Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 13, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 13, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS
Subject - Alphabetical Title ListingPOLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS 1 analyse der instrumente der umweltpolitik /siebert horst 1938/ 1976 bks 2 bataille de lenvironnement /vernier jacques/ 1971 bks 3 benefits estimates and environmental decision making /pearce dav/ 1992 bks 4 beyond the limits confronting global collapse envisi /meadows do/ 1992 bks 5 beyond the limits global collapse or a sustainable f /meadows do/ 1992 bks 6 capitalism and the ecological crisis /gorizontov boris/ 1985 bks 7 coase theorem a study in economic epistemology /north gary/ 1992 bks 8 compensation for pollution damage/ 1981 bks 9 correlated environmental uncertainty and policy inst /stavins r/ 1994 bks 10 correlated environmental uncertainty and policy inst /stavins r/ 1994 bks 11 costi sistemi e scelte sul metro dellecologia /loero guido 1922/ 1973 bks 12 death of tomorrow /loraine john alexander/ 1972 bks 13 economia do meio ambiente uma apreciacao introdutori /ely aloisi/ 1986 bks 14 economia e tutela dellambiente possibilita e problem /gerelli em/ 1974 bks 15 economic analysis of environmental policies /dewees donald n/ 1975 bks 16 economic effects of pollution controls on the nonfer /charles ri/ 1971 bks 17 economic growth debate are there limits to growth /pringle laure/ 1978 bks 18 economic implications of pollution control a general /organisati/ 1974 bks 19 economic instruments for environmental protection/ 1989 bks 20 economic instruments for environmental protection/ 1989 bks 21 economic measurement of environmental damage a techn /maler karl/ 1976 bks 22 economic theory of pollution control /burrows paul/ 1980 bks 23 economic thinking and pollution problems /auld d a l (douglas al/ 1972 bks 24 economics and environmental policy /tietenberg thomas h/ 1994 bks 25 economics and the environment /kneese allen v/ 1977 bks 26 economics and the environment a materials balance ap /kneese all/ 1970 bks 27 economics and the quality of the environment some em /kneese all/ 1968 bks 28 economics of environmental quality/ 1972 bks 29 economics of environmental quality /mills edwin s/ 1978 bks 30 economics of involuntary transfers a unified approac /page talbo/ 1973 bks 31 economics of natural resources and the environment /kula erhun/ 1992 bks 32 economics of natural resources and the environment /pearce david/ 1990 bks 33 economics of natural resources and the environment /pearce david/ 1990 bks 34 economics of natural resources the environment and p /kula erhun/ 1994 bks 35 economics of pollution /wolozin harold 1920/ 1974 bks 36 economics of the environment selected readings/ 1977 bks 37 economics of the environment selected readings/ 1993 bks 38 economics of the environment selected readings /dorfman robert/ 1972 bks 39 effects of pollution abatement on international trad /united sta/ 1973 bks 40 effects of pollution abatement on international trad /united sta/ 1974 bks 41 employers and the environmental challenge/ 1986 bks 42 environmental economics /pearce david w (david william)/ 1976 bks 43 environmental economics a theoretical inquiry /maler karl goran/ 1974 bks 44 environmental economics and policy /downing paul b/ 1984 bks 45 environmental improvement through economic incentive/ 1977 bks 46 environmental policy how to apply economic instrumen/ 1991 bks 47 environmental problems nature economy and state /johnston r j (r/ 1989 bks 48 environmental quality and residuals management repor /kneese all/ 1979 bks 49 environmental regulation through strategic planning /cohen steve/ 1991 bks 50 environmental use and the market /macaulay hugh holleman 1924/ 1977 bks 51 evaluating economic instruments for environmental po/ 1997 bks 52 full house reassessing the earths population carryin /brown lest/ 1994 bks 53 green inc a guide to business and the environment /cairncross fr/ 1995 bks 54 huan ching ching chi hsueh yu cheng tse /downing paul b/ 1988 bks 55 in defence of economic growth /beckerman wilfred/ 1974 bks 56 industrial pollution control and international trade /general ag/ 1971 bks 57 industrial pollution control and international trade /general ag/ 1971 bks 58 international economics of pollution /walter ingo/ 1975 bks 59 international economics of pollution /walter ingo/ 1975 bks 60 international handbook of pollution control/ 1989 bks 61 kapitalizm i ekologicheskii krizis /gorizontov boris/ 1982 bks 62 makrookonomik des umweltschutzes /bender dieter/ 1976 bks 63 methodologie et theorie economique de lenvironnement /france gro/ 1975 bks 64 naar een prijzenswaardig milieu /nijkamp peter/ 1979 bks 65 national accounting and the environment /peskin henry m/ 1972 bks 66 okologische buchhaltung e informations u steuerungsi /muller wen/ 1978 bks 67 okologische krise und okonomischer prozess ein beitr /uhlig chri/ 1978 bks 68 people pollution and payment /pennycuick roy a/ 1973 bks 69 political economy of environmental protection /siebert horst 193/ 1979 bks 70 politische und rechtliche probleme des verursacherpr /rehbinder/ 1973 bks 71 pollution control costs in industry an economic stud /atkins m h/ 1977 bks 72 pollution resources and the environment /enthoven alain c 1930/ 1973 bks 73 pricing for pollution an analysis of market pricing /beckerman w/ 1975 bks 74 pricing for pollution an analysis of market pricing /beckerman w/ 1990 bks 75 raumwirtschaftliche dimension der umweltnutzung /benkert wolfgan/ 1981 bks 76 razrushenie prirodnoi sredy ekologicheskii krizis im/ 1981 bks 77 residuals environmental quality management applying /bower blair/ 1973 bks 78 resource and environmental economics /fisher anthony c/ 1981 bks 79 state of the system sos model measuring growth limit /williams e/ 1973 bks 80 state of the system sos model measuring growth limit /williams e/ 1974 bks 81 struktur und entwicklung von umweltschutzaufwendunge /sprenger r/ 1975 bks 82 umweltallokation durch ordnungsrecht ein beitrag zur /gawel erik/ 1994 bks 83 umweltbelastungen und ihre verteilung auf soziale sc /jarre jan/ 1975 bks 84 umweltokonomik beitrage zur theorie und politik/ 1982 bks 85 umweltpolitik durch gemischten instrumenteneinsatz a /gawel erik/ 1991 bks 86 umweltschultz und rohstoffprobleme in der unternehme /schultheis/ 1978 bks 87 umweltschutz umweltverschmutzung und wirtschaftswach /schakerman/ 1986 bks 88 use of taxes subsidies and regulations for pollution /macaulay h/ 1970 bks 89 verteilungspolitische bedeutung von umweltschaden /jarre jan/ 1976 bks 90 was ist den burgern die verminderung eines risikos w /romer anse/ 1993 bks 91 what price incentives economists and the environment /kelman ste/ 1981 bks 92 why do we still have an ecological crisis /armstrong terry r 194/ 1972 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --ALPS 93 mensch und natur im alpinen lebensraum risiken chanc /messerli p/ 1989 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --AUSTRALIA 94 australian environmental policy ten case studies/ 1992 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --AUSTRIA 95 land uber bord kein roman /pilz peter/ 1989 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --BIBLIOGRAPHY 96 bibliography on environmental economics 1980 1990 /mccarl henry/ 1990 bks 97 economic aspects of the airport environment noise ai /nelson jon/ 1972 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --BRAZIL 98 meio ambiente no brasil aspectos economicos /araujo aloisio barb/ 1979 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --BRAZIL --SAO PAULO 99 pollution control in sao paulo brazil costs benefits /thomas vin/ 1981 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --BRITISH COLUMBIA 100 practical application of economic incentives to the/ 1977 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --CANADA 101 compensation of pollution victims in canada /swaigen john/ 1981 bks 102 economic thinking and pollution problems /auld d a l (douglas al/ 1972 bks 103 poisons in public case studies of environmental poll /howard ros/ 1980 bks 104 pollution economy and environment /victor peter a 1946/ 1972 bks 105 pollution property and prices an essay in policy mak /dales john/ 1970 bks 106 pollution property prices /dales john harkness 1920/ 1968 bks 107 sociology of natural resources /elliott john/ 1981 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --CANADA --CONGRESSES 108 pollution control in canada government and industry/ 1972 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --CASE STUDIES 109 proven profits from pollution prevention case studie/ 1986 bks 110 valuing the environment six case studies/ 1991 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --CHINA 111 environmental problems in china estimates of economi /smil vacla/ 1996 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --CHINA --HONG KONG 112 market environmentalism lessons for hong kong /kuang mei tzu/ 1990 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --CONGRESSES 113 costs of coal pollution abatement results of an inte/ 1983 bks 114 environmental damage costs record of a seminar held/ 1974 bks 115 firmenkooperationen im umweltschutz zwischen ost und/ 1991 bks 116 herausforderung des wachstums globale industrialisie/ 1990 bks 117 making pollution prevention pay ecology with economy/ 1982 bks 118 management of water quality and the environment proc/ 1986 bks 119 management of water quality and the environment proc /conference/ 1974 bks 120 proceedings of the first us ussr environmental econo /us ussr ec/ 1978 bks 121 studies in international environmental economics /symposium on i/ 1976 bks 122 tezisy dokladov soveshchaniia prirodnye i sotsialno/ 1991 bks 123 umweltschutz und wirtschaftswachstum referate und se /symposium/ 1972 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --COST EFFECTIVENESS 124 betriebswirtschaftliche umweltbeziehungen und umwelt /picot arno/ 1976 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --CZECHOSLOVAKIA 125 east european environment crisis its extent impact a /slocock br/ 1992 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --DEVELOPING COUNTRIES --CONGRESSES 126 economic instruments for environmental management in/ 1993 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --EGYPT 127 population development and environmental policies in /maostafa m/ 1994 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --ELBE RIVER REGION CZECH REPUBLIC AND GERMANY 128 problemregion unterelbe arbeit umwelt und landerkoop/ 1989 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --EUROPE 129 chernobyl a policy response study/ 1991 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --EUROPE EASTERN 130 failed transitions the eastern european economy and /manser roge/ 1993 bks 131 squandered dividend the free market and the environm /manser rog/ 1993 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY COUNTRIES 132 new market oriented instruments for environmental po/ 1992 bks 133 new politics of pollution /weale albert/ 1992 bks 134 technical economical study on the reduction based on /byrne o cl/ 1993 bks 135 technical note on best available technologies not en/ 1994 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES 136 feasibility study on the implementation of economic/ 1996 bks 137 implementation of best available techniques bat in t/ 1996 bks 138 study on the technical and economic aspects of measu /barry m/ 1996 bks 139 study on the technical and economical aspects of mea/ 1996 bks 140 techno economic study on the reduction of industrial/ 1996 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --GERMANY 141 ansatzpunkte fur eine okologische steuerreform uberl /triebswett/ 1994 bks 142 kompensationen im immissionsschutzrecht erfahrungen /ewringmann/ 1994 bks 143 zur politischen okonomie von umweltabgaben /gawel erik/ 1995 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --GERMANY --RUHR REGION 144 umweltbelastungen und ihre verteilung auf soziale sc /jarre jan/ 1975 bks 145 verteilungspolitische bedeutung von umweltschaden /jarre jan/ 1976 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --GERMANY --STATISTICS --PERIODICALS 146 umwelt reihe 3 investitionen fur umweltschutz im pro/ 1990+ ser 147 umwelt reihe 4 umweltokonomische gesamtrechnungen ba/ 1992+ ser POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --GERMANY EAST 148 okologische sanierung und wirtschaftlicher strukturw/ 1992 bks 149 umwelt mosaik ddr 89/ 1990 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --GERMANY WEST 150 befolgung von umweltschutzauflagen als betriebswirts /terhart kl/ 1986 bks 151 gesellschaftliche folgekosten was kostet unser wirts/ 1988 bks 152 industrie und umweltschutz implementation von umwelt /ullmann ar/ 1982 bks 153 volkswirtschaftliche verluste durch bodenbelastung i /hubler kar/ 1991 bks 154 wesen und arten der social costs unter besonderer be /zur eberha/ 1961 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --GERMANY WEST --CASE STUDIES 155 okologie orientierte unternehmensfuhrung theoretisch /senn josef/ 1986 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --GERMANY WEST --STATISTICS --PERIODICALS 156 umweltinformationen der statistik/ 19??+ ser 157 umweltschutz reihe 3 investitionen fur umweltschutz /germany wes/ 1975+ ser POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --GOVERNMENT POLICY --EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES 158 study of the implementation of an ec policy for redu /hartog j c/ 1996 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --HUNGARY 159 east european environment crisis its extent impact a /slocock br/ 1992 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --ILLINOIS --CHICAGO --PUBLIC OPINION 160 community attitudes toward pollution /caris susan/ 1978 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --INDIA 161 land and property values an analysis of environmenta /wishwakarm/ 1980 bks 162 umweltpolitik in indien /lyska brigitte 1962/ 1991 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --IRELAND 163 fiscal system and the polluter pays principle a case /barrett al/ 1997 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --ITALY 164 prime indicazioni sugli interventi dellindustria pri /confederaz/ 1973 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --JAPAN 165 gendai shihonshugi to kogai/ 1968 bks 166 kogai to chiiki shakai seikatsu to jumin undo no sha/ 1971 bks 167 nihon dokusen shihon to kogai /sakisaka itsuro 1897/ 1972 bks 168 nihon no kankyo mondai sono seiji keizaigakuteki kos /miyamoto k/ 1981 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --KOREA SOUTH 169 economics of pollution control in the asia pacific /mendelsohn r/ 1996 bks 170 entwicklungen in der umweltpolitik sudkoreas im wide /lee mu cho/ 1984 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --MATHEMATICAL MODELS 171 allokationseffekte und aussenhandelswirkungen der um /gronych ra/ 1980 bks 172 analiz potentsialnykh vozmozhnostei razvitiia ekonom /chernykh o/ 1984 bks 173 ekonomisk tillvaxt och miljo fororeningsstruktur och /gorling an/ 1988 bks 174 environmental economics a theoretical inquiry /maler karl goran/ 1974 bks 175 international interjurisdictional analytical framewo /van zele r/ 1978 bks 176 modeli i metody otsenki antropogennykh izmenenii geo/ 1986 bks 177 opportunitatskosten der umweltverschmutzung eine dyn /hediger we/ 1991 bks 178 regional economic structure and environmental pollut /coupe b e/ 1977 bks 179 side payments in a dynamic game of environmental pol /zaccour ge/ 1993 bks 180 taxing bads by taxing goods pollution control with p /eskeland g/ 1996 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --MEXICO 181 pollution haven industrialization the case of mexico /rabindran/ 1994 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --NORWAY 182 spillprodukter i den norske okonomien en makrookonom /forsund fi/ 1974 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --PERIODICALS 183 effects of pollution abatement on international trad /united sta/ 1973+ ser 184 journal of environmental economics and management/ 1974+ ser POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --POLAND 185 bald ist polen doch verloren umweltzerstorung hinter /oschlies w/ 1987 bks 186 east european environment crisis its extent impact a /slocock br/ 1992 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --POLAND --STATISTICS 187 obszary ekologicznego zagrozenia w polsce w latach 1/ 1992 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --RHINE RIVER VALLEY 188 rhine pollution legal economic and technical aspects/ 1978 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --RUSSIA FEDERATION --KIROVSKAIA OBLAST 189 o sostoianii okruzhaiushchei prirodnoi sredy kirovsk/ 1996 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --SOVIET UNION 190 ekonomicheskie problemy vosproizvodstva prirodnoi sr /melnik leo/ 1988 bks 191 sotsialno ekonomicheskie aspekty ekologicheskoi prob /morokov v/ 1989 bks 192 upravlenie vosproizvodstvom prirodnoi sredy pri sots /volovich v/ 1987 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --SWEDEN --MATHEMATICAL MODELS 193 ekonomisk tillvaxt och miljo fororeningsstruktur och /gorling an/ 1988 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --SWITZERLAND 194 energie umweltschaden und umweltschutz in der schwei/ 1985 bks 195 mensch und natur im alpinen lebensraum risiken chanc /messerli p/ 1989 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --TAIWAN 196 economics of pollution control in the asia pacific /mendelsohn r/ 1996 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --TURKEY 197 environmental policies in turkey/ 1992 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --UKRAINE 198 khoziaistvennaia deiatelnost i sostoianie okruzhaius /zharkova i/ 1989 bks 199 ukraine under perestroika ecology economics and the /marples dav/ 1991 bks 200 ukraine under perestroika ecology economics and the /marples dav/ 1991 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --UNITED STATES 201 analyzing superfund economics science and law/ 1995 bks 202 automobile as a social machine an address /sansom robert l/ 1973 bks 203 bottom line of green is black strategies for creatin /saunders t/ 1993 bks 204 cement industry economic impact of pollution control /boston con/ 1971 bks 205 coming clean for economic development a resource boo /bartsch ch/ 1996 bks 206 controversial issues in environmental policy science /portney ke/ 1992 bks 207 corporate country a state shaped to suit technology /rodgers wil/ 1973 bks 208 corporate realities and environmental truths strateg /bennett st/ 1993 bks 209 current issues in u s environmental policy/ 1978 bks 210 economic effects of pollution controls on the nonfer /charles ri/ 1971 bks 211 economic effects of pollution controls on the nonfer /charles ri/ 1971 bks 212 economic effects of pollution controls on the nonfer /charles ri/ 1971 bks 213 economic impact of anticipated paper industry pollut /arthur d l/ 1971 bks 214 economic impact of pollution control a summary of re/ 1972 bks 215 economics of environmental improvement/ 1974 bks 216 economics of environmental problems five lectures on/ 1973 bks 217 economics of environmental protection /thompson donald n/ 1973 bks 218 environmental controls scarcity rents and pre existi /fullerton/ 1997 bks 219 environmental crisis and corporate debt policy /ray marvin e/ 1974 bks 220 environmental decay economic causes and remedies /bain joe state/ 1973 bks 221 environmental factor an approach for managers /davison d j/ 1978 bks 222 environmental factor an approach for managers /davison d j/ 1978 bks 223 environmental imperative a socio economic perspectiv /oelschlaeg/ 1977 bks 224 environmental regulation and economic efficiency/ 1985 bks 225 evaluation of adjustment assistance programs with ap /freeman a/ 1974 bks 226 fixing superfund the effect of the proposed superfun /dixon lloy/ 1994 bks 227 green entrepreneur business opportunities that can s /berle gust/ 1991 bks 228 jobs money pollution/ 1977 bks 229 local versus national pollution control /peltzman sam/ 1971 bks 230 managing the environment an economic primer /ramsay william 1930/ 1972 bks 231 manufacturing plant location does state pollution re /gray wayne/ 1997 bks 232 market based approaches to environmental policy regu /kosobud ri/ 1997 bks 233 marketable pollution allowances in theory and practi /giendl sus/ 1991 bks 234 measurement of corporate environmental activity /nikolai loren a/ 1976 bks 235 more effective programs for a cleaner environment a /committee f/ 1974 bks 236 new american dream machine toward a simpler lifestyl /sansom rob/ 1976 bks 237 our ecological crisis its biological economic and po /smith grah/ 1974 bks 238 phase ii of the economic impacts of meeting exhaust /chase econo/ 1971 bks 239 political economy of americas environmental dilemma /brenner mic/ 1973 bks 240 pollution control corporate responses /henry harold w/ 1974 bks 241 pollution control public policy and business behavio /jones fran/ 1974 bks 242 private sector cleanup expenditures and transaction /dixon lloyd/ 1993 bks 243 use of economic incentive mechanisms in environmenta /anderson r/ 1990 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --UNITED STATES --CONGRESSES 244 corporations and the environment how should the deci /symposium/ 1981 bks 245 economics and decision making for environmental qual /conner j r/ 1974 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --UNITED STATES --COST EFFECTIVENESS 246 environmental issues population pollution and econom /hines lawr/ 1973 bks POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --UNITED STATES --PERIODICALS 247 annual dri mcgraw hill survey of pollution control e/ 1988+ ser 248 annual mcgraw hill survey of pollution control expen/ 196?+ ser 249 cost of clean air and clean water /united states environmental p/ 1979+ ser 250 cost of clean air and water report to congress/ 198?+ ser POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --UNITED STATES --STATISTICS --PERIODICALS 251 current industrial reports ma 200 pollution abatemen/ 1973+ ser 252 current industrial reports ma 200 pollution abatemen /current in/ 1990+ ser POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS --YUGOSLAVIA --SLOVENIA 253 slovenija 88/ 1989 bks
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 13, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 13, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS
anderson r (1990) - use of economic incentive mechanisms in environmenta [ 243 ] araujo aloisio barb (1979) - meio ambiente no brasil aspectos economicos [ 98 ] armstrong terry r 194 (1972) - why do we still have an ecological crisis [ 92 ] arthur d l (1971) - economic impact of anticipated paper industry pollut [ 213 ] atkins m h (1977) - pollution control costs in industry an economic stud [ 71 ] auld d a l (douglas al (1972) - economic thinking and pollution problems [ 23 ] bain joe state (1973) - environmental decay economic causes and remedies [ 220 ] barrett al (1997) - fiscal system and the polluter pays principle a case [ 163 ] barry m (1996) - study on the technical and economic aspects of measu [ 138 ] bartsch ch (1996) - coming clean for economic development a resource boo [ 205 ] beckerman w (1975) - pricing for pollution an analysis of market pricing [ 73 ] beckerman w (1990) - pricing for pollution an analysis of market pricing [ 74 ] beckerman wilfred (1974) - in defence of economic growth [ 55 ] bender dieter (1976) - makrookonomik des umweltschutzes [ 62 ] benkert wolfgan (1981) - raumwirtschaftliche dimension der umweltnutzung [ 75 ] bennett st (1993) - corporate realities and environmental truths strateg [ 208 ] berle gust (1991) - green entrepreneur business opportunities that can s [ 227 ] boston con (1971) - cement industry economic impact of pollution control [ 204 ] bower blair (1973) - residuals environmental quality management applying [ 77 ] brenner mic (1973) - political economy of americas environmental dilemma [ 239 ] brown lest (1994) - full house reassessing the earths population carryin [ 52 ] burrows paul (1980) - economic theory of pollution control [ 22 ] byrne o cl (1993) - technical economical study on the reduction based on [ 134 ] cairncross fr (1995) - green inc a guide to business and the environment [ 53 ] caris susan (1978) - community attitudes toward pollution [ 160 ] charles ri (1971) - economic effects of pollution controls on the nonfer [ 16 ] chase econo (1971) - phase ii of the economic impacts of meeting exhaust [ 238 ] chernykh o (1984) - analiz potentsialnykh vozmozhnostei razvitiia ekonom [ 172 ] cohen steve (1991) - environmental regulation through strategic planning [ 49 ] committee f (1974) - more effective programs for a cleaner environment a [ 235 ] confederaz (1973) - prime indicazioni sugli interventi dellindustria pri [ 164 ] conference (1974) - management of water quality and the environment proc [ 119 ] conner j r (1974) - economics and decision making for environmental qual [ 245 ] coupe b e (1977) - regional economic structure and environmental pollut [ 178 ] current in (1990) - current industrial reports ma 200 pollution abatemen [ 252 ] dales john (1970) - pollution property and prices an essay in policy mak [ 105 ] dales john harkness 1920 (1968) - pollution property prices [ 106 ] davison d j (1978) - environmental factor an approach for managers [ 221 ] dewees donald n (1975) - economic analysis of environmental policies [ 15 ] dixon lloy (1994) - fixing superfund the effect of the proposed superfun [ 226 ] dixon lloyd (1993) - private sector cleanup expenditures and transaction [ 242 ] dorfman robert (1972) - economics of the environment selected readings [ 38 ] downing paul b (1984) - environmental economics and policy [ 44 ] downing paul b (1988) - huan ching ching chi hsueh yu cheng tse [ 54 ] elliott john (1981) - sociology of natural resources [ 107 ] ely aloisi (1986) - economia do meio ambiente uma apreciacao introdutori [ 13 ] enthoven alain c 1930 (1973) - pollution resources and the environment [ 72 ] eskeland g (1996) - taxing bads by taxing goods pollution control with p [ 180 ] ewringmann (1994) - kompensationen im immissionsschutzrecht erfahrungen [ 142 ] fisher anthony c (1981) - resource and environmental economics [ 78 ] forsund fi (1974) - spillprodukter i den norske okonomien en makrookonom [ 182 ] france gro (1975) - methodologie et theorie economique de lenvironnement [ 63 ] freeman a (1974) - evaluation of adjustment assistance programs with ap [ 225 ] fullerton (1997) - environmental controls scarcity rents and pre existi [ 218 ] gawel erik (1991) - umweltpolitik durch gemischten instrumenteneinsatz a [ 85 ] gawel erik (1994) - umweltallokation durch ordnungsrecht ein beitrag zur [ 82 ] gawel erik (1995) - zur politischen okonomie von umweltabgaben [ 143 ] general ag (1971) - industrial pollution control and international trade [ 56 ] gerelli em (1974) - economia e tutela dellambiente possibilita e problem [ 14 ] germany wes (1975) - umweltschutz reihe 3 investitionen fur umweltschutz [ 157 ] giendl sus (1991) - marketable pollution allowances in theory and practi [ 233 ] gorizontov boris (1982) - kapitalizm i ekologicheskii krizis [ 61 ] gorizontov boris (1985) - capitalism and the ecological crisis [ 6 ] gorling an (1988) - ekonomisk tillvaxt och miljo fororeningsstruktur och [ 173 ] gray wayne (1997) - manufacturing plant location does state pollution re [ 231 ] gronych ra (1980) - allokationseffekte und aussenhandelswirkungen der um [ 171 ] hartog j c (1996) - study of the implementation of an ec policy for redu [ 158 ] hediger we (1991) - opportunitatskosten der umweltverschmutzung eine dyn [ 177 ] henry harold w (1974) - pollution control corporate responses [ 240 ] hines lawr (1973) - environmental issues population pollution and econom [ 246 ] howard ros (1980) - poisons in public case studies of environmental poll [ 103 ] hubler kar (1991) - volkswirtschaftliche verluste durch bodenbelastung i [ 153 ] jarre jan (1975) - umweltbelastungen und ihre verteilung auf soziale sc [ 83 ] jarre jan (1976) - verteilungspolitische bedeutung von umweltschaden [ 89 ] johnston r j (r (1989) - environmental problems nature economy and state [ 47 ] jones fran (1974) - pollution control public policy and business behavio [ 241 ] kelman ste (1981) - what price incentives economists and the environment [ 91 ] kneese all (1968) - economics and the quality of the environment some em [ 27 ] kneese all (1970) - economics and the environment a materials balance ap [ 26 ] kneese all (1979) - environmental quality and residuals management repor [ 48 ] kneese allen v (1977) - economics and the environment [ 25 ] kosobud ri (1997) - market based approaches to environmental policy regu [ 232 ] kuang mei tzu (1990) - market environmentalism lessons for hong kong [ 112 ] kula erhun (1992) - economics of natural resources and the environment [ 31 ] kula erhun (1994) - economics of natural resources the environment and p [ 34 ] lee mu cho (1984) - entwicklungen in der umweltpolitik sudkoreas im wide [ 170 ] loero guido 1922 (1973) - costi sistemi e scelte sul metro dellecologia [ 11 ] loraine john alexander (1972) - death of tomorrow [ 12 ] lyska brigitte 1962 (1991) - umweltpolitik in indien [ 162 ] macaulay h (1970) - use of taxes subsidies and regulations for pollution [ 88 ] macaulay hugh holleman 1924 (1977) - environmental use and the market [ 50 ] maler karl (1976) - economic measurement of environmental damage a techn [ 21 ] maler karl goran (1974) - environmental economics a theoretical inquiry [ 43 ] manser rog (1993) - squandered dividend the free market and the environm [ 131 ] manser roge (1993) - failed transitions the eastern european economy and [ 130 ] maostafa m (1994) - population development and environmental policies in [ 127 ] marples dav (1991) - ukraine under perestroika ecology economics and the [ 199 ] mccarl henry (1990) - bibliography on environmental economics 1980 1990 [ 96 ] meadows do (1992) - beyond the limits confronting global collapse envisi [ 4 ] melnik leo (1988) - ekonomicheskie problemy vosproizvodstva prirodnoi sr [ 190 ] mendelsohn r (1996) - economics of pollution control in the asia pacific [ 169 ] messerli p (1989) - mensch und natur im alpinen lebensraum risiken chanc [ 93 ] mills edwin s (1978) - economics of environmental quality [ 29 ] miyamoto k (1981) - nihon no kankyo mondai sono seiji keizaigakuteki kos [ 168 ] morokov v (1989) - sotsialno ekonomicheskie aspekty ekologicheskoi prob [ 191 ] muller wen (1978) - okologische buchhaltung e informations u steuerungsi [ 66 ] nelson jon (1972) - economic aspects of the airport environment noise ai [ 97 ] nijkamp peter (1979) - naar een prijzenswaardig milieu [ 64 ] nikolai loren a (1976) - measurement of corporate environmental activity [ 234 ] north gary (1992) - coase theorem a study in economic epistemology [ 7 ] oelschlaeg (1977) - environmental imperative a socio economic perspectiv [ 223 ] organisati (1974) - economic implications of pollution control a general [ 18 ] oschlies w (1987) - bald ist polen doch verloren umweltzerstorung hinter [ 185 ] page talbo (1973) - economics of involuntary transfers a unified approac [ 30 ] pearce dav (1992) - benefits estimates and environmental decision making [ 3 ] pearce david (1990) - economics of natural resources and the environment [ 32 ] pearce david w (david william) (1976) - environmental economics [ 42 ] peltzman sam (1971) - local versus national pollution control [ 229 ] pennycuick roy a (1973) - people pollution and payment [ 68 ] peskin henry m (1972) - national accounting and the environment [ 65 ] picot arno (1976) - betriebswirtschaftliche umweltbeziehungen und umwelt [ 124 ] pilz peter (1989) - land uber bord kein roman [ 95 ] portney ke (1992) - controversial issues in environmental policy science [ 206 ] pringle laure (1978) - economic growth debate are there limits to growth [ 17 ] rabindran (1994) - pollution haven industrialization the case of mexico [ 181 ] ramsay william 1930 (1972) - managing the environment an economic primer [ 230 ] ray marvin e (1974) - environmental crisis and corporate debt policy [ 219 ] rehbinder (1973) - politische und rechtliche probleme des verursacherpr [ 70 ] rodgers wil (1973) - corporate country a state shaped to suit technology [ 207 ] romer anse (1993) - was ist den burgern die verminderung eines risikos w [ 90 ] sakisaka itsuro 1897 (1972) - nihon dokusen shihon to kogai [ 167 ] sansom rob (1976) - new american dream machine toward a simpler lifestyl [ 236 ] sansom robert l (1973) - automobile as a social machine an address [ 202 ] saunders t (1993) - bottom line of green is black strategies for creatin [ 203 ] schakerman (1986) - umweltschutz umweltverschmutzung und wirtschaftswach [ 87 ] schultheis (1978) - umweltschultz und rohstoffprobleme in der unternehme [ 86 ] senn josef (1986) - okologie orientierte unternehmensfuhrung theoretisch [ 155 ] siebert horst 193 (1979) - political economy of environmental protection [ 69 ] siebert horst 1938 (1976) - analyse der instrumente der umweltpolitik [ 1 ] slocock br (1992) - east european environment crisis its extent impact a [ 125 ] smil vacla (1996) - environmental problems in china estimates of economi [ 111 ] smith grah (1974) - our ecological crisis its biological economic and po [ 237 ] sprenger r (1975) - struktur und entwicklung von umweltschutzaufwendunge [ 81 ] stavins r (1994) - correlated environmental uncertainty and policy inst [ 9 ] swaigen john (1981) - compensation of pollution victims in canada [ 101 ] symposium (1972) - umweltschutz und wirtschaftswachstum referate und se [ 123 ] symposium (1981) - corporations and the environment how should the deci [ 244 ] symposium on i (1976) - studies in international environmental economics [ 121 ] terhart kl (1986) - befolgung von umweltschutzauflagen als betriebswirts [ 150 ] thomas vin (1981) - pollution control in sao paulo brazil costs benefits [ 99 ] thompson donald n (1973) - economics of environmental protection [ 217 ] tietenberg thomas h (1994) - economics and environmental policy [ 24 ] triebswett (1994) - ansatzpunkte fur eine okologische steuerreform uberl [ 141 ] uhlig chri (1978) - okologische krise und okonomischer prozess ein beitr [ 67 ] ullmann ar (1982) - industrie und umweltschutz implementation von umwelt [ 152 ] united sta (1973) - effects of pollution abatement on international trad [ 39 ] united sta (1974) - effects of pollution abatement on international trad [ 40 ] united states environmental p (1979) - cost of clean air and clean water [ 249 ] us ussr ec (1978) - proceedings of the first us ussr environmental econo [ 120 ] van zele r (1978) - international interjurisdictional analytical framewo [ 175 ] vernier jacques (1971) - bataille de lenvironnement [ 2 ] victor peter a 1946 (1972) - pollution economy and environment [ 104 ] volovich v (1987) - upravlenie vosproizvodstvom prirodnoi sredy pri sots [ 192 ] walter ingo (1975) - international economics of pollution [ 58 ] weale albert (1992) - new politics of pollution [ 133 ] williams e (1973) - state of the system sos model measuring growth limit [ 79 ] williams e (1974) - state of the system sos model measuring growth limit [ 80 ] wishwakarm (1980) - land and property values an analysis of environmenta [ 161 ] wolozin harold 1920 (1974) - economics of pollution [ 35 ] zaccour ge (1993) - side payments in a dynamic game of environmental pol [ 179 ] zharkova i (1989) - khoziaistvennaia deiatelnost i sostoianie okruzhaius [ 198 ] zur eberha (1961) - wesen und arten der social costs unter besonderer be [ 154 ] zur eberha (1961) - wesen und arten der social costs unter besonderer be [POLL ]
Telnet to HOLLIS[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for Jan. 13, 1998. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after Jan. 13, 1998. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]SU=POLLUTION --ECONOMIC ASPECTS
1961 1961 - wesen und arten der social costs unter besonderer be /zur eberha/ 1961 bks [ 154 ] ( 1 ) 1968 1968 - economics and the quality of the environment some em /kneese all/ 1968 bks [ 27 ] 1968 - gendai shihonshugi to kogai/ 1968 bks [ 165 ] 1968 - pollution property prices /dales john harkness 1920/ 1968 bks [ 106 ] ( 3 ) 196? 196? - annual mcgraw hill survey of pollution control expen/ 196?+ ser [ 248 ] ( 1 ) 1970 1970 - economics and the environment a materials balance ap /kneese all/ 1970 bks [ 26 ] 1970 - pollution property and prices an essay in policy mak /dales john/ 1970 bks [ 105 ] 1970 - use of taxes subsidies and regulations for pollution /macaulay h/ 1970 bks [ 88 ] ( 3 ) 1971 1971 - bataille de lenvironnement /vernier jacques/ 1971 bks [ 2 ] 1971 - cement industry economic impact of pollution control /boston con/ 1971 bks [ 204 ] 1971 - economic effects of pollution controls on the nonfer /charles ri/ 1971 bks [ 16 ] 1971 - economic effects of pollution controls on the nonfer /charles ri/ 1971 bks [ 210 ] 1971 - economic effects of pollution controls on the nonfer /charles ri/ 1971 bks [ 211 ] 1971 - economic effects of pollution controls on the nonfer /charles ri/ 1971 bks [ 212 ] 1971 - economic impact of anticipated paper industry pollut /arthur d l/ 1971 bks [ 213 ] 1971 - industrial pollution control and international trade /general ag/ 1971 bks [ 56 ] 1971 - industrial pollution control and international trade /general ag/ 1971 bks [ 57 ] 1971 - kogai to chiiki shakai seikatsu to jumin undo no sha/ 1971 bks [ 166 ] 1971 - local versus national pollution control /peltzman sam/ 1971 bks [ 229 ] 1971 - phase ii of the economic impacts of meeting exhaust /chase econo/ 1971 bks [ 238 ] ( 12 ) 1972 1972 - death of tomorrow /loraine john alexander/ 1972 bks [ 12 ] 1972 - economic aspects of the airport environment noise ai /nelson jon/ 1972 bks [ 97 ] 1972 - economic impact of pollution control a summary of re/ 1972 bks [ 214 ] 1972 - economic thinking and pollution problems /auld d a l (douglas al/ 1972 bks [ 23 ] 1972 - economic thinking and pollution problems /auld d a l (douglas al/ 1972 bks [ 102 ] 1972 - economics of environmental quality/ 1972 bks [ 28 ] 1972 - economics of the environment selected readings /dorfman robert/ 1972 bks [ 38 ] 1972 - managing the environment an economic primer /ramsay william 1930/ 1972 bks [ 230 ] 1972 - national accounting and the environment /peskin henry m/ 1972 bks [ 65 ] 1972 - nihon dokusen shihon to kogai /sakisaka itsuro 1897/ 1972 bks [ 167 ] 1972 - pollution control in canada government and industry/ 1972 bks [ 108 ] 1972 - pollution economy and environment /victor peter a 1946/ 1972 bks [ 104 ] 1972 - umweltschutz und wirtschaftswachstum referate und se /symposium/ 1972 bks [ 123 ] 1972 - why do we still have an ecological crisis /armstrong terry r 194/ 1972 bks [ 92 ] ( 14 ) 1973 1973 - automobile as a social machine an address /sansom robert l/ 1973 bks [ 202 ] 1973 - corporate country a state shaped to suit technology /rodgers wil/ 1973 bks [ 207 ] 1973 - costi sistemi e scelte sul metro dellecologia /loero guido 1922/ 1973 bks [ 11 ] 1973 - current industrial reports ma 200 pollution abatemen/ 1973+ ser [ 251 ] 1973 - economics of environmental problems five lectures on/ 1973 bks [ 216 ] 1973 - economics of environmental protection /thompson donald n/ 1973 bks [ 217 ] 1973 - economics of involuntary transfers a unified approac /page talbo/ 1973 bks [ 30 ] 1973 - effects of pollution abatement on international trad /united sta/ 1973 bks [ 39 ] 1973 - effects of pollution abatement on international trad /united sta/ 1973+ ser [ 183 ] 1973 - environmental decay economic causes and remedies /bain joe state/ 1973 bks [ 220 ] 1973 - environmental issues population pollution and econom /hines lawr/ 1973 bks [ 246 ] 1973 - people pollution and payment /pennycuick roy a/ 1973 bks [ 68 ] 1973 - political economy of americas environmental dilemma /brenner mic/ 1973 bks [ 239 ] 1973 - politische und rechtliche probleme des verursacherpr /rehbinder/ 1973 bks [ 70 ] 1973 - pollution resources and the environment /enthoven alain c 1930/ 1973 bks [ 72 ] 1973 - prime indicazioni sugli interventi dellindustria pri /confederaz/ 1973 bks [ 164 ] 1973 - residuals environmental quality management applying /bower blair/ 1973 bks [ 77 ] 1973 - state of the system sos model measuring growth limit /williams e/ 1973 bks [ 79 ] ( 18 ) 1974 1974 - economia e tutela dellambiente possibilita e problem /gerelli em/ 1974 bks [ 14 ] 1974 - economic implications of pollution control a general /organisati/ 1974 bks [ 18 ] 1974 - economics and decision making for environmental qual /conner j r/ 1974 bks [ 245 ] 1974 - economics of environmental improvement/ 1974 bks [ 215 ] 1974 - economics of pollution /wolozin harold 1920/ 1974 bks [ 35 ] 1974 - effects of pollution abatement on international trad /united sta/ 1974 bks [ 40 ] 1974 - environmental crisis and corporate debt policy /ray marvin e/ 1974 bks [ 219 ] 1974 - environmental damage costs record of a seminar held/ 1974 bks [ 114 ] 1974 - environmental economics a theoretical inquiry /maler karl goran/ 1974 bks [ 43 ] 1974 - environmental economics a theoretical inquiry /maler karl goran/ 1974 bks [ 174 ] 1974 - evaluation of adjustment assistance programs with ap /freeman a/ 1974 bks [ 225 ] 1974 - in defence of economic growth /beckerman wilfred/ 1974 bks [ 55 ] 1974 - journal of environmental economics and management/ 1974+ ser [ 184 ] 1974 - management of water quality and the environment proc /conference/ 1974 bks [ 119 ] 1974 - more effective programs for a cleaner environment a /committee f/ 1974 bks [ 235 ] 1974 - our ecological crisis its biological economic and po /smith grah/ 1974 bks [ 237 ] 1974 - pollution control corporate responses /henry harold w/ 1974 bks [ 240 ] 1974 - pollution control public policy and business behavio /jones fran/ 1974 bks [ 241 ] 1974 - spillprodukter i den norske okonomien en makrookonom /forsund fi/ 1974 bks [ 182 ] 1974 - state of the system sos model measuring growth limit /williams e/ 1974 bks [ 80 ] ( 20 ) 1975 1975 - economic analysis of environmental policies /dewees donald n/ 1975 bks [ 15 ] 1975 - international economics of pollution /walter ingo/ 1975 bks [ 58 ] 1975 - international economics of pollution /walter ingo/ 1975 bks [ 59 ] 1975 - methodologie et theorie economique de lenvironnement /france gro/ 1975 bks [ 63 ] 1975 - pricing for pollution an analysis of market pricing /beckerman w/ 1975 bks [ 73 ] 1975 - struktur und entwicklung von umweltschutzaufwendunge /sprenger r/ 1975 bks [ 81 ] 1975 - umweltbelastungen und ihre verteilung auf soziale sc /jarre jan/ 1975 bks [ 83 ] 1975 - umweltbelastungen und ihre verteilung auf soziale sc /jarre jan/ 1975 bks [ 144 ] 1975 - umweltschutz reihe 3 investitionen fur umweltschutz /germany wes/ 1975+ ser [ 157 ] ( 9 ) 1976 1976 - analyse der instrumente der umweltpolitik /siebert horst 1938/ 1976 bks [ 1 ] 1976 - betriebswirtschaftliche umweltbeziehungen und umwelt /picot arno/ 1976 bks [ 124 ] 1976 - economic measurement of environmental damage a techn /maler karl/ 1976 bks [ 21 ] 1976 - environmental economics /pearce david w (david william)/ 1976 bks [ 42 ] 1976 - makrookonomik des umweltschutzes /bender dieter/ 1976 bks [ 62 ] 1976 - measurement of corporate environmental activity /nikolai loren a/ 1976 bks [ 234 ] 1976 - new american dream machine toward a simpler lifestyl /sansom rob/ 1976 bks [ 236 ] 1976 - studies in international environmental economics /symposium on i/ 1976 bks [ 121 ] 1976 - verteilungspolitische bedeutung von umweltschaden /jarre jan/ 1976 bks [ 89 ] 1976 - verteilungspolitische bedeutung von umweltschaden /jarre jan/ 1976 bks [ 145 ] ( 10 ) 1977 1977 - economics and the environment /kneese allen v/ 1977 bks [ 25 ] 1977 - economics of the environment selected readings/ 1977 bks [ 36 ] 1977 - environmental imperative a socio economic perspectiv /oelschlaeg/ 1977 bks [ 223 ] 1977 - environmental improvement through economic incentive/ 1977 bks [ 45 ] 1977 - environmental use and the market /macaulay hugh holleman 1924/ 1977 bks [ 50 ] 1977 - jobs money pollution/ 1977 bks [ 228 ] 1977 - pollution control costs in industry an economic stud /atkins m h/ 1977 bks [ 71 ] 1977 - practical application of economic incentives to the/ 1977 bks [ 100 ] 1977 - regional economic structure and environmental pollut /coupe b e/ 1977 bks [ 178 ] ( 9 ) 1978 1978 - community attitudes toward pollution /caris susan/ 1978 bks [ 160 ] 1978 - current issues in u s environmental policy/ 1978 bks [ 209 ] 1978 - economic growth debate are there limits to growth /pringle laure/ 1978 bks [ 17 ] 1978 - economics of environmental quality /mills edwin s/ 1978 bks [ 29 ] 1978 - environmental factor an approach for managers /davison d j/ 1978 bks [ 221 ] 1978 - environmental factor an approach for managers /davison d j/ 1978 bks [ 222 ] 1978 - international interjurisdictional analytical framewo /van zele r/ 1978 bks [ 175 ] 1978 - okologische buchhaltung e informations u steuerungsi /muller wen/ 1978 bks [ 66 ] 1978 - okologische krise und okonomischer prozess ein beitr /uhlig chri/ 1978 bks [ 67 ] 1978 - proceedings of the first us ussr environmental econo /us ussr ec/ 1978 bks [ 120 ] 1978 - rhine pollution legal economic and technical aspects/ 1978 bks [ 188 ] 1978 - umweltschultz und rohstoffprobleme in der unternehme /schultheis/ 1978 bks [ 86 ] ( 12 ) 1979 1979 - cost of clean air and clean water /united states environmental p/ 1979+ ser [ 249 ] 1979 - environmental quality and residuals management repor /kneese all/ 1979 bks [ 48 ] 1979 - meio ambiente no brasil aspectos economicos /araujo aloisio barb/ 1979 bks [ 98 ] 1979 - naar een prijzenswaardig milieu /nijkamp peter/ 1979 bks [ 64 ] 1979 - political economy of environmental protection /siebert horst 193/ 1979 bks [ 69 ] ( 5 ) 1980 1980 - allokationseffekte und aussenhandelswirkungen der um /gronych ra/ 1980 bks [ 171 ] 1980 - economic theory of pollution control /burrows paul/ 1980 bks [ 22 ] 1980 - land and property values an analysis of environmenta /wishwakarm/ 1980 bks [ 161 ] 1980 - poisons in public case studies of environmental poll /howard ros/ 1980 bks [ 103 ] ( 4 ) 1981 1981 - compensation for pollution damage/ 1981 bks [ 8 ] 1981 - compensation of pollution victims in canada /swaigen john/ 1981 bks [ 101 ] 1981 - corporations and the environment how should the deci /symposium/ 1981 bks [ 244 ] 1981 - nihon no kankyo mondai sono seiji keizaigakuteki kos /miyamoto k/ 1981 bks [ 168 ] 1981 - pollution control in sao paulo brazil costs benefits /thomas vin/ 1981 bks [ 99 ] 1981 - raumwirtschaftliche dimension der umweltnutzung /benkert wolfgan/ 1981 bks [ 75 ] 1981 - razrushenie prirodnoi sredy ekologicheskii krizis im/ 1981 bks [ 76 ] 1981 - resource and environmental economics /fisher anthony c/ 1981 bks [ 78 ] 1981 - sociology of natural resources /elliott john/ 1981 bks [ 107 ] 1981 - what price incentives economists and the environment /kelman ste/ 1981 bks [ 91 ] ( 10 ) 1982 1982 - industrie und umweltschutz implementation von umwelt /ullmann ar/ 1982 bks [ 152 ] 1982 - kapitalizm i ekologicheskii krizis /gorizontov boris/ 1982 bks [ 61 ] 1982 - making pollution prevention pay ecology with economy/ 1982 bks [ 117 ] 1982 - umweltokonomik beitrage zur theorie und politik/ 1982 bks [ 84 ] ( 4 ) 1983 1983 - costs of coal pollution abatement results of an inte/ 1983 bks [ 113 ] ( 1 ) 1984 1984 - analiz potentsialnykh vozmozhnostei razvitiia ekonom /chernykh o/ 1984 bks [ 172 ] 1984 - entwicklungen in der umweltpolitik sudkoreas im wide /lee mu cho/ 1984 bks [ 170 ] 1984 - environmental economics and policy /downing paul b/ 1984 bks [ 44 ] ( 3 ) 1985 1985 - capitalism and the ecological crisis /gorizontov boris/ 1985 bks [ 6 ] 1985 - energie umweltschaden und umweltschutz in der schwei/ 1985 bks [ 194 ] 1985 - environmental regulation and economic efficiency/ 1985 bks [ 224 ] ( 3 ) 1986 1986 - befolgung von umweltschutzauflagen als betriebswirts /terhart kl/ 1986 bks [ 150 ] 1986 - economia do meio ambiente uma apreciacao introdutori /ely aloisi/ 1986 bks [ 13 ] 1986 - employers and the environmental challenge/ 1986 bks [ 41 ] 1986 - management of water quality and the environment proc/ 1986 bks [ 118 ] 1986 - modeli i metody otsenki antropogennykh izmenenii geo/ 1986 bks [ 176 ] 1986 - okologie orientierte unternehmensfuhrung theoretisch /senn josef/ 1986 bks [ 155 ] 1986 - proven profits from pollution prevention case studie/ 1986 bks [ 109 ] 1986 - umweltschutz umweltverschmutzung und wirtschaftswach /schakerman/ 1986 bks [ 87 ] ( 8 ) 1987 1987 - bald ist polen doch verloren umweltzerstorung hinter /oschlies w/ 1987 bks [ 185 ] 1987 - upravlenie vosproizvodstvom prirodnoi sredy pri sots /volovich v/ 1987 bks [ 192 ] ( 2 ) 1988 1988 - annual dri mcgraw hill survey of pollution control e/ 1988+ ser [ 247 ] 1988 - ekonomicheskie problemy vosproizvodstva prirodnoi sr /melnik leo/ 1988 bks [ 190 ] 1988 - ekonomisk tillvaxt och miljo fororeningsstruktur och /gorling an/ 1988 bks [ 173 ] 1988 - ekonomisk tillvaxt och miljo fororeningsstruktur och /gorling an/ 1988 bks [ 193 ] 1988 - gesellschaftliche folgekosten was kostet unser wirts/ 1988 bks [ 151 ] 1988 - huan ching ching chi hsueh yu cheng tse /downing paul b/ 1988 bks [ 54 ] ( 6 ) 1989 1989 - economic instruments for environmental protection/ 1989 bks [ 19 ] 1989 - economic instruments for environmental protection/ 1989 bks [ 20 ] 1989 - environmental problems nature economy and state /johnston r j (r/ 1989 bks [ 47 ] 1989 - international handbook of pollution control/ 1989 bks [ 60 ] 1989 - khoziaistvennaia deiatelnost i sostoianie okruzhaius /zharkova i/ 1989 bks [ 198 ] 1989 - land uber bord kein roman /pilz peter/ 1989 bks [ 95 ] 1989 - mensch und natur im alpinen lebensraum risiken chanc /messerli p/ 1989 bks [ 93 ] 1989 - mensch und natur im alpinen lebensraum risiken chanc /messerli p/ 1989 bks [ 195 ] 1989 - problemregion unterelbe arbeit umwelt und landerkoop/ 1989 bks [ 128 ] 1989 - slovenija 88/ 1989 bks [ 253 ] 1989 - sotsialno ekonomicheskie aspekty ekologicheskoi prob /morokov v/ 1989 bks [ 191 ] ( 11 ) 198? 198? - cost of clean air and water report to congress/ 198?+ ser [ 250 ] ( 1 ) 1990 1990 - bibliography on environmental economics 1980 1990 /mccarl henry/ 1990 bks [ 96 ] 1990 - current industrial reports ma 200 pollution abatemen /current in/ 1990+ ser [ 252 ] 1990 - economics of natural resources and the environment /pearce david/ 1990 bks [ 32 ] 1990 - economics of natural resources and the environment /pearce david/ 1990 bks [ 33 ] 1990 - herausforderung des wachstums globale industrialisie/ 1990 bks [ 116 ] 1990 - market environmentalism lessons for hong kong /kuang mei tzu/ 1990 bks [ 112 ] 1990 - pricing for pollution an analysis of market pricing /beckerman w/ 1990 bks [ 74 ] 1990 - umwelt mosaik ddr 89/ 1990 bks [ 149 ] 1990 - umwelt reihe 3 investitionen fur umweltschutz im pro/ 1990+ ser [ 146 ] 1990 - use of economic incentive mechanisms in environmenta /anderson r/ 1990 bks [ 243 ] ( 10 ) 1991 1991 - chernobyl a policy response study/ 1991 bks [ 129 ] 1991 - environmental policy how to apply economic instrumen/ 1991 bks [ 46 ] 1991 - environmental regulation through strategic planning /cohen steve/ 1991 bks [ 49 ] 1991 - firmenkooperationen im umweltschutz zwischen ost und/ 1991 bks [ 115 ] 1991 - green entrepreneur business opportunities that can s /berle gust/ 1991 bks [ 227 ] 1991 - marketable pollution allowances in theory and practi /giendl sus/ 1991 bks [ 233 ] 1991 - opportunitatskosten der umweltverschmutzung eine dyn /hediger we/ 1991 bks [ 177 ] 1991 - tezisy dokladov soveshchaniia prirodnye i sotsialno/ 1991 bks [ 122 ] 1991 - ukraine under perestroika ecology economics and the /marples dav/ 1991 bks [ 199 ] 1991 - ukraine under perestroika ecology economics and the /marples dav/ 1991 bks [ 200 ] 1991 - umweltpolitik durch gemischten instrumenteneinsatz a /gawel erik/ 1991 bks [ 85 ] 1991 - umweltpolitik in indien /lyska brigitte 1962/ 1991 bks [ 162 ] 1991 - valuing the environment six case studies/ 1991 bks [ 110 ] 1991 - volkswirtschaftliche verluste durch bodenbelastung i /hubler kar/ 1991 bks [ 153 ] ( 14 ) 1992 1992 - australian environmental policy ten case studies/ 1992 bks [ 94 ] 1992 - benefits estimates and environmental decision making /pearce dav/ 1992 bks [ 3 ] 1992 - beyond the limits confronting global collapse envisi /meadows do/ 1992 bks [ 4 ] 1992 - beyond the limits global collapse or a sustainable f /meadows do/ 1992 bks [ 5 ] 1992 - coase theorem a study in economic epistemology /north gary/ 1992 bks [ 7 ] 1992 - controversial issues in environmental policy science /portney ke/ 1992 bks [ 206 ] 1992 - east european environment crisis its extent impact a /slocock br/ 1992 bks [ 125 ] 1992 - east european environment crisis its extent impact a /slocock br/ 1992 bks [ 159 ] 1992 - east european environment crisis its extent impact a /slocock br/ 1992 bks [ 186 ] 1992 - economics of natural resources and the environment /kula erhun/ 1992 bks [ 31 ] 1992 - environmental policies in turkey/ 1992 bks [ 197 ] 1992 - new market oriented instruments for environmental po/ 1992 bks [ 132 ] 1992 - new politics of pollution /weale albert/ 1992 bks [ 133 ] 1992 - obszary ekologicznego zagrozenia w polsce w latach 1/ 1992 bks [ 187 ] 1992 - okologische sanierung und wirtschaftlicher strukturw/ 1992 bks [ 148 ] 1992 - umwelt reihe 4 umweltokonomische gesamtrechnungen ba/ 1992+ ser [ 147 ] ( 16 ) 1993 1993 - bottom line of green is black strategies for creatin /saunders t/ 1993 bks [ 203 ] 1993 - corporate realities and environmental truths strateg /bennett st/ 1993 bks [ 208 ] 1993 - economic instruments for environmental management in/ 1993 bks [ 126 ] 1993 - economics of the environment selected readings/ 1993 bks [ 37 ] 1993 - failed transitions the eastern european economy and /manser roge/ 1993 bks [ 130 ] 1993 - private sector cleanup expenditures and transaction /dixon lloyd/ 1993 bks [ 242 ] 1993 - side payments in a dynamic game of environmental pol /zaccour ge/ 1993 bks [ 179 ] 1993 - squandered dividend the free market and the environm /manser rog/ 1993 bks [ 131 ] 1993 - technical economical study on the reduction based on /byrne o cl/ 1993 bks [ 134 ] 1993 - was ist den burgern die verminderung eines risikos w /romer anse/ 1993 bks [ 90 ] ( 10 ) 1994 1994 - ansatzpunkte fur eine okologische steuerreform uberl /triebswett/ 1994 bks [ 141 ] 1994 - correlated environmental uncertainty and policy inst /stavins r/ 1994 bks [ 9 ] 1994 - correlated environmental uncertainty and policy inst /stavins r/ 1994 bks [ 10 ] 1994 - economics and environmental policy /tietenberg thomas h/ 1994 bks [ 24 ] 1994 - economics of natural resources the environment and p /kula erhun/ 1994 bks [ 34 ] 1994 - fixing superfund the effect of the proposed superfun /dixon lloy/ 1994 bks [ 226 ] 1994 - full house reassessing the earths population carryin /brown lest/ 1994 bks [ 52 ] 1994 - kompensationen im immissionsschutzrecht erfahrungen /ewringmann/ 1994 bks [ 142 ] 1994 - pollution haven industrialization the case of mexico /rabindran/ 1994 bks [ 181 ] 1994 - population development and environmental policies in /maostafa m/ 1994 bks [ 127 ] 1994 - technical note on best available technologies not en/ 1994 bks [ 135 ] 1994 - umweltallokation durch ordnungsrecht ein beitrag zur /gawel erik/ 1994 bks [ 82 ] ( 12 ) 1995 1995 - analyzing superfund economics science and law/ 1995 bks [ 201 ] 1995 - green inc a guide to business and the environment /cairncross fr/ 1995 bks [ 53 ] 1995 - zur politischen okonomie von umweltabgaben /gawel erik/ 1995 bks [ 143 ] ( 3 ) 1996 1996 - coming clean for economic development a resource boo /bartsch ch/ 1996 bks [ 205 ] 1996 - economics of pollution control in the asia pacific /mendelsohn r/ 1996 bks [ 169 ] 1996 - economics of pollution control in the asia pacific /mendelsohn r/ 1996 bks [ 196 ] 1996 - environmental problems in china estimates of economi /smil vacla/ 1996 bks [ 111 ] 1996 - feasibility study on the implementation of economic/ 1996 bks [ 136 ] 1996 - implementation of best available techniques bat in t/ 1996 bks [ 137 ] 1996 - o sostoianii okruzhaiushchei prirodnoi sredy kirovsk/ 1996 bks [ 189 ] 1996 - study of the implementation of an ec policy for redu /hartog j c/ 1996 bks [ 158 ] 1996 - study on the technical and economic aspects of measu /barry m/ 1996 bks [ 138 ] 1996 - study on the technical and economical aspects of mea/ 1996 bks [ 139 ] 1996 - taxing bads by taxing goods pollution control with p /eskeland g/ 1996 bks [ 180 ] 1996 - techno economic study on the reduction of industrial/ 1996 bks [ 140 ] ( 12 ) 1997 1997 - environmental controls scarcity rents and pre existi /fullerton/ 1997 bks [ 218 ] 1997 - evaluating economic instruments for environmental po/ 1997 bks [ 51 ] 1997 - fiscal system and the polluter pays principle a case /barrett al/ 1997 bks [ 163 ] 1997 - manufacturing plant location does state pollution re /gray wayne/ 1997 bks [ 231 ] 1997 - market based approaches to environmental policy regu /kosobud ri/ 1997 bks [ 232 ] ( 5 ) 19?? 19?? - umweltinformationen der statistik/ 19??+ ser [ 156 ] ( 1 )