Subject Guide on the Topic
72 references were found on this topic in
Religion Index
on Jan. 13, 1998

Compiled by
Timothy C. Weiskel
Environmental Ethics & Public Policy Program, Harvard University
Copyright, ©1998, Timothy C. Weiskel, All Rights Reserved
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 13, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 13, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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Subject - Alphabetical Title Listing

   1 acceptable risk making decisions in a toxic environm /clarke lee/ 1989  bks
   2 age of missing information /mckibben bill/ 1992  bks
   3 befriending the earth a theology of reconciliation b /clarke tho/ 1991  bks
   4 beyond the limits confronting global collapse envisi /randers jo/ 1992  bks
   5 beyond the modern mind the spiritual and ethical cha /bowman dou/ 1990  bks
   6 creation in crisis responding to gods covenant /bhagat shantilal/ 1990  bks
   7 creazione dio il cosmo luomo /gerardi renzo/ 1990  bks
   8 descent of the god the continuing incarnation /marsden lorna/ 1991  bks
   9 discordant harmonies a new ecology for the 21st cent /botkin dan/ 1990  bks
  10 earth beneath a critical guide to green theology/ 1992  bks
  11 earth in the balance ecology and the human spirit /gore al/ 1992  bks
  12 earth is the lords /bishop steve/ 1990  bks
  13 earthkeeping in the 90s stewardship of creation rev/ 1991  bks
  14 eco spirituality toward a reverent life /cummings charles/ 1991  bks
  15 ecocide in the ussr health and nature under siege /feshbach murr/ 1992  bks
  16 ecolinking everyones guide to online environmental i /rittner do/ 1992  bks
  17 ecological communication tr by john bednarz jr /luhmann niklas/ 1989  bks
  18 ecology and theology a discussion paper /preece gordon/ 1990  bks
  19 environment and the christian what can we learn from/ 1991  bks
  20 environmental crisis opposing viewpoints/ 1986  bks
  21 environnement et developpement questions ethiques et/ 1991  bks
  22 et demain la terre christianisme et ecologie /schafer guignier o/ 1990  bks
  23 ethics and the environment/ 1992  bks
  24 ethics of environment and development global challen/ 1990  bks
  25 etica y ecologia/ 1991  bks
  26 farming on the edge saving family farms in marin cou /hart john/ 1988  bks
  27 fate of the forest developer destroyers and defender /hecht susa/ 1990  bks
  28 fifty ways you can help save the planet /aeschliman gordon/ 1992  bks
  29 from apocalypse to genesis ecology feminism and chri /primavesi/ 1991  bks
  30 gaia and god an ecofeminist theology of earth healin /ruether ro/ 1992  bks
  31 global dust bowl can we stop the destruction of the /freudenberg/ 1990  bks
  32 global warming /schneider stephen h/ 1989  bks
  33 green beliefs valued world beliefs and values concer /williams v/ 1992  bks
  34 green bible/ 1993  bks
  35 green christianity /cooper tim/ 1990  bks
  36 green history of the world the environment and the c /ponting cl/ 1992  bks
  37 greenhouse theology biblical perspectives on caring /elsdon ron/ 1992  bks
  38 grow your own wildlife /don alan/ 1990  bks
  39 healing the planet strategies for resolving the envi /ehrlich pa/ 1989  bks
  40 how much is enough the consumer society and the fate /durning al/ 1992  bks
  41 how to rescue the earth without worshipping nature a /campolo an/ 1992  bks
  42 human excellence and an ecological conception of the /riker john/ 1991  bks
  43 idea of wilderness prehistory to the age of ecology /oelschlaege/ 1991  bks
  44 international banks and the environment /mikesell raymond/ 1984  bks
  45 jesus and the cosmos /edwards denis/ 1991  bks
  46 liberating life contemporary approaches to ecologica/ 1990  bks
  47 living within limits ecology economics and populatio /hardin ger/ 1992  bks
  48 loving nature ecological integrity and christian res /nash james/ 1991  bks
  49 loving neighbors across time a christian guide to pr /parham rob/ 1992  bks
  50 meaning of life in the 1990s an ecological christian /dowd micha/ 1990  bks
  51 mens en omgewing/ 1991  bks
  52 morally deep world an essay on moral significance an /johnson la/ 1991  bks
  53 nature of development /stone roger/ 1984  bks
  54 norton history of the environmental sciences /bowler peter j/ 1992  bks
  55 on nature and the environment /krishnamurti j/ 1991  bks
  56 organizational ecology /freeman john h/ 1989  bks
  57 pour une sagesse de lenvironnement essai sur une eth /beauchamp/ 1991  bks
  58 prairyerth /heat moon william least/ 1992  bks
  59 rational readings on environmental concerns/ 1990  bks
  60 reclaiming america restoring nature to culture /austin richard c/ 1990  bks
  61 replenish the earth a history of organized religions /regenstein/ 1991  bks
  62 saving the planet how to shape an environmentally su /brown lest/ 1989  bks
  63 sense of place a christian theology of the land /lilburne geoffr/ 1989  bks
  64 spirit and nature why the environment is a religious/ 1992  bks
  65 standing ground a personal story of faith and enviro /leax john/ 1991  bks
  66 thinking about nature an investigation of nature val /brennan an/ 1988  bks
  67 under the spell of mother earth /kjos berit/ 1991  bks
  68 vital signs 1992 the trends that are shaping our fut /brown lest/ 1992  bks
  69 waste and pollution the problem for britain /mellanby kenneth/ 1992  bks
  70 way an ecological world view /goldsmith edward/ 1989  bks
  71 wege zum gleichgewicht ein marshallplan fur die erde /gore al/ 1992  bks
  72 wild animals and american environmental ethics /mighetto lisa/ 1991  bks

Alphabetical Author Listing of Sources on
72 references found on this topic in Religion Index

Subject Category in HOLLIS as of Jan. 13, 1998
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 13, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 13, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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aeschliman gordon  (1992) - fifty ways you can help save the planet [  28 ]
austin richard c  (1990) - reclaiming america restoring nature to culture [  60 ]
beauchamp  (1991) - pour une sagesse de lenvironnement essai sur une eth [  57 ]
bhagat shantilal  (1990) - creation in crisis responding to gods covenant [   6 ]
bishop steve  (1990) - earth is the lords [  12 ]
botkin dan  (1990) - discordant harmonies a new ecology for the 21st cent [   9 ]
bowler peter j  (1992) - norton history of the environmental sciences [  54 ]
bowman dou  (1990) - beyond the modern mind the spiritual and ethical cha [   5 ]
brennan an  (1988) - thinking about nature an investigation of nature val [  66 ]
brown lest  (1989) - saving the planet how to shape an environmentally su [  62 ]
brown lest  (1992) - vital signs 1992 the trends that are shaping our fut [  68 ]
campolo an  (1992) - how to rescue the earth without worshipping nature a [  41 ]
clarke lee  (1989) - acceptable risk making decisions in a toxic environm [   1 ]
clarke tho  (1991) - befriending the earth a theology of reconciliation b [   3 ]
cooper tim  (1990) - green christianity [  35 ]
cummings charles  (1991) - eco spirituality toward a reverent life [  14 ]
don alan  (1990) - grow your own wildlife [  38 ]
dowd micha  (1990) - meaning of life in the 1990s an ecological christian [  50 ]
durning al  (1992) - how much is enough the consumer society and the fate [  40 ]
edwards denis  (1991) - jesus and the cosmos [  45 ]
ehrlich pa  (1989) - healing the planet strategies for resolving the envi [  39 ]
elsdon ron  (1992) - greenhouse theology biblical perspectives on caring [  37 ]
feshbach murr  (1992) - ecocide in the ussr health and nature under siege [  15 ]
freeman john h  (1989) - organizational ecology [  56 ]
freudenberg  (1990) - global dust bowl can we stop the destruction of the [  31 ]
gerardi renzo  (1990) - creazione dio il cosmo luomo [   7 ]
goldsmith edward  (1989) - way an ecological world view [  70 ]
gore al  (1992) - earth in the balance ecology and the human spirit [  11 ]
gore al  (1992) - wege zum gleichgewicht ein marshallplan fur die erde [  71 ]
hardin ger  (1992) - living within limits ecology economics and populatio [  47 ]
hart john  (1988) - farming on the edge saving family farms in marin cou [  26 ]
heat moon william least  (1992) - prairyerth [  58 ]
hecht susa  (1990) - fate of the forest developer destroyers and defender [  27 ]
johnson la  (1991) - morally deep world an essay on moral significance an [  52 ]
kjos berit  (1991) - under the spell of mother earth [  67 ]
krishnamurti j  (1991) - on nature and the environment [  55 ]
leax john  (1991) - standing ground a personal story of faith and enviro [  65 ]
lilburne geoffr  (1989) - sense of place a christian theology of the land [  63 ]
luhmann niklas  (1989) - ecological communication tr by john bednarz jr [  17 ]
marsden lorna  (1991) - descent of the god the continuing incarnation [   8 ]
mckibben bill  (1992) - age of missing information [   2 ]
mellanby kenneth  (1992) - waste and pollution the problem for britain [  69 ]
mighetto lisa  (1991) - wild animals and american environmental ethics [  72 ]
mikesell raymond  (1984) - international banks and the environment [  44 ]
nash james  (1991) - loving nature ecological integrity and christian res [  48 ]
oelschlaege  (1991) - idea of wilderness prehistory to the age of ecology [  43 ]
parham rob  (1992) - loving neighbors across time a christian guide to pr [  49 ]
ponting cl  (1992) - green history of the world the environment and the c [  36 ]
preece gordon  (1990) - ecology and theology a discussion paper [  18 ]
primavesi  (1991) - from apocalypse to genesis ecology feminism and chri [  29 ]
randers jo  (1992) - beyond the limits confronting global collapse envisi [   4 ]
regenstein  (1991) - replenish the earth a history of organized religions [  61 ]
riker john  (1991) - human excellence and an ecological conception of the [  42 ]
rittner do  (1992) - ecolinking everyones guide to online environmental i [  16 ]
ruether ro  (1992) - gaia and god an ecofeminist theology of earth healin [  30 ]
schafer guignier o  (1990) - et demain la terre christianisme et ecologie [  22 ]
schneider stephen h  (1989) - global warming [  32 ]
stone roger  (1984) - nature of development [  53 ]
williams v  (1992) - green beliefs valued world beliefs and values concer [  33 ]

Chronological Listing of Sources on
72 references found on this topic in Religion Index

Subject Category in HOLLIS as of Jan. 13, 1998
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 13, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 13, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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   1984 - international banks and the environment /mikesell raymond/ 1984  bks [  44 ]
   1984 - nature of development /stone roger/ 1984  bks [  53 ]
          ( 2 )

   1986 - environmental crisis opposing viewpoints/ 1986  bks [  20 ]
          ( 1 )

   1988 - farming on the edge saving family farms in marin cou /hart john/ 1988  bks [  26 ]
   1988 - thinking about nature an investigation of nature val /brennan an/ 1988  bks [  66 ]
          ( 2 )

   1989 - acceptable risk making decisions in a toxic environm /clarke lee/ 1989  bks [   1 ]
   1989 - ecological communication tr by john bednarz jr /luhmann niklas/ 1989  bks [  17 ]
   1989 - global warming /schneider stephen h/ 1989  bks [  32 ]
   1989 - healing the planet strategies for resolving the envi /ehrlich pa/ 1989  bks [  39 ]
   1989 - organizational ecology /freeman john h/ 1989  bks [  56 ]
   1989 - saving the planet how to shape an environmentally su /brown lest/ 1989  bks [  62 ]
   1989 - sense of place a christian theology of the land /lilburne geoffr/ 1989  bks [  63 ]
   1989 - way an ecological world view /goldsmith edward/ 1989  bks [  70 ]
          ( 8 )

   1990 - beyond the modern mind the spiritual and ethical cha /bowman dou/ 1990  bks [   5 ]
   1990 - creation in crisis responding to gods covenant /bhagat shantilal/ 1990  bks [   6 ]
   1990 - creazione dio il cosmo luomo /gerardi renzo/ 1990  bks [   7 ]
   1990 - discordant harmonies a new ecology for the 21st cent /botkin dan/ 1990  bks [   9 ]
   1990 - earth is the lords /bishop steve/ 1990  bks [  12 ]
   1990 - ecology and theology a discussion paper /preece gordon/ 1990  bks [  18 ]
   1990 - et demain la terre christianisme et ecologie /schafer guignier o/ 1990  bks [  22 ]
   1990 - ethics of environment and development global challen/ 1990  bks [  24 ]
   1990 - fate of the forest developer destroyers and defender /hecht susa/ 1990  bks [  27 ]
   1990 - global dust bowl can we stop the destruction of the /freudenberg/ 1990  bks [  31 ]
   1990 - green christianity /cooper tim/ 1990  bks [  35 ]
   1990 - grow your own wildlife /don alan/ 1990  bks [  38 ]
   1990 - liberating life contemporary approaches to ecologica/ 1990  bks [  46 ]
   1990 - meaning of life in the 1990s an ecological christian /dowd micha/ 1990  bks [  50 ]
   1990 - rational readings on environmental concerns/ 1990  bks [  59 ]
   1990 - reclaiming america restoring nature to culture /austin richard c/ 1990  bks [  60 ]
          ( 16 )

   1991 - befriending the earth a theology of reconciliation b /clarke tho/ 1991  bks [   3 ]
   1991 - descent of the god the continuing incarnation /marsden lorna/ 1991  bks [   8 ]
   1991 - earthkeeping in the 90s stewardship of creation rev/ 1991  bks [  13 ]
   1991 - eco spirituality toward a reverent life /cummings charles/ 1991  bks [  14 ]
   1991 - environment and the christian what can we learn from/ 1991  bks [  19 ]
   1991 - environnement et developpement questions ethiques et/ 1991  bks [  21 ]
   1991 - etica y ecologia/ 1991  bks [  25 ]
   1991 - from apocalypse to genesis ecology feminism and chri /primavesi/ 1991  bks [  29 ]
   1991 - human excellence and an ecological conception of the /riker john/ 1991  bks [  42 ]
   1991 - idea of wilderness prehistory to the age of ecology /oelschlaege/ 1991  bks [  43 ]
   1991 - jesus and the cosmos /edwards denis/ 1991  bks [  45 ]
   1991 - loving nature ecological integrity and christian res /nash james/ 1991  bks [  48 ]
   1991 - mens en omgewing/ 1991  bks [  51 ]
   1991 - morally deep world an essay on moral significance an /johnson la/ 1991  bks [  52 ]
   1991 - on nature and the environment /krishnamurti j/ 1991  bks [  55 ]
   1991 - pour une sagesse de lenvironnement essai sur une eth /beauchamp/ 1991  bks [  57 ]
   1991 - replenish the earth a history of organized religions /regenstein/ 1991  bks [  61 ]
   1991 - standing ground a personal story of faith and enviro /leax john/ 1991  bks [  65 ]
   1991 - under the spell of mother earth /kjos berit/ 1991  bks [  67 ]
   1991 - wild animals and american environmental ethics /mighetto lisa/ 1991  bks [  72 ]
          ( 20 )

   1992 - age of missing information /mckibben bill/ 1992  bks [   2 ]
   1992 - beyond the limits confronting global collapse envisi /randers jo/ 1992  bks [   4 ]
   1992 - earth beneath a critical guide to green theology/ 1992  bks [  10 ]
   1992 - earth in the balance ecology and the human spirit /gore al/ 1992  bks [  11 ]
   1992 - ecocide in the ussr health and nature under siege /feshbach murr/ 1992  bks [  15 ]
   1992 - ecolinking everyones guide to online environmental i /rittner do/ 1992  bks [  16 ]
   1992 - ethics and the environment/ 1992  bks [  23 ]
   1992 - fifty ways you can help save the planet /aeschliman gordon/ 1992  bks [  28 ]
   1992 - gaia and god an ecofeminist theology of earth healin /ruether ro/ 1992  bks [  30 ]
   1992 - green beliefs valued world beliefs and values concer /williams v/ 1992  bks [  33 ]
   1992 - green history of the world the environment and the c /ponting cl/ 1992  bks [  36 ]
   1992 - greenhouse theology biblical perspectives on caring /elsdon ron/ 1992  bks [  37 ]
   1992 - how much is enough the consumer society and the fate /durning al/ 1992  bks [  40 ]
   1992 - how to rescue the earth without worshipping nature a /campolo an/ 1992  bks [  41 ]
   1992 - living within limits ecology economics and populatio /hardin ger/ 1992  bks [  47 ]
   1992 - loving neighbors across time a christian guide to pr /parham rob/ 1992  bks [  49 ]
   1992 - norton history of the environmental sciences /bowler peter j/ 1992  bks [  54 ]
   1992 - prairyerth /heat moon william least/ 1992  bks [  58 ]
   1992 - spirit and nature why the environment is a religious/ 1992  bks [  64 ]
   1992 - vital signs 1992 the trends that are shaping our fut /brown lest/ 1992  bks [  68 ]
   1992 - waste and pollution the problem for britain /mellanby kenneth/ 1992  bks [  69 ]
   1992 - wege zum gleichgewicht ein marshallplan fur die erde /gore al/ 1992  bks [  71 ]
          ( 22 )

   1993 - green bible/ 1993  bks [  34 ]
          ( 1 )

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