Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 12, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 12, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS
Subject - Alphabetical Title ListingENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS 1 asbestos abatement cost recovery under the comprehen /hartigan n/ 1990 art 2 aspiration and reality in taiwan hong kong south kor /ferris ric/ 1993 art 3 bankruptcy v environmental obligations clash of the /losch jill/ 1991 art 4 bordering on trouble u s mexico free trade agreement /rich jan g/ 1991 art 5 bush offer false choice between jobs environment /moore curtis/ 1992 art 6 congress in 1985 much unfinished business survey of /leonhart vi/ 1986 art 7 conservationists push debt for nature swaps /woody todd/ 1991 art 8 conserving natural resources toward a comprehensive /morris ceci/ 1981 art 9 corporations capitalize on environmentalism a busine /steger ulr/ 1990 art 10 debt for nature evolves the enterprise for the ameri /logsdon do/ 1992 art 11 debt for nature exchanges attempting to deal simulta /moline mol/ 1991 art 12 debt for nature swaps in latin american countries th /greener la/ 1991 art 13 defining the appropriate scope of superfund natural/ 1985 art 14 des propositions fiscales visant la protection des z /lareau and/ 1993 art 15 designing more efficient markets lessons from los an /foster viv/ 1995 art 16 development for the people and the environment the p /sandbrook/ 1991 art 17 doing the right thing for profit markets trade and a /miles jona/ 1996 art 18 earning green for turning green executive order 1229 /mikkelson/ 1993 art 19 economic analysis of illinois new hazardous waste la /carlson j/ 1984 art 20 economic charges for environmental protection ocean /lahey willi/ 1984 art 21 economic development versus environmental protection /forman dav/ 1993 art 22 economic impacts of the endangered species act publi /sansonetti/ 1992 art 23 economic incentives for environmental protection som /rankin mur/ 1990 art 24 economic reform of environmental protection a brief /mintz joel/ 1991 art 25 endangered species act and the search for balance /harrington wi/ 1981 art 26 enlisting the support of liberal trade for environme /eglin rich/ 1993 art 27 environment and business complements not opposites i /frohnmayer/ 1996 art 28 environment vs trade rules defogging the debate trad /charnovitz/ 1993 art 29 environmental protection and bankruptcy rehabilitati /hoffman ti/ 1984 art 30 environmental protection and economic competitivenes /carmona ho/ 1996 art 31 environmental protection versus free trade a europea /williamson/ 1992 art 32 environmental review and economic development a mode /goldman ho/ 1992 art 33 epa at thirtysomething /portney paul r/ 1991 art 34 federal and state superfunds cooperative federalism /funk willia/ 1985 art 35 forests wetlands and the superfund three examples of /schiffer l/ 1997 art 36 from adjustment to sustainable development the obsta /daly herma/ 1992 art 37 gatt law and environment related issues affecting th /rege vinod/ 1994 art 38 gattzilla v communities 1994 cornell international l /shuman mic/ 1994 art 39 global trade as a way to integrate environmental pro /moss amble/ 1993 art 40 good environment is good economy environmentalists i /pfaff denn/ 1991 art 41 greening the gatt harmonizing free trade and environ /mcdonald j/ 1993 art 42 impact of filing bankruptcy on environmental protect /termini ro/ 1985 art 43 in economic doldrums outlook is not so green new jer /goldshore/ 1993 art 44 incorporating environmental considerations in common /baldock da/ 1993 art 45 institutional capacity building toward sustainable d /yeh jiunn/ 1996 art 46 international trade and the environment implications /beacham k/ 1992 art 47 letting the free market distribute environmental res /johnson ky/ 1992 art 48 low income communities and disproportionate environm /grant gary/ 1993 art 49 markets can save the environment help business too /shanahan joh/ 1992 art 50 measuring environmental benefits with contingent mar /regens jam/ 1991 art 51 nepa not so well at twenty national environmental po /rossmann a/ 1990 art 52 new religion environmentalism new jersey editorial/ 1991 art 53 on endangered species have pity on homo sapiens from/ 1992 art 54 on the environment weighing benefits and costs from/ 1993 art 55 outlook for the industry environmental protection bu /berkowitz/ 1992 art 56 pollution control by effluent charges it works in th /brown gard/ 1984 art 57 pollution prevention organizational culture and soci /roy manik/ 1992 art 58 promoting international environmental protections th /barrans da/ 1991 art 59 prosecutors view california has led the way in prote /delaney mi/ 1993 art 60 protecting planet and portfolio can the valdez princ /doyle jack/ 1990 art 61 protecting the environment by use of fiscal measures /mendes de/ 1997 art 62 provision of environmental protection measures under /emons wina/ 1994 art 63 recognizing risks and paying for risk reduction /johnson gary w/ 1991 art 64 reducing the cost of water pollution control under t /rothfelder/ 1982 art 65 reforming air pollution regulation the toil and trou /hahn rober/ 1986 art 66 regulating reasonably includes article on dupont cha /rice verno/ 1994 art 67 rescuing property rights bill would force regulators /bandow dou/ 1991 art 68 saving species without endangering people /fitzgerald randy/ 1993 art 69 scope for action by the ec member states for the imp /grabitz eb/ 1989 art 70 selection of wilderness areas an economic framework /bigelow ron/ 1980 art 71 square pegs and round holes environmental cost under /macknight/ 1990 art 72 sustainable development a free market perspective th /smith fred/ 1994 art 73 syncretic perspective on environmental protection an /cross fran/ 1992 art 74 trade and the environment a snapshot from tuna dolph /holmer ala/ 1993 art 75 treasury agrees to construe revenue ruling on debt f /dionne m l/ 1988 art 76 treasury takes favorable position on debt for nature /steuerle e/ 1988 art 77 treatment of expenditure on environmental protection /cooper gra/ 1991 art 78 turning point relationship between economic developm /forrest an/ 1995 art 79 understanding the new era in environmental law sympo /babich ada/ 1990 art 80 using tax refunds to do something wild from new york /malcolm an/ 1983 art 81 valuation problems united kingdom /stephenson kerry/ 1993 art 82 when environmentalists are good for business /gifford william/ 1990 art 83 will economists learn to respect mother nature /ehrlich paul r/ 1989 art
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 12, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 12, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS
babich ada (1990) - understanding the new era in environmental law sympo [ 79 ] baldock da (1993) - incorporating environmental considerations in common [ 44 ] bandow dou (1991) - rescuing property rights bill would force regulators [ 67 ] barrans da (1991) - promoting international environmental protections th [ 58 ] beacham k (1992) - international trade and the environment implications [ 46 ] berkowitz (1992) - outlook for the industry environmental protection bu [ 55 ] bigelow ron (1980) - selection of wilderness areas an economic framework [ 70 ] brown gard (1984) - pollution control by effluent charges it works in th [ 56 ] carlson j (1984) - economic analysis of illinois new hazardous waste la [ 19 ] carmona ho (1996) - environmental protection and economic competitivenes [ 30 ] charnovitz (1993) - environment vs trade rules defogging the debate trad [ 28 ] cooper gra (1991) - treatment of expenditure on environmental protection [ 77 ] cross fran (1992) - syncretic perspective on environmental protection an [ 73 ] daly herma (1992) - from adjustment to sustainable development the obsta [ 36 ] delaney mi (1993) - prosecutors view california has led the way in prote [ 59 ] dionne m l (1988) - treasury agrees to construe revenue ruling on debt f [ 75 ] doyle jack (1990) - protecting planet and portfolio can the valdez princ [ 60 ] eglin rich (1993) - enlisting the support of liberal trade for environme [ 26 ] ehrlich paul r (1989) - will economists learn to respect mother nature [ 83 ] emons wina (1994) - provision of environmental protection measures under [ 62 ] ferris ric (1993) - aspiration and reality in taiwan hong kong south kor [ 2 ] fitzgerald randy (1993) - saving species without endangering people [ 68 ] forman dav (1993) - economic development versus environmental protection [ 21 ] forrest an (1995) - turning point relationship between economic developm [ 78 ] foster viv (1995) - designing more efficient markets lessons from los an [ 15 ] frohnmayer (1996) - environment and business complements not opposites i [ 27 ] funk willia (1985) - federal and state superfunds cooperative federalism [ 34 ] gifford william (1990) - when environmentalists are good for business [ 82 ] goldman ho (1992) - environmental review and economic development a mode [ 32 ] goldshore (1993) - in economic doldrums outlook is not so green new jer [ 43 ] grabitz eb (1989) - scope for action by the ec member states for the imp [ 69 ] grant gary (1993) - low income communities and disproportionate environm [ 48 ] greener la (1991) - debt for nature swaps in latin american countries th [ 12 ] hahn rober (1986) - reforming air pollution regulation the toil and trou [ 65 ] harrington wi (1981) - endangered species act and the search for balance [ 25 ] hartigan n (1990) - asbestos abatement cost recovery under the comprehen [ 1 ] hoffman ti (1984) - environmental protection and bankruptcy rehabilitati [ 29 ] holmer ala (1993) - trade and the environment a snapshot from tuna dolph [ 74 ] johnson gary w (1991) - recognizing risks and paying for risk reduction [ 63 ] johnson ky (1992) - letting the free market distribute environmental res [ 47 ] lahey willi (1984) - economic charges for environmental protection ocean [ 20 ] lareau and (1993) - des propositions fiscales visant la protection des z [ 14 ] leonhart vi (1986) - congress in 1985 much unfinished business survey of [ 6 ] logsdon do (1992) - debt for nature evolves the enterprise for the ameri [ 10 ] losch jill (1991) - bankruptcy v environmental obligations clash of the [ 3 ] macknight (1990) - square pegs and round holes environmental cost under [ 71 ] malcolm an (1983) - using tax refunds to do something wild from new york [ 80 ] mcdonald j (1993) - greening the gatt harmonizing free trade and environ [ 41 ] mendes de (1997) - protecting the environment by use of fiscal measures [ 61 ] mikkelson (1993) - earning green for turning green executive order 1229 [ 18 ] miles jona (1996) - doing the right thing for profit markets trade and a [ 17 ] mintz joel (1991) - economic reform of environmental protection a brief [ 24 ] moline mol (1991) - debt for nature exchanges attempting to deal simulta [ 11 ] moore curtis (1992) - bush offer false choice between jobs environment [ 5 ] morris ceci (1981) - conserving natural resources toward a comprehensive [ 8 ] moss amble (1993) - global trade as a way to integrate environmental pro [ 39 ] pfaff denn (1991) - good environment is good economy environmentalists i [ 40 ] portney paul r (1991) - epa at thirtysomething [ 33 ] rankin mur (1990) - economic incentives for environmental protection som [ 23 ] rege vinod (1994) - gatt law and environment related issues affecting th [ 37 ] regens jam (1991) - measuring environmental benefits with contingent mar [ 50 ] rice verno (1994) - regulating reasonably includes article on dupont cha [ 66 ] rich jan g (1991) - bordering on trouble u s mexico free trade agreement [ 4 ] rossmann a (1990) - nepa not so well at twenty national environmental po [ 51 ] rothfelder (1982) - reducing the cost of water pollution control under t [ 64 ] roy manik (1992) - pollution prevention organizational culture and soci [ 57 ] sandbrook (1991) - development for the people and the environment the p [ 16 ] sansonetti (1992) - economic impacts of the endangered species act publi [ 22 ] schiffer l (1997) - forests wetlands and the superfund three examples of [ 35 ] shanahan joh (1992) - markets can save the environment help business too [ 49 ] shuman mic (1994) - gattzilla v communities 1994 cornell international l [ 38 ] smith fred (1994) - sustainable development a free market perspective th [ 72 ] steger ulr (1990) - corporations capitalize on environmentalism a busine [ 9 ] stephenson kerry (1993) - valuation problems united kingdom [ 81 ] steuerle e (1988) - treasury takes favorable position on debt for nature [ 76 ] termini ro (1985) - impact of filing bankruptcy on environmental protect [ 42 ] williamson (1992) - environmental protection versus free trade a europea [ 31 ] woody todd (1991) - conservationists push debt for nature swaps [ 7 ] yeh jiunn (1996) - institutional capacity building toward sustainable d [ 45 ] yeh jiunn (1996) - institutional capacity building toward sustainable d [This ]
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 12, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 12, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS
1980 1980 - selection of wilderness areas an economic framework /bigelow ron/ 1980 art [ 70 ] ( 1 ) 1981 1981 - conserving natural resources toward a comprehensive /morris ceci/ 1981 art [ 8 ] 1981 - endangered species act and the search for balance /harrington wi/ 1981 art [ 25 ] ( 2 ) 1982 1982 - reducing the cost of water pollution control under t /rothfelder/ 1982 art [ 64 ] ( 1 ) 1983 1983 - using tax refunds to do something wild from new york /malcolm an/ 1983 art [ 80 ] ( 1 ) 1984 1984 - economic analysis of illinois new hazardous waste la /carlson j/ 1984 art [ 19 ] 1984 - economic charges for environmental protection ocean /lahey willi/ 1984 art [ 20 ] 1984 - environmental protection and bankruptcy rehabilitati /hoffman ti/ 1984 art [ 29 ] 1984 - pollution control by effluent charges it works in th /brown gard/ 1984 art [ 56 ] ( 4 ) 1985 1985 - defining the appropriate scope of superfund natural/ 1985 art [ 13 ] 1985 - federal and state superfunds cooperative federalism /funk willia/ 1985 art [ 34 ] 1985 - impact of filing bankruptcy on environmental protect /termini ro/ 1985 art [ 42 ] ( 3 ) 1986 1986 - congress in 1985 much unfinished business survey of /leonhart vi/ 1986 art [ 6 ] 1986 - reforming air pollution regulation the toil and trou /hahn rober/ 1986 art [ 65 ] ( 2 ) 1988 1988 - treasury agrees to construe revenue ruling on debt f /dionne m l/ 1988 art [ 75 ] 1988 - treasury takes favorable position on debt for nature /steuerle e/ 1988 art [ 76 ] ( 2 ) 1989 1989 - scope for action by the ec member states for the imp /grabitz eb/ 1989 art [ 69 ] 1989 - will economists learn to respect mother nature /ehrlich paul r/ 1989 art [ 83 ] ( 2 ) 1990 1990 - asbestos abatement cost recovery under the comprehen /hartigan n/ 1990 art [ 1 ] 1990 - corporations capitalize on environmentalism a busine /steger ulr/ 1990 art [ 9 ] 1990 - economic incentives for environmental protection som /rankin mur/ 1990 art [ 23 ] 1990 - nepa not so well at twenty national environmental po /rossmann a/ 1990 art [ 51 ] 1990 - protecting planet and portfolio can the valdez princ /doyle jack/ 1990 art [ 60 ] 1990 - square pegs and round holes environmental cost under /macknight/ 1990 art [ 71 ] 1990 - understanding the new era in environmental law sympo /babich ada/ 1990 art [ 79 ] 1990 - when environmentalists are good for business /gifford william/ 1990 art [ 82 ] ( 8 ) 1991 1991 - bankruptcy v environmental obligations clash of the /losch jill/ 1991 art [ 3 ] 1991 - bordering on trouble u s mexico free trade agreement /rich jan g/ 1991 art [ 4 ] 1991 - conservationists push debt for nature swaps /woody todd/ 1991 art [ 7 ] 1991 - debt for nature exchanges attempting to deal simulta /moline mol/ 1991 art [ 11 ] 1991 - debt for nature swaps in latin american countries th /greener la/ 1991 art [ 12 ] 1991 - development for the people and the environment the p /sandbrook/ 1991 art [ 16 ] 1991 - economic reform of environmental protection a brief /mintz joel/ 1991 art [ 24 ] 1991 - epa at thirtysomething /portney paul r/ 1991 art [ 33 ] 1991 - good environment is good economy environmentalists i /pfaff denn/ 1991 art [ 40 ] 1991 - measuring environmental benefits with contingent mar /regens jam/ 1991 art [ 50 ] 1991 - new religion environmentalism new jersey editorial/ 1991 art [ 52 ] 1991 - promoting international environmental protections th /barrans da/ 1991 art [ 58 ] 1991 - recognizing risks and paying for risk reduction /johnson gary w/ 1991 art [ 63 ] 1991 - rescuing property rights bill would force regulators /bandow dou/ 1991 art [ 67 ] 1991 - treatment of expenditure on environmental protection /cooper gra/ 1991 art [ 77 ] ( 15 ) 1992 1992 - bush offer false choice between jobs environment /moore curtis/ 1992 art [ 5 ] 1992 - debt for nature evolves the enterprise for the ameri /logsdon do/ 1992 art [ 10 ] 1992 - economic impacts of the endangered species act publi /sansonetti/ 1992 art [ 22 ] 1992 - environmental protection versus free trade a europea /williamson/ 1992 art [ 31 ] 1992 - environmental review and economic development a mode /goldman ho/ 1992 art [ 32 ] 1992 - from adjustment to sustainable development the obsta /daly herma/ 1992 art [ 36 ] 1992 - international trade and the environment implications /beacham k/ 1992 art [ 46 ] 1992 - letting the free market distribute environmental res /johnson ky/ 1992 art [ 47 ] 1992 - markets can save the environment help business too /shanahan joh/ 1992 art [ 49 ] 1992 - on endangered species have pity on homo sapiens from/ 1992 art [ 53 ] 1992 - outlook for the industry environmental protection bu /berkowitz/ 1992 art [ 55 ] 1992 - pollution prevention organizational culture and soci /roy manik/ 1992 art [ 57 ] 1992 - syncretic perspective on environmental protection an /cross fran/ 1992 art [ 73 ] ( 13 ) 1993 1993 - aspiration and reality in taiwan hong kong south kor /ferris ric/ 1993 art [ 2 ] 1993 - des propositions fiscales visant la protection des z /lareau and/ 1993 art [ 14 ] 1993 - earning green for turning green executive order 1229 /mikkelson/ 1993 art [ 18 ] 1993 - economic development versus environmental protection /forman dav/ 1993 art [ 21 ] 1993 - enlisting the support of liberal trade for environme /eglin rich/ 1993 art [ 26 ] 1993 - environment vs trade rules defogging the debate trad /charnovitz/ 1993 art [ 28 ] 1993 - global trade as a way to integrate environmental pro /moss amble/ 1993 art [ 39 ] 1993 - greening the gatt harmonizing free trade and environ /mcdonald j/ 1993 art [ 41 ] 1993 - in economic doldrums outlook is not so green new jer /goldshore/ 1993 art [ 43 ] 1993 - incorporating environmental considerations in common /baldock da/ 1993 art [ 44 ] 1993 - low income communities and disproportionate environm /grant gary/ 1993 art [ 48 ] 1993 - on the environment weighing benefits and costs from/ 1993 art [ 54 ] 1993 - prosecutors view california has led the way in prote /delaney mi/ 1993 art [ 59 ] 1993 - saving species without endangering people /fitzgerald randy/ 1993 art [ 68 ] 1993 - trade and the environment a snapshot from tuna dolph /holmer ala/ 1993 art [ 74 ] 1993 - valuation problems united kingdom /stephenson kerry/ 1993 art [ 81 ] ( 16 ) 1994 1994 - gatt law and environment related issues affecting th /rege vinod/ 1994 art [ 37 ] 1994 - gattzilla v communities 1994 cornell international l /shuman mic/ 1994 art [ 38 ] 1994 - provision of environmental protection measures under /emons wina/ 1994 art [ 62 ] 1994 - regulating reasonably includes article on dupont cha /rice verno/ 1994 art [ 66 ] 1994 - sustainable development a free market perspective th /smith fred/ 1994 art [ 72 ] ( 5 ) 1995 1995 - designing more efficient markets lessons from los an /foster viv/ 1995 art [ 15 ] 1995 - turning point relationship between economic developm /forrest an/ 1995 art [ 78 ] ( 2 ) 1996 1996 - doing the right thing for profit markets trade and a /miles jona/ 1996 art [ 17 ] 1996 - environment and business complements not opposites i /frohnmayer/ 1996 art [ 27 ] 1996 - environmental protection and economic competitivenes /carmona ho/ 1996 art [ 30 ] 1996 - institutional capacity building toward sustainable d /yeh jiunn/ 1996 art [ 45 ] ( 4 ) 1997 1997 - forests wetlands and the superfund three examples of /schiffer l/ 1997 art [ 35 ] 1997 - protecting the environment by use of fiscal measures /mendes de/ 1997 art [ 61 ] ( 2 )