Environmental Aspects of International Security:
Some Preliminary Sources

Compiled and Edited by
Timothy C. Weiskel
Prepared in Collaboration with the Kendall Foundation

Copyright, ©1998, Timothy C. Weiskel, All Rights Reserved

Occasional Bibliography
Vol. 1, No. 6, (1997)
URL: http://ecoethics.net/bib/1997/otsh-006.htm
First Created: Aug. 18, 1997
Last Updated:
Aug. 18, 1997

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  Journal Articles (sorted by Author):
        Ackland, Len (1991) / Bulletin of the Atomic Scienti
        Anon.        (1984) / The Futurist,\ 18, (April, 198
        Anon.        (1989) / Science News,\ 136, 25, (Dec 1
        Anon.        (1989) / World Press Review,\ 36, 10, (
        Anon.        (1990) / Environment,\ 32, 1, (Jan-Feb,
        Anon.        (1991) / The Economist,\ 319, 7703, (Ap
        Anon.        (1992) / Beijing Review,\ 35, 20, (May
        Anon.        (1993) / The Futurist,\ 27, 3, (May-Jun
        Anon.        (1995) / The Economist,\ 337, 7946, (De
        Anon.        (1997) / Population and Development Rev
        Bower, Bruce (1991) / Science News,\ 139, 6, (Feb 9,
        Brown, Nevil (1992) / The World Today,\ 48, 3, (Marc
        Brunnee, Jut (1997) / American Journal of Internatio
        Cetron, Marv (1991) / The Futurist,\ 25, 5, (Sept-Oc
        Clarke, I.F  (1991) / Futures,\ 23, 4, (May, 1991),
        Cohen, Micha (1993) / Finance & Development,\ 30, 2,
        Colwell, Rit (1996) / Science,\ 274, 5295, (Dec 20,
        Dabelko, Geo (1997) / SAIS Review,\ 17, 1, (Winter-S
        Davies, Susa (1991) / Food Security and the Evnrionm
        Deudney, Dan (1991) / Bulletin of the Atomic Scienti
        Dobkowski, M (1997) / The Coming Age of Scarcity: Pr
        Frankel, Car (1996) / IEEE Spectrum,\ 33, 1, (Jan, 1
        Gleick, Pete (1991) / Bulletin of the Atomic Scienti
        Glenn, John  (1989) / Issues in Science and Technolo
        Greenhouse,  (1995) / The New York Times,\ 145, (Oct
        Guruswamy, L (1991) / North Carolina Journal of Inte
        Haines, Andr (1993) / The Lancet,\ 342, 8885, (Dec 1
        Handelman, J (1996) / Journal of Third World Studies
        Hartley, Suz (1994) / Natural Resources Forum,\ 18,
        Harvey, Hal  (1990) / Utne Reader,\ , 37, (Jan-Feb,
        Havel, Vacla (1992) / The New York Times,\ 141, (Jun
        Holmes, Nige (1992) / Time,\ 139, 22, (June 1, 1992)
        Homer-Dixon, (1989) / International Studies Quarterl
        Homer-Dixon, (1991) / International Security,\ 16, 2
        Homer-Dixon, (1993) / Scientific American,\ 268, 2,
        Homer-Dixon, (1993) / The New York Times,\ 142, Sec.
        Homer-Dixon, (1994) / International Security,\ 19, 1
        Homer-Dixon, (1995) / Maclean's,\ 108, 2, (Jan 9, 19
        Homer-Dixon, (1995) / Maclean's,\ 108, 36, (Sept 4,
        Homer-Dixon, (1995) / Population and Development Rev
        Homer-Dixon, (1996) / Current History,\ 95, 604, (No
        Homer-Dixon, (1996) / Maclean's,\ 109, 4, (Jan 22, 1
        Huntington,  (1993) / The New York Times,\ 142, Sec.
        Kalkstein, L (1993) / The Lancet,\ 342, 8884, (Dec 4
        Kaplan, Robe (1994) / The Atlantic Monthly,\ 273, 2,
        Kaplan, Robe (1996) / The New York Times,\ 145, (Jun
        Lee, Terence (1995) / Natural Resources Journal,\ 35
        Lewis, Paul  (1992) / The New York Times,\ 141, Sec.
        Lewis, Paul  (1997) / The New York Times,\ 146, (Jan
        Li Tan       (1994) / Beijing Review,\ 37, 29, (July
        Linden, Euge (1993) / Time,\ 141, 2, (Jan 11, 1993),
        Lovejoy, Der (1996) / Science & Society,\ 60, 3, (Fa
        Maddock, R.T (1995) / Contemporary Southeast Asia,\
        Mander, Jerr (1993) / Earth Island Journal,\ 8, 4, (
        Monastersky, (1996) / Science News,\ 149, 14, (April
        Musu, Ignazi (1996) / National Accounts and the Envi
        Myers, Norma (1987) / Bulletin of the Atomic Scienti
        Nalder, Ian  (1993) / IEEE Technology and Society Ma
        Patz, Jonath (1996) / JAMA, The Journal of the Ameri
        Porter, Gare (1990) / The Fletcher Forum of World Af
        Porter, Gare (1995) / Current History,\ 94, 592, (Ma
        Powers, Mary (1995) / ENR,\ 234, 9, (March 6, 1995),
        Sanderson, G (1991) / Journal of Environmental Healt
        Sands, Phili (1993) / Journal of International Affai
        Singh, Meena (1996) / Social Justice,\ 23, 4, (Winte
        Smith, Clair (1996) / Population and Environment,\ 1
        Smith, David (1995) / Post-Soviet Geography,\ 36, 6,
        Soroos, Marv (1995) / National Forum,\ 75, 1, (Wntr,
        Sprigg, Will (1996) / Nature,\ 379, 6566, (Feb 15, 1
        Starr, Joyce (1990) / EPA Journal,\ 16, 4, (July-Aug
        Tokar, Brian (1989) / Utne Reader,\ , 36, (Nov-Dec,
        Tolba, Mosta (1990) / Futures,\ 22, 7, (Sept, 1990),
        Vidal, John  (1995) / World Press Review,\ 42, 11, (
        Wilken, Elen (1995) / World Watch,\ 8, 1, (Jan-Feb,
        Wirth, Timot (1995) / Sierra,\ 80, 5, (Sept-Oct, 199
        Zhou Qingcha (1993) / Beijing Review,\ 36, 46, (Nov

  Andover-Harv. Theol: HC79.E5 D324 1996    / Daly, Herman (1996) / Beyond growth : the economics
  Andover-Harv. Theol: HC79.E5 W44 1992    / Weiskel, Tim (1992) / Environmental decline and publ
  Andover-Harv. Theol: RA651.G37 1994    / Garrett, Lau (1994) / The coming plague : newly emer

  Baker Business: Core HC79.E5 D324 1996    / Daly, Herman (1996) / Beyond growth : the economics
  Baker Business: Core HC79.E5 D324 1996    / Daly, Herman (1996) / Beyond growth : the economics
  Baker Business: HB501.G647 1997    / Greider, Wil (1997) / One world, ready or not : the
  Baker Business: HC106.8.R64 1992    / Romm, Joseph (1992) / The once and future superpower
  Baker Business: HC106.82.K87 1996    / Kuttner, Rob (1997) / Everything for sale : the virt
  Baker Business: HD2326.K647 1995    / Korten, Davi (1995) / When corporations rule the wor
  Baker Business: HD75.6.C376 1996    / Mander, Jerr (1996) / The case against the global ec
  Baker Business: HT243.E86 E86 1990    / Deelstra, Tj (1992) / Cities and the global environm
  Baker Business: TD195.M5 W36 1994    / Warhurst, Al (1994) / Environmental degradation from

  Cabot Science: PER 6149    / [periodical] (1992) / People & the planet / IPPF, UN
  Cabot Science: QC981.8.C5 C5145 1995    / Downing, Tho (1995) / Climate change and world food

  Ctr Intl Affairs: HC110.E5 P68 1991    / Mathews, Jes (1991) / Preserving the global environm
  Ctr Intl Affairs: HD75.6.P46 1984    / Korten, Davi (1984) / People-centered development :
  Ctr Intl Affairs: K3485.6.O27 1994    / Broadus, Jam (1994) / The Oceans and environmental s
  Ctr Intl Affairs: SERIAL    / [periodical] (1976) / International security,\ ([Cam

  Documents (Lamont): UN 223. 707.2    / United Natio (1991) / Population and the environment
  Documents (Lamont): UN 471.45    / United Natio (1994) / Population, environment and de
  Documents (Lamont): Y 4.F 76/1:EN 8/5/993    / United State (1993) / International environment : br

  Grossman: D843.C577 1993    / Lynn-Jones,  (1993) / The Cold war and after : prosp

  Gutman Education: HC59.S3435 1983    / Welch, Susan (1983) / Scarce natural resources : the

  Harvard Archives: HUF 777.841    / [periodical] (1976) / International security,\ ([Cam

  Hilles: 327 H43 no.300    / Homer-Dixon, (1993) / Environmental scarcity and glo
  Hilles: D843.C57725 1993    / Lynn-Jones,  (1993) / The Cold war and after : prosp
  Hilles: GN496.E838 1993    / Brown, Micha (1993) / Ethnic conflict and internatio
  Hilles: HB849.41.P672 1994    / Lindahl-Kies (1994) / Population, economic developme
  Hilles: HC106.82.K87 1996 NEW BOOK SHELF    / Kuttner, Rob (1997) / Everything for sale : the virt
  Hilles: HC79.E5 G6916 1995    / Conca, Ken;  (1995) / Green planet blues : environme
  Hilles: HM201.B37 1996x    / Barber, Benj (1996) / Jihad vs. McWorld,\ (New York
  Hilles: JX1391.B688 1995    / Brown, Micha (1995) / The perils of anarchy : contem
  Hilles: Periodicals    / [periodical] (1976) / International security,\ ([Cam
  Hilles: RA651.G37 1994    / Garrett, Lau (1994) / The coming plague : newly emer
  Hilles: TD195.E25 R36 1992    / Ramphal, S.  (1992) / Our country, the planet : forg
  Hilles: U162.A3 no.262    / Hassan, Shau (1991) / Environmental issues and secur
  Hilles: UA10.5.R4x 1989    / Renner, Mich (1989) / National security : the econom

  Kennedy Sch of Gov:   Ordered--not received    / Daly, Herman (1996) / Beyond growth : the economics
  Kennedy Sch of Gov:   Ordered--not received    / Daly, Herman (1996) / Beyond growth : the economics
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: AS36.R4 MR-378    / Winnefeld, J (1994) / Where environmental concerns a
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: DT387.95.K37 1988    / Kaplan, Robe (1988) / Surrender or starve : the wars
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: GE160.D44 I43 1994    / Imber, Mark  (1994) / Environment, security, and UN
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: GE190.D44 T69 1994    / Bartone, Car (1994) / Toward environmental strategie
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: HB849.41.P646 1994    / Arizpe S., L (1994) / Population and environment : r
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: HC106.82.K87 1996    / Kuttner, Rob (1997) / Everything for sale : the virt
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: HC110.E5 P68 1991    / Mathews, Jes (1991) / Preserving the global environm
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: HC110.E5 P68 1991    / Mathews, Jes (1991) / Preserving the global environm
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: HC59.S3435 1983    / Welch, Susan (1983) / Scarce natural resources : the
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: HC79.E5 B73 1994    / Brenton, Ton (1996) / The greening of Machiavelli :
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: HC79.E5 G6916 1995    / Conca, Ken;  (1995) / Green planet blues : environme
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: HC79.E5 H66 1993    / Homer-Dixon, (1993) / Environmental scarcity and glo
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: HD2326.K647 1995    / Korten, Davi (1995) / When corporations rule the wor
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: HD75.6.C376 1996    / Mander, Jerr (1996) / The case against the global ec
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: JX1391.B688 1995    / Brown, Micha (1995) / The perils of anarchy : contem
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: JX1963.G62 1995    / Lynn-Jones,  (1995) / Global dangers : changing dime
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: JX4541.I57 1996    / Brown, Micha (1996) / The international dimensions o
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: K3478.Z9 R54 1996    / Hanna, Susan (1996) / Rights to nature : ecological,
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: K3485.6 O27 1994    / Broadus, Jam (1994) / The Oceans and environmental s
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: S589.75.E56 1997    / Organisation (1997) / Environmental indicators for a
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: TD170.2.S764 1995    / Stoett, Pete (1995) / Atoms, whales, and rivers : gl
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: TD170.3.T47 1993    / Prins, Gwyn  (1993) / Threats without enemies : faci
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: TD195.M5 W37 1994    / Warhurst, Al (1994) / Environmental degradation from
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: U162.A3 no. 262    / Hassan, Shau (1991) / Environmental issues and secur
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: UA10.5.R46 1989    / Renner, Mich (1989) / National security : the econom
  Kennedy Sch of Gov: UA23.D95 1996    / Dycus, Steph (1996) / National defense and the envir

  Kummel Geological Sci: TD195.M5 W37 1994    / Warhurst, Al (1994) / Environmental degradation from

  Lamont: D843.C57725 1993    / Lynn-Jones,  (1993) / The Cold war and after : prosp
  Lamont: HB849.41.P646 1994    / Arizpe S., L (1994) / Population and environment : r
  Lamont: HC106.8.R64 1992    / Romm, Joseph (1992) / The once and future superpower
  Lamont: HC106.82.K87 1996    / Kuttner, Rob (1997) / Everything for sale : the virt
  Lamont: HC110.E5 P68 1991    / Mathews, Jes (1991) / Preserving the global environm
  Lamont: HC110.E5 P68 1991    / Mathews, Jes (1991) / Preserving the global environm
  Lamont: HC79.E5 G6916 1995    / Conca, Ken;  (1995) / Green planet blues : environme
  Lamont: Periodicals    / [periodical] (1976) / International security,\ ([Cam
  Lamont: RA651.G37 1994    / Garrett, Lau (1994) / The coming plague : newly emer
  Lamont: TD195.E25 R36 1992    / Ramphal, S.  (1992) / Our country, the planet : forg
  Lamont: UA10.5.R4x 1989    / Renner, Mich (1989) / National security : the econom

  Law School:   Ordered--received    / Stoett, Pete (1995) / Atoms, whales, and rivers : gl
  Law School: 186 1257    / [periodical] (1976) / International security,\ ([Cam
  Law School: HC106.82.K87 1997    / Kuttner, Rob (1997) / Everything for sale : the virt
  Law School: ILS GN 496.E838 1993    / Brown, Micha (1993) / Ethnic conflict and internatio
  Law School: ILS HC110.E5 P68 1991    / Mathews, Jes (1991) / Preserving the global environm
  Law School: ILS HC110.E5 P68 1991    / Mathews, Jes (1991) / Preserving the global environm
  Law School: ILS HT 243.E86 C57 1992    / Deelstra, Tj (1992) / Cities and the global environm
  Law School: ILS JX4541.I57 1996    / Brown, Micha (1996) / The international dimensions o
  Law School: ILS K3485.6.O27 1994    / Broadus, Jam (1994) / The Oceans and environmental s
  Law School: ILS RR K3583.B375 1995    / Birnie, Patr (1995) / Basic documents on internation
  Law School: ILS TD 345.E54x 1993    / Engelman, Ro (1993) / Sustaining water : population
  Law School: K3478.Z9 R54 1996    / Hanna, Susan (1996) / Rights to nature : ecological,

  Littauer: HB501.G647 1997    / Greider, Wil (1997) / One world, ready or not : the
  Littauer: HC59.S3435 1983    / Welch, Susan (1983) / Scarce natural resources : the
  Littauer: JX1974.7.C47x 1984    / Prins, Gwyn  (1984) / The Choice : nuclear weapons v
  Littauer: Per JX1901.I57x On Reserve    / [periodical] (1976) / International security,\ ([Cam
  Littauer: UA10.5.R7x 1989    / Renner, Mich (1989) / National security : the econom

  Loeb Design: GE190.D44 T69 1994    / Bartone, Car (1994) / Toward environmental strategie
  Loeb Design: HD75.6.P46 1984    / Korten, Davi (1984) / People-centered development :
  Loeb Design: HT166.G597 1995    / Golany, Gide (1995) / Ethics and urban design : cult

  McKay Applied Sci: RA651.G37 1994 Reserve    / Garrett, Lau (1994) / The coming plague : newly emer

  Sci & Intl Affairs: D839.3 C6 no.285    / Harbottle, M (1995) / New roles for the military : H
  Sci & Intl Affairs: D843.C57725 1993    / Lynn-Jones,  (1993) / The Cold war and after : prosp
  Sci & Intl Affairs: GE195.E56 1996    / Vogler, John (1996) / The environment and internatio
  Sci & Intl Affairs: HC110.E5 P68 1991    / Mathews, Jes (1991) / Preserving the global environm
  Sci & Intl Affairs: HC79.E5 W44x 1992    / Weiskel, Tim (1992) / Environmental decline and publ
  Sci & Intl Affairs: HD75.6.P48 1992    / Kakonen, Jyr (1992) / Perspectives on environmental
  Sci & Intl Affairs: JX1391.B688 1995    / Brown, Micha (1995) / The perils of anarchy : contem
  Sci & Intl Affairs: JX4541.I57 1996    / Brown, Micha (1996) / The international dimensions o
  Sci & Intl Affairs: K3485.6 O27 1994    / Broadus, Jam (1994) / The Oceans and environmental s
  Sci & Intl Affairs: U162.A3 #262    / Hassan, Shau (1991) / Environmental issues and secur
  Sci & Intl Affairs: U413.A66 B88 1994    / Butts, Kent  (1994) / Environmental security : a DOD

  Social Rel-Sociol: HB849.41.P646 1994    / Arizpe S., L (1994) / Population and environment : r

  Tozzer: SOC. P 818.7    / Cartledge, B (1995) / Population and the environment

  Widener:   Ordered--received    / Kuttner, Rob (1997) / Everything for sale : the virt
  Widener:   Ordered--received    / Myers, Norma (1996) / Ultimate security : the enviro
  Widener: Harvard Depository  Ordered--received    / Sadar, M. H. (1994) / Priority environmental issues
  Widener: Harvard Depository D2009.H66 1992    / Newcombe, Ha (1992) / Hopes and fears : the human fu
  Widener: Harvard Depository D843.C57725 1993    / Lynn-Jones,  (1993) / The Cold war and after : prosp
  Widener: Harvard Depository GE160.D44 C37x 1993    / Castro, Fide (1993) / Tomorrow is too late : develop
  Widener: Harvard Depository HB849.41.P643 1994    / Pontificia A (1994) / Population and resources : a r
  Widener: Harvard Depository HB849.415.H86 1996    / Zuckerman, B (1996) / Human population and the envir
  Widener: Harvard Depository HB849.P688 1994    / Graham-Smith (1994) / Population, the complex realit
  Widener: Harvard Depository HC79.E5 B73 1994    / Brenton, Ton (1996) / The greening of Machiavelli :
  Widener: Harvard Depository HC79.E5 W44 1992    / Weiskel, Tim (1992) / Environmental decline and publ
  Widener: Harvard Depository HD1471.A3 V35 1994    / Vallianatos, (1994) / Harvest of devastation : the i
  Widener: Harvard Depository HD9000.5.G78 1992    / Smith, Katie (1992) / Growing our future : food secu
  Widener: Harvard Depository JX1391.B688 1995    / Brown, Micha (1995) / The perils of anarchy : contem
  Widener: Harvard Depository JX1963.G62 1995    / Lynn-Jones,  (1995) / Global dangers : changing dime
  Widener: Harvard Depository JX4541.I57 1996    / Brown, Micha (1996) / The international dimensions o
  Widener: Harvard Depository K3478.Z9 R54 1996    / Hanna, Susan (1996) / Rights to nature : ecological,
  Widener: Harvard Depository S478.A1 A47 1992    / Lawrence, Ge (1992) / Agriculture, environment and s
  Widener: Harvard Depository S589.7.R48 1990    / Third World  (1990) / Return to the good earth : dam
  Widener: Harvard Depository S589.76.A8 V36 1995    / Vanclay, Fra (1995) / The environmental imperative :
  Widener: Harvard Depository TD195.A34 O54 1996    / Ongley, E. D (1996) / Control of water pollution fro
  Widener: Harvard Depository TD195.W29 W55 1994    / Winnefeld, J (1994) / Where environmental concerns a
  Widener: HP 903.6 no. 262    / Hassan, Shau (1991) / Environmental issues and secur
  Widener: ordered-received    / Rekha Krishn (1994) / Growing numbers and dwindling
  Widener: WID-LC GE160.D44 I43 1994    / Imber, Mark  (1994) / Environment, security, and UN
  Widener: WID-LC GE190.I5 E43x v.31    / Boothroyd, P (1994) / Population-environment linkage
  Widener: WID-LC GN496.E838 1993    / Brown, Micha (1993) / Ethnic conflict and internatio
  Widener: WID-LC HB199.X46 1989    / Xenos, Nicho (1989) / Scarcity and modernity,\ (Lond
  Widener: WID-LC HB3505.B67 1994    / Bouvier, Leo (1994) / How many Americans? : populati
  Widener: WID-LC HB501.G647 1997    / Greider, Wil (1997) / One world, ready or not : the
  Widener: WID-LC HB849.4.P37 1993x    / Parkes, A. S (1993) / Backlash : a biologist looks a
  Widener: WID-LC HB849.41.P672 1994    / Lindahl-Kies (1994) / Population, economic developme
  Widener: WID-LC HB849.41.R47 1991    / Davis, Kings (1991) / Resources, environment, and po
  Widener: WID-LC HB849.415.P66 1995    / Cartledge, B (1995) / Population and the environment
  Widener: WID-LC HB849.415.P66 1996    / Ramphal, S.  (1996) / Population growth and environm
  Widener: WID-LC HB849.42.P67 1995    / Coward, Haro (1995) / Population, consumption, and t
  Widener: WID-LC HC106.8.R64 1992    / Romm, Joseph (1992) / The once and future superpower
  Widener: WID-LC HC110.E5 P68 1991    / Mathews, Jes (1991) / Preserving the global environm
  Widener: WID-LC HC59.S3435 1983    / Welch, Susan (1983) / Scarce natural resources : the
  Widener: WID-LC HC79.D4 G34 1982    / Galtung, Joh (1982) / Environment, development, and
  Widener: WID-LC HC79.E5 D324 1996    / Daly, Herman (1996) / Beyond growth : the economics
  Widener: WID-LC HC79.E5 E59 1991    / Siebert, Hor (1991) / Environmental scarcity : the i
  Widener: WID-LC HC800.Z9 F3214 1995x    / Buchanan-Smi (1995) / Famine early warning and respo
  Widener: WID-LC HD2326.K647 1995    / Korten, Davi (1995) / When corporations rule the wor
  Widener: WID-LC HD75.6.C376 1996    / Mander, Jerr (1996) / The case against the global ec
  Widener: WID-LC HD9017.M282 D39 1996    / Davies, Susa (1996) / Adaptable livelihoods : coping
  Widener: WID-LC HD9017.S152 B83 1991x    / Buchanan-Smi (1991) / A guide to famine early warnin
  Widener: WID-LC HD9017.S152 Z993 1991x    / Davies, Susa (1991) / Early warning in the Sahel and
  Widener: WID-LC HD9018.D44 Z993 1991x    / David, Rosal (1991) / Food security and the environm
  Widener: WID-LC HF1411.K28 1988    / Kakonen, Jyr (1988) / Natural resources and conflict
  Widener: WID-LC HF5686.N3 O38 1996    / Odum, Howard (1996) / Environmental accounting : EME
  Widener: WID-LC HT166.G597 1995    / Golany, Gide (1995) / Ethics and urban design : cult
  Widener: WID-LC JX1901.I57x :*:    / [periodical] (1976) / International security,\ ([Cam
  Widener: WID-LC K3583.B375 1995    / Birnie, Patr (1995) / Basic documents on internation
  Widener: WID-LC QH545.A1 E28 1989x    / Hjort, Ander (1989) / Ecology and politics : environ
  Widener: WID-LC RA651.G37 1994    / Garrett, Lau (1994) / The coming plague : newly emer
  Widener: WID-LC S600.7.D76 D76 1994    / Glantz, Mich (1994) / Drought follows the plow : cul
  Widener: WID-LC TD170.2.S76 1995x    / Stoett, Pete (1995) / Atoms, whales, and rivers : gl
  Widener: WID-LC TD170.P73 1991    / Prins, Gwyn; (1991) / Top guns & toxic whales : the
  Widener: WID-LC TD194.6.E57 1995    / Vanclay, Fra (1995) / Environmental and social impac
  Widener: WID-LC TD195.E25 R36 1992    / Ramphal, S.  (1992) / Our country, the planet : forg
  Widener: WID-LC TD427.A35 A38 1993    / Jones, John  (1993) / Agriculture and the environmen
  Widener: WID-LC UA10.5.G74 1994    / Kakonen, Jyr (1994) / Green security or militarized
  Widener: WID-LC UA10.5.R4x 1989    / Renner, Mich (1989) / National security : the econom

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