Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 13, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 13, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=NATURE --RELIGIOUS INTERPRETATIONS
Subject - Alphabetical Title ListingNATURE --RELIGIOUS INTERPRETATIONS 1 allusions scripturaires conjecturales dans les pense /dubarle an/ 1961 art 2 american spirituality of loren eiseley /wentz richard e/ 1984 art 3 angelic wisdom about divine love and wisdom pts 9 10 /swedenborg/ 1984 art 4 animal dans la legende doree ils /guilbert lucille/ 1986 bks 5 annie dillard with her eyes open /peterson eugene h/ 1986 art 6 anticipatory set and setting stress incongruities as /hood ralph/ 1978 art 7 aproximacion a un modelo de las relaciones hombre na /masferrer/ 1980 bks 8 art mohawk 92 spiritualite de lart amerindien biblio /fournel lo/ 1992 art 9 astronomy lesson ps 8 3 4 meditation /guenther margaret/ 1995 art 10 at upper moss creek deaths transformations and natur /lane belde/ 1993 art 11 attitude toward nature in zen buddhism /kirk james a/ 1975 art 12 attualita delle riflessioni di s tommaso sulla pace /truini fabr/ 1978 bks 13 awareness worship a clue to creative worship in the /thomas llew/ 1973 art 14 beaute comme presence paracletique essai sur les res /durand gil/ 1986 bks 15 blake and the ideology of the natural /peterfreund stuart/ 1994 art 16 buddhism and the environment /dhamma rewata/ 1991 art 17 buddhist environmental ethics and detraditionalizati /harris ian/ 1995 art 18 caspar david friedrich the aesthetic expression of s /dyrness wi/ 1985 art 19 challenge of robinson jefferss inhumanism /lawson david/ 1985 art 20 chinese universe of moral discourse a postmodern app /lai whalen/ 1989 art 21 chinesische weltverstandnis und weltverhalten /malek roman/ 1990 bks 22 christianity and the environment escapist mysticism /berry rober/ 1991 art 23 churning of the ocean of milk myth image and ecology /williams j/ 1992 art 24 concept of god isvara in classical yoga /feuerstein georg/ 1987 art 25 conceptions of equality and human nature in taoism /murakami yos/ 1987 bks 26 consider the lilies /hendry george s/ 1973 art 27 continuity of being chinese visions of nature /wei ming tu/ 1984 bks 28 cosmic breath reflections on the thermodynamics of c /wicken jef/ 1984 art 29 cosmos and the natural order photo /nasr seyyed hossein/ 1987 bks 30 cotton mather physico theologian /jeske jeffrey/ 1986 art 31 dharma how green can it grow rethinking environmenta/ 1993 art 32 divine in nature animism or panentheism in greek ort /mousalimas/ 1990 art 33 does nature need to be redeemed bibliog /rolston holmes iii/ 1994 art 34 douglas thayers mr wahlquist in yellowstone a mormon /england eu/ 1994 art 35 dynamics of indian symbolism /eck diana/ 1981 bks 36 earth as icon holy trinity monastery zagorsk soviet /de bary bea/ 1983 art 37 earth as sacred environs /chaitanya krishna/ 1992 art 38 ecological covenant and nature as a sacred symbol /clampit m k/ 1972 art 39 ecological themes in taoism and confucianism /tucker mary evelyn/ 1993 art 40 ecology and indian myth photos /vatsyayan kapila/ 1992 art 41 ecology and justice/ 1974 art 42 ecology and religion conf papers ann meeting eastern/ 1995 art 43 ecology cosmology and religion reply l wilkinson cru/ 1994 art 44 ecology demonic or divine a study of volkishness and /riccardi c/ 1974 art 45 erloste schopfung der sonnengesang des hl franziskus /hanssler b/ 1976 art 46 erlosungsbedurftigkeit der natur damonisches und got /hutter man/ 1989 bks 47 eschatologische dimension der okologie /schwarz hans/ 1974 art 48 eternal loneliness art and religion in kierkegaard a /pattison g/ 1989 art 49 ethical naturalism and indigenous cultures/ 1992 art 50 evangelicals and evolution henry drummond herbert sp /moore jame/ 1985 art 51 experience of nature in hopkins journals and poems /hufstader an/ 1966 art 52 exploring the near at hand interview pors /nelson richard/ 1991 art 53 faith and community in an ecological age /rockefeller steven c/ 1992 bks 54 forces of nature the forces of spirit a perspective /weiss david/ 1983 art 55 from god to nature a personal odyssey /crosby donald a/ 1991 art 56 from rice cultivation to mind contemplation the mean /heine stev/ 1991 art 57 frothy bubble spontaneous generation in the medieval /kruk remke/ 1990 art 58 god and nature in hymnody /schilling s paul/ 1991 art 59 gott opfer oder schopfer der evolution christlicher /daecke sigu/ 1982 art 60 green christianity the meaning of christianity in an /laurent br/ 1994 art 61 greens avant garde missionaries bibliog /meiring piet g j/ 1991 art 62 hardship and evil in plains indian theology /schwarz o douglas/ 1985 art 63 hindu environmentalism traditional and contemporary /chapple chr/ 1993 art 64 historical roots of our ecological crisis a reassess /livingston/ 1994 art 65 how adequate is the category of natural for a luther /bloomquist/ 1993 art 66 how do i love me four ways we worship our bodies /vaux kenneth l/ 1985 art 67 how environmentalist is buddhism /harris ian/ 1991 art 68 hymn festival about the earth order of worship progr /schelat da/ 1991 art 69 i and the earth are one chief joseph /fassett thomas m/ 1976 art 70 images of god in pre romantic english poetry j thoms /leigh davi/ 1986 art 71 integrity of creation /falcke heino/ 1987 art 72 interfaith celebration of nature world wildlife fund /hertzberg/ 1986 art 73 interreligious foundations for a shared future a can /slater pet/ 1983 art 74 is science the only way to truth /schlegel richard/ 1982 art 75 islam and ecology /masri al hafiz b a/ 1992 art 76 jainism and ecology views of nature nonviolence and /tobias mich/ 1993 art 77 jataka mind cross species compassion from ancient in /schelling/ 1991 art 78 jeweled net of nature japanese buddhism and ecology /ingram paul/ 1993 art 79 jhum slash and burn cultivation /ramakrishnan p s/ 1992 art 80 johann albert fabricius 1668 1736 english summary bi /krolzik ud/ 1982 bks 81 judaism and nature theological and moral issues to c /schwartz e/ 1995 art 82 judaism and the ecological crisis /katz eric/ 1993 art 83 judaism and the practice of stewardship /ehrenfeld david/ 1985 art 84 kantian theodicy /mckenzie david/ 1984 art 85 kirche der natur kunst und konfession in der romanti /traeger jo/ 1991 bks 86 land in american religious experience bibliog /ross bryant lynn/ 1990 art 87 land misuse a theological concern /baer richard a jr/ 1966 art 88 lecons de lamour propre chez pierre nicole grace and /laude patr/ 1994 art 89 literature of the 1727 new england earthquake interp /andrews wi/ 1972 art 90 loren corey eiseley in appreciation /goodenough ward h/ 1984 art 91 loren eiseley religious scientist bibliog /franke robert g/ 1984 art 92 luther studies symposium ii bangkok d 6 7 1982 paper/ 1983 art 93 luthers contribution to an asian understanding of na /tokuzen yo/ 1984 bks 94 magical landscapes and moral orders new readings in /gold ann gr/ 1995 art 95 magie bei paracelsus mit besonderer berucksichtigung /goldammer/ 1978 bks 96 man and nature in christianity and buddhism 1 /abe masao/ 1982 bks 97 man and nature in the sabbatical year /blidstein gerald j/ 1966 art 98 man in nature guest or engineer a preliminary enquir/ 1979 bks 99 man of nature and man above nature /palihawadana mahinda/ 1979 bks 100 medieval legacy of aesthetic conflict /kidd judith/ 1982 art 101 mensch in der nahe zur natur zum denken des japanisc /takeichi a/ 1973 art 102 mircea eliade interview por photos /eliade mircea/ 1986 art 103 modelli di pensabilita del rapporto uomo natura /ricco elena bei/ 1991 art 104 mythological foundations of nature bibliog /wiggermann frans/ 1992 art 105 natur und gnade bei friedrich von spee 2 pts /fluckiger wilhelm/ 1961 art 106 naturalism in the japanese view of the sociopolitica /kusano kaz/ 1983 art 107 nature and the hymn book texts /dannen kent/ 1972 art 108 nature and the natural in asian thinking asian animi /sitompul a/ 1983 art 109 nature and the natural in asian thinking classical a /yeung arno/ 1983 art 110 nature and the sacred in canada /james william c/ 1992 art 111 nature as thou ecotheology/ 1994 art 112 nature in dogens philosophy and poetry /shaw miranda/ 1985 art 113 naturkundliches wissen in lateinischen und deutschen /schinagl p/ 1992 art 114 nazis as nature mystics a review essay on robert a p /stroup joh/ 1988 art 115 new age new consciousness and the new creation /wilkinson loren/ 1987 bks 116 new natural selection /swimme brian/ 1987 bks 117 new testament foundations for understanding the crea /gregorios/ 1987 bks 118 of nature and texts nature and religion in american /ross bryant/ 1991 art 119 on huxleys evolution and ethics in sociobiological p /burhoe ral/ 1988 art 120 on reading nature as a romantic /prickett stephen/ 1986 bks 121 on recycling symbols in dialogue between theologians /teske myro/ 1971 art 122 on the matter of spirit andrew jackson davis and the /albanese c/ 1992 art 123 oraons religion customs and environment figs /xaxa virginius/ 1992 art 124 oriental view of nature and god /lee eun bong/ 1985 bks 125 osunas meditations between preaching and poetry /calvert laura/ 1988 art 126 our cosmic heritage /chaisson eric j/ 1988 art 127 paesaggio nellopera poetica di paolino da nola /costanza salvato/ 1975 bks 128 pains of animals catholic perspective 2 pts /lawler justus georg/ 1964 art 129 pan and nymphs violence and transformation in psyche /halford sa/ 1993 art 130 pauline cosmic christology and ecological crisis /gibbs john g/ 1971 art 131 peace with nature isa 32 bible study 15th nccp gener /mendoza ev/ 1991 art 132 physic and metaphysic in 19th century america medica /albanese c/ 1986 art 133 post modern but making it /fey harold edward 1898 1990/ 1973 art 134 postmodern vision of spirituality and society /holland joe/ 1988 bks 135 praying with trees speaking out /van ham lee/ 1989 art 136 priest the philosopher and homosexuality in enlighte /delon mich/ 1985 art 137 rationality of god and nature a study in leibniz and /rao sriniv/ 1988 art 138 reconsideration of pacificness in a search for a sou /havea john/ 1993 art 139 reflections of an oregon bow hunter /magnuson john w/ 1991 art 140 reflections on ecological themes in hinduism express /kinsley da/ 1991 art 141 reformation and the development of modern science /taylor eustac/ 1968 art 142 religion and environmental crisis conf pprs ethical/ 1986 bks 143 religion and nature japanese and christian views com/ 1970 art 144 religion and nature reprint 1970 /doi masatoshi/ 1976 bks 145 religion de la nature en amerique lambiguite cosmolo /albanese c/ 1993 art 146 religion s de la mer recits daventures et religiosit /griffet je/ 1993 art 147 religions approches de la nature et ecologies review /champion f/ 1995 art 148 religions putting faith in environmentalism congrega /gonzalez d/ 1994 art 149 religious assumptions of adam smith /niebuhr reinhold/ 1983 art 150 religious attitudes toward nature/ 1990 art 151 religious beliefs of koyas as described in koya folk /raju p s s/ 1988 art 152 religious dimension of nature and culture thematic i/ 1984 art 153 religious symbolism in saigyos verses a contribution /watanabe m/ 1987 art 154 renewal and reform in religious life concepts and re /constable/ 1982 bks 155 revelation in chinese religion /shih joseph/ 1971 art 156 revelations of chaos j c powys judaism and nature wo /madsen cat/ 1992 art 157 reverence for earth a jewish tradition /musleah rahel/ 1992 art 158 reverence for nature or the irrelevance of nature ad /nelson lan/ 1991 art 159 ritual and environment the mosit ceremony of the eth /abbink jon/ 1995 art 160 sacramental vision of reality /wood arthur skevington/ 1955 art 161 saigyo and the buddhist value of nature with appendi /lafleur wi/ 1974 art 162 saint exuperys geography lesson art and science in t /bunkse edm/ 1990 art 163 schillers spiritualistische religionsphilosophie und /meinhold p/ 1956 art 164 science and religion two ways of experiencing and in/ 1994 art 165 sciences et hierarchie angelique il /dauphine james/ 1980 bks 166 secrecy in modern science /himrod david k/ 1987 bks 167 seventeenth century doctrine of plastic nature /hunter william b/ 1950 art 168 significance of nature in sri aurobindos philosophy /kleinman ro/ 1972 bks 169 silence of nature a dillards nature mysticism /ross bryant lynn/ 1990 art 170 simone weil on suffering and reading interpreting na /allen diog/ 1984 art 171 smohalla the washani and religion as a factor in nor /trafzer cl/ 1985 art 172 some thoughts and questions for the christian buddhi /strolz wal/ 1979 bks 173 sport of hunting a humane game biblical rabbinic and /hoenig sid/ 1970 art 174 study of the religion of the hindu people of chirakk /ayrookuzhi/ 1977 art 175 tensions in contemporary theology of creation an ecu/ 1985 art 176 the posy unity anne bradstreets search for order /watts emily s/ 1979 bks 177 tibetan buddhist perspective on spirit in nature /dalai lama xiv/ 1992 bks 178 tien hsia all under the chinese heaven /rule paul/ 1978 art 179 ties that bind native american beliefs as a foundati /booth anni/ 1990 art 180 toward a new environmental stewardship bahai pespect /karlberg m/ 1994 art 181 toward an ecological ethic /barnette henlee h/ 1972 art 182 transcendence and ecology /mayers ronald b/ 1972 art 183 transzendenz in der malerei des 19 und 20 jahrhunder /rombold gu/ 1985 bks 184 twentieth anniversary issue honoring gerard s sloyan/ 1994 art 185 ultimacy of nature an essay on physidicy /crosby donald a/ 1993 art 186 umweltkrise im theologischen blickwinkel theologisch /wildbolz e/ 1972 art 187 vedic vedantic vision in indian christian theology o /aleaz k p/ 1993 art 188 vision and cosmos inc disc of spensers mutabilitie c /frye north/ 1984 bks 189 was du verachtest hute dich zu hassen innere emigrat /gebhard wa/ 1987 bks 190 what has religion to do with ecology christian respo /tang edmon/ 1990 art 191 what science can and cannot offer to a religious nar /goodenough/ 1994 art 192 whose is the earth how do people using the bible com /oates davi/ 1983 art 193 will the monsoon rain make god wet an ascending spir /koyama kos/ 1976 bks 194 winding the golden string boyhood experience of the /griffiths b/ 1994 art 195 witness of nature to gods existence and goodness /allen diogenes/ 1984 art 196 world religions and the ecological crisis /klostermaier klaus k/ 1973 art 197 zur theologie der thaumaturgie eng abst p 324 /parmentier martin/ 1994 art
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 13, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 13, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=NATURE --RELIGIOUS INTERPRETATIONS
abbink jon (1995) - ritual and environment the mosit ceremony of the eth [ 159 ] abe masao (1982) - man and nature in christianity and buddhism 1 [ 96 ] albanese c (1986) - physic and metaphysic in 19th century america medica [ 132 ] albanese c (1992) - on the matter of spirit andrew jackson davis and the [ 122 ] albanese c (1993) - religion de la nature en amerique lambiguite cosmolo [ 145 ] aleaz k p (1993) - vedic vedantic vision in indian christian theology o [ 187 ] allen diog (1984) - simone weil on suffering and reading interpreting na [ 170 ] allen diogenes (1984) - witness of nature to gods existence and goodness [ 195 ] andrews wi (1972) - literature of the 1727 new england earthquake interp [ 89 ] ayrookuzhi (1977) - study of the religion of the hindu people of chirakk [ 174 ] baer richard a jr (1966) - land misuse a theological concern [ 87 ] barnette henlee h (1972) - toward an ecological ethic [ 181 ] berry rober (1991) - christianity and the environment escapist mysticism [ 22 ] blidstein gerald j (1966) - man and nature in the sabbatical year [ 97 ] bloomquist (1993) - how adequate is the category of natural for a luther [ 65 ] booth anni (1990) - ties that bind native american beliefs as a foundati [ 179 ] bunkse edm (1990) - saint exuperys geography lesson art and science in t [ 162 ] burhoe ral (1988) - on huxleys evolution and ethics in sociobiological p [ 119 ] calvert laura (1988) - osunas meditations between preaching and poetry [ 125 ] chaisson eric j (1988) - our cosmic heritage [ 126 ] chaitanya krishna (1992) - earth as sacred environs [ 37 ] champion f (1995) - religions approches de la nature et ecologies review [ 147 ] chapple chr (1993) - hindu environmentalism traditional and contemporary [ 63 ] clampit m k (1972) - ecological covenant and nature as a sacred symbol [ 38 ] constable (1982) - renewal and reform in religious life concepts and re [ 154 ] costanza salvato (1975) - paesaggio nellopera poetica di paolino da nola [ 127 ] crosby donald a (1991) - from god to nature a personal odyssey [ 55 ] crosby donald a (1993) - ultimacy of nature an essay on physidicy [ 185 ] daecke sigu (1982) - gott opfer oder schopfer der evolution christlicher [ 59 ] dalai lama xiv (1992) - tibetan buddhist perspective on spirit in nature [ 177 ] dannen kent (1972) - nature and the hymn book texts [ 107 ] dauphine james (1980) - sciences et hierarchie angelique il [ 165 ] de bary bea (1983) - earth as icon holy trinity monastery zagorsk soviet [ 36 ] delon mich (1985) - priest the philosopher and homosexuality in enlighte [ 136 ] dhamma rewata (1991) - buddhism and the environment [ 16 ] doi masatoshi (1976) - religion and nature reprint 1970 [ 144 ] dubarle an (1961) - allusions scripturaires conjecturales dans les pense [ 1 ] durand gil (1986) - beaute comme presence paracletique essai sur les res [ 14 ] dyrness wi (1985) - caspar david friedrich the aesthetic expression of s [ 18 ] eck diana (1981) - dynamics of indian symbolism [ 35 ] ehrenfeld david (1985) - judaism and the practice of stewardship [ 83 ] eliade mircea (1986) - mircea eliade interview por photos [ 102 ] england eu (1994) - douglas thayers mr wahlquist in yellowstone a mormon [ 34 ] falcke heino (1987) - integrity of creation [ 71 ] fassett thomas m (1976) - i and the earth are one chief joseph [ 69 ] feuerstein georg (1987) - concept of god isvara in classical yoga [ 24 ] fey harold edward 1898 1990 (1973) - post modern but making it [ 133 ] fluckiger wilhelm (1961) - natur und gnade bei friedrich von spee 2 pts [ 105 ] fournel lo (1992) - art mohawk 92 spiritualite de lart amerindien biblio [ 8 ] franke robert g (1984) - loren eiseley religious scientist bibliog [ 91 ] frye north (1984) - vision and cosmos inc disc of spensers mutabilitie c [ 188 ] gebhard wa (1987) - was du verachtest hute dich zu hassen innere emigrat [ 189 ] gibbs john g (1971) - pauline cosmic christology and ecological crisis [ 130 ] gold ann gr (1995) - magical landscapes and moral orders new readings in [ 94 ] goldammer (1978) - magie bei paracelsus mit besonderer berucksichtigung [ 95 ] gonzalez d (1994) - religions putting faith in environmentalism congrega [ 148 ] goodenough (1994) - what science can and cannot offer to a religious nar [ 191 ] goodenough ward h (1984) - loren corey eiseley in appreciation [ 90 ] gregorios (1987) - new testament foundations for understanding the crea [ 117 ] griffet je (1993) - religion s de la mer recits daventures et religiosit [ 146 ] griffiths b (1994) - winding the golden string boyhood experience of the [ 194 ] guenther margaret (1995) - astronomy lesson ps 8 3 4 meditation [ 9 ] guilbert lucille (1986) - animal dans la legende doree ils [ 4 ] halford sa (1993) - pan and nymphs violence and transformation in psyche [ 129 ] hanssler b (1976) - erloste schopfung der sonnengesang des hl franziskus [ 45 ] harris ian (1991) - how environmentalist is buddhism [ 67 ] harris ian (1995) - buddhist environmental ethics and detraditionalizati [ 17 ] havea john (1993) - reconsideration of pacificness in a search for a sou [ 138 ] heine stev (1991) - from rice cultivation to mind contemplation the mean [ 56 ] hendry george s (1973) - consider the lilies [ 26 ] hertzberg (1986) - interfaith celebration of nature world wildlife fund [ 72 ] himrod david k (1987) - secrecy in modern science [ 166 ] hoenig sid (1970) - sport of hunting a humane game biblical rabbinic and [ 173 ] holland joe (1988) - postmodern vision of spirituality and society [ 134 ] hood ralph (1978) - anticipatory set and setting stress incongruities as [ 6 ] hufstader an (1966) - experience of nature in hopkins journals and poems [ 51 ] hunter william b (1950) - seventeenth century doctrine of plastic nature [ 167 ] hutter man (1989) - erlosungsbedurftigkeit der natur damonisches und got [ 46 ] ingram paul (1993) - jeweled net of nature japanese buddhism and ecology [ 78 ] james william c (1992) - nature and the sacred in canada [ 110 ] jeske jeffrey (1986) - cotton mather physico theologian [ 30 ] karlberg m (1994) - toward a new environmental stewardship bahai pespect [ 180 ] katz eric (1993) - judaism and the ecological crisis [ 82 ] kidd judith (1982) - medieval legacy of aesthetic conflict [ 100 ] kinsley da (1991) - reflections on ecological themes in hinduism express [ 140 ] kirk james a (1975) - attitude toward nature in zen buddhism [ 11 ] kleinman ro (1972) - significance of nature in sri aurobindos philosophy [ 168 ] klostermaier klaus k (1973) - world religions and the ecological crisis [ 196 ] koyama kos (1976) - will the monsoon rain make god wet an ascending spir [ 193 ] krolzik ud (1982) - johann albert fabricius 1668 1736 english summary bi [ 80 ] kruk remke (1990) - frothy bubble spontaneous generation in the medieval [ 57 ] kusano kaz (1983) - naturalism in the japanese view of the sociopolitica [ 106 ] lafleur wi (1974) - saigyo and the buddhist value of nature with appendi [ 161 ] lai whalen (1989) - chinese universe of moral discourse a postmodern app [ 20 ] lane belde (1993) - at upper moss creek deaths transformations and natur [ 10 ] laude patr (1994) - lecons de lamour propre chez pierre nicole grace and [ 88 ] laurent br (1994) - green christianity the meaning of christianity in an [ 60 ] lawler justus georg (1964) - pains of animals catholic perspective 2 pts [ 128 ] lawson david (1985) - challenge of robinson jefferss inhumanism [ 19 ] lee eun bong (1985) - oriental view of nature and god [ 124 ] leigh davi (1986) - images of god in pre romantic english poetry j thoms [ 70 ] livingston (1994) - historical roots of our ecological crisis a reassess [ 64 ] madsen cat (1992) - revelations of chaos j c powys judaism and nature wo [ 156 ] magnuson john w (1991) - reflections of an oregon bow hunter [ 139 ] malek roman (1990) - chinesische weltverstandnis und weltverhalten [ 21 ] masferrer (1980) - aproximacion a un modelo de las relaciones hombre na [ 7 ] masri al hafiz b a (1992) - islam and ecology [ 75 ] mayers ronald b (1972) - transcendence and ecology [ 182 ] mckenzie david (1984) - kantian theodicy [ 84 ] meinhold p (1956) - schillers spiritualistische religionsphilosophie und [ 163 ] meiring piet g j (1991) - greens avant garde missionaries bibliog [ 61 ] mendoza ev (1991) - peace with nature isa 32 bible study 15th nccp gener [ 131 ] moore jame (1985) - evangelicals and evolution henry drummond herbert sp [ 50 ] mousalimas (1990) - divine in nature animism or panentheism in greek ort [ 32 ] murakami yos (1987) - conceptions of equality and human nature in taoism [ 25 ] musleah rahel (1992) - reverence for earth a jewish tradition [ 157 ] nasr seyyed hossein (1987) - cosmos and the natural order photo [ 29 ] nelson lan (1991) - reverence for nature or the irrelevance of nature ad [ 158 ] nelson richard (1991) - exploring the near at hand interview pors [ 52 ] niebuhr reinhold (1983) - religious assumptions of adam smith [ 149 ] oates davi (1983) - whose is the earth how do people using the bible com [ 192 ] palihawadana mahinda (1979) - man of nature and man above nature [ 99 ] parmentier martin (1994) - zur theologie der thaumaturgie eng abst p 324 [ 197 ] pattison g (1989) - eternal loneliness art and religion in kierkegaard a [ 48 ] peterfreund stuart (1994) - blake and the ideology of the natural [ 15 ] peterson eugene h (1986) - annie dillard with her eyes open [ 5 ] prickett stephen (1986) - on reading nature as a romantic [ 120 ] raju p s s (1988) - religious beliefs of koyas as described in koya folk [ 151 ] ramakrishnan p s (1992) - jhum slash and burn cultivation [ 79 ] rao sriniv (1988) - rationality of god and nature a study in leibniz and [ 137 ] riccardi c (1974) - ecology demonic or divine a study of volkishness and [ 44 ] ricco elena bei (1991) - modelli di pensabilita del rapporto uomo natura [ 103 ] rockefeller steven c (1992) - faith and community in an ecological age [ 53 ] rolston holmes iii (1994) - does nature need to be redeemed bibliog [ 33 ] rombold gu (1985) - transzendenz in der malerei des 19 und 20 jahrhunder [ 183 ] ross bryant (1991) - of nature and texts nature and religion in american [ 118 ] ross bryant lynn (1990) - land in american religious experience bibliog [ 86 ] rule paul (1978) - tien hsia all under the chinese heaven [ 178 ] schelat da (1991) - hymn festival about the earth order of worship progr [ 68 ] schelling (1991) - jataka mind cross species compassion from ancient in [ 77 ] schilling s paul (1991) - god and nature in hymnody [ 58 ] schinagl p (1992) - naturkundliches wissen in lateinischen und deutschen [ 113 ] schlegel richard (1982) - is science the only way to truth [ 74 ] schwartz e (1995) - judaism and nature theological and moral issues to c [ 81 ] schwarz hans (1974) - eschatologische dimension der okologie [ 47 ] schwarz o douglas (1985) - hardship and evil in plains indian theology [ 62 ] shaw miranda (1985) - nature in dogens philosophy and poetry [ 112 ] shih joseph (1971) - revelation in chinese religion [ 155 ] sitompul a (1983) - nature and the natural in asian thinking asian animi [ 108 ] slater pet (1983) - interreligious foundations for a shared future a can [ 73 ] strolz wal (1979) - some thoughts and questions for the christian buddhi [ 172 ] stroup joh (1988) - nazis as nature mystics a review essay on robert a p [ 114 ] swedenborg (1984) - angelic wisdom about divine love and wisdom pts 9 10 [ 3 ] swimme brian (1987) - new natural selection [ 116 ] takeichi a (1973) - mensch in der nahe zur natur zum denken des japanisc [ 101 ] tang edmon (1990) - what has religion to do with ecology christian respo [ 190 ] taylor eustac (1968) - reformation and the development of modern science [ 141 ] teske myro (1971) - on recycling symbols in dialogue between theologians [ 121 ] thomas llew (1973) - awareness worship a clue to creative worship in the [ 13 ] tobias mich (1993) - jainism and ecology views of nature nonviolence and [ 76 ] tokuzen yo (1984) - luthers contribution to an asian understanding of na [ 93 ] traeger jo (1991) - kirche der natur kunst und konfession in der romanti [ 85 ] trafzer cl (1985) - smohalla the washani and religion as a factor in nor [ 171 ] truini fabr (1978) - attualita delle riflessioni di s tommaso sulla pace [ 12 ] tucker mary evelyn (1993) - ecological themes in taoism and confucianism [ 39 ] van ham lee (1989) - praying with trees speaking out [ 135 ] vatsyayan kapila (1992) - ecology and indian myth photos [ 40 ] vaux kenneth l (1985) - how do i love me four ways we worship our bodies [ 66 ] watanabe m (1987) - religious symbolism in saigyos verses a contribution [ 153 ] watts emily s (1979) - the posy unity anne bradstreets search for order [ 176 ] wei ming tu (1984) - continuity of being chinese visions of nature [ 27 ] weiss david (1983) - forces of nature the forces of spirit a perspective [ 54 ] wentz richard e (1984) - american spirituality of loren eiseley [ 2 ] wicken jef (1984) - cosmic breath reflections on the thermodynamics of c [ 28 ] wiggermann frans (1992) - mythological foundations of nature bibliog [ 104 ] wildbolz e (1972) - umweltkrise im theologischen blickwinkel theologisch [ 186 ] wilkinson loren (1987) - new age new consciousness and the new creation [ 115 ] williams j (1992) - churning of the ocean of milk myth image and ecology [ 23 ] wood arthur skevington (1955) - sacramental vision of reality [ 160 ] xaxa virginius (1992) - oraons religion customs and environment figs [ 123 ] yeung arno (1983) - nature and the natural in asian thinking classical a [ 109 ]
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 13, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 13, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=NATURE --RELIGIOUS INTERPRETATIONS
1950 1950 - seventeenth century doctrine of plastic nature /hunter william b/ 1950 art [ 167 ] ( 1 ) 1955 1955 - sacramental vision of reality /wood arthur skevington/ 1955 art [ 160 ] ( 1 ) 1956 1956 - schillers spiritualistische religionsphilosophie und /meinhold p/ 1956 art [ 163 ] ( 1 ) 1961 1961 - allusions scripturaires conjecturales dans les pense /dubarle an/ 1961 art [ 1 ] 1961 - natur und gnade bei friedrich von spee 2 pts /fluckiger wilhelm/ 1961 art [ 105 ] ( 2 ) 1964 1964 - pains of animals catholic perspective 2 pts /lawler justus georg/ 1964 art [ 128 ] ( 1 ) 1966 1966 - experience of nature in hopkins journals and poems /hufstader an/ 1966 art [ 51 ] 1966 - land misuse a theological concern /baer richard a jr/ 1966 art [ 87 ] 1966 - man and nature in the sabbatical year /blidstein gerald j/ 1966 art [ 97 ] ( 3 ) 1968 1968 - reformation and the development of modern science /taylor eustac/ 1968 art [ 141 ] ( 1 ) 1970 1970 - religion and nature japanese and christian views com/ 1970 art [ 143 ] 1970 - sport of hunting a humane game biblical rabbinic and /hoenig sid/ 1970 art [ 173 ] ( 2 ) 1971 1971 - on recycling symbols in dialogue between theologians /teske myro/ 1971 art [ 121 ] 1971 - pauline cosmic christology and ecological crisis /gibbs john g/ 1971 art [ 130 ] 1971 - revelation in chinese religion /shih joseph/ 1971 art [ 155 ] ( 3 ) 1972 1972 - ecological covenant and nature as a sacred symbol /clampit m k/ 1972 art [ 38 ] 1972 - literature of the 1727 new england earthquake interp /andrews wi/ 1972 art [ 89 ] 1972 - nature and the hymn book texts /dannen kent/ 1972 art [ 107 ] 1972 - significance of nature in sri aurobindos philosophy /kleinman ro/ 1972 bks [ 168 ] 1972 - toward an ecological ethic /barnette henlee h/ 1972 art [ 181 ] 1972 - transcendence and ecology /mayers ronald b/ 1972 art [ 182 ] 1972 - umweltkrise im theologischen blickwinkel theologisch /wildbolz e/ 1972 art [ 186 ] ( 7 ) 1973 1973 - awareness worship a clue to creative worship in the /thomas llew/ 1973 art [ 13 ] 1973 - consider the lilies /hendry george s/ 1973 art [ 26 ] 1973 - mensch in der nahe zur natur zum denken des japanisc /takeichi a/ 1973 art [ 101 ] 1973 - post modern but making it /fey harold edward 1898 1990/ 1973 art [ 133 ] 1973 - world religions and the ecological crisis /klostermaier klaus k/ 1973 art [ 196 ] ( 5 ) 1974 1974 - ecology and justice/ 1974 art [ 41 ] 1974 - ecology demonic or divine a study of volkishness and /riccardi c/ 1974 art [ 44 ] 1974 - eschatologische dimension der okologie /schwarz hans/ 1974 art [ 47 ] 1974 - saigyo and the buddhist value of nature with appendi /lafleur wi/ 1974 art [ 161 ] ( 4 ) 1975 1975 - attitude toward nature in zen buddhism /kirk james a/ 1975 art [ 11 ] 1975 - paesaggio nellopera poetica di paolino da nola /costanza salvato/ 1975 bks [ 127 ] ( 2 ) 1976 1976 - erloste schopfung der sonnengesang des hl franziskus /hanssler b/ 1976 art [ 45 ] 1976 - i and the earth are one chief joseph /fassett thomas m/ 1976 art [ 69 ] 1976 - religion and nature reprint 1970 /doi masatoshi/ 1976 bks [ 144 ] 1976 - will the monsoon rain make god wet an ascending spir /koyama kos/ 1976 bks [ 193 ] ( 4 ) 1977 1977 - study of the religion of the hindu people of chirakk /ayrookuzhi/ 1977 art [ 174 ] ( 1 ) 1978 1978 - anticipatory set and setting stress incongruities as /hood ralph/ 1978 art [ 6 ] 1978 - attualita delle riflessioni di s tommaso sulla pace /truini fabr/ 1978 bks [ 12 ] 1978 - magie bei paracelsus mit besonderer berucksichtigung /goldammer/ 1978 bks [ 95 ] 1978 - tien hsia all under the chinese heaven /rule paul/ 1978 art [ 178 ] ( 4 ) 1979 1979 - man in nature guest or engineer a preliminary enquir/ 1979 bks [ 98 ] 1979 - man of nature and man above nature /palihawadana mahinda/ 1979 bks [ 99 ] 1979 - some thoughts and questions for the christian buddhi /strolz wal/ 1979 bks [ 172 ] 1979 - the posy unity anne bradstreets search for order /watts emily s/ 1979 bks [ 176 ] ( 4 ) 1980 1980 - aproximacion a un modelo de las relaciones hombre na /masferrer/ 1980 bks [ 7 ] 1980 - sciences et hierarchie angelique il /dauphine james/ 1980 bks [ 165 ] ( 2 ) 1981 1981 - dynamics of indian symbolism /eck diana/ 1981 bks [ 35 ] ( 1 ) 1982 1982 - gott opfer oder schopfer der evolution christlicher /daecke sigu/ 1982 art [ 59 ] 1982 - is science the only way to truth /schlegel richard/ 1982 art [ 74 ] 1982 - johann albert fabricius 1668 1736 english summary bi /krolzik ud/ 1982 bks [ 80 ] 1982 - man and nature in christianity and buddhism 1 /abe masao/ 1982 bks [ 96 ] 1982 - medieval legacy of aesthetic conflict /kidd judith/ 1982 art [ 100 ] 1982 - renewal and reform in religious life concepts and re /constable/ 1982 bks [ 154 ] ( 6 ) 1983 1983 - earth as icon holy trinity monastery zagorsk soviet /de bary bea/ 1983 art [ 36 ] 1983 - forces of nature the forces of spirit a perspective /weiss david/ 1983 art [ 54 ] 1983 - interreligious foundations for a shared future a can /slater pet/ 1983 art [ 73 ] 1983 - luther studies symposium ii bangkok d 6 7 1982 paper/ 1983 art [ 92 ] 1983 - naturalism in the japanese view of the sociopolitica /kusano kaz/ 1983 art [ 106 ] 1983 - nature and the natural in asian thinking asian animi /sitompul a/ 1983 art [ 108 ] 1983 - nature and the natural in asian thinking classical a /yeung arno/ 1983 art [ 109 ] 1983 - religious assumptions of adam smith /niebuhr reinhold/ 1983 art [ 149 ] 1983 - whose is the earth how do people using the bible com /oates davi/ 1983 art [ 192 ] ( 9 ) 1984 1984 - american spirituality of loren eiseley /wentz richard e/ 1984 art [ 2 ] 1984 - angelic wisdom about divine love and wisdom pts 9 10 /swedenborg/ 1984 art [ 3 ] 1984 - continuity of being chinese visions of nature /wei ming tu/ 1984 bks [ 27 ] 1984 - cosmic breath reflections on the thermodynamics of c /wicken jef/ 1984 art [ 28 ] 1984 - kantian theodicy /mckenzie david/ 1984 art [ 84 ] 1984 - loren corey eiseley in appreciation /goodenough ward h/ 1984 art [ 90 ] 1984 - loren eiseley religious scientist bibliog /franke robert g/ 1984 art [ 91 ] 1984 - luthers contribution to an asian understanding of na /tokuzen yo/ 1984 bks [ 93 ] 1984 - religious dimension of nature and culture thematic i/ 1984 art [ 152 ] 1984 - simone weil on suffering and reading interpreting na /allen diog/ 1984 art [ 170 ] 1984 - vision and cosmos inc disc of spensers mutabilitie c /frye north/ 1984 bks [ 188 ] 1984 - witness of nature to gods existence and goodness /allen diogenes/ 1984 art [ 195 ] ( 12 ) 1985 1985 - caspar david friedrich the aesthetic expression of s /dyrness wi/ 1985 art [ 18 ] 1985 - challenge of robinson jefferss inhumanism /lawson david/ 1985 art [ 19 ] 1985 - evangelicals and evolution henry drummond herbert sp /moore jame/ 1985 art [ 50 ] 1985 - hardship and evil in plains indian theology /schwarz o douglas/ 1985 art [ 62 ] 1985 - how do i love me four ways we worship our bodies /vaux kenneth l/ 1985 art [ 66 ] 1985 - judaism and the practice of stewardship /ehrenfeld david/ 1985 art [ 83 ] 1985 - nature in dogens philosophy and poetry /shaw miranda/ 1985 art [ 112 ] 1985 - oriental view of nature and god /lee eun bong/ 1985 bks [ 124 ] 1985 - priest the philosopher and homosexuality in enlighte /delon mich/ 1985 art [ 136 ] 1985 - smohalla the washani and religion as a factor in nor /trafzer cl/ 1985 art [ 171 ] 1985 - tensions in contemporary theology of creation an ecu/ 1985 art [ 175 ] 1985 - transzendenz in der malerei des 19 und 20 jahrhunder /rombold gu/ 1985 bks [ 183 ] ( 12 ) 1986 1986 - animal dans la legende doree ils /guilbert lucille/ 1986 bks [ 4 ] 1986 - annie dillard with her eyes open /peterson eugene h/ 1986 art [ 5 ] 1986 - beaute comme presence paracletique essai sur les res /durand gil/ 1986 bks [ 14 ] 1986 - cotton mather physico theologian /jeske jeffrey/ 1986 art [ 30 ] 1986 - images of god in pre romantic english poetry j thoms /leigh davi/ 1986 art [ 70 ] 1986 - interfaith celebration of nature world wildlife fund /hertzberg/ 1986 art [ 72 ] 1986 - mircea eliade interview por photos /eliade mircea/ 1986 art [ 102 ] 1986 - on reading nature as a romantic /prickett stephen/ 1986 bks [ 120 ] 1986 - physic and metaphysic in 19th century america medica /albanese c/ 1986 art [ 132 ] 1986 - religion and environmental crisis conf pprs ethical/ 1986 bks [ 142 ] ( 10 ) 1987 1987 - concept of god isvara in classical yoga /feuerstein georg/ 1987 art [ 24 ] 1987 - conceptions of equality and human nature in taoism /murakami yos/ 1987 bks [ 25 ] 1987 - cosmos and the natural order photo /nasr seyyed hossein/ 1987 bks [ 29 ] 1987 - integrity of creation /falcke heino/ 1987 art [ 71 ] 1987 - new age new consciousness and the new creation /wilkinson loren/ 1987 bks [ 115 ] 1987 - new natural selection /swimme brian/ 1987 bks [ 116 ] 1987 - new testament foundations for understanding the crea /gregorios/ 1987 bks [ 117 ] 1987 - religious symbolism in saigyos verses a contribution /watanabe m/ 1987 art [ 153 ] 1987 - secrecy in modern science /himrod david k/ 1987 bks [ 166 ] 1987 - was du verachtest hute dich zu hassen innere emigrat /gebhard wa/ 1987 bks [ 189 ] ( 10 ) 1988 1988 - nazis as nature mystics a review essay on robert a p /stroup joh/ 1988 art [ 114 ] 1988 - on huxleys evolution and ethics in sociobiological p /burhoe ral/ 1988 art [ 119 ] 1988 - osunas meditations between preaching and poetry /calvert laura/ 1988 art [ 125 ] 1988 - our cosmic heritage /chaisson eric j/ 1988 art [ 126 ] 1988 - postmodern vision of spirituality and society /holland joe/ 1988 bks [ 134 ] 1988 - rationality of god and nature a study in leibniz and /rao sriniv/ 1988 art [ 137 ] 1988 - religious beliefs of koyas as described in koya folk /raju p s s/ 1988 art [ 151 ] ( 7 ) 1989 1989 - chinese universe of moral discourse a postmodern app /lai whalen/ 1989 art [ 20 ] 1989 - erlosungsbedurftigkeit der natur damonisches und got /hutter man/ 1989 bks [ 46 ] 1989 - eternal loneliness art and religion in kierkegaard a /pattison g/ 1989 art [ 48 ] 1989 - praying with trees speaking out /van ham lee/ 1989 art [ 135 ] ( 4 ) 1990 1990 - chinesische weltverstandnis und weltverhalten /malek roman/ 1990 bks [ 21 ] 1990 - divine in nature animism or panentheism in greek ort /mousalimas/ 1990 art [ 32 ] 1990 - frothy bubble spontaneous generation in the medieval /kruk remke/ 1990 art [ 57 ] 1990 - land in american religious experience bibliog /ross bryant lynn/ 1990 art [ 86 ] 1990 - religious attitudes toward nature/ 1990 art [ 150 ] 1990 - saint exuperys geography lesson art and science in t /bunkse edm/ 1990 art [ 162 ] 1990 - silence of nature a dillards nature mysticism /ross bryant lynn/ 1990 art [ 169 ] 1990 - ties that bind native american beliefs as a foundati /booth anni/ 1990 art [ 179 ] 1990 - what has religion to do with ecology christian respo /tang edmon/ 1990 art [ 190 ] ( 9 ) 1991 1991 - buddhism and the environment /dhamma rewata/ 1991 art [ 16 ] 1991 - christianity and the environment escapist mysticism /berry rober/ 1991 art [ 22 ] 1991 - exploring the near at hand interview pors /nelson richard/ 1991 art [ 52 ] 1991 - from god to nature a personal odyssey /crosby donald a/ 1991 art [ 55 ] 1991 - from rice cultivation to mind contemplation the mean /heine stev/ 1991 art [ 56 ] 1991 - god and nature in hymnody /schilling s paul/ 1991 art [ 58 ] 1991 - greens avant garde missionaries bibliog /meiring piet g j/ 1991 art [ 61 ] 1991 - how environmentalist is buddhism /harris ian/ 1991 art [ 67 ] 1991 - hymn festival about the earth order of worship progr /schelat da/ 1991 art [ 68 ] 1991 - jataka mind cross species compassion from ancient in /schelling/ 1991 art [ 77 ] 1991 - kirche der natur kunst und konfession in der romanti /traeger jo/ 1991 bks [ 85 ] 1991 - modelli di pensabilita del rapporto uomo natura /ricco elena bei/ 1991 art [ 103 ] 1991 - of nature and texts nature and religion in american /ross bryant/ 1991 art [ 118 ] 1991 - peace with nature isa 32 bible study 15th nccp gener /mendoza ev/ 1991 art [ 131 ] 1991 - reflections of an oregon bow hunter /magnuson john w/ 1991 art [ 139 ] 1991 - reflections on ecological themes in hinduism express /kinsley da/ 1991 art [ 140 ] 1991 - reverence for nature or the irrelevance of nature ad /nelson lan/ 1991 art [ 158 ] ( 17 ) 1992 1992 - art mohawk 92 spiritualite de lart amerindien biblio /fournel lo/ 1992 art [ 8 ] 1992 - churning of the ocean of milk myth image and ecology /williams j/ 1992 art [ 23 ] 1992 - earth as sacred environs /chaitanya krishna/ 1992 art [ 37 ] 1992 - ecology and indian myth photos /vatsyayan kapila/ 1992 art [ 40 ] 1992 - ethical naturalism and indigenous cultures/ 1992 art [ 49 ] 1992 - faith and community in an ecological age /rockefeller steven c/ 1992 bks [ 53 ] 1992 - islam and ecology /masri al hafiz b a/ 1992 art [ 75 ] 1992 - jhum slash and burn cultivation /ramakrishnan p s/ 1992 art [ 79 ] 1992 - mythological foundations of nature bibliog /wiggermann frans/ 1992 art [ 104 ] 1992 - nature and the sacred in canada /james william c/ 1992 art [ 110 ] 1992 - naturkundliches wissen in lateinischen und deutschen /schinagl p/ 1992 art [ 113 ] 1992 - on the matter of spirit andrew jackson davis and the /albanese c/ 1992 art [ 122 ] 1992 - oraons religion customs and environment figs /xaxa virginius/ 1992 art [ 123 ] 1992 - revelations of chaos j c powys judaism and nature wo /madsen cat/ 1992 art [ 156 ] 1992 - reverence for earth a jewish tradition /musleah rahel/ 1992 art [ 157 ] 1992 - tibetan buddhist perspective on spirit in nature /dalai lama xiv/ 1992 bks [ 177 ] ( 16 ) 1993 1993 - at upper moss creek deaths transformations and natur /lane belde/ 1993 art [ 10 ] 1993 - dharma how green can it grow rethinking environmenta/ 1993 art [ 31 ] 1993 - ecological themes in taoism and confucianism /tucker mary evelyn/ 1993 art [ 39 ] 1993 - hindu environmentalism traditional and contemporary /chapple chr/ 1993 art [ 63 ] 1993 - how adequate is the category of natural for a luther /bloomquist/ 1993 art [ 65 ] 1993 - jainism and ecology views of nature nonviolence and /tobias mich/ 1993 art [ 76 ] 1993 - jeweled net of nature japanese buddhism and ecology /ingram paul/ 1993 art [ 78 ] 1993 - judaism and the ecological crisis /katz eric/ 1993 art [ 82 ] 1993 - pan and nymphs violence and transformation in psyche /halford sa/ 1993 art [ 129 ] 1993 - reconsideration of pacificness in a search for a sou /havea john/ 1993 art [ 138 ] 1993 - religion de la nature en amerique lambiguite cosmolo /albanese c/ 1993 art [ 145 ] 1993 - religion s de la mer recits daventures et religiosit /griffet je/ 1993 art [ 146 ] 1993 - ultimacy of nature an essay on physidicy /crosby donald a/ 1993 art [ 185 ] 1993 - vedic vedantic vision in indian christian theology o /aleaz k p/ 1993 art [ 187 ] ( 14 ) 1994 1994 - blake and the ideology of the natural /peterfreund stuart/ 1994 art [ 15 ] 1994 - does nature need to be redeemed bibliog /rolston holmes iii/ 1994 art [ 33 ] 1994 - douglas thayers mr wahlquist in yellowstone a mormon /england eu/ 1994 art [ 34 ] 1994 - ecology cosmology and religion reply l wilkinson cru/ 1994 art [ 43 ] 1994 - green christianity the meaning of christianity in an /laurent br/ 1994 art [ 60 ] 1994 - historical roots of our ecological crisis a reassess /livingston/ 1994 art [ 64 ] 1994 - lecons de lamour propre chez pierre nicole grace and /laude patr/ 1994 art [ 88 ] 1994 - nature as thou ecotheology/ 1994 art [ 111 ] 1994 - religions putting faith in environmentalism congrega /gonzalez d/ 1994 art [ 148 ] 1994 - science and religion two ways of experiencing and in/ 1994 art [ 164 ] 1994 - toward a new environmental stewardship bahai pespect /karlberg m/ 1994 art [ 180 ] 1994 - twentieth anniversary issue honoring gerard s sloyan/ 1994 art [ 184 ] 1994 - what science can and cannot offer to a religious nar /goodenough/ 1994 art [ 191 ] 1994 - winding the golden string boyhood experience of the /griffiths b/ 1994 art [ 194 ] 1994 - zur theologie der thaumaturgie eng abst p 324 /parmentier martin/ 1994 art [ 197 ] ( 15 ) 1995 1995 - astronomy lesson ps 8 3 4 meditation /guenther margaret/ 1995 art [ 9 ] 1995 - buddhist environmental ethics and detraditionalizati /harris ian/ 1995 art [ 17 ] 1995 - ecology and religion conf papers ann meeting eastern/ 1995 art [ 42 ] 1995 - judaism and nature theological and moral issues to c /schwartz e/ 1995 art [ 81 ] 1995 - magical landscapes and moral orders new readings in /gold ann gr/ 1995 art [ 94 ] 1995 - religions approches de la nature et ecologies review /champion f/ 1995 art [ 147 ] 1995 - ritual and environment the mosit ceremony of the eth /abbink jon/ 1995 art [ 159 ] ( 7 )