Subject Guide on the Topic
100 references were found on this topic in
The Harvard Union Catalogue
on July 19, 2000

Compiled by
Timothy C. Weiskel
Environmental Ethics & Public Policy Program, Harvard University
Copyright, ©2000, Timothy C. Weiskel, All Rights Reserved
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for July 19, 2000. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after July 19, 2000. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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Subject - Alphabetical Title Listing

   1 [retrieves related heading: ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY]
   2 [retrieves related heading: FORESTRY BIOTECHNOLOGY]
   3 [retrieves related heading: PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY]
   4 [retrieves broader heading: BIOTECHNOLOGY]
   5 against the grain biotechnology and the corporate ta /lappe marc/ 1998  bks
   6 against the grain the genetic transformation of glob /lappe marc/ 1999  bks
   7 agricultural biotechnology/ 1997  bks
   8 agricultural biotechnology and the environment scien /krimsky sh/ 1996  bks
   9 agricultural biotechnology prospects for the third w/ 1989  bks
  10 agriculture and intellectual property rights economi/ 2000  bks
  11 beyond mendels garden biotechnology in the service o /persley g/ 1990  bks
  12 biotechnology agriculture and food/ 1992  bks
  13 biotechnology and biodiversity in agriculture forest/ 1999  bks
  14 biotechnology and the new agricultural revolution/ 1989  bks
  15 biotechnology building on farmers knowledge/ 1996  bks
  16 biotechnology in the food and agro industries achiev /smith john/ 1991  bks
  17 biotechnology of cotton /stewart james mcd/ 1991  bks
  18 biotekhnologiia agropromyshlennomu kompleksu /artamonov v i (vad/ 1989  bks
  19 engineered organisms in environmental settings biote/ 1996  bks
  20 garden of unearthly delights bioengineering and the /mather robi/ 1995  bks
  21 geheime rezepte wie die gentechnik unser essen veran /epping ber/ 1997  bks
  22 gene wars the politics of biotechnology /dawkins kristin/ 1997  bks
  23 green machines /calder nigel/ 1986  bks
  24 ingegneria genetica e biotecnologie nel futuro dellu/ 1992  bks
  25 integrating biotechnology in agriculture incentives /brenner car/ 1996  bks
  26 lasers in agriculture /posudin yuri i/ 1998  bks
  27 organic low input or sustainable agriculture january /maclean ja/ 1989  bks
  28 prospectiva de las agrobiotecnologias /quintero rodolfo/ 1993  bks
  29 rapport sur les applications des biotechnologies a l /chevallier/ 1990  bks
  30 rice biotechnology/ 1991  bks

  31 biotechnology revolution a panacea or myth to africa /nana sinka/ 1992  bks

  32 biotecnologia recursos fitogeneticos y agricultura e/ 1993  bks

  33 biotechnology and crop improvement in asia/ 1992  bks

  34 biotechnology for asian agriculture public policy im/ 1991  bks

  35 biotechnology genetic linkage studies gene mapping i /warmbrodt/ 1991  bks

  36 capturing the advantage agricultural biotechnology i /canada par/ 1998  bks

  37 problematica del desarrollo de las agrobiotecnologia /jaffe walt/ 1991  bks

  38 biotechnology and crop improvement and protection/ 1986  bks
  39 biotechnology in agricultural chemistry/ 1987  bks
  40 science and politics of food proceedings of the ites /itest work/ 1995  bks
  41 technology and agricultural policy proceedings of a/ 1990  bks

  42 agricultural biotechnology prospects for the third w/ 1989  bks
  43 beyond mendels garden biotechnology in the service o /persley g/ 1990  bks
  44 ensuring global food security /johnson charles s/ 1999  bks
  45 international dimension of biotechnology in agricult /bijman jos/ 1987  bks
  46 miracle or menace biotechnology and the third world /walgate rob/ 1990  bks

  47 agricultural biotechnology in international developm/ 1998  bks
  48 biotechnologie en derde wereld perspectieven en bedr /brouwer ha/ 1993  bks
  49 biotechnology and farmers rights opportunities and t/ 1992  bks

  50 biotechnology in the food and agro industries achiev /smith john/ 1991  bks

  51 new technologies and the future of food and nutritio /ceres conf/ 1991  bks

  52 international dimension of biotechnology in agricult /bijman jos/ 1987  bks

  53 landwirt im jahr 2000 so sieht die zukunft aus /thiede gunther/ 1988  bks
  54 sistema agroalimentario ante el mercado unico europe/ 1992  bks

  55 impact of biotechnology on agriculture in the europe/ 1989  bks

  56 biotechnology and the future of world agriculture /hobbelink hen/ 1989  bks

  57 rapport sur les applications des biotechnologies a l /chevallier/ 1990  bks

  58 landwirt im jahr 2000 so sieht die zukunft aus /thiede gunther/ 1988  bks

  59 role of local government in the regulation of biotec /rea maria/ 1988  bks

  60 capturing the advantage agricultural biotechnology i /canada par/ 1998  bks

  61 agricultural biotechnology strategies for national c /national r/ 1987  bks
  62 biotechnology and sustainable agriculture policy alt/ 1989  bks

  63 hill area development issues and perspectives/ 1990  bks

  64 impact of biotechnology on the environment a literat/ 1987  bks

  65 agricultura biotecnologia y propiedad intelectual /suarez de cas/ 1993  bks
  66 agrobiotecnologia comercial en america latina y el c /jaffe walt/ 1993  bks
  67 problematica del desarrollo de las agrobiotecnologia /jaffe walt/ 1991  bks

  68 [retrieves broader heading: AGRICULTURAL LAWS AND LEGISLATION]
  69 intellectual property rights in agricultural biotech/ 1998  bks

  70 managing agricultural biotechnology addressing resea/ 1999  bks

  71 agro industrie et developpement le cas du mexique /arroyo gonzal/ 1988  bks
  72 biotecnologia y el problema alimentario en mexico/ 1989  bks

  73 biotecnologia para el progreso agricola de mexico/ 1990  bks

  74 agricultural bioethics implications of agricultural/ 1990  bks
  75 beyond evolution the genetically altered future of p /fox michae/ 1999  bks

  76 intellectual property rights in agricultural biotech/ 1998  bks

  77 world list of serials in agricultural biotechnology /warmbrodt r/ 1993  bks

  78 biotechnology building on farmers knowledge/ 1996  bks

  79 biotechnology building on farmers knowledge/ 1996  bks

  80 implementation of the alternative agricultural resea /united sta/ 1993  bks
  81 plant agriculture federal biotechnology activities /bloch caroly/ 1986  bks

  82 ola biotecnologica y los retos de la produccion agro /torres tor/ 1989  bks

  83 ola biotecnologica y los retos de la produccion agro /torres tor/ 1989  bks

  84 biotechnology building on farmers knowledge/ 1996  bks

  85 agricultural research and development hearings befor /united sta/ 2000  bks
  86 plant agriculture federal biotechnology activities /bloch caroly/ 1986  bks

  87 beyond evolution the genetically altered future of p /fox michae/ 1999  bks

  88 biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedin /internatio/ 1988  bks

  89 agricultural biotechnology and the environment scien /krimsky sh/ 1996  bks
  90 agricultural biotechnology hearing before the subcom /united sta/ 1999  bks
  91 agricultural biotechnology strategies for national c /national r/ 1987  bks
  92 agricultural commodities as industrial raw materials/ 1991  bks
  93 new technological era for american agriculture/ 1992  bks
  94 new technological era for american agriculture summa/ 1992  bks
  95 reform and innovation of science and education plann /united sta/ 1989  bks
  96 seeds of opportunity an assessment of the benefits s /united sta/ 2000  bks
  97 trade issues hearing before the committee on agricul /united sta/ 2000  bks
  98 u s dairy industry at a crossroad biotechnology and/ 1991  bks
  99 use and regulation of biotechnology in agriculture j /united sta/ 1988  bks

 100 new developments in biotechnology u s investment in/ 1987  bks

Alphabetical Author Listing of Sources on
100 references found on this topic in The Harvard Union Catalogue

Subject Category in HOLLIS as of July 19, 2000
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for July 19, 2000. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after July 19, 2000. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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arroyo gonzal  (1988) - agro industrie et developpement le cas du mexique [  71 ]
artamonov v i (vad  (1989) - biotekhnologiia agropromyshlennomu kompleksu [  18 ]
bijman jos  (1987) - international dimension of biotechnology in agricult [  45 ]
bloch caroly  (1986) - plant agriculture federal biotechnology activities [  81 ]
brenner car  (1996) - integrating biotechnology in agriculture incentives [  25 ]
brouwer ha  (1993) - biotechnologie en derde wereld perspectieven en bedr [  48 ]
calder nigel  (1986) - green machines [  23 ]
canada par  (1998) - capturing the advantage agricultural biotechnology i [  36 ]
ceres conf  (1991) - new technologies and the future of food and nutritio [  51 ]
chevallier  (1990) - rapport sur les applications des biotechnologies a l [  29 ]
dawkins kristin  (1997) - gene wars the politics of biotechnology [  22 ]
epping ber  (1997) - geheime rezepte wie die gentechnik unser essen veran [  21 ]
fox michae  (1999) - beyond evolution the genetically altered future of p [  75 ]
hobbelink hen  (1989) - biotechnology and the future of world agriculture [  56 ]
internatio  (1988) - biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedin [  88 ]
itest work  (1995) - science and politics of food proceedings of the ites [  40 ]
jaffe walt  (1991) - problematica del desarrollo de las agrobiotecnologia [  37 ]
jaffe walt  (1993) - agrobiotecnologia comercial en america latina y el c [  66 ]
johnson charles s  (1999) - ensuring global food security [  44 ]
krimsky sh  (1996) - agricultural biotechnology and the environment scien [   8 ]
lappe marc  (1998) - against the grain biotechnology and the corporate ta [   5 ]
lappe marc  (1999) - against the grain the genetic transformation of glob [   6 ]
maclean ja  (1989) - organic low input or sustainable agriculture january [  27 ]
mather robi  (1995) - garden of unearthly delights bioengineering and the [  20 ]
nana sinka  (1992) - biotechnology revolution a panacea or myth to africa [  31 ]
national r  (1987) - agricultural biotechnology strategies for national c [  61 ]
persley g  (1990) - beyond mendels garden biotechnology in the service o [  11 ]
posudin yuri i  (1998) - lasers in agriculture [  26 ]
quintero rodolfo  (1993) - prospectiva de las agrobiotecnologias [  28 ]
rea maria  (1988) - role of local government in the regulation of biotec [  59 ]
smith john  (1991) - biotechnology in the food and agro industries achiev [  16 ]
stewart james mcd  (1991) - biotechnology of cotton [  17 ]
suarez de cas  (1993) - agricultura biotecnologia y propiedad intelectual [  65 ]
thiede gunther  (1988) - landwirt im jahr 2000 so sieht die zukunft aus [  53 ]
torres tor  (1989) - ola biotecnologica y los retos de la produccion agro [  82 ]
united sta  (1988) - use and regulation of biotechnology in agriculture j [  99 ]
united sta  (1989) - reform and innovation of science and education plann [  95 ]
united sta  (1993) - implementation of the alternative agricultural resea [  80 ]
united sta  (1999) - agricultural biotechnology hearing before the subcom [  90 ]
walgate rob  (1990) - miracle or menace biotechnology and the third world [  46 ]
warmbrodt  (1991) - biotechnology genetic linkage studies gene mapping i [  35 ]
warmbrodt r  (1993) - world list of serials in agricultural biotechnology [  77 ]
warmbrodt r  (1993) - world list of serials in agricultural biotechnology [OPTI ]

Chronological Listing of Sources on
100 references found on this topic in The Harvard Union Catalogue

Subject Category in HOLLIS as of July 19, 2000
[ N.B. This listing is meant to assist research, but it is necessarily dated. The authors, dates and titles of all publications are accurate, but the numbers associated with each entry are valid only for July 19, 2000. New resources are being added to the Harvard Library databases constantly and therefore the item numbers associated with each title may vary after July 19, 2000. For the latest numbering, a new subject search should be re-initiated in HOLLIS. e.g.:]
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   1986 - biotechnology and crop improvement and protection/ 1986  bks [  38 ]
   1986 - green machines /calder nigel/ 1986  bks [  23 ]
   1986 - plant agriculture federal biotechnology activities /bloch caroly/ 1986  bks [  81 ]
   1986 - plant agriculture federal biotechnology activities /bloch caroly/ 1986  bks [  86 ]
          ( 4 )

   1987 - agricultural biotechnology strategies for national c /national r/ 1987  bks [  61 ]
   1987 - agricultural biotechnology strategies for national c /national r/ 1987  bks [  91 ]
   1987 - biotechnology in agricultural chemistry/ 1987  bks [  39 ]
   1987 - impact of biotechnology on the environment a literat/ 1987  bks [  64 ]
   1987 - international dimension of biotechnology in agricult /bijman jos/ 1987  bks [  45 ]
   1987 - international dimension of biotechnology in agricult /bijman jos/ 1987  bks [  52 ]
   1987 - new developments in biotechnology u s investment in/ 1987  bks [ 100 ]
          ( 7 )

   1988 - agro industrie et developpement le cas du mexique /arroyo gonzal/ 1988  bks [  71 ]
   1988 - biotechnology in tropical crop improvement proceedin /internatio/ 1988  bks [  88 ]
   1988 - landwirt im jahr 2000 so sieht die zukunft aus /thiede gunther/ 1988  bks [  53 ]
   1988 - landwirt im jahr 2000 so sieht die zukunft aus /thiede gunther/ 1988  bks [  58 ]
   1988 - role of local government in the regulation of biotec /rea maria/ 1988  bks [  59 ]
   1988 - use and regulation of biotechnology in agriculture j /united sta/ 1988  bks [  99 ]
          ( 6 )

   1989 - agricultural biotechnology prospects for the third w/ 1989  bks [   9 ]
   1989 - agricultural biotechnology prospects for the third w/ 1989  bks [  42 ]
   1989 - biotechnology and sustainable agriculture policy alt/ 1989  bks [  62 ]
   1989 - biotechnology and the future of world agriculture /hobbelink hen/ 1989  bks [  56 ]
   1989 - biotechnology and the new agricultural revolution/ 1989  bks [  14 ]
   1989 - biotecnologia y el problema alimentario en mexico/ 1989  bks [  72 ]
   1989 - biotekhnologiia agropromyshlennomu kompleksu /artamonov v i (vad/ 1989  bks [  18 ]
   1989 - impact of biotechnology on agriculture in the europe/ 1989  bks [  55 ]
   1989 - ola biotecnologica y los retos de la produccion agro /torres tor/ 1989  bks [  82 ]
   1989 - ola biotecnologica y los retos de la produccion agro /torres tor/ 1989  bks [  83 ]
   1989 - organic low input or sustainable agriculture january /maclean ja/ 1989  bks [  27 ]
   1989 - reform and innovation of science and education plann /united sta/ 1989  bks [  95 ]
          ( 12 )

   1990 - agricultural bioethics implications of agricultural/ 1990  bks [  74 ]
   1990 - beyond mendels garden biotechnology in the service o /persley g/ 1990  bks [  11 ]
   1990 - beyond mendels garden biotechnology in the service o /persley g/ 1990  bks [  43 ]
   1990 - biotecnologia para el progreso agricola de mexico/ 1990  bks [  73 ]
   1990 - hill area development issues and perspectives/ 1990  bks [  63 ]
   1990 - miracle or menace biotechnology and the third world /walgate rob/ 1990  bks [  46 ]
   1990 - rapport sur les applications des biotechnologies a l /chevallier/ 1990  bks [  29 ]
   1990 - rapport sur les applications des biotechnologies a l /chevallier/ 1990  bks [  57 ]
   1990 - technology and agricultural policy proceedings of a/ 1990  bks [  41 ]
          ( 9 )

   1991 - agricultural commodities as industrial raw materials/ 1991  bks [  92 ]
   1991 - biotechnology for asian agriculture public policy im/ 1991  bks [  34 ]
   1991 - biotechnology genetic linkage studies gene mapping i /warmbrodt/ 1991  bks [  35 ]
   1991 - biotechnology in the food and agro industries achiev /smith john/ 1991  bks [  16 ]
   1991 - biotechnology in the food and agro industries achiev /smith john/ 1991  bks [  50 ]
   1991 - biotechnology of cotton /stewart james mcd/ 1991  bks [  17 ]
   1991 - new technologies and the future of food and nutritio /ceres conf/ 1991  bks [  51 ]
   1991 - problematica del desarrollo de las agrobiotecnologia /jaffe walt/ 1991  bks [  37 ]
   1991 - problematica del desarrollo de las agrobiotecnologia /jaffe walt/ 1991  bks [  67 ]
   1991 - rice biotechnology/ 1991  bks [  30 ]
   1991 - u s dairy industry at a crossroad biotechnology and/ 1991  bks [  98 ]
          ( 11 )

   1992 - biotechnology agriculture and food/ 1992  bks [  12 ]
   1992 - biotechnology and crop improvement in asia/ 1992  bks [  33 ]
   1992 - biotechnology and farmers rights opportunities and t/ 1992  bks [  49 ]
   1992 - biotechnology revolution a panacea or myth to africa /nana sinka/ 1992  bks [  31 ]
   1992 - ingegneria genetica e biotecnologie nel futuro dellu/ 1992  bks [  24 ]
   1992 - new technological era for american agriculture summa/ 1992  bks [  94 ]
   1992 - new technological era for american agriculture/ 1992  bks [  93 ]
   1992 - sistema agroalimentario ante el mercado unico europe/ 1992  bks [  54 ]
          ( 8 )

   1993 - agricultura biotecnologia y propiedad intelectual /suarez de cas/ 1993  bks [  65 ]
   1993 - agrobiotecnologia comercial en america latina y el c /jaffe walt/ 1993  bks [  66 ]
   1993 - biotechnologie en derde wereld perspectieven en bedr /brouwer ha/ 1993  bks [  48 ]
   1993 - biotecnologia recursos fitogeneticos y agricultura e/ 1993  bks [  32 ]
   1993 - implementation of the alternative agricultural resea /united sta/ 1993  bks [  80 ]
   1993 - prospectiva de las agrobiotecnologias /quintero rodolfo/ 1993  bks [  28 ]
   1993 - world list of serials in agricultural biotechnology /warmbrodt r/ 1993  bks [  77 ]
          ( 7 )

   1995 - garden of unearthly delights bioengineering and the /mather robi/ 1995  bks [  20 ]
   1995 - science and politics of food proceedings of the ites /itest work/ 1995  bks [  40 ]
          ( 2 )

   1996 - agricultural biotechnology and the environment scien /krimsky sh/ 1996  bks [   8 ]
   1996 - agricultural biotechnology and the environment scien /krimsky sh/ 1996  bks [  89 ]
   1996 - biotechnology building on farmers knowledge/ 1996  bks [  15 ]
   1996 - biotechnology building on farmers knowledge/ 1996  bks [  78 ]
   1996 - biotechnology building on farmers knowledge/ 1996  bks [  79 ]
   1996 - biotechnology building on farmers knowledge/ 1996  bks [  84 ]
   1996 - engineered organisms in environmental settings biote/ 1996  bks [  19 ]
   1996 - integrating biotechnology in agriculture incentives /brenner car/ 1996  bks [  25 ]
          ( 8 )

   1997 - agricultural biotechnology/ 1997  bks [   7 ]
   1997 - geheime rezepte wie die gentechnik unser essen veran /epping ber/ 1997  bks [  21 ]
   1997 - gene wars the politics of biotechnology /dawkins kristin/ 1997  bks [  22 ]
          ( 3 )

   1998 - against the grain biotechnology and the corporate ta /lappe marc/ 1998  bks [   5 ]
   1998 - agricultural biotechnology in international developm/ 1998  bks [  47 ]
   1998 - capturing the advantage agricultural biotechnology i /canada par/ 1998  bks [  36 ]
   1998 - capturing the advantage agricultural biotechnology i /canada par/ 1998  bks [  60 ]
   1998 - intellectual property rights in agricultural biotech/ 1998  bks [  69 ]
   1998 - intellectual property rights in agricultural biotech/ 1998  bks [  76 ]
   1998 - lasers in agriculture /posudin yuri i/ 1998  bks [  26 ]
          ( 7 )

   1999 - against the grain the genetic transformation of glob /lappe marc/ 1999  bks [   6 ]
   1999 - agricultural biotechnology hearing before the subcom /united sta/ 1999  bks [  90 ]
   1999 - beyond evolution the genetically altered future of p /fox michae/ 1999  bks [  75 ]
   1999 - beyond evolution the genetically altered future of p /fox michae/ 1999  bks [  87 ]
   1999 - biotechnology and biodiversity in agriculture forest/ 1999  bks [  13 ]
   1999 - ensuring global food security /johnson charles s/ 1999  bks [  44 ]
   1999 - managing agricultural biotechnology addressing resea/ 1999  bks [  70 ]
          ( 7 )

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