1990 - businesss green revolution as environmental worries /sheets kenn/ 1990  art [  24 ]
   1990 - but economic growth may undermine progress european /mackenzie d/ 1990  art [  25 ]
   1990 - cheaper alternatives for cfcs /mackenzie debora/ 1990  art [  31 ]
   1990 - cleaning up how to save the earth the american way o /klein joe/ 1990  art [  37 ]
   1990 - comprehensive approach to climate change using the m /stewart ri/ 1990  art [  39 ]
   1990 - cost of going green costs of environmentalism /daly john/ 1990  art [  50 ]
   1990 - count before you leap greenhouse economics /nordhaus william d/ 1990  art [  52 ]
   1990 - ecological concepts of sustainability includes relat /orians gor/ 1990  art [  69 ]
   1990 - environmental productivity and why it is so importan /repetto ro/ 1990  art [  97 ]
   1990 - environmental thing economic aspects of environmenta/ 1990  art [ 102 ]
   1990 - exonomics what economics fails to explain /weiner edith/ 1990  art [ 111 ]
   1990 - faces in the forest the burning tropics have a human /carpenter/ 1990  art [ 112 ]
   1990 - hot stuff how to curb global warming is a question t/ 1990  art [ 139 ]
   1990 - how clean air became part of the bottom line congres /schneider/ 1990  art [ 140 ]
   1990 - how green was my neighhour /dilke caroline/ 1990  art [ 142 ]
   1990 - in a polluted russian city a new economic fear sterl /keller bil/ 1990  art [ 145 ]
   1990 - international monetary fund helps preserve the envir /mohammed a/ 1990  art [ 153 ]
   1990 - international trade in search of an environmental co /shrybman s/ 1990  art [ 154 ]
   1990 - panda policy farmers should be paid for protecting t/ 1990  art [ 204 ]
   1990 - scrubbing the skies after 13 years of frustration th /friedrich/ 1990  art [ 234 ]
   1990 - search for a safe environment the economics of scree /olson lars/ 1990  art [ 235 ]
   1990 - trade deals a blow to the environment /bown william/ 1990  art [ 251 ]
   1990 - trash and cash at b school business schools /raper sarah/ 1990  art [ 253 ]
   1990 - u s backs world bank environment unit world bank fun /shabecoff/ 1990  art [ 254 ]
   1990 - voters hesitate on california environmental plan pro /reinhold r/ 1990  art [ 256 ]
          ( 27 )

   1991 - as conservation gains tax losses alarm towns some ha /peterson i/ 1991  art [   6 ]
   1991 - avoiding a new energy mistake editorial/ 1991  art [   8 ]
   1991 - being green can cost dealerships lots of green money /thomas cha/ 1991  art [  11 ]
   1991 - big cleanup gets it wrong the emerging science of ri /main jerem/ 1991  art [  15 ]
   1991 - biodiversity going going gone battle between multina /morse mary/ 1991  art [  16 ]
   1991 - border booms dirty residue imperils u s mexico trade /suro rober/ 1991  art [  18 ]
   1991 - cleaning up the environment a u s news quarterly rep /boroughs d/ 1991  art [  38 ]
   1991 - conserver shopping tour fieldtrips /johnson ruth/ 1991  art [  42 ]
   1991 - cost of improving the quality of the environment inc /boyd r/ 1991  art [  51 ]
   1991 - development for the people and the environment the p /sandbrook/ 1991  art [  57 ]
   1991 - dirty little secret vector technologys hazardous was /pitta juli/ 1991  art [  58 ]
   1991 - discounting the economic costs of conservation and c /cullen r/ 1991  art [  59 ]
   1991 - divine porpoise controversy over gatt ruling on tuna/ 1991  art [  62 ]
   1991 - dump away with no one the wiser budgetary cutbacks p /winerip mi/ 1991  art [  66 ]
   1991 - ec environmental policy coping with interdependency /wright davi/ 1991  art [  68 ]
   1991 - environment vs freer trade protecting ecology someti /farnsworth/ 1991  art [  89 ]
   1991 - epa at thirtysomething /portney paul r/ 1991  art [ 105 ]
   1991 - evaluation of river water quality improvements by th /green c h/ 1991  art [ 107 ]
   1991 - everybodys business environmental protection now i m /elliott br/ 1991  art [ 109 ]
   1991 - incentive mechanisms for environmental protection un /conrad kla/ 1991  art [ 147 ]
   1991 - limiting consumption toward a sustainable culture co /durning al/ 1991  art [ 170 ]
   1991 - lost in the forest indonesias effort to control logg/ 1991  art [ 173 ]
   1991 - measuring environmental benefits with contingent mar /regens jam/ 1991  art [ 177 ]
   1991 - minnows and turtles have effect on projects army cor/ 1991  art [ 181 ]
   1991 - more bright ideas project 88 a study on the manageme/ 1991  art [ 182 ]
   1991 - moving fast to protect ozone layer computer makers m /pollack an/ 1991  art [ 183 ]
   1991 - noncompliant firms in transferable discharge permit /keeler andr/ 1991  art [ 196 ]
   1991 - oil industry says regulations will cost up to 23 bil /wald matth/ 1991  art [ 198 ]
   1991 - partnership with nature environment and development /batisse mic/ 1991  art [ 205 ]
   1991 - polluting paradise economic growth in taiwan marred /goodno jame/ 1991  art [ 210 ]
   1991 - profit in preserving america includes information on /buc lawren/ 1991  art [ 217 ]
   1991 - recovering weakly complementary preferences /larson douglas m/ 1991  art [ 222 ]
   1991 - rooting for costa ricas megaparks system of protecte /brandon ka/ 1991  art [ 231 ]
   1991 - what price an energy policy talking point column /fells ian/ 1991  art [ 260 ]
   1991 - will recycling help the environment includes related /scarlett l/ 1991  art [ 267 ]
          ( 35 )

   1992 - 4p approach to dealing with scientific uncertainty a /costanza r/ 1992  art [ 271 ]
   1992 - anwr and jobs oil exploration in arctic national wil /hickel wal/ 1992  art [   4 ]
   1992 - balancing natures claims and international free trad /schneider/ 1992  art [   9 ]
   1992 - biodiversity vs bioengineering rain forest preservat /huber pete/ 1992  art [  17 ]
   1992 - bushs nonsense on jobs and the environment column /moore curtis/ 1992  art [  21 ]
   1992 - can we have both spotted owls and jobs environmental /opheim ter/ 1992  art [  27 ]
   1992 - carbonated growth pollution taxes/ 1992  art [  29 ]
   1992 - chinas position on environment and development excer /song jian/ 1992  art [  34 ]
   1992 - cost of conservation where now a response to hodge e /brotherton/ 1992  art [  49 ]
   1992 - counterfeit crusade wise use movement dips spurs and /byrnes pat/ 1992  art [  53 ]
   1992 - economic growth viewed as engine for sustainable dev /ember lois/ 1992  art [  75 ]
   1992 - economic incentives for environmental protection int /hahn rober/ 1992  art [  77 ]
   1992 - economists strive to find environments bottom line r /stevens wi/ 1992  art [  78 ]
   1992 - efficient management of the power sector in developi /munasinghe/ 1992  art [  81 ]
   1992 - environmental investments the cost of cleaning up co /carlin ala/ 1992  art [  95 ]
   1992 - environmental protection and free trade are they mut /butler ali/ 1992  art [  99 ]
   1992 - environmentalism doesnt steal jobs environmental reg /meyer step/ 1992  art [ 103 ]
   1992 - environmentalism runs riots editorial cover story/ 1992  art [ 104 ]
   1992 - executives air views on environmental laws james n s /haggin jos/ 1992  art [ 110 ]
   1992 - francesco di castri unesco official part 2 interview/ 1992  art [ 116 ]
   1992 - god at work logging and species protection keeping u /seligman d/ 1992  art [ 122 ]
   1992 - in defense of the earth global testimony opinions of/ 1992  art [ 146 ]
   1992 - international cooperation on environment and develop/ 1992  art [ 152 ]
   1992 - is reality optional economic constraints column /sowell thomas/ 1992  art [ 159 ]
   1992 - issue should focus on science costs limiting emissio/ 1992  art [ 161 ]
   1992 - its not easy being green incinerator plant in ohio /adler jerry/ 1992  art [ 164 ]
   1992 - nafta raises issue of resource waste north american/ 1992  art [ 184 ]
   1992 - new eco nomics environmentalists adopt economic appr /kriz marga/ 1992  art [ 189 ]
   1992 - new industrial revolution environmental protection i /blanchard/ 1992  art [ 190 ]
   1992 - new studies predict profits in heading off warming p /stevens wi/ 1992  art [ 192 ]
   1992 - next steps for the environment fixing the economy co /rice faye/ 1992  art [ 194 ]
   1992 - nice work and we can get it why saving the earth mea /macdonald/ 1992  art [ 195 ]
   1992 - pollution prevention organizational culture and soci /roy manik/ 1992  art [ 211 ]
   1992 - possible solution to tropical troubles debt for natu /sarkar ami/ 1992  art [ 212 ]
   1992 - poverty population pollution /sadik nafis/ 1992  art [ 213 ]
   1992 - price of green economic impact of sustainable develo/ 1992  art [ 215 ]
   1992 - renewing the earth economics and the environment rem/ 1992  art [ 224 ]
   1992 - report on the commissioner how new yorks environment /frankel br/ 1992  art [ 225 ]
   1992 - rethinking environmental economics missing links bet /dietz fran/ 1992  art [ 227 ]
   1992 - road from rio united nations conference on environme /stokes bru/ 1992  art [ 228 ]
   1992 - save the earth we dare you publishing industry faces /daniel jos/ 1992  art [ 232 ]
   1992 - saving the earth creating jobs economic aspects of e /renner mic/ 1992  art [ 233 ]
   1992 - spain too poor to be green environmental policies in /luke antho/ 1992  art [ 238 ]
   1992 - timber towns in trouble /fisher dave/ 1992  art [ 248 ]
   1992 - wealth of nature/ 1992  art [ 258 ]
   1992 - when progress bears a bitter price environmental pro /truax hawl/ 1992  art [ 263 ]
   1992 - will economics reverse progress environmental protec /glaze will/ 1992  art [ 266 ]
          ( 47 )

   1993 - alternating currents state utility commissions face /kriz margar/ 1993  art [   2 ]
   1993 - case for free trade debate does free trade harm the /bhagwati ja/ 1993  art [  30 ]
   1993 - clean water clean air businesses protect the environ/ 1993  art [  35 ]
   1993 - corporate environmentalism illustrating environmenta/ 1993  art [  47 ]
   1993 - dispute arises as gore seeks measures on global warm /schneider/ 1993  art [  61 ]
   1993 - enlisting the support of liberal trade for environme /eglin rich/ 1993  art [  83 ]
   1993 - environment bill clintons environmental policy inclu /tringali b/ 1993  art [  87 ]
   1993 - environment vs trade rules defogging the debate trad /charnovitz/ 1993  art [  90 ]
   1993 - environmental assistance to the newly independent st /freeman wi/ 1993  art [  91 ]
   1993 - environmental clean up spending may help boost econo/ 1993  art [  94 ]
   1993 - environmental preservation demand altruistic bequest /whitehead/ 1993  art [  96 ]
   1993 - global trade as a way to integrate environmental pro /moss amble/ 1993  art [ 121 ]
   1993 - greenbacks for owls forcing environmental groups to/ 1993  art [ 125 ]
   1993 - greening the gatt harmonizing free trade and environ /mcdonald j/ 1993  art [ 129 ]
   1993 - groups testing the waters to free captive whales /levinas marian/ 1993  art [ 131 ]
   1993 - incorporating environmental considerations in common /baldock da/ 1993  art [ 149 ]
   1993 - is environmental technology a key to a healthy econo /marshall e/ 1993  art [ 158 ]
   1993 - it aint necessarily so the myth of jobs versus the e /hamilton j/ 1993  art [ 162 ]
   1993 - left side vs right side conflicting attitudes toward /koen a d/ 1993  art [ 169 ]
   1993 - log exports is the tide turning /dean william/ 1993  art [ 172 ]
   1993 - matter of balance environment and the economy editor /kates robe/ 1993  art [ 175 ]
   1993 - new corporate environmentalism special advertising s /cooks pete/ 1993  art [ 188 ]
   1993 - new jersey environmental plan threatens an old indus /peterson i/ 1993  art [ 191 ]
   1993 - on environmental cost benefit scale prevention score /adams john/ 1993  art [ 199 ]
   1993 - perils of free trade debate does free trade harm the /daly herma/ 1993  art [ 206 ]
   1993 - poisoned legacy environmental quality in the newly i /green eric/ 1993  art [ 207 ]
   1993 - polls may help government decide the worth of nature /passell pe/ 1993  art [ 209 ]
   1993 - price of everything free market environmentalism /power thomas m/ 1993  art [ 214 ]
   1993 - protecting the environment with the power of the mar /alper joe/ 1993  art [ 219 ]
   1993 - rain forest entrepreneurs why the environmental prot /hiller her/ 1993  art [ 221 ]
   1993 - thoughts on saving our planet political economic cul /howard geo/ 1993  art [ 246 ]
   1993 - timber industry wants you to hate owls response to a /sheldon ka/ 1993  art [ 247 ]
   1993 - trading away the environment foreseen effects of the /ward justi/ 1993  art [ 252 ]
   1993 - what youll pay to protect the ozone layer /razzi elizabeth/ 1993  art [ 262 ]
   1993 - where the air was clear air pollution in mexico city /hamill pet/ 1993  art [ 264 ]
   1993 - who scores best on the environment companies /rice faye/ 1993  art [ 265 ]
          ( 36 )

   1994 - as green turns to brown environmental groups america/ 1994  art [   7 ]
   1994 - beyond greenwash an insiders guide to duping the pub /rauber pau/ 1994  art [  13 ]
   1994 - business could grow in dirty german soil environment/ 1994  art [  22 ]
   1994 - corporate chief seeks cost benefit balance /cook lodwrick m/ 1994  art [  46 ]
   1994 - cubas reluctant environmentalism international noteb /weinberg b/ 1994  art [  55 ]
   1994 - economic crisis imperils environmental cleanup shoul /baiduzhy a/ 1994  art [  72 ]
   1994 - economic development and environmental quality an ec /shafik nem/ 1994  art [  73 ]
   1994 - economy the environment and public opinion most amer /rockland d/ 1994  art [  79 ]
   1994 - environment and global trade /lash william h iii/ 1994  art [  85 ]
   1994 - environment industry profiting from pollution /karliner joshua/ 1994  art [  88 ]
   1994 - environmental regulations vs economic health /weidenbaum murray/ 1994  art [ 100 ]
   1994 - federal regulations environmentalisms achilles heel /dilorenzo t/ 1994  art [ 115 ]
   1994 - great environmental values debate/ 1994  art [ 123 ]
   1994 - growthmanship part ii three opinions on the importan /zycher ben/ 1994  art [ 133 ]
   1994 - living industry and the environment there is an extr /galbraith/ 1994  art [ 171 ]
   1994 - mandating controversy as local governments balk at p /ruben barb/ 1994  art [ 174 ]
   1994 - mind your eco business excerpt from the ecology of c /hawken pau/ 1994  art [ 179 ]
   1994 - national park dilemma greenwatch /bequette france/ 1994  art [ 185 ]
   1994 - overlapping generations model of growth and the envi /john a/ 1994  art [ 203 ]
   1994 - price of imagining arden putting a value on the envi/ 1994  art [ 216 ]
   1994 - progress and environmental sustainability discussion /gowdy john/ 1994  art [ 218 ]
   1994 - sustainable development a free market perspective th /smith fred/ 1994  art [ 240 ]
   1994 - sustainable development issues industry environment /de feis geo/ 1994  art [ 241 ]
          ( 23 )

   1995 - are jobs and the quality of environment mutually exc /mobley l/ 1995  art [   5 ]
   1995 - beyond logging jobs the environment includes related /bower susa/ 1995  art [  14 ]
   1995 - bright hopes for chile economic development /boraiko allen a/ 1995  art [  19 ]
   1995 - bringing labor and environmentalists to the table jo /baker beth/ 1995  art [  20 ]
   1995 - china charges for pollution includes related article /potier mic/ 1995  art [  32 ]
   1995 - congress asks is nature worth more than a shopping m /stevens wi/ 1995  art [  41 ]
   1995 - contract on the environment /sterling john/ 1995  art [  44 ]
   1995 - designing more efficient markets lessons from los an /foster viv/ 1995  art [  56 ]
   1995 - discrete count model of recreational demand /feather peter/ 1995  art [  60 ]
   1995 - does better information about the good avoid the emb /brown thom/ 1995  art [  64 ]
   1995 - economic impact of green technologies questioned spe /johnson je/ 1995  art [  76 ]
   1995 - efficiency vs bias of willingness to pay estimates b /alberini a/ 1995  art [  80 ]
   1995 - environment and development theory and international /antle john/ 1995  art [  84 ]
   1995 - environmental challenges in sub saharan africa cover /mabogunje/ 1995  art [  93 ]
   1995 - environmental protection and an equitable internatio /rolston ho/ 1995  art [  98 ]
   1995 - farm level case study of sustainable agricultural pr /xu feng/ 1995  art [ 114 ]
   1995 - green and competitive ending the stalemate includes /porter mich/ 1995  art [ 124 ]
   1995 - how green are the green funds fiscal and philosophic /sandoval r/ 1995  art [ 141 ]
   1995 - industry reshapes endangered species act republicans /egan timot/ 1995  art [ 151 ]
   1995 - jobs for the future jobs the environment cover story/ 1995  art [ 166 ]
   1995 - jobs or the environment no trade off /goodstein eban/ 1995  art [ 167 ]
   1995 - matter of priorities construction and development ar/ 1995  art [ 176 ]
   1995 - next environmental threat newt gingrichs bill requir/ 1995  art [ 193 ]
   1995 - outline for an ecological economy /von lersner heinrich/ 1995  art [ 202 ]
   1995 - political and institutional framework for environmen /hanes rexe/ 1995  art [ 208 ]
   1995 - role of environmental management in sustainable grow /ling josep/ 1995  art [ 230 ]
   1995 - virtual ecosystems how to enhance the environmental /whitaker je/ 1995  art [ 255 ]
          ( 27 )

   1996 - adaptive cost effective ambient charges under incomp /ermoliev y/ 1996  art [   1 ]
   1996 - can market forces be put in harness to protect the e /stavins ro/ 1996  art [  26 ]
   1996 - confronting the growing problem of pollution in asia /brandon ca/ 1996  art [  40 ]
   1996 - cost benefit analysis taming the babel difficulties/ 1996  art [  48 ]
   1996 - ecological modernisation and institutional reflexivi /mol arthur/ 1996  art [  70 ]
   1996 - economic diplomacy of geoengineering /schelling thomas c/ 1996  art [  74 ]
   1996 - endogenous rate of time preference the penrose effec /uzawa hiro/ 1996  art [  82 ]
   1996 - environmental backslide congress efforts to cut gove /white robe/ 1996  art [  92 ]
   1996 - environmental taxes is there a double dividend /morgenstern rich/ 1996  art [ 101 ]
   1996 - evaluating tax reforms in the presence of externalit /schob ronn/ 1996  art [ 106 ]
   1996 - getting out of the red by going green environmental /baker beth/ 1996  art [ 119 ]
   1996 - greening the economy economic advantages of environm /smith chri/ 1996  art [ 128 ]
   1996 - hidden source of efficiency pollution laws boost pro /koretz gen/ 1996  art [ 137 ]
   1996 - high country common ground in the sierras growth and /christense/ 1996  art [ 138 ]
   1996 - investing in a clean environment /paye jean claude/ 1996  art [ 156 ]
   1996 - is environmental protection really bad for business /collingwood/ 1996  art [ 157 ]
   1996 - minimizing investment in residual growing stock for /ribeiro car/ 1996  art [ 180 ]
   1996 - out of the woods oregon economy is reborn after envi /seideman d/ 1996  art [ 201 ]
   1996 - researcher explores economics of chinas ecological d /lepkowski/ 1996  art [ 226 ]
   1996 - sustainable growth and employment work in a sustaina /opschoor h/ 1996  art [ 242 ]
   1996 - test for payment card biases /rowe robert d/ 1996  art [ 244 ]
   1996 - wealth of nature environmental quality not mining lo /power thom/ 1996  art [ 259 ]
   1996 - winning by losing on trade world trade organization/ 1996  art [ 268 ]
          ( 23 )

   1997 - berlin capital on the move /land thomas orszag/ 1997  art [  12 ]
   1997 - consumption challenge to sustainable development inc /myers norm/ 1997  art [  43 ]
   1997 - cooling down the heated talk still defiant but subtl /deutsch cl/ 1997  art [  45 ]
   1997 - court ruling expands list of species act challengers /greenhouse/ 1997  art [  54 ]
   1997 - do economic instruments help the environment include /barde jean/ 1997  art [  63 ]
   1997 - doubts on cost are bedeviling climate policy the war /stevens wi/ 1997  art [  65 ]
   1997 - earths last gasp global warming climate change cover /lashof dan/ 1997  art [  67 ]
   1997 - ecologists are unhappy with governors decisions some /revkin and/ 1997  art [  71 ]
   1997 - evaluation of the economic effects of higher energy /boyd roy/ 1997  art [ 108 ]
   1997 - fallout from pricing earth estimation of 17 services /rouhi maur/ 1997  art [ 113 ]
   1997 - has environmental protection really reduced producti /repetto ro/ 1997  art [ 136 ]
   1997 - how much is the environment worth a step toward answ /passell pe/ 1997  art [ 143 ]
   1997 - increasing environmental awareness to protect the gl /endres alf/ 1997  art [ 150 ]
   1997 - international trade rules and environmental cooperat /ludema rod/ 1997  art [ 155 ]
   1997 - is this a bad deal for taxpayers mining law land giv /disilvestr/ 1997  art [ 160 ]
   1997 - natural capitalism special section cover story /hawken paul/ 1997  art [ 186 ]
   1997 - or distraction consumption and sustainable developme /vincent je/ 1997  art [ 200 ]
   1997 - subsidizing pollution environmental watch /roodman david malin/ 1997  art [ 239 ]
   1997 - teaching tools a pollution rights trading game /nugent rachel a/ 1997  art [ 243 ]
   1997 - tests for industry recovery environmental protection/ 1997  art [ 245 ]
   1997 - top aides urge clinton to ease global warming emissi /cushman jo/ 1997  art [ 249 ]
   1997 - what price free trade environmental protection and f /henderson/ 1997  art [ 261 ]
   1997 - worth of the earth estimating the economic value of /watkins t h/ 1997  art [ 269 ]
          ( 23 )

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