Subject Guide on the Topic
135 references were found on this topic in
The Harvard Union Catalogue
on Jan. 12, 1998

Compiled by
Timothy C. Weiskel
Environmental Ethics & Public Policy Program, Harvard University
Copyright, ©1998, Timothy C. Weiskel, All Rights Reserved
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 12, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 12, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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Subject - Alphabetical Title Listing

   1 [retrieves related heading: PESTICIDE RESIDUES IN FOOD]
   2 [retrieves related heading: PESTICIDES AND WILDLIFE]
   3 agriculture pesticides and the environment policy op/ 1997  bks
   4 beyond silent spring integrated pest management and /van emden h/ 1996  bks
   5 bma guide to pesticides chemicals and health/ 1992  bks
   6 chemical control of the human environment an inaugur /meiring d/ 1971  bks
   7 circle of poison pesticides and people in a hungry w /weir david/ 1981  bks
   8 crc persistent pesticides in the environment /edwards c a (clive/ 1970  bks
   9 ddt myth triumph of the amateurs /beatty rita gray/ 1973  bks
  10 death of ramon gonzalez the modern agricultural dile /wright ang/ 1990  bks
  11 defusing the toxics threat controlling pesticides an /postel san/ 1987  bks
  12 deistvie pestitsidov na vodnye organizmy/ 1977  bks
  13 ecological effects of biological and chemical contro /internatio/ 1961  bks
  14 ecological impact of pesticides /pimentel david 1925/ 1972  bks
  15 ecology of pesticides /brown anthony william aldridge 1911/ 1978  bks
  16 environment the establishment and the law /henkin harmon/ 1971  bks
  17 environmental pollution by pesticides /edwards c a (clive arthur/ 1973  bks
  18 environmental toxicology of pesticides proceedings o/ 1972  bks
  19 evaluation design concept for regulatory reform the /ojha helen/ 1979  bks
  20 evaluation of ddt and dieldrin in lake michigan /lueschow lloyd/ 1972  bks
  21 fate and prediction of environmental chemicals in so/ 1993  bks
  22 fate of pesticides and chemicals in the environment/ 1991  bks
  23 giftkuchen des teufels /grummer gerhard/ 1985  bks
  24 global aspects of chemistry toxicology and technolog/ 1972  bks
  25 impacto dos agrotoxicos sobre o ambiente a saude e a/ 1986  bks
  26 nature wars people vs pests /winston mark l/ 1997  bks
  27 never registered pesticides rejected toxics join the /marquardt/ 1992  bks
  28 non agricultural use of pesticides in great britain /great brita/ 1974  bks
  29 our childrens toxic legacy how science and law fail /wargo john/ 1996  bks
  30 papers 1952 1993 inclusive /hunt vilma r/ 1952  mss
  31 persistent pesticides in the environment /edwards c a (clive art/ 1970  bks
  32 persistent pesticides in the environment /edwards c a (clive art/ 1973  bks
  33 pesticide analytical manual/ 1994  bks
  34 pesticide hazard a global health and environmental a /dinham bar/ 1993  bks
  35 pesticide microbiology microbiological aspects of pe/ 1978  bks
  36 pesticide question environment economics and ethics/ 1993  bks
  37 pesticide residues a review of indian work /agnihothrudu v 1930/ 1978  bks
  38 pesticides/ 1970  bks
  39 pesticides and human welfare/ 1976  bks
  40 pesticides and pollution /bloom sandra c/ 1969  bks
  41 pesticides boon or bane /green maurice b (maurice berkeley)/ 1976  bks
  42 pesticides in drinking water /gustafson david i/ 1993  bks
  43 pesticides in the aquatic environment /united states environment/ 1972  bks
  44 pesticides in the environment /white stevens robert 1912/ 1971  bks
  45 pesticides in the soil environment processes impacts/ 1990  bks
  46 pesticides in world agriculture the politics of inte /boardman r/ 1986  bks
  47 pesticides in world agriculture the politics of inte /boardman r/ 1986  bks
  48 pesticides policies and people /beaumont peter/ 1993  bks
  49 pestitsidy v okruzhaiushchei srede analiticheskii ob /iudanova l/ 1989  bks
  50 politics and pesticides the incredible story of boon /tallian la/ 1975  bks
  51 problems of persistent chemicals implications of pes /study grou/ 1971  bks
  52 regulating pesticides a report /national research council u s co/ 1980  bks
  53 report /united states secretarys commission on pesticides and th/ 1969  bks
  54 report of committee on persistent pesticides divisio /national r/ 1969  bks
  55 silent spring /carson rachel 1907 1964/ 1963  bks
  56 silent spring /carson rachel 1907 1964/ 1987  bks
  57 silent spring /carson rachel 1907 1964/ 1994  bks
  58 since silent spring /graham frank 1925/ 1970  bks
  59 since silent spring /graham frank 1925/ 1970  bks
  60 study of the technical and economical aspects of mea /henriet je/ 1994  bks
  61 techniques for reducing pesticide use economic and e/ 1997  bks
  62 unfit for human consumption /harmer ruth mulvey/ 1971  bks
  63 use and significance of pesticides in the environmen /mcewen fre/ 1979  bks
  64 veneno para el desayuno el peligro de los pesticidas/ 1985  bks
  65 vliianie pestitsidov na pedobionty i biologicheskuiu/ 1982  bks
  66 water pollution by fertilizers and pesticides/ 1986  bks

  67 environmental toxicology /rudd robert l/ 1977  bks
  68 pesticide kinetics environmental transport and trans/ 1982  bks
  69 6 internationaler pflanzenschutz kongress /international congres/ 1967  bks

  70 pesticides abstracts/ 1974+ ser

  71 pollution des eaux continentales africaines experien /dejoux cla/ 1988  bks

  72 environmental toxicology /rudd robert l/ 1977  bks
  73 pesticide kinetics environmental transport and trans/ 1982  bks
  74 pesticides and the ecosystem january 1974 through ap /pothier p/ 1976  bks
  75 pesticides and the environment selected references /haddow w g s/ 1967  bks

  76 occurrence and transport of agricultural pesticides /bevans hugh/ 1995  bks

  77 giftige ernte todlicher irrweg der agrarchemie beisp /lutzenberg/ 1988  bks

  78 inputs of the dormant spray pesticide diazinon to th/ 1995  bks

  79 biological impact of pesticides in the environment a/ 1970  bks
  80 chemical fallout current research on persistent pest/ 1969  bks
  81 effects of pesticides on aquatic fauna proceedings o/ 1984  bks
  82 environmental dynamics of pesticides/ 1975  bks
  83 environmental pollution and toxicology proceedings o/ 1979  bks
  84 fate of organic pesticides in the aquatic environmen/ 1972  bks
  85 international symposium on heavy metals and pesticid /internatio/ 1989  bks
  86 microorganic matter in water a symposium presented a /symposium/ 1969  bks
  87 novye napravleniia v sozdanii pestitsidov s nizkoi e /kartsev v/ 1989  bks
  88 nuclear techniques in studies of metabolism effects /symposium o/ 1978  bks
  89 papers and presentations by a panel on the effects o/ 1970  bks
  90 pesticide effects on terrestrial wildlife/ 1990  bks
  91 pesticide management and insecticide resistance/ 1977  bks
  92 pesticides food and environmental implications proce /internatio/ 1988  bks
  93 pesticides in aquatic environments/ 1977  bks
  94 povedenie polliutantov v pochvakh i landshaftakh sbo/ 1990  bks

  95 plaguicidas y salud en las bananeras de costa rica /jimenez jorg/ 1995  bks

  96 plaguicidas en el ecuador mas alla de una simple adv /sevilla la/ 1985  bks

  97 umweltvorsorge und ihre grenzen im ewg recht zu gren /rengeling/ 1989  bks

  98 pesticides and nature conservation the british exper /sheail joh/ 1985  bks
  99 pesticides and pollution /mellanby kenneth/ 1967  bks

 100 pesticide handbook /hurst peter/ 1991  bks
 101 pesticide properties in the environment /hornsby arthur g/ 1995  bks

 102 pesticide residues a review of indian work /agnihothrudu v 1930/ 1978  bks
 103 pesticides in the indian environment /gupta p k (pawan k ) 1943/ 1986  bks

 104 white grubs and their management /pal s k/ 1977  bks

 105 environmental pollution and toxicology proceedings o/ 1979  bks

 106 occurrence and transport of agricultural pesticides /bevans hugh/ 1995  bks

 107 cultivating crisis the human cost of pesticides in l /murray dou/ 1994  bks

 108 toxic contaminants in the gulf of maine /gottholm bernard w/ 1992  bks

 109 polmod pest model migratsii pestitsidov v elementarn /malkina py/ 1992  bks

 110 plaguicidas en mexico /restrepo ivan/ 1992  bks

 111 poisons in paradise pesticides in the pacific /watts meriel 1951/ 1993  bks

 112 archives of environmental contamination and toxicolo/ 1973+ ser

 113 plaguicidas remedios que matan consumo de plaguicida /gomero o l/ 1990  bks

 114 agroquimicos problema nacional politicas y alternati/ 1991  bks

 115 pesticides rice productivity and farmers health an e /rola agnes/ 1993  bks

 116 pesticide wildlife studies a review of fish and wild/ 1963  bks

 117 regionalnyi ekologicheskii monitoring/ 1983  bks
 118 vliianie pestitsidov na taezhnykh zhivotnykh/ 1979  bks

 119 agricultural pesticide use in coastal areas a nation /pait antho/ 1992  bks
 120 biologically based technologies for pest control/ 1995  bks
 121 food safety issues hearings before the subcommittee /united stat/ 1992  bks
 122 getting tough public policy and the management of pe /dover mich/ 1984  bks
 123 health effects of estrogenic pesticides hearing befo /united sta/ 1994  bks
 124 integrated pest management /council on environmental quality u s/ 1972  bks
 125 pesticide decision making a report to the u s enviro /national r/ 1978  bks
 126 pesticides and groundwater quality issues and proble /holden pat/ 1986  bks
 127 review of the administrations pesticide reform propo /united sta/ 1994  bks
 128 sowing the wind a report from ralph naders center fo /wellford h/ 1972  bks
 129 sowing the wind a report from ralph naders center fo /wellford h/ 1973  bks
 130 thirty years after silent spring status of epas revi /united sta/ 1993  bks
 131 to spray or not to spray/ 1995  bks

 132 products related to pesticide regulation /united states general/ 1995  bks

 133 silent spring revisited/ 1987  bks

 134 pesticide data program report/ 1993+ ser

 135 herbicides in vietnam /grummer gerhard/ 1969  bks

Alphabetical Author Listing of Sources on
135 references found on this topic in The Harvard Union Catalogue

Subject Category in HOLLIS as of Jan. 12, 1998
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 12, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 12, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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agnihothrudu v 1930  (1978) - pesticide residues a review of indian work [  37 ]
beatty rita gray  (1973) - ddt myth triumph of the amateurs [   9 ]
beaumont peter  (1993) - pesticides policies and people [  48 ]
bevans hugh  (1995) - occurrence and transport of agricultural pesticides [  76 ]
bloom sandra c  (1969) - pesticides and pollution [  40 ]
boardman r  (1986) - pesticides in world agriculture the politics of inte [  46 ]
brown anthony william aldridge 1911  (1978) - ecology of pesticides [  15 ]
carson rachel 1907 1964  (1963) - silent spring [  55 ]
council on environmental quality u s  (1972) - integrated pest management [ 124 ]
dejoux cla  (1988) - pollution des eaux continentales africaines experien [  71 ]
dinham bar  (1993) - pesticide hazard a global health and environmental a [  34 ]
dover mich  (1984) - getting tough public policy and the management of pe [ 122 ]
edwards c a (clive  (1970) - crc persistent pesticides in the environment [   8 ]
edwards c a (clive art  (1970) - persistent pesticides in the environment [  31 ]
edwards c a (clive arthur  (1973) - environmental pollution by pesticides [  17 ]
gomero o l  (1990) - plaguicidas remedios que matan consumo de plaguicida [ 113 ]
gottholm bernard w  (1992) - toxic contaminants in the gulf of maine [ 108 ]
graham frank 1925  (1970) - since silent spring [  58 ]
great brita  (1974) - non agricultural use of pesticides in great britain [  28 ]
green maurice b (maurice berkeley)  (1976) - pesticides boon or bane [  41 ]
grummer gerhard  (1969) - herbicides in vietnam [ 135 ]
grummer gerhard  (1985) - giftkuchen des teufels [  23 ]
gupta p k (pawan k ) 1943  (1986) - pesticides in the indian environment [ 103 ]
gustafson david i  (1993) - pesticides in drinking water [  42 ]
haddow w g s  (1967) - pesticides and the environment selected references [  75 ]
harmer ruth mulvey  (1971) - unfit for human consumption [  62 ]
henkin harmon  (1971) - environment the establishment and the law [  16 ]
henriet je  (1994) - study of the technical and economical aspects of mea [  60 ]
holden pat  (1986) - pesticides and groundwater quality issues and proble [ 126 ]
hornsby arthur g  (1995) - pesticide properties in the environment [ 101 ]
hunt vilma r  (1952) - papers 1952 1993 inclusive [  30 ]
hurst peter  (1991) - pesticide handbook [ 100 ]
internatio  (1961) - ecological effects of biological and chemical contro [  13 ]
internatio  (1988) - pesticides food and environmental implications proce [  92 ]
internatio  (1989) - international symposium on heavy metals and pesticid [  85 ]
international congres  (1967) - 6 internationaler pflanzenschutz kongress [  69 ]
iudanova l  (1989) - pestitsidy v okruzhaiushchei srede analiticheskii ob [  49 ]
jimenez jorg  (1995) - plaguicidas y salud en las bananeras de costa rica [  95 ]
kartsev v  (1989) - novye napravleniia v sozdanii pestitsidov s nizkoi e [  87 ]
lueschow lloyd  (1972) - evaluation of ddt and dieldrin in lake michigan [  20 ]
lutzenberg  (1988) - giftige ernte todlicher irrweg der agrarchemie beisp [  77 ]
malkina py  (1992) - polmod pest model migratsii pestitsidov v elementarn [ 109 ]
marquardt  (1992) - never registered pesticides rejected toxics join the [  27 ]
mcewen fre  (1979) - use and significance of pesticides in the environmen [  63 ]
meiring d  (1971) - chemical control of the human environment an inaugur [   6 ]
mellanby kenneth  (1967) - pesticides and pollution [  99 ]
murray dou  (1994) - cultivating crisis the human cost of pesticides in l [ 107 ]
national r  (1969) - report of committee on persistent pesticides divisio [  54 ]
national r  (1978) - pesticide decision making a report to the u s enviro [ 125 ]
national research council u s co  (1980) - regulating pesticides a report [  52 ]
ojha helen  (1979) - evaluation design concept for regulatory reform the [  19 ]
pait antho  (1992) - agricultural pesticide use in coastal areas a nation [ 119 ]
pal s k  (1977) - white grubs and their management [ 104 ]
pimentel david 1925  (1972) - ecological impact of pesticides [  14 ]
postel san  (1987) - defusing the toxics threat controlling pesticides an [  11 ]
pothier p  (1976) - pesticides and the ecosystem january 1974 through ap [  74 ]
rengeling  (1989) - umweltvorsorge und ihre grenzen im ewg recht zu gren [  97 ]
restrepo ivan  (1992) - plaguicidas en mexico [ 110 ]
rola agnes  (1993) - pesticides rice productivity and farmers health an e [ 115 ]
rudd robert l  (1977) - environmental toxicology [  67 ]
sevilla la  (1985) - plaguicidas en el ecuador mas alla de una simple adv [  96 ]
sheail joh  (1985) - pesticides and nature conservation the british exper [  98 ]
study grou  (1971) - problems of persistent chemicals implications of pes [  51 ]
symposium  (1969) - microorganic matter in water a symposium presented a [  86 ]
symposium o  (1978) - nuclear techniques in studies of metabolism effects [  88 ]
tallian la  (1975) - politics and pesticides the incredible story of boon [  50 ]
united sta  (1993) - thirty years after silent spring status of epas revi [ 130 ]
united sta  (1994) - health effects of estrogenic pesticides hearing befo [ 123 ]
united sta  (1994) - review of the administrations pesticide reform propo [ 127 ]
united stat  (1992) - food safety issues hearings before the subcommittee [ 121 ]
united states environment  (1972) - pesticides in the aquatic environment [  43 ]
united states general  (1995) - products related to pesticide regulation [ 132 ]
united states secretarys commission on pesticides and th  (1969) - report [  53 ]
van emden h  (1996) - beyond silent spring integrated pest management and [   4 ]
wargo john  (1996) - our childrens toxic legacy how science and law fail [  29 ]
watts meriel 1951  (1993) - poisons in paradise pesticides in the pacific [ 111 ]
weir david  (1981) - circle of poison pesticides and people in a hungry w [   7 ]
wellford h  (1972) - sowing the wind a report from ralph naders center fo [ 128 ]
wellford h  (1973) - sowing the wind a report from ralph naders center fo [ 129 ]
white stevens robert 1912  (1971) - pesticides in the environment [  44 ]
winston mark l  (1997) - nature wars people vs pests [  26 ]
wright ang  (1990) - death of ramon gonzalez the modern agricultural dile [  10 ]

Chronological Listing of Sources on
135 references found on this topic in The Harvard Union Catalogue

Subject Category in HOLLIS as of Jan. 12, 1998
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 12, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 12, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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   1952 - papers 1952 1993 inclusive /hunt vilma r/ 1952  mss [  30 ]
          ( 1 )

   1961 - ecological effects of biological and chemical contro /internatio/ 1961  bks [  13 ]
          ( 1 )

   1963 - pesticide wildlife studies a review of fish and wild/ 1963  bks [ 116 ]
   1963 - silent spring /carson rachel 1907 1964/ 1963  bks [  55 ]
          ( 2 )

   1967 - 6 internationaler pflanzenschutz kongress /international congres/ 1967  bks [  69 ]
   1967 - pesticides and pollution /mellanby kenneth/ 1967  bks [  99 ]
   1967 - pesticides and the environment selected references /haddow w g s/ 1967  bks [  75 ]
          ( 3 )

   1969 - chemical fallout current research on persistent pest/ 1969  bks [  80 ]
   1969 - herbicides in vietnam /grummer gerhard/ 1969  bks [ 135 ]
   1969 - microorganic matter in water a symposium presented a /symposium/ 1969  bks [  86 ]
   1969 - pesticides and pollution /bloom sandra c/ 1969  bks [  40 ]
   1969 - report /united states secretarys commission on pesticides and th/ 1969  bks [  53 ]
   1969 - report of committee on persistent pesticides divisio /national r/ 1969  bks [  54 ]
          ( 6 )

   1970 - biological impact of pesticides in the environment a/ 1970  bks [  79 ]
   1970 - crc persistent pesticides in the environment /edwards c a (clive/ 1970  bks [   8 ]
   1970 - papers and presentations by a panel on the effects o/ 1970  bks [  89 ]
   1970 - persistent pesticides in the environment /edwards c a (clive art/ 1970  bks [  31 ]
   1970 - pesticides/ 1970  bks [  38 ]
   1970 - since silent spring /graham frank 1925/ 1970  bks [  58 ]
   1970 - since silent spring /graham frank 1925/ 1970  bks [  59 ]
          ( 7 )

   1971 - chemical control of the human environment an inaugur /meiring d/ 1971  bks [   6 ]
   1971 - environment the establishment and the law /henkin harmon/ 1971  bks [  16 ]
   1971 - pesticides in the environment /white stevens robert 1912/ 1971  bks [  44 ]
   1971 - problems of persistent chemicals implications of pes /study grou/ 1971  bks [  51 ]
   1971 - unfit for human consumption /harmer ruth mulvey/ 1971  bks [  62 ]
          ( 5 )

   1972 - ecological impact of pesticides /pimentel david 1925/ 1972  bks [  14 ]
   1972 - environmental toxicology of pesticides proceedings o/ 1972  bks [  18 ]
   1972 - evaluation of ddt and dieldrin in lake michigan /lueschow lloyd/ 1972  bks [  20 ]
   1972 - fate of organic pesticides in the aquatic environmen/ 1972  bks [  84 ]
   1972 - global aspects of chemistry toxicology and technolog/ 1972  bks [  24 ]
   1972 - integrated pest management /council on environmental quality u s/ 1972  bks [ 124 ]
   1972 - pesticides in the aquatic environment /united states environment/ 1972  bks [  43 ]
   1972 - sowing the wind a report from ralph naders center fo /wellford h/ 1972  bks [ 128 ]
          ( 8 )

   1973 - archives of environmental contamination and toxicolo/ 1973+ ser [ 112 ]
   1973 - ddt myth triumph of the amateurs /beatty rita gray/ 1973  bks [   9 ]
   1973 - environmental pollution by pesticides /edwards c a (clive arthur/ 1973  bks [  17 ]
   1973 - persistent pesticides in the environment /edwards c a (clive art/ 1973  bks [  32 ]
   1973 - sowing the wind a report from ralph naders center fo /wellford h/ 1973  bks [ 129 ]
          ( 5 )

   1974 - non agricultural use of pesticides in great britain /great brita/ 1974  bks [  28 ]
   1974 - pesticides abstracts/ 1974+ ser [  70 ]
          ( 2 )

   1975 - environmental dynamics of pesticides/ 1975  bks [  82 ]
   1975 - politics and pesticides the incredible story of boon /tallian la/ 1975  bks [  50 ]
          ( 2 )

   1976 - pesticides and human welfare/ 1976  bks [  39 ]
   1976 - pesticides and the ecosystem january 1974 through ap /pothier p/ 1976  bks [  74 ]
   1976 - pesticides boon or bane /green maurice b (maurice berkeley)/ 1976  bks [  41 ]
          ( 3 )

   1977 - deistvie pestitsidov na vodnye organizmy/ 1977  bks [  12 ]
   1977 - environmental toxicology /rudd robert l/ 1977  bks [  67 ]
   1977 - environmental toxicology /rudd robert l/ 1977  bks [  72 ]
   1977 - pesticide management and insecticide resistance/ 1977  bks [  91 ]
   1977 - pesticides in aquatic environments/ 1977  bks [  93 ]
   1977 - white grubs and their management /pal s k/ 1977  bks [ 104 ]
          ( 6 )

   1978 - ecology of pesticides /brown anthony william aldridge 1911/ 1978  bks [  15 ]
   1978 - nuclear techniques in studies of metabolism effects /symposium o/ 1978  bks [  88 ]
   1978 - pesticide decision making a report to the u s enviro /national r/ 1978  bks [ 125 ]
   1978 - pesticide microbiology microbiological aspects of pe/ 1978  bks [  35 ]
   1978 - pesticide residues a review of indian work /agnihothrudu v 1930/ 1978  bks [  37 ]
   1978 - pesticide residues a review of indian work /agnihothrudu v 1930/ 1978  bks [ 102 ]
          ( 6 )

   1979 - environmental pollution and toxicology proceedings o/ 1979  bks [  83 ]
   1979 - environmental pollution and toxicology proceedings o/ 1979  bks [ 105 ]
   1979 - evaluation design concept for regulatory reform the /ojha helen/ 1979  bks [  19 ]
   1979 - use and significance of pesticides in the environmen /mcewen fre/ 1979  bks [  63 ]
   1979 - vliianie pestitsidov na taezhnykh zhivotnykh/ 1979  bks [ 118 ]
          ( 5 )

   1980 - regulating pesticides a report /national research council u s co/ 1980  bks [  52 ]
          ( 1 )

   1981 - circle of poison pesticides and people in a hungry w /weir david/ 1981  bks [   7 ]
          ( 1 )

   1982 - pesticide kinetics environmental transport and trans/ 1982  bks [  68 ]
   1982 - pesticide kinetics environmental transport and trans/ 1982  bks [  73 ]
   1982 - vliianie pestitsidov na pedobionty i biologicheskuiu/ 1982  bks [  65 ]
          ( 3 )

   1983 - regionalnyi ekologicheskii monitoring/ 1983  bks [ 117 ]
          ( 1 )

   1984 - effects of pesticides on aquatic fauna proceedings o/ 1984  bks [  81 ]
   1984 - getting tough public policy and the management of pe /dover mich/ 1984  bks [ 122 ]
          ( 2 )

   1985 - giftkuchen des teufels /grummer gerhard/ 1985  bks [  23 ]
   1985 - pesticides and nature conservation the british exper /sheail joh/ 1985  bks [  98 ]
   1985 - plaguicidas en el ecuador mas alla de una simple adv /sevilla la/ 1985  bks [  96 ]
   1985 - veneno para el desayuno el peligro de los pesticidas/ 1985  bks [  64 ]
          ( 4 )

   1986 - impacto dos agrotoxicos sobre o ambiente a saude e a/ 1986  bks [  25 ]
   1986 - pesticides and groundwater quality issues and proble /holden pat/ 1986  bks [ 126 ]
   1986 - pesticides in the indian environment /gupta p k (pawan k ) 1943/ 1986  bks [ 103 ]
   1986 - pesticides in world agriculture the politics of inte /boardman r/ 1986  bks [  46 ]
   1986 - pesticides in world agriculture the politics of inte /boardman r/ 1986  bks [  47 ]
   1986 - water pollution by fertilizers and pesticides/ 1986  bks [  66 ]
          ( 6 )

   1987 - defusing the toxics threat controlling pesticides an /postel san/ 1987  bks [  11 ]
   1987 - silent spring /carson rachel 1907 1964/ 1987  bks [  56 ]
   1987 - silent spring revisited/ 1987  bks [ 133 ]
          ( 3 )

   1988 - giftige ernte todlicher irrweg der agrarchemie beisp /lutzenberg/ 1988  bks [  77 ]
   1988 - pesticides food and environmental implications proce /internatio/ 1988  bks [  92 ]
   1988 - pollution des eaux continentales africaines experien /dejoux cla/ 1988  bks [  71 ]
          ( 3 )

   1989 - international symposium on heavy metals and pesticid /internatio/ 1989  bks [  85 ]
   1989 - novye napravleniia v sozdanii pestitsidov s nizkoi e /kartsev v/ 1989  bks [  87 ]
   1989 - pestitsidy v okruzhaiushchei srede analiticheskii ob /iudanova l/ 1989  bks [  49 ]
   1989 - umweltvorsorge und ihre grenzen im ewg recht zu gren /rengeling/ 1989  bks [  97 ]
          ( 4 )

   1990 - death of ramon gonzalez the modern agricultural dile /wright ang/ 1990  bks [  10 ]
   1990 - pesticide effects on terrestrial wildlife/ 1990  bks [  90 ]
   1990 - pesticides in the soil environment processes impacts/ 1990  bks [  45 ]
   1990 - plaguicidas remedios que matan consumo de plaguicida /gomero o l/ 1990  bks [ 113 ]
   1990 - povedenie polliutantov v pochvakh i landshaftakh sbo/ 1990  bks [  94 ]
          ( 5 )

   1991 - agroquimicos problema nacional politicas y alternati/ 1991  bks [ 114 ]
   1991 - fate of pesticides and chemicals in the environment/ 1991  bks [  22 ]
   1991 - pesticide handbook /hurst peter/ 1991  bks [ 100 ]
          ( 3 )

   1992 - agricultural pesticide use in coastal areas a nation /pait antho/ 1992  bks [ 119 ]
   1992 - bma guide to pesticides chemicals and health/ 1992  bks [   5 ]
   1992 - food safety issues hearings before the subcommittee /united stat/ 1992  bks [ 121 ]
   1992 - never registered pesticides rejected toxics join the /marquardt/ 1992  bks [  27 ]
   1992 - plaguicidas en mexico /restrepo ivan/ 1992  bks [ 110 ]
   1992 - polmod pest model migratsii pestitsidov v elementarn /malkina py/ 1992  bks [ 109 ]
   1992 - toxic contaminants in the gulf of maine /gottholm bernard w/ 1992  bks [ 108 ]
          ( 7 )

   1993 - fate and prediction of environmental chemicals in so/ 1993  bks [  21 ]
   1993 - pesticide data program report/ 1993+ ser [ 134 ]
   1993 - pesticide hazard a global health and environmental a /dinham bar/ 1993  bks [  34 ]
   1993 - pesticide question environment economics and ethics/ 1993  bks [  36 ]
   1993 - pesticides in drinking water /gustafson david i/ 1993  bks [  42 ]
   1993 - pesticides policies and people /beaumont peter/ 1993  bks [  48 ]
   1993 - pesticides rice productivity and farmers health an e /rola agnes/ 1993  bks [ 115 ]
   1993 - poisons in paradise pesticides in the pacific /watts meriel 1951/ 1993  bks [ 111 ]
   1993 - thirty years after silent spring status of epas revi /united sta/ 1993  bks [ 130 ]
          ( 9 )

   1994 - cultivating crisis the human cost of pesticides in l /murray dou/ 1994  bks [ 107 ]
   1994 - health effects of estrogenic pesticides hearing befo /united sta/ 1994  bks [ 123 ]
   1994 - pesticide analytical manual/ 1994  bks [  33 ]
   1994 - review of the administrations pesticide reform propo /united sta/ 1994  bks [ 127 ]
   1994 - silent spring /carson rachel 1907 1964/ 1994  bks [  57 ]
   1994 - study of the technical and economical aspects of mea /henriet je/ 1994  bks [  60 ]
          ( 6 )

   1995 - biologically based technologies for pest control/ 1995  bks [ 120 ]
   1995 - inputs of the dormant spray pesticide diazinon to th/ 1995  bks [  78 ]
   1995 - occurrence and transport of agricultural pesticides /bevans hugh/ 1995  bks [  76 ]
   1995 - occurrence and transport of agricultural pesticides /bevans hugh/ 1995  bks [ 106 ]
   1995 - pesticide properties in the environment /hornsby arthur g/ 1995  bks [ 101 ]
   1995 - plaguicidas y salud en las bananeras de costa rica /jimenez jorg/ 1995  bks [  95 ]
   1995 - products related to pesticide regulation /united states general/ 1995  bks [ 132 ]
   1995 - to spray or not to spray/ 1995  bks [ 131 ]
          ( 8 )

   1996 - beyond silent spring integrated pest management and /van emden h/ 1996  bks [   4 ]
   1996 - our childrens toxic legacy how science and law fail /wargo john/ 1996  bks [  29 ]
          ( 2 )

   1997 - agriculture pesticides and the environment policy op/ 1997  bks [   3 ]
   1997 - nature wars people vs pests /winston mark l/ 1997  bks [  26 ]
   1997 - techniques for reducing pesticide use economic and e/ 1997  bks [  61 ]
          ( 3 )

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