Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 13, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 13, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY
Subject - Alphabetical Title ListingENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 1 action on the environment a practical guide /joseph vicky/ 1992 art 2 air pollution is it serious tables /boegman n/ 1987 bks 3 alliance of equals indigenous leaders in the amazon /mowrey marc/ 1990 art 4 anticipating the future papers university scholars s/ 1985 art 5 appeal to human conscience global forum on environme /sidorina i/ 1990 art 6 are evangelicals warming to earth issues/ 1992 art 7 bears and guns and the new world order protecting ar /ellison bu/ 1992 art 8 braucht es eine katastrophe environmental policy swi /kriesi han/ 1984 art 9 call to agricultural conversion /kraps john m/ 1986 art 10 can fly fishing survive the twenty first century /anderson georg/ 1993 art 11 can the twilight of the gods be prevented beyond fai /burmester/ 1991 art 12 chinas environmental puzzle theory and practice grap /ou yang ka/ 1994 art 13 christian education for survival on earth /dewolf l harold/ 1971 art 14 churches care for the earth natl religious partnersh/ 1993 art 15 churches take a stand on global warming with excerpt/ 1992 art 16 climate change crisis human activity is destroying t /hanson jay/ 1994 art 17 commitment toward recycling mandatory separation and /wieck corn/ 1990 art 18 complex and urgent problems threaten the twenty firs/ 1981 art 19 congress consistency and environmental law nuclear w /lemons joh/ 1990 art 20 contestation ecologique et remobilisation religieuse /micoud and/ 1993 art 21 defending caribou culture environmental impact of oi /rice jim/ 1992 art 22 defizite bisheriger umweltpolitik als herausforderun /michelsen/ 1982 art 23 deforestation a problem of viable environmental mana /nadkarni m/ 1985 art 24 desert reclamation and conservation in islamic law r /llewellyn/ 1992 art 25 development and environment aims an intuitive view /tinbergen ja/ 1975 bks 26 disconnected people /khalid fazlun m/ 1992 art 27 draft forest policy 1987 the national water policy 1 /fernandes/ 1988 art 28 earth in the balance environmental crisis and policy /gore alber/ 1992 art 29 ecological crisis an eastern christian perspective r /khalil iss/ 1986 art 30 ecological diagnosis and prescription community plan /haertling/ 1971 art 31 ecological worries implications of single european a /van heere/ 1991 art 32 ecology and economics costs of cleaning environment /brinker pau/ 1971 art 33 economics faith and the environment bibliog graphs /scrimgeour f/ 1991 art 34 ecopolis prolegomena to the development of a nationa /rodman joh/ 1972 art 35 ecotheology of james watt /bratton susan power/ 1983 art 36 educational models the institute in culture and crea /swimme bri/ 1984 bks 37 emergence of environmental awareness in the west /timberlake llo/ 1984 bks 38 environment and north south relations/ 1992 art 39 environment conservation why and how bibliog /le roux p j/ 1987 bks 40 environment health hazards /gordon larry j/ 1984 art 41 environmental and other bioethical challenges for ch /miller ala/ 1984 bks 42 environmental control and the decline of reality pro /ehrenfeld/ 1990 art 43 environmental problems and their importance today /simonis udo e/ 1986 art 44 equity decisions economic development and environmen /schulkin j/ 1995 art 45 erosion in the vineyard a call to preserve the famil /dingman ma/ 1986 art 46 ethics uranium mining and public participation in de /anderson t/ 1982 bks 47 farming and ecology in the 21st century bibliog /anderson clifto/ 1991 art 48 for a de uglified america churches called to respond/ 1965 art 49 for a more inclusive environmental agenda /somplatsky jarman wil/ 1990 art 50 forest management and forest policy in india a criti /gadgil mad/ 1983 art 51 forests environment and people thematic issue india/ 1983 art 52 forests in the new forest policy india bibliog /saldanha cecil j/ 1983 art 53 gaia is the source of all benefits /goldsmith edward/ 1992 art 54 getting serious about the environmental threat edito /wall james/ 1989 art 55 giving taking and the common good environmental impa /johnson ra/ 1995 art 56 gods earth /smith chris/ 1993 art 57 greens avant garde missionaries bibliog /meiring piet g j/ 1991 art 58 greenwashing of america corporate donors co opt envi /hulteen bo/ 1990 art 59 heidelberger erklarung nobelpreistrager weisheit zum /altner gun/ 1992 art 60 high resolution low resolve judaism and environment /goldberg pe/ 1991 art 61 holy weakness strength of god from despair to christ /muratore s/ 1985 art 62 how long will life continue on earth summary of the /artaza mari/ 1989 art 63 how much longer can nature sustain us harmful side e /king rober/ 1988 art 64 human identity and environmental crisis /grove white robin/ 1992 art 65 implementation of ecology policy presbyterian church/ 1993 art 66 initiatives oecumeniques pour la sauvegarde de la cr /lautman fr/ 1993 art 67 international storm over acid rain special correspon /watson alb/ 1986 art 68 is environmentalism a religion trashing the planet b /bankoff ba/ 1990 art 69 is there room for prolife environmentalists /lawton kim a/ 1990 art 70 issues in humankinds relationship to the natural wor /kates robe/ 1983 bks 71 jorden ar herrens environmental issues at wcc 7th as /ljungberg/ 1991 art 72 justice participation and sustainable sufficiency /stivers rober/ 1986 bks 73 labor news loggers and environmentalists in californ /mcclure la/ 1990 art 74 land to care for reflections on the management of au /crabb pete/ 1991 art 75 landscape with figures toxic herbicides /kooser ted/ 1993 art 76 letter to friends an appeal to japans scientists reg /ui jun/ 1980 art 77 liturgy stewardship and creation /wright nathan/ 1993 art 78 marginalisation coping mechanisms and long term solu /murishwar/ 1988 art 79 matter of survival building an inclusive environment /lee charle/ 1990 art 80 mensch und natur/ 1992 art 81 methodist response to environmental crisis/ 1990 art 82 middle ground environmental management summary of st /nichols ch/ 1989 art 83 montana return a story about stewardship /chase alston/ 1993 art 84 natural resources in islam /dutton yassin/ 1992 art 85 new politics of the environment nixons commitment to/ 1970 art 86 new road ahead /joranson philip n/ 1984 bks 87 no return to eden the debate over nuclear power /wilkes peter/ 1980 art 88 not in my backyard the waste disposal crisis reply b /peters ted/ 1989 art 89 old societies in asia and science based technology /kalansuriya/ 1979 bks 90 on behalf of the earth beyond unced /granberg michaelson wesley/ 1992 art 91 on markets for risk /sagoff mark/ 1982 bks 92 on slaying the dragon the american nature myth 2 pts /may willia/ 1981 art 93 on stewardship /murray john/ 1993 art 94 on the way to rio churches and the earth summit unit /mcclellan/ 1991 art 95 opening paper conf alternatives to catastrophe clare /cobb john/ 1972 art 96 papers of the 1970 conference on ethics and ecology/ 1970 art 97 patagonia the next hundred years technology and stew /chouinard/ 1993 art 98 pesticides and the third world poor bibliog /bull david/ 1983 art 99 philosophical foundation for ecology toward a transp /fisk georg/ 1991 art 100 playing god why we shouldnt try to save every endang/ 1992 art 101 politica social o etica ecologica /fernandez fernandez jose l/ 1987 art 102 politik wettbewerb und umwelt ein problematisches sp /binswanger/ 1993 art 103 principles for environmental policy /summerton neil/ 1993 art 104 professors from evangelical christian colleges met t/ 1980 art 105 progress on a small planet in preserving the environ /sen sudhir/ 1983 art 106 protecting mother earth native american tribal leade /chehak gai/ 1990 art 107 quest for camelot a human weakness creationists envi /wall james/ 1982 art 108 redeeming creation /gosling david/ 1993 art 109 reducing environmental pressures /stuyt l/ 1973 art 110 reflexions theologiques a propos dune ethique de len /beauchamp/ 1980 art 111 right to know a call to act environmental lobbying c /allen alex/ 1991 bks 112 sacred land in america what is it how can it be prot /michaelsen/ 1986 art 113 setting environmental standards for toxic chemicals /hetling leo/ 1982 bks 114 shareholder resolutions interfaith center on corpora/ 1991 art 115 sharpening struggle for israels environment judaism /brooks davi/ 1991 art 116 social and environmental impact of big dams tables b /chopra rav/ 1983 art 117 social teachings of the presbyterian church ed by d /beumler jam/ 1984 art 118 some philosophical and ethical considerations /silva padmasiri d/ 1979 bks 119 speech to 4th congress of peoples deputies of the us /nechayev p/ 1991 art 120 state of the ark christianity and the environment co/ 1990 art 121 statement of shared concern centre for science and e/ 1983 art 122 strategien gegen umweltzerstorung und arbeitslosigke /binswanger/ 1979 art 123 strategy for survival reaction to emmanuel abrahams /ruokanen ta/ 1985 art 124 strength of a peoples movement an interview conducte /patkar med/ 1992 art 125 struggle to save the philippines damaged ecosystem /cobourn chri/ 1990 art 126 study inspires bill ucc environmental justice act/ 1992 art 127 sustainable lifestyle of the warlis figs /pereira winin/ 1992 art 128 technology and human values third world /mabry hunter p/ 1987 art 129 theological perspectives and environmentalism among /guth james/ 1993 art 130 to be christian is to be ecologist thematic issue/ 1985 art 131 to choose green over greed editorial /sider ronald j/ 1992 art 132 to end environmental destruction unced a first step /hanson jayd/ 1992 art 133 toward an earth charter united nations conference on /rasmussen/ 1991 art 134 treatment for the earths sickness the churchs role f /rajotte fr/ 1992 art 135 treibhauseffekt im spannungsverhaltnis der nord sud /bleischwitz/ 1992 art 136 umwelt das auto und seine partei /tschani hans/ 1988 art 137 uses of wilderness a christian perspective /gatta john/ 1980 art 138 violence to nature reaps violence by nature /porter gareth/ 1994 art 139 virtue a foundation in the heart the environment and /bauman ste/ 1986 art 140 water the limiting resource bibliog tables /toerien d f/ 1987 bks 141 wcc at unced earth summit rio de janeiro je 1992 pho /larson reb/ 1992 art 142 what about the garden the ecological dimensions of t /vischer lu/ 1992 bks 143 whats happening in environmental studies /klotz john w/ 1972 art 144 when a tree falls in the forest environmentalists lo /jaudon bri/ 1990 art 145 when the dump is in our backyard reply to t peters p /hatch mark/ 1989 art 146 wild country and wildlife a spiritual preserve /douglas david/ 1984 art 147 zerstorung der umwelt durch baumefallen und dezimier /bleibtreu/ 1989 bks ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY --CONGRESSES 148 north american conference on religion and ecology wa /sims benne/ 1990 art 149 soviet western group urges stewardship of creation e/ 1991 art
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 13, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 13, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY
allen alex (1991) - right to know a call to act environmental lobbying c [ 111 ] altner gun (1992) - heidelberger erklarung nobelpreistrager weisheit zum [ 59 ] anderson clifto (1991) - farming and ecology in the 21st century bibliog [ 47 ] anderson georg (1993) - can fly fishing survive the twenty first century [ 10 ] anderson t (1982) - ethics uranium mining and public participation in de [ 46 ] artaza mari (1989) - how long will life continue on earth summary of the [ 62 ] bankoff ba (1990) - is environmentalism a religion trashing the planet b [ 68 ] bauman ste (1986) - virtue a foundation in the heart the environment and [ 139 ] beauchamp (1980) - reflexions theologiques a propos dune ethique de len [ 110 ] beumler jam (1984) - social teachings of the presbyterian church ed by d [ 117 ] binswanger (1979) - strategien gegen umweltzerstorung und arbeitslosigke [ 122 ] binswanger (1993) - politik wettbewerb und umwelt ein problematisches sp [ 102 ] bleibtreu (1989) - zerstorung der umwelt durch baumefallen und dezimier [ 147 ] bleischwitz (1992) - treibhauseffekt im spannungsverhaltnis der nord sud [ 135 ] boegman n (1987) - air pollution is it serious tables [ 2 ] bratton susan power (1983) - ecotheology of james watt [ 35 ] brinker pau (1971) - ecology and economics costs of cleaning environment [ 32 ] brooks davi (1991) - sharpening struggle for israels environment judaism [ 115 ] bull david (1983) - pesticides and the third world poor bibliog [ 98 ] burmester (1991) - can the twilight of the gods be prevented beyond fai [ 11 ] chase alston (1993) - montana return a story about stewardship [ 83 ] chehak gai (1990) - protecting mother earth native american tribal leade [ 106 ] chopra rav (1983) - social and environmental impact of big dams tables b [ 116 ] chouinard (1993) - patagonia the next hundred years technology and stew [ 97 ] cobb john (1972) - opening paper conf alternatives to catastrophe clare [ 95 ] cobourn chri (1990) - struggle to save the philippines damaged ecosystem [ 125 ] crabb pete (1991) - land to care for reflections on the management of au [ 74 ] dewolf l harold (1971) - christian education for survival on earth [ 13 ] dingman ma (1986) - erosion in the vineyard a call to preserve the famil [ 45 ] douglas david (1984) - wild country and wildlife a spiritual preserve [ 146 ] dutton yassin (1992) - natural resources in islam [ 84 ] ehrenfeld (1990) - environmental control and the decline of reality pro [ 42 ] ellison bu (1992) - bears and guns and the new world order protecting ar [ 7 ] fernandes (1988) - draft forest policy 1987 the national water policy 1 [ 27 ] fernandez fernandez jose l (1987) - politica social o etica ecologica [ 101 ] fisk georg (1991) - philosophical foundation for ecology toward a transp [ 99 ] gadgil mad (1983) - forest management and forest policy in india a criti [ 50 ] gatta john (1980) - uses of wilderness a christian perspective [ 137 ] goldberg pe (1991) - high resolution low resolve judaism and environment [ 60 ] goldsmith edward (1992) - gaia is the source of all benefits [ 53 ] gordon larry j (1984) - environment health hazards [ 40 ] gore alber (1992) - earth in the balance environmental crisis and policy [ 28 ] gosling david (1993) - redeeming creation [ 108 ] granberg michaelson wesley (1992) - on behalf of the earth beyond unced [ 90 ] grove white robin (1992) - human identity and environmental crisis [ 64 ] guth james (1993) - theological perspectives and environmentalism among [ 129 ] haertling (1971) - ecological diagnosis and prescription community plan [ 30 ] hanson jay (1994) - climate change crisis human activity is destroying t [ 16 ] hanson jayd (1992) - to end environmental destruction unced a first step [ 132 ] hatch mark (1989) - when the dump is in our backyard reply to t peters p [ 145 ] hetling leo (1982) - setting environmental standards for toxic chemicals [ 113 ] hulteen bo (1990) - greenwashing of america corporate donors co opt envi [ 58 ] jaudon bri (1990) - when a tree falls in the forest environmentalists lo [ 144 ] johnson ra (1995) - giving taking and the common good environmental impa [ 55 ] joranson philip n (1984) - new road ahead [ 86 ] joseph vicky (1992) - action on the environment a practical guide [ 1 ] kalansuriya (1979) - old societies in asia and science based technology [ 89 ] kates robe (1983) - issues in humankinds relationship to the natural wor [ 70 ] khalid fazlun m (1992) - disconnected people [ 26 ] khalil iss (1986) - ecological crisis an eastern christian perspective r [ 29 ] king rober (1988) - how much longer can nature sustain us harmful side e [ 63 ] klotz john w (1972) - whats happening in environmental studies [ 143 ] kooser ted (1993) - landscape with figures toxic herbicides [ 75 ] kraps john m (1986) - call to agricultural conversion [ 9 ] kriesi han (1984) - braucht es eine katastrophe environmental policy swi [ 8 ] larson reb (1992) - wcc at unced earth summit rio de janeiro je 1992 pho [ 141 ] lautman fr (1993) - initiatives oecumeniques pour la sauvegarde de la cr [ 66 ] lawton kim a (1990) - is there room for prolife environmentalists [ 69 ] le roux p j (1987) - environment conservation why and how bibliog [ 39 ] lee charle (1990) - matter of survival building an inclusive environment [ 79 ] lemons joh (1990) - congress consistency and environmental law nuclear w [ 19 ] ljungberg (1991) - jorden ar herrens environmental issues at wcc 7th as [ 71 ] llewellyn (1992) - desert reclamation and conservation in islamic law r [ 24 ] mabry hunter p (1987) - technology and human values third world [ 128 ] may willia (1981) - on slaying the dragon the american nature myth 2 pts [ 92 ] mcclellan (1991) - on the way to rio churches and the earth summit unit [ 94 ] mcclure la (1990) - labor news loggers and environmentalists in californ [ 73 ] meiring piet g j (1991) - greens avant garde missionaries bibliog [ 57 ] michaelsen (1986) - sacred land in america what is it how can it be prot [ 112 ] michelsen (1982) - defizite bisheriger umweltpolitik als herausforderun [ 22 ] micoud and (1993) - contestation ecologique et remobilisation religieuse [ 20 ] miller ala (1984) - environmental and other bioethical challenges for ch [ 41 ] mowrey marc (1990) - alliance of equals indigenous leaders in the amazon [ 3 ] muratore s (1985) - holy weakness strength of god from despair to christ [ 61 ] murishwar (1988) - marginalisation coping mechanisms and long term solu [ 78 ] murray john (1993) - on stewardship [ 93 ] nadkarni m (1985) - deforestation a problem of viable environmental mana [ 23 ] nechayev p (1991) - speech to 4th congress of peoples deputies of the us [ 119 ] nichols ch (1989) - middle ground environmental management summary of st [ 82 ] ou yang ka (1994) - chinas environmental puzzle theory and practice grap [ 12 ] patkar med (1992) - strength of a peoples movement an interview conducte [ 124 ] pereira winin (1992) - sustainable lifestyle of the warlis figs [ 127 ] peters ted (1989) - not in my backyard the waste disposal crisis reply b [ 88 ] porter gareth (1994) - violence to nature reaps violence by nature [ 138 ] rajotte fr (1992) - treatment for the earths sickness the churchs role f [ 134 ] rasmussen (1991) - toward an earth charter united nations conference on [ 133 ] rice jim (1992) - defending caribou culture environmental impact of oi [ 21 ] rodman joh (1972) - ecopolis prolegomena to the development of a nationa [ 34 ] ruokanen ta (1985) - strategy for survival reaction to emmanuel abrahams [ 123 ] sagoff mark (1982) - on markets for risk [ 91 ] saldanha cecil j (1983) - forests in the new forest policy india bibliog [ 52 ] schulkin j (1995) - equity decisions economic development and environmen [ 44 ] scrimgeour f (1991) - economics faith and the environment bibliog graphs [ 33 ] sen sudhir (1983) - progress on a small planet in preserving the environ [ 105 ] sider ronald j (1992) - to choose green over greed editorial [ 131 ] sidorina i (1990) - appeal to human conscience global forum on environme [ 5 ] silva padmasiri d (1979) - some philosophical and ethical considerations [ 118 ] simonis udo e (1986) - environmental problems and their importance today [ 43 ] sims benne (1990) - north american conference on religion and ecology wa [ 148 ] smith chris (1993) - gods earth [ 56 ] somplatsky jarman wil (1990) - for a more inclusive environmental agenda [ 49 ] stivers rober (1986) - justice participation and sustainable sufficiency [ 72 ] stuyt l (1973) - reducing environmental pressures [ 109 ] summerton neil (1993) - principles for environmental policy [ 103 ] swimme bri (1984) - educational models the institute in culture and crea [ 36 ] timberlake llo (1984) - emergence of environmental awareness in the west [ 37 ] tinbergen ja (1975) - development and environment aims an intuitive view [ 25 ] toerien d f (1987) - water the limiting resource bibliog tables [ 140 ] tschani hans (1988) - umwelt das auto und seine partei [ 136 ] ui jun (1980) - letter to friends an appeal to japans scientists reg [ 76 ] van heere (1991) - ecological worries implications of single european a [ 31 ] vischer lu (1992) - what about the garden the ecological dimensions of t [ 142 ] wall james (1982) - quest for camelot a human weakness creationists envi [ 107 ] wall james (1989) - getting serious about the environmental threat edito [ 54 ] watson alb (1986) - international storm over acid rain special correspon [ 67 ] wieck corn (1990) - commitment toward recycling mandatory separation and [ 17 ] wilkes peter (1980) - no return to eden the debate over nuclear power [ 87 ] wright nathan (1993) - liturgy stewardship and creation [ 77 ]
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 13, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 13, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY
1965 1965 - for a de uglified america churches called to respond/ 1965 art [ 48 ] ( 1 ) 1970 1970 - new politics of the environment nixons commitment to/ 1970 art [ 85 ] 1970 - papers of the 1970 conference on ethics and ecology/ 1970 art [ 96 ] ( 2 ) 1971 1971 - christian education for survival on earth /dewolf l harold/ 1971 art [ 13 ] 1971 - ecological diagnosis and prescription community plan /haertling/ 1971 art [ 30 ] 1971 - ecology and economics costs of cleaning environment /brinker pau/ 1971 art [ 32 ] ( 3 ) 1972 1972 - ecopolis prolegomena to the development of a nationa /rodman joh/ 1972 art [ 34 ] 1972 - opening paper conf alternatives to catastrophe clare /cobb john/ 1972 art [ 95 ] 1972 - whats happening in environmental studies /klotz john w/ 1972 art [ 143 ] ( 3 ) 1973 1973 - reducing environmental pressures /stuyt l/ 1973 art [ 109 ] ( 1 ) 1975 1975 - development and environment aims an intuitive view /tinbergen ja/ 1975 bks [ 25 ] ( 1 ) 1979 1979 - old societies in asia and science based technology /kalansuriya/ 1979 bks [ 89 ] 1979 - some philosophical and ethical considerations /silva padmasiri d/ 1979 bks [ 118 ] 1979 - strategien gegen umweltzerstorung und arbeitslosigke /binswanger/ 1979 art [ 122 ] ( 3 ) 1980 1980 - letter to friends an appeal to japans scientists reg /ui jun/ 1980 art [ 76 ] 1980 - no return to eden the debate over nuclear power /wilkes peter/ 1980 art [ 87 ] 1980 - professors from evangelical christian colleges met t/ 1980 art [ 104 ] 1980 - reflexions theologiques a propos dune ethique de len /beauchamp/ 1980 art [ 110 ] 1980 - uses of wilderness a christian perspective /gatta john/ 1980 art [ 137 ] ( 5 ) 1981 1981 - complex and urgent problems threaten the twenty firs/ 1981 art [ 18 ] 1981 - on slaying the dragon the american nature myth 2 pts /may willia/ 1981 art [ 92 ] ( 2 ) 1982 1982 - defizite bisheriger umweltpolitik als herausforderun /michelsen/ 1982 art [ 22 ] 1982 - ethics uranium mining and public participation in de /anderson t/ 1982 bks [ 46 ] 1982 - on markets for risk /sagoff mark/ 1982 bks [ 91 ] 1982 - quest for camelot a human weakness creationists envi /wall james/ 1982 art [ 107 ] 1982 - setting environmental standards for toxic chemicals /hetling leo/ 1982 bks [ 113 ] ( 5 ) 1983 1983 - ecotheology of james watt /bratton susan power/ 1983 art [ 35 ] 1983 - forest management and forest policy in india a criti /gadgil mad/ 1983 art [ 50 ] 1983 - forests environment and people thematic issue india/ 1983 art [ 51 ] 1983 - forests in the new forest policy india bibliog /saldanha cecil j/ 1983 art [ 52 ] 1983 - issues in humankinds relationship to the natural wor /kates robe/ 1983 bks [ 70 ] 1983 - pesticides and the third world poor bibliog /bull david/ 1983 art [ 98 ] 1983 - progress on a small planet in preserving the environ /sen sudhir/ 1983 art [ 105 ] 1983 - social and environmental impact of big dams tables b /chopra rav/ 1983 art [ 116 ] 1983 - statement of shared concern centre for science and e/ 1983 art [ 121 ] ( 9 ) 1984 1984 - braucht es eine katastrophe environmental policy swi /kriesi han/ 1984 art [ 8 ] 1984 - educational models the institute in culture and crea /swimme bri/ 1984 bks [ 36 ] 1984 - emergence of environmental awareness in the west /timberlake llo/ 1984 bks [ 37 ] 1984 - environment health hazards /gordon larry j/ 1984 art [ 40 ] 1984 - environmental and other bioethical challenges for ch /miller ala/ 1984 bks [ 41 ] 1984 - new road ahead /joranson philip n/ 1984 bks [ 86 ] 1984 - social teachings of the presbyterian church ed by d /beumler jam/ 1984 art [ 117 ] 1984 - wild country and wildlife a spiritual preserve /douglas david/ 1984 art [ 146 ] ( 8 ) 1985 1985 - anticipating the future papers university scholars s/ 1985 art [ 4 ] 1985 - deforestation a problem of viable environmental mana /nadkarni m/ 1985 art [ 23 ] 1985 - holy weakness strength of god from despair to christ /muratore s/ 1985 art [ 61 ] 1985 - strategy for survival reaction to emmanuel abrahams /ruokanen ta/ 1985 art [ 123 ] 1985 - to be christian is to be ecologist thematic issue/ 1985 art [ 130 ] ( 5 ) 1986 1986 - call to agricultural conversion /kraps john m/ 1986 art [ 9 ] 1986 - ecological crisis an eastern christian perspective r /khalil iss/ 1986 art [ 29 ] 1986 - environmental problems and their importance today /simonis udo e/ 1986 art [ 43 ] 1986 - erosion in the vineyard a call to preserve the famil /dingman ma/ 1986 art [ 45 ] 1986 - international storm over acid rain special correspon /watson alb/ 1986 art [ 67 ] 1986 - justice participation and sustainable sufficiency /stivers rober/ 1986 bks [ 72 ] 1986 - sacred land in america what is it how can it be prot /michaelsen/ 1986 art [ 112 ] 1986 - virtue a foundation in the heart the environment and /bauman ste/ 1986 art [ 139 ] ( 8 ) 1987 1987 - air pollution is it serious tables /boegman n/ 1987 bks [ 2 ] 1987 - environment conservation why and how bibliog /le roux p j/ 1987 bks [ 39 ] 1987 - politica social o etica ecologica /fernandez fernandez jose l/ 1987 art [ 101 ] 1987 - technology and human values third world /mabry hunter p/ 1987 art [ 128 ] 1987 - water the limiting resource bibliog tables /toerien d f/ 1987 bks [ 140 ] ( 5 ) 1988 1988 - draft forest policy 1987 the national water policy 1 /fernandes/ 1988 art [ 27 ] 1988 - how much longer can nature sustain us harmful side e /king rober/ 1988 art [ 63 ] 1988 - marginalisation coping mechanisms and long term solu /murishwar/ 1988 art [ 78 ] 1988 - umwelt das auto und seine partei /tschani hans/ 1988 art [ 136 ] ( 4 ) 1989 1989 - getting serious about the environmental threat edito /wall james/ 1989 art [ 54 ] 1989 - how long will life continue on earth summary of the /artaza mari/ 1989 art [ 62 ] 1989 - middle ground environmental management summary of st /nichols ch/ 1989 art [ 82 ] 1989 - not in my backyard the waste disposal crisis reply b /peters ted/ 1989 art [ 88 ] 1989 - when the dump is in our backyard reply to t peters p /hatch mark/ 1989 art [ 145 ] 1989 - zerstorung der umwelt durch baumefallen und dezimier /bleibtreu/ 1989 bks [ 147 ] ( 6 ) 1990 1990 - alliance of equals indigenous leaders in the amazon /mowrey marc/ 1990 art [ 3 ] 1990 - appeal to human conscience global forum on environme /sidorina i/ 1990 art [ 5 ] 1990 - commitment toward recycling mandatory separation and /wieck corn/ 1990 art [ 17 ] 1990 - congress consistency and environmental law nuclear w /lemons joh/ 1990 art [ 19 ] 1990 - environmental control and the decline of reality pro /ehrenfeld/ 1990 art [ 42 ] 1990 - for a more inclusive environmental agenda /somplatsky jarman wil/ 1990 art [ 49 ] 1990 - greenwashing of america corporate donors co opt envi /hulteen bo/ 1990 art [ 58 ] 1990 - is environmentalism a religion trashing the planet b /bankoff ba/ 1990 art [ 68 ] 1990 - is there room for prolife environmentalists /lawton kim a/ 1990 art [ 69 ] 1990 - labor news loggers and environmentalists in californ /mcclure la/ 1990 art [ 73 ] 1990 - matter of survival building an inclusive environment /lee charle/ 1990 art [ 79 ] 1990 - methodist response to environmental crisis/ 1990 art [ 81 ] 1990 - north american conference on religion and ecology wa /sims benne/ 1990 art [ 148 ] 1990 - protecting mother earth native american tribal leade /chehak gai/ 1990 art [ 106 ] 1990 - state of the ark christianity and the environment co/ 1990 art [ 120 ] 1990 - struggle to save the philippines damaged ecosystem /cobourn chri/ 1990 art [ 125 ] 1990 - when a tree falls in the forest environmentalists lo /jaudon bri/ 1990 art [ 144 ] ( 17 ) 1991 1991 - can the twilight of the gods be prevented beyond fai /burmester/ 1991 art [ 11 ] 1991 - ecological worries implications of single european a /van heere/ 1991 art [ 31 ] 1991 - economics faith and the environment bibliog graphs /scrimgeour f/ 1991 art [ 33 ] 1991 - farming and ecology in the 21st century bibliog /anderson clifto/ 1991 art [ 47 ] 1991 - greens avant garde missionaries bibliog /meiring piet g j/ 1991 art [ 57 ] 1991 - high resolution low resolve judaism and environment /goldberg pe/ 1991 art [ 60 ] 1991 - jorden ar herrens environmental issues at wcc 7th as /ljungberg/ 1991 art [ 71 ] 1991 - land to care for reflections on the management of au /crabb pete/ 1991 art [ 74 ] 1991 - on the way to rio churches and the earth summit unit /mcclellan/ 1991 art [ 94 ] 1991 - philosophical foundation for ecology toward a transp /fisk georg/ 1991 art [ 99 ] 1991 - right to know a call to act environmental lobbying c /allen alex/ 1991 bks [ 111 ] 1991 - shareholder resolutions interfaith center on corpora/ 1991 art [ 114 ] 1991 - sharpening struggle for israels environment judaism /brooks davi/ 1991 art [ 115 ] 1991 - soviet western group urges stewardship of creation e/ 1991 art [ 149 ] 1991 - speech to 4th congress of peoples deputies of the us /nechayev p/ 1991 art [ 119 ] 1991 - toward an earth charter united nations conference on /rasmussen/ 1991 art [ 133 ] ( 16 ) 1992 1992 - action on the environment a practical guide /joseph vicky/ 1992 art [ 1 ] 1992 - are evangelicals warming to earth issues/ 1992 art [ 6 ] 1992 - bears and guns and the new world order protecting ar /ellison bu/ 1992 art [ 7 ] 1992 - churches take a stand on global warming with excerpt/ 1992 art [ 15 ] 1992 - defending caribou culture environmental impact of oi /rice jim/ 1992 art [ 21 ] 1992 - desert reclamation and conservation in islamic law r /llewellyn/ 1992 art [ 24 ] 1992 - disconnected people /khalid fazlun m/ 1992 art [ 26 ] 1992 - earth in the balance environmental crisis and policy /gore alber/ 1992 art [ 28 ] 1992 - environment and north south relations/ 1992 art [ 38 ] 1992 - gaia is the source of all benefits /goldsmith edward/ 1992 art [ 53 ] 1992 - heidelberger erklarung nobelpreistrager weisheit zum /altner gun/ 1992 art [ 59 ] 1992 - human identity and environmental crisis /grove white robin/ 1992 art [ 64 ] 1992 - mensch und natur/ 1992 art [ 80 ] 1992 - natural resources in islam /dutton yassin/ 1992 art [ 84 ] 1992 - on behalf of the earth beyond unced /granberg michaelson wesley/ 1992 art [ 90 ] 1992 - playing god why we shouldnt try to save every endang/ 1992 art [ 100 ] 1992 - strength of a peoples movement an interview conducte /patkar med/ 1992 art [ 124 ] 1992 - study inspires bill ucc environmental justice act/ 1992 art [ 126 ] 1992 - sustainable lifestyle of the warlis figs /pereira winin/ 1992 art [ 127 ] 1992 - to choose green over greed editorial /sider ronald j/ 1992 art [ 131 ] 1992 - to end environmental destruction unced a first step /hanson jayd/ 1992 art [ 132 ] 1992 - treatment for the earths sickness the churchs role f /rajotte fr/ 1992 art [ 134 ] 1992 - treibhauseffekt im spannungsverhaltnis der nord sud /bleischwitz/ 1992 art [ 135 ] 1992 - wcc at unced earth summit rio de janeiro je 1992 pho /larson reb/ 1992 art [ 141 ] 1992 - what about the garden the ecological dimensions of t /vischer lu/ 1992 bks [ 142 ] ( 25 ) 1993 1993 - can fly fishing survive the twenty first century /anderson georg/ 1993 art [ 10 ] 1993 - churches care for the earth natl religious partnersh/ 1993 art [ 14 ] 1993 - contestation ecologique et remobilisation religieuse /micoud and/ 1993 art [ 20 ] 1993 - gods earth /smith chris/ 1993 art [ 56 ] 1993 - implementation of ecology policy presbyterian church/ 1993 art [ 65 ] 1993 - initiatives oecumeniques pour la sauvegarde de la cr /lautman fr/ 1993 art [ 66 ] 1993 - landscape with figures toxic herbicides /kooser ted/ 1993 art [ 75 ] 1993 - liturgy stewardship and creation /wright nathan/ 1993 art [ 77 ] 1993 - montana return a story about stewardship /chase alston/ 1993 art [ 83 ] 1993 - on stewardship /murray john/ 1993 art [ 93 ] 1993 - patagonia the next hundred years technology and stew /chouinard/ 1993 art [ 97 ] 1993 - politik wettbewerb und umwelt ein problematisches sp /binswanger/ 1993 art [ 102 ] 1993 - principles for environmental policy /summerton neil/ 1993 art [ 103 ] 1993 - redeeming creation /gosling david/ 1993 art [ 108 ] 1993 - theological perspectives and environmentalism among /guth james/ 1993 art [ 129 ] ( 15 ) 1994 1994 - chinas environmental puzzle theory and practice grap /ou yang ka/ 1994 art [ 12 ] 1994 - climate change crisis human activity is destroying t /hanson jay/ 1994 art [ 16 ] 1994 - violence to nature reaps violence by nature /porter gareth/ 1994 art [ 138 ] ( 3 ) 1995 1995 - equity decisions economic development and environmen /schulkin j/ 1995 art [ 44 ] 1995 - giving taking and the common good environmental impa /johnson ra/ 1995 art [ 55 ] ( 2 )